Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 27 Peng Zhi: Why did my wife come so late...

Chapter 27 Peng Zhi: Why did my wife come back so late...

"Phew, I'm almost busy at last."

At the entrance of the small supermarket, Li Ming piled up a lot of food that he didn't need outside the supermarket to prevent hungry people from knocking on the door and destroying the storage area of ​​the freezer that he had painstakingly built. Then he wiped his sweat and drove the car away. Get up until your own resident goes downstairs.

He just frowned when he stopped the car, and quickly got out of the car and took the gun down.

"Ho ho..."

A few zombies roared, and the continuous sounds here even attracted zombies from other places in the community. At this moment, five zombies gathered in front of the residential building, and rushed over like crazy when they saw Li Ming get off the car.


Li Ming stabbed the gun calmly, retracted the gun, the five zombies retreated three times, and stabbed five times, all of them were resolved.

Smiling in satisfaction, Li Ming took the gun with him, then looked at the five barrels of oil left in the compartment, took a deep breath, lifted a barrel of diesel oil with both hands, skipped the elevator, and walked along the stairs step by step. climb up.

Not long after climbing to the fifth floor, Li Ming didn't rush to open the door, and put the oil directly at the door, then turned his head to carry it.

The oil drum was too heavy, and no one could move it except for his current few, so Li Ming didn't ask Zhang Yuan and Chen Li for help, and he ran five times to move all the oil up by himself.

I made two more trips, and brought up a few pieces of liquor from the carriage. It is always right to store more of these supplies.


After they all moved to the door, Li Ming took out the key and opened the door. When he opened the door, he saw Zhang Yuan sitting on the chair with his back to the door, seemingly angry. Hearing the sound, he quickly stood up, and when he turned around, he smiled.

"I've been sitting in the living room, but I haven't seen you come back. Is the road going well?"

Zhang Yuan saw that there were five pieces of liquor in front of Li Ming's feet, she hurriedly stepped forward to move two pieces back, and asked aloud at the same time.

"There was an accident, but fortunately there was no danger."

Li Ming let out a sigh of relief, carrying heavy objects several times in succession, plus the previous fight at the gas station, he no longer has much strength in his body.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan took the initiative to carry the liquor, Li Ming gave her all twenty pieces of liquor to carry. He managed to move the five barrels of liquor to the living room, and then drank a few sips of water with some exhaustion, went to the toilet, and leaned against the Rest on the sofa.

Seeing that Li Ming was so tired, with oil stains and ashes on his body, Zhang Yuan ran around to put away the liquor, and then wrung a wet towel to wipe Li Ming's sweat.

Li Ming let her take care of him. After a while, his shirt was taken off, and the sweat and stains on his upper body were wiped off by Zhang Yuan bit by bit. His whole body felt cool and cool.

Zhang Yuan pulled him up again and went into the room, then took off his shoes and socks and threw them into the basin, then took off his trousers, seeing that his underwear was wet with sweat, he also took off his underwear, endured his blush and helped Li Ming wipe his lower body clean.

Then he found clothes for Li Ming to wear after taking a bath, and helped him put them on.


After being wiped all over his body, Li Ming let out a sigh of relief and let Zhang Yuan climb on the bed to massage him and knead his muscles.

Not to mention, it was really comfortable to be held down like this. Li Ming squinted his eyes and fell into a light sleep.

Zhang Yuan pressed Li Ming's whole body, tired hands were sore, and saw this strong man fell into a light sleep, thinking of the things he brought back from busy work today, knowing that it was caused by the exhaustion of fighting monsters outside for a living, couldn't help Gently lay down next to him, watching him sleep.

The room gradually quieted down.

In the blink of an eye, when it was dark, Li Ming woke up suddenly, and then heard the sound of fire in the kitchen, obviously Zhang Yuan was cooking.

"Huh, fell asleep."

Li Ming touched his head, feeling comfortable all over, and he was tired after a while.

And... the strength of his brain also recovered. He couldn't help but try it hard. The mobile phone beside the bed was immediately controlled by telekinetic power, and the screen was automatically turned on. The time on it was already [-] o'clock in the afternoon.

Li Ming didn't know what time he came back.But it was dark at eight o'clock, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, happy for his new abilities.

But thinking about how many such special zombies there are outside, he calmed down again, put down his phone, and tried to release this power in the form of perception...

…………it works!
Li Ming's eyes lit up, and he clearly saw the scene in the kitchen through telekinetic perception.
"Psychic power can really be used for investigation!"

Li Ming was happy in his heart, but then he realized that the farthest he could see was the kitchen, about three meters away, and it wasn't 360 degrees with no dead ends, but it was about the same as his own eyesight.

The whole is fan-shaped, and Li Ming can only see the picture wherever he probes, but there is no such thing as "peripheral light", and every place detected is extremely clear, as if his sight is focused.

And it can also be displayed in three dimensions.

Li Ming felt the difference carefully, looked at Zhang Yuan's beautiful long legs, licked his lips, got off the bed, and walked directly to the kitchen.

"Woke up... um..."

Zhang Yuan turned around to say hello with a smile, then quickly turned off the fire and pressed the stove.


nine o'clock in the afternoon.

The sounds that should not belong to the kitchen stopped, and the dinner was served.

A plate of leek eggs, plus pumpkin porridge, and steamed buns are the configuration for dinner. Zhang Yuan put her legs on Li Ming's legs, and the short skirt on her waist was placed on a chair. While eating happily, she chatted with him and took a bite from time to time. , leisurely and pleasant, with gusto.

After eating, Zhang Yuan cleaned up the dishes and cleaned the pot, Li Ming discovered something, and asked in surprise, "You don't serve your husband any more?"

"Let him have a meal in the past few days, so that we can separate from him then."

Zhang Yuan opened the mouth indifferently, Li Ming raised his eyebrows, praised that you still have a way, then went to stretch his muscles and bones, clicked on the cached Xingyi Wuxingquan teaching, and started watching again.

After watching halfway through, Zhang Yuan ran to play on his bed after washing the dishes. Naturally, Li Ming couldn't stand it anymore, so he put down his phone and played with her.

Playing until 10:30 at night, it was time to rest, so Zhang Yuan reluctantly went back to rest.

"Dong dong dong..."

Just as Zhang Yuan came home, Li Ming heard a knock on the door. Looking through the cat's eyes, Li Ming opened the door, revealing a plump and slim woman.

Chen Li was still wearing her daytime black top.

"Sorry, my daughter just fell asleep, and I'm late."

Chen Li walked to Li Ming's side, closed and locked the door again, and then said apologetically to Li Ming.

"It's okay, it's just in time."

Li Ming hugged her and kissed her, then carried her into his bedroom.

Chen Li breathed a sigh of relief, and when Li Ming carried her to the bedroom, she closed the door behind her.


Chen Li kissed Li Ming, thinking that this man who is as strong as a cow might hold her as easily as holding a doll.

"How is the food at home, is it enough?"

Li Ming looked at this woman who brought him a new experience with a smile, and said softly, since he promised to take care of her family, he would naturally do what he said.

"I just finished eating, I just said that I will bring some food back when I leave tomorrow."

Chen Li smiled and looked at the man in front of her with fixed eyes.

"Okay, when you leave tomorrow, you can bring back whatever you want to eat."

There was almost no room for food in Li Ming's bedroom, so naturally he didn't care about the food, Chen Li nodded, her hair was buried between Li Ming's neck, and she was sleeping on her side.




And before Chen Li came to Li Ming, when Zhang Yuan returned home.

"Why haven't you had dinner yet? It's already 10:30. Isn't Li Ming hungry?"

Peng Zhi, who was lying on the bed and still reading the buffer novel, heard the sound of the door opening, seeing that his wife had come back, he couldn't help but rubbed his stomach and couldn't help complaining and said:

"Li Ming will not borrow food, right? How can he be so selfish? He is not hungry, am I not hungry? How can he only think about whether he is hungry or not?"

Zhang Yuan touched her forehead speechlessly, didn't bother to look at him, and lay down to sleep on her own: "Why can't Li Ming only think about himself, who are you, should he think about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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