Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 259 Immortal cultivators from other worlds

Chapter 259 Immortal cultivators from other worlds

"One million tons of steel is not a small amount. Even a well-run factory before the end of the day will take a long time to produce. It's only been a month. Can he get it together?"

Dawn breaks in the east, and five figures surrounded by brilliance are floating in the air like swallows. Thinking of the purpose of this trip, Kong Ming, the arbiter of the coastal base city, couldn't help but move his eyes slightly, and spoke to the golden figure in front of him. asked.

"The Hope Base City is not just the Hope Base City, there is another sacred base city nearby, where not only the steel factory has been preserved, but there are even many steel deposits in it."

Gu Zhuo glanced back at him, and said in a calm voice, "Nowadays, when the five elements are growing, the first thing to grow is the gold line. All iron and steel deposits, as long as they are born in the world, will continue to grow. No one knows how far they will eventually grow. I know, but at present, the increase has been more than ten times, and its mineral reserves have already exceeded the previous complete period."

"The controller of the sacred base city is just a water-based supernatural being who evolves again and again. Under such circumstances, I don't believe that Lei Ming will not go to the sacred base city to control it. Although it is more than 100 million tons a month, But it’s not impossible at full capacity.”

"Even, this will not affect the steel usage ecology of the base itself."

Gu Zhuo chuckled lightly: "How well you do all this depends on whether Lei Ming has the courage and ability. If he can't do it, it's nothing. Its arbiter."

Gu Zhuo said lightly, but Kong Ming was silent for a moment when he heard the words, then smiled, and stood silently behind him.

"I asked Mr. Guzhuo why he is so powerful. It turned out that he knew their details a long time ago. Then I should congratulate you for collecting enough gold utensils to practice magic weapons."

Another tall and strong man with rough skin like a rock moved his eyes, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and said in admiration.

"It's not easy to refine a magic weapon. Besides, under the danger of being overthrown, a magic weapon can only have a little self-reliance. It's not time to congratulate."

Hearing the man's quaint voice, the corners of his mouth chuckled, and his eyes glanced at the other three people, only to see that their expressions were all as calm as water, and except for Kong Ming, the nihilistic man from Coastal Base City, the rest of them didn't even mean to speak. Nothing, the smile faded again.

"My lord is now in control of the world's supernatural beings in the palm of my hand. With the help of this magic weapon, no matter what the outcome is in the danger of overthrow, it will not change the fact that my lord is sitting on the world. This is already the dream of many people. Now, why not congratulate me?"

Seeing that the other three people did not speak, Li Ding's eyebrows moved, and he opened his mouth quickly, and then he couldn't help adding: "Of course, Mr. Gu Zhuo has become the image of a fairy and god. This small pursuit in the world is just a small pursuit in life. It’s just a short-lived scenery, and it’s only natural that adults don’t take it seriously.”

"Li Ding, you're lying."

Hearing the man's voice, Gu Zhuo moved his eyebrows and opened his mouth calmly, while the man with rough skin moved and nodded with a smile.

Gu Zhuo looked slightly at Mo Dao, the space power user from Nanlu base city who had been silent all along behind him, and the beast transformation power man from Shuiwan base city remained silent, a flash of gold flashed in his pupils, and he was about to speak when he suddenly heard someone standing on the right Kong Ming opened his mouth.

"I hope the base city is here, Mr. Gu Zhuo."

Kong Ming's voice is very magnetic, like a starry sky, there is a mighty feeling, although his voice is soft, but it is very attractive, people can't help but listen to his words.

But at this time, as soon as his voice fell, everyone suddenly felt the silhouette of a city appearing on the skyline ahead.

"Let's go, let's see how this thunderbolt has done with our transaction."

Gu Zhuo's eyes moved slightly, and the next moment the energy in his body surged suddenly, and his speed suddenly increased.

Kong Ming and Li Ding changed their expressions, and hurriedly increased their power to keep up. Mo Dao and Bu Yan, who were at the back, seemed to have been impacted by something, and their bodies that were moving steadily in the air staggered.

Fu Yan flashed an angry look on his face, Mo Dao silently reached out his hand to stop him, and then the two continued to move forward together, but the speed also increased a lot.

While galloping, the outline of the city in front of the five people gradually became clear.

"I don't know how the chess piece I dropped at random is doing."

Gu Zhuo looked at the outline of the city ahead, hooked the corner of his mouth, glanced back, and then looked at Kong Ming beside him, a round of golden square seals spinning in his mind.

Controlling the speed of Feidun, he thought of the family heirloom he accidentally met, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

What Gu Zhuo didn't notice at the moment was that Kong Ming who was following him, and Mo Dao who was behind him, without saying a word, the three of them stopped at the same time and fell far behind him.

"what's the situation?"

Gu Zhuo frowned, followed by a sudden stunned moment, and the next moment, the hairs all over his body exploded, and bright golden rays of light gushed out from his body crazily, layer upon layer, making his whole body turn into a golden Buddha.


The overwhelming terrifying spiritual power attacked in an instant, and the golden body formed by ancient and hard work was broken in an instant, and even the soul stained with some immortality was shattered, and the irresistible soul damage surged in an instant.

"Golden Seal, save me!"

Blood and tears flowed from his eyes, his ancient expression was terrified, and he cried out in grief. In an instant, a layer of golden light finally bloomed from the golden seal, even though the terrifying spiritual power outside was still guarding him inside.

"What a terrifying spiritual power!"

Gu Zhuo's expression changed drastically, but the four people around him suddenly felt the loosening of the restraint, and their bodies couldn't help but pause, especially Silence and Mo Dao, who seemed to want to do something, but in the terrifying soul Under the attack, he was unable to move at all.

It was complicated in the hearts of the three of them, but they felt a sense of peace of mind for the protection of the golden seal.

"I don't know which senior immortal cultivator has attacked me and other juniors like this. If you have offended me, please let me know. The junior will do my best to make up for it."

Gu Zhuo looked at the empty scene around him with a gloomy and terrifying expression, but he had to kneel down on one knee and open his mouth respectfully in front of him.

just the next moment...


A bright sword light came from nowhere, powerful and terrifying, as if the sky was about to be split.

In just a split second, the golden light that guarded them was torn apart by the terrifying sword light, and the golden seal in Gu Zhuo's mind instantly materialized, but in an instant, the energy was exhausted, and the light shrank dimly.


The terrifying spiritual power swept past without the slightest hindrance, Gu Zhuo's eyes widened, and he fell to the ground in an instant.


A series of falling sounds resounded in the sky and the earth, and the five fell to the ground like dumplings.


Just now, the five people, who were like fairy trails, fell to the ground and became unconscious. If it weren't for the weak breathing in their mouths, people would think they were five corpses, not five living people!
"What's the situation over there in the East China Sea? What do you know about the East China Sea?"

A wave of mental fluctuations hooked the ancient soul, and seemed to be asking faintly, but the strange thing was that there was no one in the whole venue.

"What's the matter with cultivators, why do they have such powerful power?"

"How many immortal cultivators are there?"


A series of inquiries came, and it seemed that they all got satisfactory answers in the end, and finally disappeared.

When the five people woke up faintly, they saw a terrifying sword mark suddenly appeared in front of them, and a line of writing appeared outside the sword mark.

"Those who cross the line will die."

Looking at the engraved seal in front of him, Gu Zhuo's face turned pale. The next moment, he immediately used the energy of the gold seal without any hesitation, soared into the sky in an instant, and turned back in the direction he came from.

Beside him, the other four figures were all like this, but they flew halfway, as if they had sensed something, joy suddenly appeared in their expressions, and the next moment.


Mo Dao, without saying anything, the two of them flew away in another direction without looking back. In the same place, Kong Ming stood still for a moment, and then disappeared inadvertently.

Only Li Ding, who was left with rough lines on his face, stood where he was, and the next moment.


A powerful magnetic force erupted, followed by Li Ding's figure instantly appearing in the distant sky.




"The power in the golden seal has weakened."

In Hope Base City, Lei Ming, who was studying hard in the secret room to practice the lightning power, suddenly raised his eyebrows in surprise, and clearly felt that the restraining power in the dark suddenly weakened by most of it.

It has even been so weak that it has almost no effect on him.

"No wonder they all left."

In the villa in the distance, Li Ming tapped his fingers lightly, and Lei Ming closed his eyes at the same time and continued to practice, feeling the picture detected by the telekinetic power, and guessing in his heart with great interest.

This Judgment Alliance looks impure.

"Could it be forcibly won over by this golden seal?"

Li Ming raised his brows lightly, and a look of playfulness flashed in his eyes. At the same time, recalling the news he had just searched from his mind, he couldn't help tapping his fingers on the table more frequently.

"The so-called cultivators turned out to be people from other worlds, and the monster that Li Dingguo saw was also left behind from other worlds. Therefore, those cultivators would have known about this monster long ago."

"The reason why the monster feels blocked by a barrier is because it is really not in this space, but in a special space, including those immortal cultivators who have never shown up before, and they also sealed themselves in this space. In a magical space secret realm."

"I don't know when they first appeared. I just guessed that the appearance of human civilization may be related to these worlds, and the things of these immortal cultivators, magic, and innate warriors all belong to other worlds."

"Only all kinds of boxing and martial arts, including some Taoism, Buddhism, and Buddhism, are born in the local world and belong to us."

"The cultivators broke into this world unintentionally. In addition to them, there are monsters and magic worlds, and it is estimated that the passage between the three worlds will be reopened, communicate with each other, and there is a possibility of becoming a world, so it cannot be sealed. , just wait for the time to come.”

"Unexpectedly, there will be such an outrageous thing."

Li Ming tapped his fingers frequently, feeling a little tense in his heart: "In other words, although I am already the strongest among the local humans, there may be a cultivator who has cultivated for an unknown number of years at any time. Give me a little strength shock?"

"These magical treasures scattered in various places turned out to be the local civilization of the earth. They evolved on their own after they bordered on the worlds of all sides. In this way, my Gengyu Xuanguan Sword and the Garrison Guiyuanding are also very good. Reliable baby."

Li Ming felt the Gengyu Xuanguan sword that was naturally close to him in his mind, and the guard returned to Yuanding with a mysterious expression.

So with that said, what's up with my panel.

The [Tao] naturally bred by heaven and earth?
After receiving too many messages in a short period of time, Li Ming's heart was a little messy, but fortunately, he quickly adjusted his emotions and kept these things in his heart.

"In any case, the crisis in the East China Sea is really not a problem. With the group of tall immortal cultivators supporting it, there shouldn't be any problem."

Otherwise, let Li Ming face the monster that treats the sea water as a puddle by himself... He is really a little scared.

"Besides, the monster is not going ashore in three months as Li Dingguo predicted, and it will take at least two more months. Although to be on the safe side, I still have to go there to see the actual situation, but the danger is greatly reduced. .”

"Besides, as the power of heaven and earth grows, the five elements rise sharply, and the matter of the five elements between heaven and earth will also expand accordingly. First, the golden shape expands rapidly, and the number is unknown, and then the elements of water, wood, earth, and fire will all grow rapidly."

"That is to say, the volume of the earth in the future will increase without knowing the limit. No one can know how much it will increase, but it is completely conceivable. At that time, the world may change dramatically."

Thinking of the information directly obtained from Gu Zhuo's mind, Li Ming was rather disappointed and felt at a loss.

But after a while, he suppressed this thought.

"The world has changed dramatically, and these monsters will also change drastically. After all restrictions are lifted, it can be seen that a new round of disasters will also begin."

"At that time, the only guarantee is strength."

"It's just right, everything is stable now, so I will accompany my parents and women here, and cultivate my own strength, so that I can keep a family business in the chaos in the future."

The direction in Li Ming's heart gradually became brighter, and the sense of confusion disappeared. After thinking about it, he went out silently to Li Dingguo's villa.

"The group of people from the Judgment Alliance, have you solved it?"

Seeing that Li Ming didn't prepare to meet the enemy, but came to his side, Li Dingguo raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Solved, besides, there are some things."

Li Ming smiled, and then calmly sent Li Dingguo a rubbing copy of [General Outline of Martial Arts], and smiled at him: "How is it, are you interested?"

"The general outline of martial arts?"

Li Dingguo's expression froze, his eyes suddenly widened, and he was a little surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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