Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 264 Perhaps it is more appropriate to call it a demon corpse?

Chapter 264 Perhaps it is more appropriate to call it a demon corpse?

The blade punctured the skull, dipping inside and churning, revealing nothing but some slurry.

Without a crystal nucleus, it means that it is not a special zombie.

But it's not a special zombie, why is it so exaggerated that it is five meters tall?

Li Ming looked at this zombie that looked like a little giant, and couldn't help looking at the two people in front: "Are you sure, this kind of zombies are everywhere in the city, and they were just ordinary zombies before?"

"Yes, but this one is extraordinarily big. We thought the big one was a mutant zombie, but we didn't expect it to be an ordinary zombie."

Wang Hu also saw Li Ming's previous movement of stirring and searching, and now he was a little strange to see Li Ming asking: "However, this zombie was obviously not killed by the explosion, and we don't even know how it died. The black mist is dispelled by the gunpowder, and it dies?"

"Since the black mist suddenly appeared in the city, the ordinary zombies have quickly become stronger, and they also have a distinctive feature, that is, they are covered with black lines."

"And now that the zombie is dead, the lines on his body have disappeared. Maybe the lines contain the power of the black mist, and are also related to the life of the zombie?"

Wang Hu boldly said a few more words, and then looked around: "The black mist has receded a lot. If we expand the search, we should be able to find other zombies."

"Well, I see it."

Li Ming glanced at him, nodded lightly, and the words fell from all directions. Several corpses of zombies were transported by him by air, and placed beside this three-meter-high little giant zombie.

It's just that compared with this little giant zombie, these zombies are obviously much smaller, but...compared with the ordinary zombies outside, these 'ordinary zombies' with a height of two meters are extraordinarily unusual.

And... none of their brains were damaged in the slightest.

As we all know, zombies will only die if they damage their brains.

"These zombies may have the same origin as the monster in the East China Sea?"

Li Dingguo suddenly spoke in a soft voice, with a glint of light in his eyes: "Zombies are just our wishful thinking, but is there a possibility that these zombies are more like the rumored zombies?"

"Or is it - a demon?"

"Demons and demons come from the same source. The big demons eat the little ones. The trolls above the East China Sea are about to be born. When their own power overflows first, they will naturally take over and even control the zombies and little monsters. The body, which created this strange evolution of zombies?"

"And if the troll's own power absorbs and devours the power of these zombies and becomes a substitute, it will become stronger and have more power, and this is why the zombies will die inexplicably after the power of the troll is eliminated. reason?"

There was another brilliance flashed in Li Dingguo's Yintang, obviously accompanied by his words, he couldn't help but use his own spiritual power to investigate.

It's just a pity that nothing was found in the end, so I had to take it back with regret.

"Perhaps, these things should be called demon corpses?"

Li Ming looked at Li Dingguo with weird eyes: "After all, zombies are stiff, but these zombies are so flexible, it's not appropriate to call them zombies. Compared with them, demon corpses are more suitable."

"Devil corpse? This description is apt."

Li Dingguo raised his eyebrows, nodded in agreement, and then looked at the black mist ahead: "These are not important, but tell me, what is the purpose of these black mist?"

"Perhaps it is really as you said, absorbing power, restoring power, and even creating subordinates?"

Li Ming's lips twitched a little, wanting to say something more about the word 'devil corpse', but he finally stopped and turned to look at the black mist: "Anyway, the shape of this black mist seems to be It doesn't look like it's been around for a long time."

"Speaking of which, do you feel that this zombie's corpse is more like a corpse?"

Li Dingguo nodded, shifted his gaze to the corpses on the ground, and suddenly said, "Tell me, will they dissipate like ordinary zombies?"

"Hard to say……"

Li Ming shook his head silently: "The key now is, what should we do with the remaining black mist?"

"Are there any other fireworks factories in this city?"

Hearing this, Li Dingguo looked up at the two men beside him, and suddenly asked.

"The problem is, yes, we don't know."

Wang Qiang said faintly: "Who usually pays attention to this, and this is not allowed in normal cities, it pollutes the environment, I am quite surprised that there is such a place, it is not easy to do."

"You've lived in this city for so long, haven't you seen anyone else?"

Li Ming frowned and thought for a while, then asked him suddenly.

"I saw people driving out of the city before, but not many, and I haven't encountered anything else."

Wang Qiang shook his head, then pursed his lips silently: "Our own base hasn't been rescued yet..."

"Then if this is the case, we will spare no effort to help you to dispel all the black fog in this city."

With a movement of Li Ming's eyes, the power of thought came out, and the terrifying spiritual influence surrounded the two of them layer by layer.

While speaking, he used spiritual power to influence their souls, blinding and influencing their previous memories, and developing and re-memorizing according to his thoughts.

With Li Ming's current mental strength, it is simply too easy to do this step. Even though the two of them have even reached the stage of ordinary evolutionary late stage, their spiritual cognition and the information they have just obtained can only be achieved in a short sentence. There is a deflection.

"Now, the two of us need some natural reservoirs. Next, we will cast spells to drive away the black mist, so you need to put gunpowder near the black mist to blow up pits one by one."

"I know the black mist is difficult to deal with, but don't worry, after all, what I want is not for you to disperse the black mist, but for you to use gunpowder to make explosives to blow out the pit."

"Although this behavior may be a little dangerous, but with us, we can guarantee your safety."

Li Ming spoke to the two earth-moving supernatural beings in front of him with a smile, and quietly withdrew his spiritual power while talking.

Li Dingguo on the side watched all this silently. After Li Ming withdrew his spiritual power, he couldn't help but look at him. Li Ming who saw it was speechless and explained with telekinetic sound transmission that it was just a short-term blinded seal. This kind of seal removal has no effect on them.

Hearing what Li Ming said, Li Dingguo felt relieved, and then stood beside him with a deep smile, silently cooperating with Li Ming's words.

'Such an outrageous operation, can it work? Doesn't it mean that we have to do it without thinking? We have done it deliberately, right? '

Although he decided to cooperate, Li Dingguo couldn't help but ask from the voice transmission of his spiritual sense.

'What are you afraid of? If it's a big deal, then think of another way. '

Li Ming calmly transmitted the voice, Li Dingguo could only nod silently when he heard the words.

In fact, both of them knew that it would be easy for those cultivators to solve this matter, but they all wanted to use their own strength to try to solve this trouble.

Instead of relying on these so-called immortals for everything.

"That's no problem. We're just running errands. We'll be satisfied if we can watch the two of you dispel the damn black mist. It's nothing to blow up a hole. I'm happy even if I blow up a building!"

Wang Qiang's eyes changed from perplexity to final calm at the time of Li Ming's words. After hearing what Li Ming said, he couldn't help but rubbed his hands together and couldn't wait to respond.

Zheng Qiang on the side also kept nodding his head, his sister-in-law and women were still there, especially his sister-in-law Xiaomei, who only tasted it once, and he was not enough.

Fortunately, I accidentally ran into someone who came to exorcise the darkness, saved them, and killed those horrible zombies. Next, I will continue to clean up other black mist.

Cleaning up the other black mist is not equivalent to saving their base in the city, it is helping them, and they can't help but wish for such a thing!

"Okay, since that's the case, this is a map. You are all supernatural beings anyway. I will give you the closest place, and me the farther away."

Seeing that they agreed, Li Ming knew from their surprised eyes that his operation of taking out two maps from his backpack was really unusual, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

After lightly marking out some locations with red circles, he immediately encouraged the two to take action, and then, under their shocked gazes, he led Li Dingguo directly into the sky.

"No wonder it can dispel such a magical and powerful black mist power. It turns out to be Te Niang's sword fairy!"

Zheng Qiang opened his mouth, dumbfoundedly looked at the backs of Li Ming and the two flying away with the sword, and his expression was a little shocked: "Then let's go and listen to his work, with them here, Xiaomei and the others will definitely be able to do it." Get out!"

"The two of us came out by accident, and I was a little worried. Who knew that these two characters would continue to drive away the darkness. This reservoir may not be an important thing, but it can serve such a character. Everything is a big deal."

Wang Hu opened his mouth in thought, then looked at the map, and said decisively: "Look at this, how about we split up and collect the gunpowder as quickly as possible?"




Above the towering peaks, there are green forests and birdsong.

On the top of the mountain, you can see the halls and seats, some trees on it, and traces of many tourists coming up to pray.

This is a certain scenic spot before the end of the world.

But at this moment, on the top of these buildings, a crease like a water wave suddenly appeared next to the top of the mountain. It can be clearly seen that the entire space on the top of the mountain has suddenly become a thousand times larger!
"I already know what you said, there are still variables in this world, let's let it go for now."

"The trajectory of the person possessed by the Posha Fate is clear, but now it has become blurred. The future can't be counted, it can't be seen."

"We will take care of the matter of the East China Sea. You can take someone to the East China Sea and deal with the end."

Kongming's voice came out from the creases along with the sound of the wind, and outside the creases, a man with a bronze-colored figure hurriedly bowed down with a respectful expression.

"Take this exercise. It's a reason to wish you better behavior. In addition, I'm full of the energy of the Golden Seal. In the future, I shouldn't force other people with supernatural powers too much."

A faint voice appeared quietly accompanied by a jade tablet. Gu Zhuo's eyes lit up, and he quickly bowed and knelt down: "Gu Zhuo, thank you for the reward from Master Sect. Now go down the mountain and go to the East Sea for Master Sect!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Zhuo picked up the jade tablet on the ground, and stuck it on his forehead respectfully. At the same time, he mobilized and pulled his own spiritual power, and a mysterious and extraordinary exercise information immediately appeared in his mind.

And at the moment of his enlightenment, a majestic power of heaven and earth has been injected into his body, Gu Zhuo hastily crossed his knees to practice according to the newly acquired method, refining this terrifying and mysterious power of heaven and earth into his own use .

In this way, in the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Until noon for the fourth person, Gu Zhuo, who practiced cross-legged, finally opened his eyes, but saw that the skin around his body had returned to normal color, which looked no different from the skin of ordinary people.

However, if a master comes here and knows how to use Xie's spiritual power to investigate and use it, he will find that this ancient clumsy body is actually covered with a divine light formed by a white jade elephant!
This divine light, just looking at it, already gave them a sense of indestructibility!
"We are not stingy people. This small level of white jade statue skill has been quickly achieved by you, and it is enough to pay you for your hard work."

A gentle voice flashed out of the ripples again, and then closed again, but Guzhuo sounded sure that this was not a person.

"It's almost time for the Immortal Sword to be sacrificed, so you should be ready."

Another different voice came out of the twists and turns, Gu Zhuo thanked him again and again gratefully, and then descended from the top of the mountain with a smile on his face.

And in the layers of space, several stalwart figures also frowned.

"Poshaming is definitely our key help in this chaotic situation. No matter how difficult the monster is, it is impossible to say that he can solve the problem miraculously."

"Originally, the existence of this broken life that can be easily recruited as long as it is successful according to the plan should be taken for granted by us, but now before we have time to sacrifice the flying sword, this broken life suddenly becomes blurred."

"Heavenly secrets cover, there may be changes in the future!"

"That monster is always on the opposite side of all creatures. When dealing with it, the world should not come out to make trouble, and maybe it will push the boat along the way and help us!"

Amidst the whispers, a voice in the middle suddenly spoke weakly: "Well, Senior Brother Li who controls the Immortal Sword, has his cultivation recovered now?"

While speaking, everyone couldn't help looking at a long sword standing quietly in the center of the secret space here. The sword itself seemed to have a unique layer of attraction.

"It's all over."

(End of this chapter)

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