Chapter 26 Psychic power!

With a muffled sound, under the powerful impact of the car, the cranium of the dying zombie was picked up by the gun blade, and the strange zombie died completely.

But along with the skull, there was something else.

Li Ming took a few breaths, and quickly took out a bottle of salt water that he carried with him to replenish the water lost under the tension. The battle just now took place in a very short time.

It took less than 3 minutes from when he found the zombie with his extraordinary eyesight and wanted to escape, to when he was discovered by the zombie, hit him with a car desperately, and then rushed over to kill him.

But whether it's jumping out of the car, or the psychological pressure when facing a mysterious zombie, or the tension when running wildly and rushing to attack, all of them are unparalleled, so that although the time is short, his physical strength passes very quickly.

Li Ming has some enlightenment in his heart, and his swordsmanship is at a small level. The improvement brought by his spearmanship is all-round. The degree of stability, so that so many movements can be achieved during the rapid driving of the car.

In fact, he was also a little surprised that the jumping action in the movie was so smooth that he didn't feel much pressure.

Li Ming thought of his ability to recover extremely quickly... It seems that the improvement of the panel is more miraculous than he imagined.

Thoughts turned in his mind, and with the death of the mysterious zombie, Li Ming felt relieved. He swept his eyes in front of him, and suddenly found a strange thing in front of him.

A white crystal, in the shape of a rhombus, was suspended in the air at a height of one meter.

The crystal seems to have some kind of attraction, and even though it is transparent, it still makes people notice its special existence in the first place.

"What is this?"

Li Ming felt an inexplicable attraction in his heart—to touch it.

His heart skipped a beat, and he instantly thought of the strange behavior of this zombie, and when he thought about it again, his heart suddenly moved—could it be that this crystal made this zombie special?

Or... is it this special zombie that condensed this crystal?
There is such a heterogeneous existence among the zombies, which is enough to make one's heart jump, but the scene in front of him is even more shocking.

How the world has changed.

Li Ming looked at the crystal in front of him, felt the attraction from his heart, and his heart beat fast.

On the one hand, he couldn't wait to touch it instinctively.

On the one hand, he was worried about whether any vicious changes would be caused after touching it.

For example: Turned into a zombie?

[Ability-inducing factor detected, quality: impurity]

[Absorbing this factor has a 50.00% probability of being demonized, and a 50.00% probability of enabling the ability]

[The panel effect is activated, all the chaos factors are discharged, and the factors will be automatically purified after touching the factors, 100% induced ability: telekinetic power]

[Induced Ability Level: Basic]

[After touching the power-inducing factor, you will gain telekinetic power, but the strength is only equivalent to your own mental power, you can find ways to exercise and break through]

When Li Ming was struggling, as he kept watching, a series of messages suddenly appeared in front of him.

The information entered his mind at the same time as it appeared, and Li Ming's eyes continued to light up.

Ability-inducing factor, this crystal is really not simple!
50.00% chance of being demonized, that is, turning into a zombie?

And the panel actually has this effect, purifying crystals and absorbing superpowers!
"That is to say, now I have absorbed this ability-inducing factor and awakened 100% of the power?"

A series of thoughts flashed through Li Ming's mind, and Li Ming couldn't help feeling excited.

He thought of the strange zombie's performance just now, suspended in the air, and the strange invisible power...

If he also has this kind of ability, even if he is weak at the beginning, as long as he keeps training, is there any reason why he should not be strong?

Zombies don't have thoughts, and the way to use telekinetic power is very rough. If you use it yourself, how many ways can you develop?
Moreover, telekinetic power is actually related to spiritual power, so since you can control objects, can you detect the situation like the divine consciousness in Xianxia novels?

Li Ming thought about the situation where the zombie suddenly found himself, and felt that there was a high possibility. He clenched his fist excitedly, and couldn't wait to move forward and grasp the transparent rhomboid crystal.

In an instant, an inexplicable fluctuation flashed through the diamond-shaped crystals, and Li Ming felt a pain in his forehead, as if someone had pricked him with a needle, and there was a momentary pain.

He couldn't help but gritted his teeth, but the pain disappeared the next moment. Correspondingly, there seemed to be an extra tendon in his brain, which made him keenly feel that his brain could also use force...

Li Ming subconsciously exerted force on his long sword.

"Quack quack..."

The long sword trembled in the scabbard. Li Ming exerted all his strength, and finally flew out of the scabbard tremblingly, but immediately fell to the ground with a snap.

"Huh, huh~"

Li Ming gasped for two long breaths, feeling that his mind was drained instantly, as if he was too tired to rest, and looking at the long sword that fell to the ground in front of him, he sighed helplessly.

"It seems that the ability is only awakened now, and there is still a long way to go before it can be used."

Li Ming picked up the long sword and put it back into its sheath. He felt that his telekinetic power was at most 1.7 kilograms, and he was not discouraged.

He could feel that the tendon in his mind would become stronger and stronger the more he used it like a muscle. After a long period of exercise, sooner or later, he could do what that zombie just now could do.

Moreover, when the telekinetic power is used up, it will not affect his normal actions at all. When it is not used up, it can even assist him in fighting now. It is a very good ability without waiting for the future.

In addition, he just tested the ability of telekinetics to control objects, and has not tried the ability to detect information. He believes that the potential of telekinetics is far more than that.

"Ho ho ho..."

Suddenly, there was a roar of zombies coming from behind. Li Ming turned his head and saw that the nearby zombies who were attracted by the sound of his driving finally arrived.

After a general look, there were only a dozen or so scattered. Without panic, Li Ming raised his spear and approached actively. The spear stabbed out, killing the few in front first, then moving forward and killing two, and retreated quickly. Open the distance, and then kill the one who rushed to the front.

In the same way, more than a dozen zombies fell under his gun one by one.


Heaving a sigh of relief, Li Ming looked around to make sure there were no additional zombies before looking at the gas station ahead.

Perhaps because of the mutated zombies, there were no zombies in the gas station, and Li Ming only found a few dark red bloodstains.

Feeling a little heavy in his heart, Li Ming obviously guessed where these dark red bloodstains came from.

"It's just the end of the day, and such a zombie with telekinetic power has come out. Will there be other special zombies in other places..."

A melancholy thought flashed in his mind, Li Ming sighed, dispelled the thoughts in his mind, stepped up and walked into the gas station with some nervousness in his heart.

At a glance, he found six glue tanks in the yard, and Li Ming looked around again, and found a small delivery truck with the door open and the key still hanging on it.

The off-road vehicle was scrapped, and this car was just right for him.

After putting away the remaining pieces of liquor in the car, Li Ming put back all the pieces he had unloaded, and then opened the door and sat in the driver's seat.

Li Ming hadn't driven a light truck before, but he got used to it after thinking about it for a while. He drove the car to the position facing the refueling gun. Li Ming found six trucks that were 1.2 meters high and [-] centimeters wide. The big glue tanks were all placed in the compartment, and then the doors were locked, and the diesel and gasoline refueling barrels from the gas station were transported to the two glue tanks respectively.

After half an hour, the two tanks of gasoline were filled. Li Ming stopped, filled up the fuel tank of the pickup truck, and then continued to load diesel.

After a while, the fourth cylinder was full of diesel. Li Ming immediately stopped and continued to refill, tightened all the cylinder heads, and drove back to the community.

With the trip when he came, the road was much cleaner when he went back. The safe environment made Li Ming feel less nervous, but he didn't dare to stay longer, and drove back to the community quickly.


The car stopped at the entrance of the small supermarket, and Li Ming unloaded a cylinder of diesel oil and put it in for the generator, which was to protect the food in the three large freezers.

(End of this chapter)

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