Chapter 260 Survivor Bu Wu

"How do you know such a thing?"

Feeling that the [General Outline of Martial Arts] in my mind is simply all-encompassing, even the secret Taijiquan has it, and the core skills, secrets, and key points of each school are clearly explained.

Fishing Toad Strength, Silk Winding Strength, Shaolin Golden Bell Cover, Shaolin Yijin Jing, Wudang Lightness Kung Fu...

All of them are in it, and some of the most core formulas, from the beginning of martial arts practice to the peak of the master, how to step into the realm of spirit and energy.

Although the most profound exercises are only involved in how to nourish the spirit, how to use the spirit combined with martial arts to create a martial arts artistic conception against the enemy, there are no more secret methods for cultivating the spirit, but such a collection is simply what every warrior dreams of .

Li Dingguo knew all this.

But, why did it appear here with Li Ming?
Li Dingguo looked at Li Ming, and then thought that today was the day when the Judgment Alliance came to collect the iron, and a thought that shocked him came to his mind.

"Have you dealt with those five people?"

Li Dingguo looked at Li Ming with wide eyes, and asked in disbelief.

"Otherwise, where did this [General Outline of Martial Arts] come from?"

Li Ming ticked the corner of his mouth, and said casually: "As for Gu Zhuo and his five adjudicators, they probably won't come here again."

"Oh, maybe, there is something to rely on in the future, and it's hard to say if I want to get back the scene again, but anyway, it's all right now."

There was a smile on the corner of Li Ming's mouth, and his voice was light, but what he said made Li Dingguo open his eyes involuntarily, and immediately let out a harsh breath.

"I didn't expect that your strength is now so strong."

Li Dingguo shook his head involuntarily, his expression full of amazement.

But in my heart, I couldn't help but think back to the time when I first met Li Ming.

Compared to that time, he has changed so much!

"This [General Outline of Martial Arts] should help you improve your foundation and better comprehend new principles of practice."

Li Ming looked at Li Dingguo and smiled: "We don't need to rush to the East China Sea. According to the accurate guess of those cultivators, there are at least two months before the monsters in the East China Sea will really appear in our space. "

"Just to be on the safe side, we'll set off in a month and a half and fly with Yujian. It won't be too difficult to come to the East China Sea."

Li Ming told Li Dingguo some things he knew from Gu Zhuo, and even told about Donghai.

"Then for more than a month, we will first polish our cultivation at home, and then set off for the East China Sea in a month and a half."

Li Dingguo meditated quietly, then nodded, and said to Li Ming solemnly.

Li Ming's purpose was exactly this, and he had nothing to disagree with when he heard that Li Dingguo agreed with him. After discussing the details with him, he turned around and left here, returning to his villa.

"Perhaps, these skills should also be passed on."

When he got home, Li Ming thought about those things in his heart, his eyes were subtle.

Immortal cultivators, such powerful things are all foreign, and the origin of the power is also somewhat inexplicable, and any things that are picked up may not necessarily be their own.

But these internal martial arts, as well as the Taoism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Buddhism that have never been seen before, really belong to their earth.

Including them earthlings.

If you want to occupy more right to speak in the future...

After pondering in his heart, Li Ming's eyes turned. He first found a pen and ink in the bedroom, thoughtfully wrote out some of the contents of the [General Outline of Martial Arts], and then found Zhao Mei who was wearing a hollow black dress.

"Come with me to Tie Jun's house, and tell him something."

The black long skirt is hollowed out, and the charm of her body is faintly visible. Zhao Mei fully showed the charm of her mature body. Li Ming couldn't help but reach out and put his hand on the soft flesh, and hugged it in his arms, bowed his head and took a bite, smiling lightly Looking into her eyes, he spoke.

"Well, okay, shall we go now?"

Hearing that she was going to her ex-husband's house, Zhao Mei frowned, but she still let go, nodded, and asked Li Ming obediently.

"It's better to hit the sun than choose the day. You change your clothes and go now."

Li Ming stretched out her hand, and a brand new dress appeared beside her. Zhao Mei turned her head and saw that it was a white suspender skirt. Although it was short, it was not as leaky compared to what she was wearing at home, so she nodded with a smile.

Turning over and standing up from Li Ming, Zhao Mei undid the zipper and buttons of the hollow black dress, and the clothes immediately fell to the ground along her body, and her pure white body appeared dazzlingly in the air.

Her figure was already tall, with a pair of elegant, beautiful and sensual long legs, coupled with her protruding figure, it was unbearable to be in such a naked air.

Li Ming hugged him directly, and skillfully used his supernatural power to open the clothes on his body in seconds.

Zhao Mei's eyes narrowed, and the little skirt she picked up just now trembled in her hand, fully aware that she couldn't wear it now.


In the blink of an eye, an hour later.

Zhao Mei stepped on low-heeled shoes, wearing a small white suspender dress, smiling brightly, and appeared at the door of Tiejun Villa holding Li Ming's arm with a rosy face.

"Hey, Brother Li Ming, why don't you let someone notify you when you come, I'm ready to prepare, I don't even have time to complete the welcome ceremony now."

As soon as he arrived at the door and informed the inside, Tie Jun hurriedly ran out to greet him. When he opened the door, he saw Li Ming who was carrying Zhao Mei. A flash of surprise flashed across his expression, but then he quickly adjusted his expression and smiled brilliantly. Lead Li Ming and Zhao Mei to his villa room.

"What's the matter, our relationship, you know that I brought Zhao Mei here today, I'm here to talk to you, don't think too much."

Li Ming patted Tie Jun on the shoulder, and said with a smile, Zhao Mei on the side nodded with a smile: "Today we are here to chat about small things, and I want you to do me a favor."

"Uh, what, you say, I will definitely do what I can."

Tie Jun was taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly patted his chest to express his attitude.

Since Li Ming flew the flying sword over the base city last time, his prestige has become more and more serious. At this time, he heard that there was something wrong, even if he hadn't expressed his attitude, Tie Jun didn't dare to neglect at all, and took it seriously.

"Look at what you said, it's not so serious."

Seeing Tie Jun like this, Li Ming couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, Zhao Mei on the side blinked: "Let's go to the room first, let's sit down and talk, it's not appropriate to be outside."

"Ah, yes, yes, I am confused. There is no one talking outside. Come, please, please."

Tie Jun froze for a moment, and then quickly slapped his head, but only then remembered that because he was too nervous and paid attention to Li Ming's words, he even forgot such small details.

After hastily greeting, Tie Jun led the way quickly, led Li Ming and Zhao Mei straight into the tea room, then clapped his hands, and called the closest concubine's room to drink with Li Ming and Zhao Mei.

"I heard that there are more and more security guards now. There is something I'm thinking about you. I wonder if you're interested?"

Li Ming drank a cup of tea, and when the teacup was placed on the table again, he looked at Tie Jun sitting in front of him and suddenly asked with a smile.

"You said, as long as I can do it, I will spare no effort to help you do it!"

Upon hearing this, Tie Jun hurriedly put the teacup on the table, looked at Li Ming and said seriously.

"This is the [General Outline of Martial Arts] which records the top-level martial arts mysteries of our clan, and it is the best way to practice martial arts."

Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, looked at Tie Jun, took out the booklet [General Outline of Martial Arts] from his arms, and put it on the table.

"The general outline of martial arts?"

Tie Jun was taken aback when he saw what Li Ming took out, and then he couldn't help but took it. He didn't react until he got it in his hand, and looked at Li Ming: "Then this is it?"

"This general outline of martial arts is incomplete. There are many things in it that are not suitable for preaching to the world, but these are suitable now. This thing can make ordinary people have very strong power. I am very optimistic."

Li Ming looked at Tie Jun, and Shi Shiran said: "The law enforcement team is no better than ordinary people. They have enough time and resources to practice martial arts. I want to start with the law enforcement team and spread martial arts all over the world. You are the chief of public security. I want to hear Listen to your opinion."

"definitely no problem!"

Tie Jun said decisively: "This kind of thing of passing on the best secret books is something that no one can ask for. It is estimated that as long as the matter is publicized, I don't know how many people who are grateful will come to learn it!"

"I'll do it tomorrow and spread it directly to everyone in the Department of Public Security, and set aside at least two hours of on-duty time every day to practice!"

Tie Jun spoke resolutely, then couldn't help looking through one or two things, then thought about it and then said: "It's just that this magical skill is mysterious, do we need to set some restrictions..."

"No, there are no taboos, no restrictions, and all content is directly taught to everyone."

Li Ming shook his head and said with a light smile, "I'm just here today to tell you that after the law enforcement team has gained something from their practice, it will spread out quickly based on the law enforcement team."

"During this period, if there are any problems with the law enforcement team's cultivation, I will sum it up and go to brother Li Dingguo to solve them, and strive to see the results as soon as possible."

"After all the law enforcement teams have achieved success, the cheat books will be spread all over the world. If ordinary people have problems in cultivation, the law enforcement teams will be responsible for giving pointers."

"In addition, the practice of martial arts must be guided, and people must not be led astray."

Li Ming smiled and said, Tie Jun gritted his teeth: "From now on, every member of the law enforcement team will add one or two mutated beast meat to each meal!"

"Well, I'm waiting for your good news."

Li Ming looked at Tie Jun and showed a smile, and then he didn't talk about other things, but started to have fun.

Zhao Mei stepped forward and sat on Li Ming's lap.

"Brother Li Ming, I have some good stuff, do you want to taste it?"

Seeing Li Ming having a good time, Tie Jun happily accompanied him, rolled his eyes while accompanying him, and said to Li Ming with a smile.

"Then there's no need, Zhao Mei is fine."

Li Ming shook his head with a smile, and casually chatted with Tie Jun about other things.

Zhao Mei glanced at Tie Jun lightly, a slight smile flickered on the corner of her mouth, her eyes looked around casually, and her body was tightly attached.


Coming out of Tie Jun's house refreshed, Li Ming led Zhao Mei away lightly amidst Tie Jun's bright smile.

The next day [General Outline of Martial Arts · Law Enforcement Edition] [General Outline of Martial Arts · Military Edition] [General Outline of Martial Arts · Civilian Edition] was born out of nowhere, the civilian version is temporarily suppressed, the military version is only for understanding and learning, and the law enforcement version will be started immediately practice.

Among them, the problems encountered in the practice of each law enforcement officer were also collected and classified one by one. Thousands of questions were received in just one day. Li Dingguo answered and replied one by one, and then answered new questions.

With the supplement of mutated animal meat, the martial arts training progress of each law enforcement team member is also very fast.

In this way, only one month later, the law enforcement team started to get started, and Li Ming helped Tie Jun sacrifice some weapons again, which increased the power of his magic weapon.

Of course, these are all things to follow.

Let's say now.

After leaving the Tiejun villa, Li Ming sent Zhao Mei back to the room to rest, and two skills emerged in his mind.

【Golden Elephant Skill】【Neijia Essence】

"The kung fu of a cultivator, the extraordinary foundation of internal boxing."

Li Ming looked at these two kung fu, thought for a while, and silently began to practice [Golden Elephant Kung Fu] in Lei Ming's body, while he started studying [Neijia Essence] himself.

Although he now has the General Outline of Martial Arts, [Neijia Essence] talked about a lot of basic things, even in the [General Outline of Martial Arts], Li Ming decided to try it first and improve his own practice. for.

"Besides, it's time to practice [Golden Bell Shade], and there are still some light skills."

Li Ming selected the items in the [General Outline of Martial Arts], and after absorbing the most important methods of using the spirit and cultivating the spirit, as well as the methods of cultivating true qi, he turned his attention to the brand new defensive skills and light skills.
"Iron Clothes will be complete in a few days. Now that the Body Fit Heaven and Earth has not reached a high level and it still hurts the body, practice a few more defensive skills."

Li Ming thought about it, and quickly decided on his own cultivation, first of all, the necessary daily cultivation of soul, true qi, and supernatural powers was unshakeable.

The first two have been supplemented by the [General Outline of Martial Arts], and the progress is quite fast. The ability is still hard work, but Li Ming doesn't care about it. Anyway, with the panel in hand, even if it is hard work, he can still do it. to a stronger point.

Then there is the once-a-day [Fit Fit Heaven and Earth] combined with horizontal practice of hard kung fu, which rapidly increases the proficiency of hard kung fu.

Secondly, it is to start to practice the lightness kung fu that you finally got, and increase your mobility.

In this way, a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Li Ming encouraged Tie Jun, and then continued to practice.

Until half a month later, at the time agreed by Li Dingguo, the two of them drove the sword light, swam in the sea of ​​clouds, and headed towards the East China Sea in the early morning of one day.

(End of this chapter)

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