Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 261 Strange Mutated Zombie

Chapter 261 Strange Mutated Zombie

Above the endless sea, layers of black mist quietly enveloped the entire sea without knowing when.

Under the cover of the black mist, the emerald green plants on the shore turned black, and even the soil was a little black.


The howls of zombies echoed in the city on the shore, and strands of black lines lingered on their bodies, ferocious and terrifying.


Suddenly, a thick brick wall was knocked down, waiting for the dust to disperse, dozens of tall and mighty zombies appeared from behind.


The roars echoed like the roars of ferocious beasts. The group of zombies roared, and their eyes seemed to be searching for something.

It's just that the thing that attracted their attention just now disappeared without a trace at the moment the wall collapsed. The group of zombies couldn't find it for a long time, and finally gave up helplessly.

"Brother Tiger, let's go."

In the distance, a head appeared on the ground, and after watching the zombies leave, they quickly shouted to the bottom.

"Don't worry, let me rest in the soil. Fuck, I have too many things with me, and my supernatural power can't hold it anymore."

"Quickly draw back too, with such a big head exposed, I'm not afraid that those zombies will blow your head off."

A voice came from the soil underground, and the man with his head exposed quickly shrank his head back. When he entered the ground, he saw a layer opened up by the soil power, and only two people could fit in. It is a huge package full of various supplies.

"Phew, it's too dangerous this time, damn it, these zombies are getting more and more evil, and they seem to be getting stronger and stronger in the past two days."

The outcropping man sat back in the soil space, recalling the scene of the group of zombies' ferocious raid just now, even though he managed to evade this time, he still couldn't help but speak with lingering fear.

"It must be related to the monster in the sea. We have to find a way to escape from this ghost place."

Brother Hu looked up at the sky above the ground, his face was very ugly, he clenched his fists tightly, and gritted his teeth unwillingly.

"No, Brother Hu, even if we want to go out, we won't be able to get out under the black mist, and the more we go outside, the more and more zombies from that evil sect will be."

Zheng Qiang looked in the direction of the sea subconsciously, and instantly thought of the monster Brother Hu mentioned, his face turned pale, and he couldn't help but speak.

"Then you have to go out, and you have to go out if you think of a way."

Brother Hu shook his head, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes: "Now there are more and more zombies in the city that have absorbed the power of darkness and become more and more evil. Almost all ordinary zombies have just started to mutate. Combat power."

"Besides, no crystal nuclei are produced, and killing them is useless. In the past, there were crystal nuclei. As long as you carry them with you, the speed of cultivating abilities will increase a lot. Now not only ordinary zombies have become harder and harder to kill, even zombies We all face at most two or three ordinary zombies, and those mutated zombies can't even move, neither of us can deal with one of them together."

"If you want to go out and collect the supplies in the city, you have to risk your life. In addition, the search range of these evil zombies is getting bigger and bigger. We will be discovered sooner or later, and the living space will eventually be invaded to zero. By then When I want to go again, I can’t go.”

Brother Hu’s eyes were gloomy, and he almost finished these words by gritting his teeth. Zheng Qiang, who was born in the same residential building as him and had also awakened the same ability, was stunned: “Brother Hu, what can you do? ?”

"I awakened the ability before you. You didn't feel it when you passed by a place just now, but I felt a lot of gunpowder."

Brother Hu looked at Zheng Qiang, and couldn't help but squeezed his fists: "If we collect all these gunpowder and use them together with gasoline barrels and gas canisters, tell me, can we blow up this evil black mist? A slit?"

"Gunpowder, petrol?"

Zheng Qiang was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and he slapped his thigh fiercely: "Here, Brother Hu, this will definitely work!"

"The gunpowder is probably in the fireworks factory's inventory. When we go back this time, let's take good care of ourselves first, and you will try to make a breakthrough. At that time, we will work together to bring all the gunpowder here and make a super bomb!"

Brother Hu took a deep breath: "But now, it's better to recover the power of the supernatural power first, and take all these things back."

"Okay, I'll prepare the tin bucket when I go back!"

Zheng Qiang's eyes lit up, and he nodded excitedly, but finally there was a ray of light in his heart.

Ever since this inexplicable black mist covered the entire city silently a month ago, the entire city has become evil.

They seemed to have stepped into the realm of ghosts hitting the wall, no matter how they walked, they couldn't get out of the range covered by the black mist.

It's just that the inability to get out is not turning around, but it seems that they are trapped by the power of the five elements. Whenever they reach the edge of the city, they can't use their strength to take a step forward.

It seems that there is an invisible force locking their figures in the void, but every time you want to break free, you don't know where to use the force.

Whenever you are imprisoned, no matter how hard you try to break free, it seems that you are fighting against the air. No matter how much force you use, you will hit the air, and it will be useless against the forces that imprison your body.

After trying all kinds of methods, their hearts have become more and more heavy this month, but now the appearance of this gunpowder has brought a ray of light to their hearts. Obviously, not only Brother Hu is happy, Zheng Qiang is also very happy in his heart up.

After all, if you stay here any longer, anyone with a little brain and a discerning eye will know that you must not live long!

"If this trick doesn't work, then we can only do the opposite."

A look of ferocity flashed in Brother Hu's eyes, and he couldn't help but think of the monster that inexplicably appeared in the sky above the city after the black mist appeared.

If the gunpowder can't explode the forces that imprisoned them to leave, then go find the figure of this monster, and would rather fight with it than wait to die here.

'Maybe, if you work hard, you will find the way out. '

A thought that he knew was just a comfort flashed in his heart, and Zheng Qiang then threw it away. Although it sounded very good, Zheng Qiang knew that no matter what, he probably couldn't do it...

After all, although a blunt knife is slow, it is easier to accept than a fast knife...

It is better to live one more day than to die one day earlier.

Waiting all the time, the living space is squeezed, no matter how big the crisis is, it will be something in the future.

But if he really went crazy and went looking for that monster, he probably died when he went there.

So, rather than dying immediately, let's just stay alive~~
When various thoughts flashed in their minds, the two also hid in the soil and constantly recovered their physical strength and consumed supernatural powers.

Because it is deep underground, the surrounding earth elements are strong, and the strength of both of them recovered very quickly, and they felt that they were almost done after a while.

After more than half of the recovery, the two of them opened their eyes and looked at each other. Each of them wrapped the package they were carrying with the power of the earth's supernatural power, and began to rush all the way towards their base.

In the case of the underground earth escape, the speed of the two shuttles was no slower than that of a car, but even so, it took an hour to move forward before arriving at a rather wide underground space.

"Brother Hu, Brother Qiang, you are back!"

The moment the two of them appeared from the underground parking lot, they attracted attention. Several women rushed over after hearing the sound. Seeing them returning with a full load, their expressions were full of joy, and they couldn't wait to greet them.

There are solar lights in the underground space, which were turned on all day long by them. The underground space is completely closed, with only some small ventilation holes, which do not bring much light. This is the only thing that can be seen. light source.

Under the light, more than 20 women who have not been exposed to the sun for a long time have fair skin. Although they look a little unhealthy, they are also very clean. This is already a very rare thing in the apocalypse.

Looking inside, an underground well solved their doubts. Obviously, it was the guarantee of this water source that allowed them to maintain such a clean image.

It is also a key component for their survival.

"The harvest this time was good, and it was safe to go out. Xiaoqiang also found a lot of things. Xiaomei, you go to accompany him today."

Brother Hu spread out the huge package, which contained all kinds of food, including many necessities. He put these things aside, then looked at Zheng Qiang beside him and said with a smile.

"Ah, Brother Hu, you are..."

Zheng Qiang, who spread out the package he was carrying, was taken aback when he heard this, and couldn't help looking at Brother Hu in surprise, and opened his mouth to ask in astonishment.

As he asked, he couldn't help but look at a girl in a blue shirt, with long bangs and a ponytail, who was looking at Wen Wen quietly with her hands folded in front of her. There was a gleam in her eyes.

"Come on, you still don't know about Xiaomei's little brother Sihu."

Brother Hu bumped Zheng Qiang's arm with his elbow, and said to him with a smile: "The next round trip to and from the fireworks factory requires you to work with me, Xiaomei, you like Brother Hu to make you happy, just treat it as an early reward Reward you."

As Brother Hu said, he pinched Zheng Qiang's shoulder, lowered his head and whispered in his ear: "Don't you like women? When we go out, do you want any women out there?"

"I don't believe that the whole world is full of such evil zombies. With the strength of our two brothers, let alone the world, we must be masters. There will be many good things at that time. Brother Hu can make you dissatisfied because of such a woman .”

With a smile on the corner of Brother Hu's mouth, he was moved by Zheng Qiang's words, but he looked at Xiaomei, then at Brother Hu, and grabbed the corner of his clothes in embarrassment: "Well, Brother Hu, Xiaomei is... It's your woman, so, no, it's not good~"

"Hey, I've said it all, what are you afraid of? Besides, it's just to accompany you, not to give it to you directly."

Brother Hu rolled his eyes, then waved to Xiaomei who was standing among the women: "Xiaomei, come here."


Xiaomei smiled and opened her mouth to respond, her white teeth showed a kind of brilliance, her appearance was quiet, and her demeanor also had a kind of quietness, her movements when she walked to Brother Hu seemed quite quiet.

Zheng Qiang's eyes were almost attracted by Xiaomei's upturned but not big butt, and her delicate body and skin.

"In the future, I will rely on you, Brother Qiang, for important matters. He has always had thoughts about you. Go, stay with him today, and make Brother Qiang happy."

Under Zheng Qiang's gaze, Brother Hu stretched out his big hand to pinch Xiaomei's elastic buttocks twice, then let her to Zheng Qiang's side and said with a smile.

Xiaomei pursed her lips when she heard the words, and didn't speak, but with a smile on her face all the time, she stood beside Zheng Qiang, looking at him with soft eyes like water.

"Brother Tiger, I, I..."

Zheng Qiang squeezed his trousers nervously, looking at Xiaomei who was standing beside him, feeling a little dry mouthed and at a loss for what to do.

"Look at your parched mouth, don't swallow your saliva, I told you I'll be with you today, what are you afraid of?"

Seeing Zheng Qiang's appearance, Brother Hu couldn't help laughing and complaining, patted his shoulder and said softly.

"I, here, Xiaomei is your wife..."

Zheng Qiang had a bitter face in embarrassment, looked at Xiaomei on the side, suppressed the eagerness in his heart, and pushed her towards Zheng Qiang, and when he touched the soft flesh on her arm, his heart was beating even more: "I also have a woman, forget it, forget it."

"Hey, look, you say you."

Brother Hu looked at Zheng Qiang and couldn't help but stretched out his finger and nodded, then pointed to the woman beside him: "Which of these women is not someone else's wife, do you care? Didn't these time pass well? How come at this time Can't do it anymore?"

"No, that, that's different."

Zheng Qiang waved his hands again and again and shook his head. Seeing this, Brother Hu shook his head and waved his hands: "Well, you two are staying here later, whatever you want to do, I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, Brother Hu opened his arms, and hugged the woman who was originally given to him because of Zheng Qiang's awakening ability, and then directly hugged the remaining women under Zheng Qiang's somewhat tangled and uncomfortable eyes. All brought to the other side.


Immediately after the sound of switching the lights on and off, the place where Zheng Qiang and Xiaomei were staying was mostly extinguished, leaving only two lights on, not very bright, but still visible, on the contrary, don't add some atmosphere feel.

Zheng Qiang looked at Brother Hu who had walked into the distance, and then looked at Xiaomei next to him. He saw that the other party raised his head and brushed his hair, and stood there without moving his body or legs. I sent my mouth out.


Xiaomei was hugged like a lamb, and Zheng Qiang relieved all his greed at once.


The time in the small base also passed quickly, one night plus one night passed quickly.

The next day.

Zheng Qiang was refreshed, walked up to Brother Hu with a bright face, and looked at him closely: "Brother Hu, my ability has broken through, tell me, where are the gunpowder, let's go there today Take it down!"

"Brother, I knew you could do it."

Brother Hu laughed and patted Zheng Qiang's shoulder, shook his head, and said something meaningful, as if he was not surprised by Zheng Qiang's "breakthrough" at all, and then smiled and said: "Xiaomei is right here with me." Wait for a few days, when we leave the city, you can ask for whatever you want."

(End of this chapter)

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