Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 258 Relax, time is up.

Chapter 258 Relax, time is up.

"Take your equipment, start putting it on now, and start training after wearing it!"

Li Ming looked at the teenagers in front of him, and gave orders loudly, and the 24 teenagers responded one after another, then picked up the equipment distributed around them, and helped each other put them on and get familiar with them.

Fortunately, controlled by supernatural powers, although each piece of equipment is very heavy, it becomes very light under the action of the seal pattern, and can be easily operated by inputting energy.

Not long after, the armor, boots, flying shield, and flying sword were all equipped, and a group of teenagers immediately began to cooperate with each other on the training ground to use them in various ways.

"Unfortunately, none of these seal patterns can be applied to long-range weapons."

Li Ming looked at the figures of these young men and sighed in his heart. If there were seal patterns that could be applied to long-range weapons, the long-range weapons with seal patterns would undoubtedly be more useful.

Unfortunately, no.

"However, the flying sword can be called a long-range weapon."

Li Ming shook his head helplessly as he looked at the crooked teenagers who were using a few imperial weapons.

The power of these little guys is still too weak to manipulate so many magic weapons at once.

In his eyes, this imperial weapon is no different from the legendary magic weapon, so he simply called it the magic weapon.

Even, the term magic weapon is more widely spread in Hope Base City than imperial weapon, and it is easier to be accepted by people.

Moreover, the force is obviously higher~
The 24 teenagers are the first batch to be equipped with a full set of magic tools, but other magic tools have also been made, and all the outfits can be completed today.

Li Ming thought in his heart, these days he has made a lot of magic tools like crazy, basically using all the materials that can be used.

Waiting is to distribute to other people, and then start familiar things.

"The four magic tools cannot be fully controlled. Each person should choose two magic tools according to their own situation to be proficient first, and then increase them appropriately when the supernatural power increases and can be used in the future."

Li Ming looked at these teenagers and sighed inwardly.

He knew that these teenagers didn't think of what he said, but they didn't choose to do it, because what he ordered was to bring all the equipment to train, so these teenagers faithfully implemented this point.

Even if it is inconvenient to play, there is no intention of changing it in the slightest. The 24 people who have been engaged in this way are equipped with equipment and made it like this.

Although the influence of his previous telekinetics unconsciously let the thought of being loyal to him penetrate into his brain, it was often too rigid.

"It should be changed."

Such a thought flashed in Li Ming's mind, followed by a more powerful force of thought, which made the thoughts of the 24 people more rounded and free.

At last, when the influence was over, Li Ming left the training ground satisfied.

And following Li Ming's previous actions, these teenagers are obviously much looser and more lively. If it is said that Li Ming's spiritual influence turned them into square ones during the third re-evolution, then a lot of edges and corners have been removed now.

They are constantly approaching a circle, but the same thing is that whether it is a square or a circle, the core thing is always to be loyal to him, respect and love him.

In their hearts, Li Ming is a saint.

After leaving the training ground, Li Ming went to see his parents again, and found that they were having fun playing with the newly obtained magic weapon, so he smiled with satisfaction.

The magic weapons given to his parents are all made of good materials, and their defense, mobility, and attack power are all good, so he is more at ease with these.

So he stayed with the two elders in the underground space for a while, and then Li Mingcai left the underground base calmly.

The equipment for the 24 adopted sons is ready, and the equipment for the other women should also be in place.

Leaving from the underground base, Li Ming went to Zhang Yuan first, and made a set of high-performance magic weapons for her, and then prepared two pieces for his women, mostly a shield and a flying sword.

In the end, Yang Ruo and six maids were found, and each of them was equipped with the same thing, which can be said to be fully armed.

Only two people don't have this thing.

"Husband, I heard that after spending too much time with you, I can awaken my supernatural ability. Is it true or not?"

In the villa room, Meimei and Lili held Li Ming's left and right arms panting, while Meimei held Li Ming's arm tightly, looked at him and asked pitifully.

"That's true, don't worry, your abilities will definitely be indispensable in the future."

Li Ming looked at Meimei and Lili, with a doting smile on his face, then pinched their catkins and said in relief.

He even has a feeling that he is not afraid of being late for a good meal, and he is reluctant to use them immediately.

So much so that every time he couldn't help it, he just thought about the food and didn't do anything more.

Other than that, it's Zhang Yueyue, but her virgin body was restored by supernatural powers. Although she looks exactly the same, Li Ming's perception is so keen that he can detect all the subtle differences under the tongue. .

Because of this, Li Ming cherishes it even more.

"Then my sister and I will wait for my husband."

"Honey, you can't keep Meilili waiting for too long."

Meilili's eyes lit up slightly when she heard Li Ming's words, and then they all said coquettishly together.

"Of course, when the time comes, you will definitely be able to awaken your abilities."

Li Ming smiled and hooked his fingers. The touching sensation made the bodies of the two women tense. They couldn't help but hug Li Ming's arm tightly, lowered their heads and did not speak.

After lingering for a long time, Li Ming left the room accompanied by two young girls with blushing faces.

The fact that there are many chances of awakening abilities after doing that with him for a long time was revealed on purpose by Li Ming. He deliberately didn't tell these two of his treasures, just to see when he would let them know.

Now it seems that the effect is not bad, it is estimated that there are already rumors outside.

Thinking lightly in his mind, Li Ming smiled lightly and had lunch with the two palm toys, then waved goodbye to them and went to other places.

"Mr. Zhang, are the things going well with the recent takeover of the base?"

In a room, Li Ming found Teacher Zhang Nana, who was wearing jeans on her legs and a white shirt on her upper body. He couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth, and then asked softly while stepping forward to hug her from behind.

"Everything is going well, mainly because my husband is here, no one dares to play tricks, everything is easy to do when everyone actively cooperates, but everyone is also growing rapidly, even if everyone only works for three hours, there is no delay how things are handled."

Zhang Nana blushed, leaned on the chair and spoke.

"It's not bad to take three hours a day to deal with it. How do you teach them to learn this knowledge on weekdays?"

Li Ming nodded suddenly, followed his gaze, and asked curiously.

"You are……"

"... "

Zhang Nana stumbled into the state, which made Li Ming very satisfied and happy.

It wasn't until dinner time that this pleasant game was barely over. Li Ming secretly sighed in his heart, feeling that time was going too fast, so he started dinner silently.

Teacher Zhang Nana was indeed tired from this teaching session, and he didn't feel embarrassed to continue looking after dinner, and spent it with Chen Li, Zhang Yuan, Xu Yunyun, and Xu Xiu with a smile.

Before going to bed at night, I practiced kung fu as usual before falling asleep slowly.

After waking up the next day, Li Ming went to see his cousin and sister-in-law, and walked into their bedroom before they woke up.

"Li Ming is here, why did he come so early?"

Chen Min felt that his legs were heavy in a daze. He opened his eyes and saw that it was Li Ming.

Why is this posture?
where am i now

Chen Min looked around confusedly, the sunlight outside the window just hit her eyes, she couldn't help blocking it with her hands, and took away the pillow on one side, confirming that she was in her room, she couldn't help but immediately Ming said.

"Cultivation requires relaxation. These two days are not suitable for practicing, so I come to you to relax and relax."

Li Ming smiled and opened his mouth, then lowered his head and kissed Chen Min's mouth, making her unable to speak.

Chen Min couldn't help holding the back of Li Ming's head with both hands, and the whole person was immersed in this state.


Fang Xia, who was sleeping on the side, uttered a sound from her throat feeling a little uncomfortable, and just after she opened her eyes, she found that the bed was shaking. She turned her head to look at the scene next to her, she shook her head helplessly, and had no choice but to get up to wash up.


"Hululu, puff..."

She brushed her eyes, rinsed her mouth, washed her face, and when Fang Xia came out of the bathroom refreshed, she was hugged head-on.




Time is long, since Gu Zhuo and the other five left, a month has passed without knowing it.

On this day, Li Dingguo, who had been studying hard for a month, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's been a month, and I finally have a clue about these exercises."

After looking at the previous two exercises, Li Dingguo couldn't help but smile when he realized the practical practice method he had found out.

[Golden Elephant Kung Fu] is the kung fu widely spread by the immortal cultivator who has heard his name but never met in order to spread the word to the world. Hearing his name, ordinary people may think it is a stupid kung fu for strengthening the body.

But two days ago, Li Dingguo finally realized that this skill is not only not superficial, but rather mysterious, because it involves soul cultivation!

"The gold of the Golden Elephant means immortality, and the image of the Golden Elephant means infinity. Although this Golden Elephant Kung Fu is a skill that is spread everywhere, but when it is cultivated to perfection, it can greatly increase the power of the soul, and even unite with the body. Both body and spirit are indestructible and immortal, reaching an unimaginable high-end cultivation realm."

Li Dingguo looked at the first exercise in front of him, his expression was full of solemnity and admiration, and his face was a little incredulous.

Obviously, it is unexpected that the basic kung fu spread by this immortal cultivator can involve such a magical power of the soul!
"Compared to it, even the mysteries of [Neijia Essence] returning to the innate when the Dao is exhausted, it is not as good as it is. It's incredible."

Li Dingguo thought about it, and thought of the practical path he had found, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The improved [Shen He Tian Di] will have side effects due to various problems, but if the physical body is psychic, and then combined with the spirit to form an immortal image, and then the body merges with the world, you will definitely get more."

"With the all-encompassing power of the Golden Elephant Art, it can't be said that it can help people completely withstand the backlash of all the power of heaven and earth, and completely use it for their own use."

"In this way, not only can the meaning of immortality in the body-soul acupoints be influenced to increase the scope and control of body and heaven, but also use the power of heaven and earth to better shape the immortality of the body and soul, killing two birds with one stone!"

Li Dingguo thought to himself, Rao even he could not help but feel joy in his heart.

This idea is actually nothing, but the real difficulty is to realize the idea. Many people talk about all kinds of ideas without any basis. What they think looks awesome and powerful, but they can't be realized at all.

And the path he was thinking of has been step by step by Li Dingguo, from how to start to how to practice, there is a clear line and method of practice.

That's what's really rare and important.

"Today, it seems that it's the January period that those people said."

Li Dingguo put down the exercises in his hands and looked out of the window, his eyes shone with light.

100 million tons of steel?
"I don't know how Li Ming will deal with it."

Li Dingguo smiled, and stood by the window with his hands behind his back, silently looking out the window.

There, on the far horizon, five figures had already soared into the sky.

"Oh? Here?"

In Li Ming's villa, Li Ming, who was having breakfast and enjoying himself, suddenly turned his head and looked out the window. He had already sensed everything under his telekinetic glance, and then he smiled at the corner of his mouth, and his heart moved.


Terrifying spiritual power erupted from Li Ming's body, across many distances in an instant, and directly bombarded the souls of the five people flying from afar.


In an instant, a golden square seal suddenly appeared in the air, with golden light shining on it, which greatly reduced Li Ming's telekinetic attack power.

But the next moment, a terrifying sword qi slashed across the air.


There were bursts of teeth-grinding sounds, and the protective mask formed by the golden seal shattered in just two seconds, and the next moment the golden seal's light flew back dimly to Gu Zhuo, who was covered in golden light and became vigilant.

There is no hindrance to the surging soul attack.


(End of this chapter)

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