Chapter 263
Up to now, Li Ming's spiritual power has been very majestic and terrifying.

An adjudicator like Gu Zhuo, a hero of his life, is almost powerless to fight back against him, which fully demonstrates his strength.

However, when faced with this kind of black mist, the "spiritual power" hidden in its wisps is as terrifying as the vast ocean.

Yes, 'spirit-like power', this is not a complete spiritual power, but similar to spiritual power.

Compared with normal mental power, these powers in the black mist are terribly capable of capturing various states, and some subtle mental fluctuations will be instantly sensed by it, so as to respond accordingly.

For example, the attack consciousness generated by Li Ming's telekinetic power when it came into contact with it, the power in the black mist seemed to be on guard at the moment of contact, and directly combined with each other to form an iron net to let Li Ming's telekinetic power The attack is useless.

In the layers of black mist, the spirit-like power is overwhelming, the total amount is high, connected as one, and the reaction is sharp, which is simply impossible to fight.

"The spiritual power in this black mist is not only insightful, but also has a corrosive power, which is beyond the scope of spiritual power."

Li Ming frowned, put away all his thoughts, and looked at the black mist rolling in front of him, feeling very troubled.

In the short moment of contact, these "spiritual powers" stuck to his spiritual power like sticky candy. If he hadn't woken up in time, cut off his attack consciousness, and withdrew his telekinetic power, I am afraid that it is almost impossible to get rid of this difficult force.

To be able to feel the thoughts of the human spirit is a very incredible thing even in the eyes of Li Ming now.

His mind power is strong, and he also has the ability to target the soul, but it is almost impossible to have such a keen insight into the thoughts of others.

Not to mention that he is a supernatural being with his own spiritual evolution.

But on this black mist, it seems to be just an ordinary ability.

"Intentional attacks will be targeted by it, should we use unintentional attacks?"

Li Dingguo also frowned. After listening to Li Ming's words, he quickly understood and couldn't help but speak.

"But as long as people attack, they will inevitably have thoughts. If they want to attack unintentionally, what should they do?"

Li Dingguo rubbed his eyes, his Yintang shone with brilliance, and a wave of mental fluctuations came from his Yintang, but the next moment he shrank back abruptly, and the bright Yintang also dimmed.

More than a month later, Li Dingguo has also been involved in the practice and use of spiritual power. Under the guidance of the [Martial Arts General Outline] Shangjing Mystery, his current spiritual power is far beyond the past, and he can do some simple use of spiritual power.

In order to feel more accurately what Li Ming said just now, Li Dingguo called out his spiritual power to go out of his body to investigate, but he felt the result in an instant, and hurriedly cut off his own thoughts, so that his spirit returned to calm.

This encounter made Li Dingguo's perception of the black mist more accurate, but his brows were furrowed even harder.

Obviously, he has deeply realized the difficulty of this thing.

"Unintentional move."

Li Ming frowned, feeling very tricky.

"I said, Lao Li, you really think highly of me. The black mist spread by this guy has got us stuck here. If it's the main body, then it's okay."

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of any reason. Li Ming finally shook his head, and couldn't help complaining to Li Dingguo. Now he is much stronger than when Li Dingguo just came back. Now he can't help it. How did Li Dingguo think he could do it before.

"When I came last time, there was no such black mist, and the monster looked tall, and couldn't see anything else, but as long as it has a physical body, it must be killed, your Five Elements God Lei is so powerful, maybe he can kill it."

Li Dingguo shook his head helplessly: "Who would have known that such an accident would happen when I went back this time?"

Changes in the world will always occur suddenly, and both of them understand this. After talking about it for a while, they both began to study around the black fog and try various ways.

But after trying, they found that most of the methods would not work at all, as long as they had the attack intention to target that mental idea, even setting the imaginary enemy as that piece of air would be useless.

But it's impossible for them not to have the idea of ​​attacking this spirit, after all, that's why they came here.

As long as there is something in the heart, there will inevitably be a little idea, and now this idea is always lingering.

The two of them stood in a stalemate outside the black mist for two full days and two nights. When they were thinking hard about the last touch of spiritual light, suddenly, a trembling sound rose from the black mist. The next moment, the two of them looked at the front in surprise. The black mist suddenly dissipated in a large area.

In just an instant, a range of ten kilometers was wiped out.

Then it disappeared, and a large number of urban buildings appeared in front of us.

"That was gunpowder just now?"

Li Dingguo looked in disbelief at the large black mist that suddenly dissipated in front of him, and then reached out his hand to touch the air in front of him, and instantly realized what the traces left after the explosion were, which he could easily find with his current extraordinary perception.

Looking carefully, Li Dingguo didn't know when there was a sense of purity and innocence. The whole person exuded a sense of agility from the inside out, and there was a force of heaven and earth accompanying every gesture, which was very different from the past. .

Not only him, but Li Ming on the other side also had changes all over his body. There was a simple and heavy feeling on his body, and his whole body exuded amazing inspiration. amazing.

Simple, heavy and light, freehand brushwork exist in one person at the same time, coupled with the strong inspiration, all reveal the extraordinaryness of this person.

This is impressively the harvest of two people in the past one and a half months.

With the [General Outline of Martial Arts], the new path Li Dingguo explored was not in a hurry to practice, but like Li Ming, he started with internal boxing first, and with the help of the current world, stepped into a new realm and gained a new inspiration.

Now, with their substantial background, after one and a half months, not only Li Dingguo successfully completed the return to the innate, Li Ming also practiced a series of horizontal exercises such as the golden bell cover, slapping skills, iron head skills, iron crotch skills, and iron arm skills. Kungfu practiced to an extremely advanced level.

Coupled with the method of internal boxing to make his whole body full of inspiration, his overall strength has long since grown considerably.

[Neijia Essence] It only talks about the five internal organs, but both Li Dingguo and Li Mingquan are ingenious. They have achieved the skin, hair and bones, from head to toe, every part of the body, and even the soul. the point.

It is also because of this that the two of them have reached their limits on the road of returning to the innate form of internal boxing.

Coupled with the top-level secret skills and martial arts practice in the [General Outline of Martial Arts] selected by each of them, their strength has grown to where it is today.

And in the eyes of the two supernatural beings who melted a large black mist, the two people in front of them are like gods and men, grabbing their full attention domineeringly.

"You put the gunpowder just now? How did you do it? Tell me."

A flash of surprise also flashed in Li Ming's eyes, and then his eyes instantly looked at the two earth-moving supernatural beings hidden in a hidden position a hundred meters away. The teleportation usually appeared in front of the two supernatural beings, and then looked at them and asked involuntarily.

"Li Ming, don't get excited."

Zheng Qiang and Wang Hu were taken aback by the sudden appearance of Li Minghe's forceful way of questioning, but the light voice of Li Dingguo who followed immediately dispelled the tension in their hearts, and then saw a person full of blood. A man with a peaceful atmosphere appeared in front of him.

That guru demeanor makes people can't help but want to believe it.

"Are you the survivors of this city? We came from the inland Central Plains to solve the evil here, but when we arrived, we found that the situation here was far beyond our expectations. The black mist alone is difficult to deal with. Incomparable, the two of us have been researching for two days and two nights and can't solve it."

Li Dingguo looked calm, watched the two quietly tell the antecedents, and then asked: "Now that this thing was solved by you, I was curious, so I couldn't help asking. If you know anything, please tell us as much as you can.”

Under the continuous questioning and watching of the two, Zheng Qiang and Wang Hu looked at each other in dismay. In the end, Zheng Qiang, who was not very good at dealing with others, stabbed Wang Hu's arm silently. The corner of Wang Hu's mouth trembled. The opening of the smile.

"Actually, it's nothing to say..."


The fireworks factory that Wang Hu felt was actually quite far away from their base. After the two reconciled that day, they discussed the division of labor and rushed all the way to the fireworks factory with an empty tin bucket.

Fortunately, there were not many zombies in the fireworks factory. The two worked together to kill the few zombies, and saw a mountain of fireworks and a huge amount of gunpowder.

Needless to say, the two of them gave up the metal buckets they were carrying, and wanted to use the professional storage tools in the fireworks factory to carry a large pile of gunpowder back to the underground base.

But suddenly I thought again, gunpowder is also a safety hazard after all, and there is so much gunpowder here, and no zombies have found it here, and the fireworks factory is located in a secluded suburb, and there are no zombies nearby.

Instead of taking the risk of accidentally blowing up your own base and moving it around, why not just use the ready-made equipment here, make it into a usable high-power explosive on site, and then move it out for use?

The two of them thought there was something to be said for the combination, so they were not in a hurry to move back. Instead, they carefully made explosives in the fireworks factory.

With ready-made gunpowder and equipment, both of them went very smoothly on the first day. In addition, they didn't need to carry gunpowder, and they searched a lot of supplies along the way when they returned.

Back in the base, Zheng Qiang couldn't help running to Xiaomei's bed, but he was driven back by Wang Hu before he could take that step.

"When you get out of here, Xiaomei, you can do whatever you want, but before that, we are a gentleman who can't be followed by a word, and behave well, so you won't be dishonest if you get it."

Under Wang Hu's supervision, Zheng Qiang had no choice but to let go of his arms and ran to find other women to play with, and he didn't care that two of them were Wang Hu's women.

However, under Xiaomei's motivation, Zheng Qiang's work efficiency is really high. It took the two of them three days to make a super explosive package.

As long as there is no accident, take this super explosive package to the border they explored before and try to see if they can get out of trouble.

It's just that if there is no accident, there will be an accident.

"Who knows that just after we finished, a mutant zombie suddenly came over. That guy was not easy to mess with at first glance, and he went straight to the gunpowder factory. We didn't have time to run with that thing. At the critical moment, we had to grit our teeth and activate the explosives. , and then hid away by himself.”

Zheng Qiang silently pointed to the large dark mark in front of him.

"Later, the explosive gunpowder set the whole fireworks factory on fire. We were all right underground, but when we came out, the black mist suddenly dissipated."

Wang Hu added on the side, and then touched his body involuntarily: "Also, that inexplicable feeling of confinement seems to have disappeared."

The two couldn't help but glanced at each other after they finished speaking, Zheng Qiang lowered his head slightly, thinking quietly in his heart, it's so damn good that Wang Hu was right, the two of them accidentally solved the black mist , I met two awesome bosses.

They really have to be human with their tails between their legs.

'We still have to hug each other well. '

A thought flashed in Zheng Qiang's mind, and suddenly he looked at the two big men in front of him, and then at Wang Hu, and the two instantly understood each other's thoughts.

"So gunpowder actually works for this thing."

Li Ming couldn't help using his telekinetics to feel the remnants of the explosion. Some small gunpowder piles gave out sparks from time to time, but his telekinetics felt nothing at all. Even the gunpowder and his telekinetics were completely two-dimensional. He wrapped these gunpowder with telekinetic power, and it would not feel a little bit to ignite under the wrapping of telekinetic power.

But by chance, so much black mist was dispelled, and the most crucial... the spiritual-like power in the black mist.

"The black mist really isn't the real spiritual power, it's really one thing dropping one thing."

Li Dingguo also felt a little surprised, his Yintang once again bloomed with glory, felt the feeling of his spiritual power on gunpowder, and after realizing that it had no effect, he couldn't help but open his mouth in surprise.

"Your unintentional move this time is really a mistake, and you have done a big thing."

Li Ming looked at the two men in front of him again, and felt quite emotional in his heart. He had no intention of planting willows and willows to make shade, but deliberately planted flowers and flowers that would not bloom.

"Is it the mutated zombie you are talking about?"

Suddenly, Li Ming had a thought, and a corpse of a zombie covered in pits and black lines was captured by it from the air, and his eyes opened somewhat strangely.

"The zombie is dead, but the head is fine."

(End of this chapter)

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