Chapter 265 Nian Beast?

It is well known in the world of cultivating immortals that Sword Immortal is the top among the poor.

They have good attack power, good flight speed, and often have good defensive skills, which can maximize the power of a sword.

Although no matter how powerful a sword weapon is exerted to the extreme, it is still not as good as a higher-level magic weapon with more mysterious functions, but it is still very good among the poor at the bottom, worthy of the title of sword fairy.

The group of immortal cultivators who fell into this small world this time are the poorest of such a group of middle-level monks. Naturally, the top-ranking monk among this group of monks is that sword cultivator.

However, in this world, due to the weak strength of the local creatures, their little practitioners have also become immortals, so they gradually got used to changing their "xiu" to "immortal" .

"We Nascent Soul cultivator, although our lifespan is 9000 to [-] years, we have spent nearly [-] years here."

On the high mountain, in the hall inside the ripples of space, a monk finally opened his eyes and muttered to himself: "For 9000 years, the cultivation base cannot be saved, and even the mana that has been consumed is hard to recover. Now the world in this world has changed. When the inspiration suddenly appears, it must be the time when the worlds converge."

"We must not miss this opportunity."

Looking closely, the monk's black hair was scattered with a little white, his face was resolute, and his eyes were like starbursts, resplendent and extraordinary.

"Brother, don't worry, we will try our best to restart the fairy sword,"

Hearing what this monk said, a group of monks outside the hall immediately entered the hall, glanced away, there were men and women, including this sword fairy, there were seven people in total, and they spoke repeatedly.

"This world suddenly has an inspiration, and its secrets are also unpredictable. Under the active nature of the world, there will be many dangers in the actions of outsiders. Although we have lived here for a long time, we are not creatures of this world after all. Regarding the affairs of this world Do not move lightly."

Wan Jiankong glanced at the crowd, and said in a faint voice, "Don't occupy one of the treasures of this world, otherwise the heavenly secrets will come back, and you and I will suffer disaster."

The other six monks were terrified. They all knew that what they just talked about had been known. They were moved by Jian Xiu's keen insight under the enlightened sword heart, and they also hurriedly expressed their opinions.

"The [Vientiane Foundation Building Method] has just been reported. This is a foundation-building practice method widely spread in our world. Do you want to recover it?"

A female cultivator in a light yellow dress couldn't help asking, her eyes full of searching.

"No, you thought this method was planned by you and others, but An Zhi was not spread by the influence of heaven, but to increase the foundation of practice in this world."

Wan Jiankong glanced at the woman in the yellow skirt, his voice was light, but it instantly surprised everyone.

As if waking up from a trance, several people on the spot snapped their fingers again, their expressions suddenly changed, and they subconsciously wanted to blurt out, but they stopped abruptly the moment they opened their mouths.

"Don't talk, just understand it in your heart. If you know it, you can deal with it silently. If you speak it out and deal with it, the established things will change."

Wan Jiankong swept his sword eyes, and said in a low voice, "9000 years have passed, and everyone has lost their vigilance. How can such a side of heaven be underestimated?"

"It's nothing more than an easy life, and nothing more than hard work, but if I want to return to the world of cultivating immortals, don't force me to do other things, otherwise I will suffer backlash."

"A hundred years later, the world will be integrated, and there will be no barriers. You and I will become a Taoist ancestor."

The sonorous sound slowly echoed in the hall, and a moment later a vast and firm voice sounded: "Stay for another ten days, after ten days, the fairy sword will be activated!"


In the somewhat quiet atmosphere, the six monks responded one after another, and then turned into six streamers and returned to a mountain peak in this secret place.

"After all, we have lived in this world for 9000 years, and we have even done countless meritorious deeds. Now the world has just opened, and all forces have tentacles, which has attracted the backlash of heaven and endless turmoil. But if we wait for a hundred years, everything will be calm , the two worlds merge with each other, and when I come back, I will be the most popular monk in this world and benefit the most."

"In this way, these 9000 years will be nothing, and even the benefits will be even greater. At that time, it will be no problem to be called the ancestor. If this is the case, there is no need to do these small tricks to avoid self-defilement and practice."

After leaving the Sword Cultivation Hall, the more a monk thought about it, the more he felt that what Wan Jiankong said was reasonable, and after returning to his mountain peak to linger for a while, he suddenly muttered to himself.

As soon as the words fell, the monk who looked like a middle-aged man immediately made a cruel decision, and the next moment he pinched the magic formula, which immediately cut off the magic seal between himself and the outside world's great martial arts master.

In the dark, a sense of relaxation and comfort emerged spontaneously from the soul. The middle-aged monk's eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt that his cultivation base had improved at this moment.

"Sure enough, sure enough, every drink and peck is a fixed number."

The middle-aged monk instantly thought of the [Vientiane Foundation Building Method] he had spread, and mumbled to himself shaking his head with emotion, then thought about it and smiled slightly, very satisfied with his feedback.

After all, [Vientiane Foundation Building Method] is just a foundation building method. Although this method is also the most universal and powerful foundation building method in the world of cultivating immortals, it is only a foundation building method.

For Nascent Soul cultivators like them, it is no different from miscellaneous books on the side of the road, let alone have any effect.

Using such a cultivation method that anyone can practice in exchange for their own cultivation base, this is something that many people are rushing to do.

"In this way, it will be much easier to deal with that demon after further cultivation."

Thoughts flashed in his heart, the middle-aged monk smiled, and practiced silently in the room quite happily.

What the middle-aged monk entered meditation to practice, what he didn't know was that there were also people in the outside world who were suspicious.

Surrounded by white palace walls, in a secret room dyed with the fragrance of Jingshen, the old clumsy man who couldn't wait to start comprehending the [Vientiane Foundation Building Method] opened his eyes in astonishment when he got home.

"The magic seal that the immortal cultivator controls me has disappeared?"

Gu Zhuo murmured in disbelief, and immediately felt himself deeply uncontrollably, until he finally realized that he was no longer restrained at all, his eyes widened even more.

"It really disappeared!"

Gu Zhuo squeezed his fist, only felt his heart pounding, and a crazy idea popped up in his mind.

The reason why the immortal cultivator controlled him was just to control the golden seal he gathered. He seemed to be in charge of the golden seal and used it to restrain the other five judges.

But in fact, [-]% of the power of this golden seal is in the hands of the cultivator. Otherwise, how could such an ancestral golden seal be cut through the defense by an attack with sword energy in the air, without even showing the blade?
And because of this, he was able to obtain various rewards, so that in this short period of time, only relying on an ordinary physical body to fully evolve the ability, he could practice martial arts to the extreme, reaching the highest realm of martial arts idealized by the predecessors, and cultivated into gold. Not bad.

Moreover, in this case, he was given another dharma by the immortal cultivator, which gave him a further opportunity.

This is also the fundamental reason why his ability is obviously very common, but his ability is superior to other adjudicators - strong enough martial arts cultivation, plus the help of abilities, let him face even special, strange, and rare abilities. Have the ability to win the battle.

The impenetrable defense, the prescient perception of a cicada before the autumn wind moves, the terrifying spiritual insight to the extreme, the super mobile mobility, the terrifying attack power that cannot be resisted, and the true energy of long-range attacks, all endowed him with substantial strength. Emboldened.

But in the end, he has to be controlled by others.

But now, the brand that controlled him, thereby controlling a piece of fairy treasure, and controlling the most powerful person in the entire world, has disappeared by itself!

What is the reason?
That immortal cultivator doesn't want this treasure, and doesn't want these masters to work for him?
Impossible, if he could bear the temptation, he wouldn't have done it in the first place!

That's a possibility... the immortal cultivator died?
"No, no, there is no news of a battle at all, how could it be hung up."

Just when Gu Zhuo was thinking more and more crazy, suddenly Fuzhi's mind was jolted, which made him return to sobriety in an instant, and let out a long breath: "It seems that my xinxing cultivation base still needs to be improved."

In such a situation, facing the terrifying power of the group of immortal cultivators, there is only one answer: that is, the other party really gave up on these things.

And what makes him make such a decision must be that having these will get him into trouble, and giving up can get more benefits.

"Could it be, somewhere in the dark, is there really someone to see?"

A thought flashed in Gu Zhuo's mind, and he couldn't help but look up at the sky, at the light blue roof boards, in a daze.

After a while, he withdrew his gaze and regrouped his thoughts. The light in his eyes flickered: "Although you have gained freedom, you must not neglect your cultivation."

"The trip to the East China Sea is also a trip. After all, it is the biggest disaster in the world, but the most important thing now is the growth of one's own strength."

"Maybe this method is only the foundation for those cultivating immortals, but it is still very strong for me, and it can be improved to a higher level. It is so precious and must be grasped and cherished, and practice hard."

"With stronger strength, we can have a stronger foothold."

"Although the East China Sea monster is dangerous, with this group of immortal cultivators around, it shouldn't be a big problem. What I should pay more attention to is myself."

"It's a big deal. I'll go to the East China Sea to have a look when I get something out of my cultivation."

Thoughts flashed in Gu Zhuo's mind, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more vigorous, but then he immediately restrained his expression, and began to sink into the practice of the cultivation skills he had obtained.

And correspondingly, there are other adjudicators.

"Golden Seal's control has weakened again."

Among the four bases, the adjudicators who returned to practice in the base opened their eyes one after another.





There was a loud muffled sound, and accompanied by the dazzling light of gunpowder, a large cloud of black air receded like a tide, and in the blink of an eye, the distance was another ten kilometers!
And on the ground, there was another big pothole as he wished.

"The fifth big hole, brother, how many holes like this are we going to blow up?"

Zheng Qiang, who was so busy that his feet didn't touch the ground, clenched his fists excitedly when he saw the result of the black air in front of him, and then couldn't help shouting loudly at the two flying swords beside him.

I just feel that these two big brothers are so caring, and every time they choose to work together with the gunpowder explosion time they made to clear away the black air!

"Keep blowing until the black air exits the city!"

Li Ming silently put away the glorious special effects created around his body, looked at Li Dingguo expressionlessly, and then sent encouraging words to Zheng Qiang, who worked hard to make explosives: "Don't worry, we will definitely take care of the explosives." The black air exploded to where your base is."

"No matter how tired and miserable, we must rescue these people. In the end, people are the most precious resource!"

Is it to make them suffer no matter how tired they are...

Li Dingguo, who was also pretending, also put away the lingering skills and special effects around him, and nodded solemnly: "In order to save people, why don't you work harder and work harder?"

"This is the amount of gunpowder that I extracted from the elements myself, and I will leave it to you!"

After Li Dingguo finished speaking, Li Ming waved his right hand, and Zheng Qiang and Wang Hu, who had just finished their work, had a lot of gunpowder in front of them: "This pothole is of great use to us, and it must be exploded with gunpowder. Thank you for your hard work!"

"It's not hard, as long as it can help, it's nothing. I also want to thank the two of you for your hard work. It's so hard to keep outputting energy to fight against the black mist!"

Wang Hu retorted with a smile, then waved his hands, and immediately went forward with Zheng Qiang to collect gunpowder, make gunpowder and explosives, and then led them to the edge of the black mist that continued to the front.

Li Ming and Li Dingguo looked at each other, silently controlled the flying sword and continued to wave their arms exaggeratedly. The power in the body shook the air so that the air exploded, and then forced a little water out from the pores of the forehead, and began to act against the black mist .

Zheng Qiang and Wang Hu buried the explosives, and immediately ran to a distance to detonate. The black mist dissipated immediately after the sound of the explosion. Li Ming and Li Dingguo also wiped off their sweat in good time, under the admiring gazes of Zheng Qiang and Wang Hu.

Give them another shot of dynamite.

"We will clear out an area of ​​ten kilometers every time, which is just enough for our formation, so you must plant explosives in the area close to the black fog every time!"

Li Ming took out a ten-kilometer ration of gunpowder, and spoke seriously to the two of them.

"Brother, don't worry, this little thing is nothing compared to your contribution. If we can't even handle this little thing well, we'll be out of trouble!"

Wang Hu patted his chest to assure, and then led the main force Zheng Qiang to start the great cause of bombing again.

Li Ming nodded in relief, and began to adjust his breath silently. Zheng Qiang and Wang Hu were ashamed to see this hard work, completely unaware that when Li Ming was "working hard" on his breath adjustment, Psychic power was actually watching them busy all the time.

After they finished the explosives, Li Ming and Li Dingguo also finished adjusting their breathing, and the four continued to go to the next "clearing position" non-stop, blasting out a range of ten kilometers at a time.

In this way, again and again, finally, the black fog in the entire city was cleared by them.

It's just puzzling that the zombies in the whole city haven't found a crystal nucleus, no matter how powerful it looks! could this black mist be afraid of gunpowder?
This feeling is so familiar.



(End of this chapter)

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