Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 269 Hidden Zombies, 5 Lines Soared

Chapter 269 Hidden zombies, the five elements soared
Outside the military fortress by the sea, the supernatural fruit plants shining with fiery red light are extremely eye-catching in the night rainstorm, and a figure with a sword comes galloping through the wind and rain.

Before the sound came, the Wei An figure who came from Yujian took off the nine fruits on the fruit pearl with one palm, and swallowed them one after another with eyes full.


The figure closed his eyes and adjusted his breath for a long time. The rising energy and blood in his body scattered the rain curtain, and the sonic boom coming from Yujian could barely reach it, but under the protection of the invisible force surging around him , even though these sonic booms were terrifying, they did not cause any harm to the surrounding environment.

And in his body, there is also a powerful power of qi and blood that emerges as the fruit is taken, and then washes over the body.

"The fourth evolution of the physical body, 80.00%."

It wasn't until the Nine Beads Fruit was swallowed and digested that Li Ming just opened his eyes and felt the surge of energy in his body, and his body was suddenly dyed with golden light.

The golden light shone with a sense of being unbreakable, and then the golden light flashed and turned into red light. Under the red light, Li Mingwei's body shrank unimaginably like a mud ball.

In just a few seconds, he changed from a majestic man to a small round man who is only fifty centimeters tall!

Fifty centimeters is already a very small figure for normal humans, and it is even more incredible for a tall and majestic man to become this height.

It can already be called a supernatural means!
"The height does not seem to be the limit, and there are still many defects. The shortness is very short, but it is like a short ball, which is not convenient for hiding the body shape, and it is not convenient for driving."

Li Ming felt his current state after using the enhanced ability of his physical body to change and shrink. He could feel that although his body size had shrunk, and it was extremely unreasonable to become like a ball, his own body The strength has not been compromised in the slightest, and it has even become more compact and more powerful because of the shrinking size!

It's just a pity that the over-compressed energy put more pressure on him. Although his strength increased, his own movement was greatly inconvenient, and it was even more difficult to use energy to move.

Coupled with the inconvenience and ruggedness of the body, it is impossible to use it freely.

"It seems that the real great change will have to wait for evolution."

Li Ming's eyes flickered, his mind moved again, and then he became a normal size, changing freely when the remote just started to evolve.

"Four times of evolution, the real reliance is on this golden body defense method."

Li Ming's heart moved again, and the golden body that had been shrunk by him before reappeared again. He raised the seal pattern spear and tried his best to attack his body, but did not cause any damage.

Li Ming himself only felt as if someone had poked him with a finger, and he couldn't say he didn't feel anything, only that he didn't feel any harm.

"The indestructibility of the golden body plus the shrinkage change should be the ability of the physical body to awaken itself after it has evolved to this point, and this kind of attack is only the ability that comes with it, not counting the defensive power of various horizontal exercises."

There was a smile on the corner of Li Ming's mouth, and then he put away the golden light, and only used his current horizontal practice hard skills to test the defense power. He released the spear with seal pattern, and then stimulated the seal pattern on it that could explode the hill with all his strength.


With a muffled sound, the tip of the gun pierced hard into the flesh and made a deep hole, but no matter how the seal marks on the spear exploded afterwards, the spear could not advance a single bit.

Even when Li Ming agitated his muscles to clamp the tip of the gun, the body of the gun couldn't even move backwards, twisting left and right up and down to expand the wound didn't move at all.


The spear was pulled out, and the thumb-sized wound did not flow out the slightest blood. The muscles had already closed automatically during the peristalsis, and then germinated and grew at a very fast speed.

In just a moment, he healed as before.

"Even if I don't rely on the power of supernatural defense, the defense brought by hard work is very reliable. Now this part is finally stable."

A smile flickered at the corner of Li Ming's mouth. Taking the nine energizing fruits greatly increased his physical evolution ability, and at the same time indirectly increased the power of hard skills, making it even better.

He couldn't help but think of that ancient clumsy man. He didn't know that the martial arts golden body obtained by the other party was not bad. How would it compare to his current defense power?
As soon as he thought about it, Li Ming shook his head again. For a person who couldn't even resist a random attack from his own thoughts, why should he make a self-degrading comparison.

"While the big change is still going on, kill a few more monsters."

Li Ming looked left and right at the still dim sky, and the wildly expanding land and high mountains. His eyes flashed solemnly, and then he once again controlled the Gengyu Xuanguang Sword, which turned into a stream of light and shot out, disappearing into the rain in an instant. .


Rolling thunder shook, and Li Ming, who was driving the Gengyu Xuanguan Sword, galloped in the rain. Two steel needles and a spear moved out of thin air around him. All zombie lives different from normal zombies.


In the rain, as the long sword passed by, all the mutated zombies instantly turned into corpses and dissipated into the air.

The times are changing, and these zombies are all in a state of rigid mutation, they are completely fish and meat, and they have no power to resist under Li Ming's attack, as easy as mowing grass.

The speed of the Gengyu Xuan lightsaber was extremely terrifying, and Li Ming unknowingly turned around the range of each base while harvesting.

"Li Ming's speed is too terrifying."

Li Dingguo, who was searching for monsters to attack, only felt something rushing past with a whirring sound, and realized that it was Li Ming after the rush was over. Then he compared his flying sword, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

After thinking about it, Li Ming simply stopped going where he walked, and turned around to search other places.


The sky was shaking and the earth was shaking, all kinds of great changes, even Liu Minghui possessed extraordinary power, couldn't help but kick in his heart, but thinking about the various problems he was facing, he still gritted his teeth and continued to search in the rain.

After a while, he suddenly found surviving humans in a warehouse, and he hurried to the door to inquire about the situation and provide rescue.

Such a scene happened in various places in the southeast and northwest.

With the help of the strongest group of supernatural beings, especially the exploration of Li Ming, an invincible cruiser, the entire base circle formed by several bases has been searched like a blanket. It was searched by Li Ming, and all the survivors from all over the place were transferred out with the help of telekinetic power.

After all, although the world is changing greatly and extremely fast, there will be no people living in the newly emerging land. He only needs to explore and search in those original areas.



In the mountains and forests, birds and beasts roared from time to time, and these beings also felt intense panic and tension under the earth-shattering changes, but with the flash of strange fluctuations, these ordinary animals fell into a deep sleep.

There seems to be a special power guarding in the dark, so that the places where these animals live are not damaged in the slightest like human buildings.

And fell into a coma together, and all ordinary humans.


Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles, zombies scream, and with the silence of normal life in the world, in the blink of an eye, only these zombies are left continuously roaring.

It's just that with the progress of some kind of mutation, both ordinary zombies and mutated zombies seem to be fixed in place, making it difficult to move.

"This power is..."

On the dark sky, Li Ming, who patrolled the entire base circle, including the hundreds of miles outside the base circle, appeared in the sky above Hope Base City like a streamer.

He was about to land and sit down when he suddenly felt a strange wave coming. The next moment, all ordinary people under the perception of telekinetic power immediately fell into a deep sleep, and the supernatural beings were also drowsy.

At the same time, a rather strong force poured into his body, but the nature of this force surprised him.

"The power of the five elements."

Li Ming's eyebrows twitched, and he clearly felt the source of this power. It turned out to be the power of the five elements between heaven and earth surging.

He subconsciously looked around with his mind, but saw that the power that caused all sentient beings to sleep was all the power of the five elements.

And what is surprising is that this force of the five elements is completely different from the past, showing an extremely gentle trend, silently blending into the human body, increasing the body's physique.

The root cause of drowsiness is that the human body is being transformed and transformed by the power of the five elements!

"It's unbelievable, no, maybe the great change in the world is due to the substantial increase in the power of the five elements!"

Li Ming was amazed in his heart, and at the same time, he couldn't help but enter the state of being in harmony with the world, but the next moment he withdrew from that state with a face full of horror.


A thick and extraordinary force of the five elements suddenly descended on Li Ming with unimaginable pressure, making him instantly feel hot all over, and his body temperature was unimaginably high.

Its temperature is so high that it far surpasses the results of the feedback from entering the state of body fit for the first time!
"The power of the five elements surging in the five elements of heaven and earth is so terrifying."

Li Ming's face was like gold paper, thinking about the frightening tide of the five elements that flashed by just now, he felt lingering fear. He had entered the body of heaven and earth for so much time, but under this situation, he was forced to retreat in just an instant— —He didn't just withdraw voluntarily!
It's that the body can't bear so many terrifying powers of the five elements, reaching the limit, and withdrawing from that state by itself.

That feeling, like a mountain of gold piled up, is unimaginably precious, but also suffocating.

But the next moment, Li Ming didn't have time to think about it. Some of the subtle powers of the five elements integrated into his body were still unbearable for him, so he hurriedly used the kung fu to absorb and transform them, and excreted them by the way.


When Li Ming was cultivating, the soft and mellow power of the five elements seemed to be aware of the situation in Li Ming's body, and then in Li Ming's surprised mood, this power automatically absorbed some power from the heaven and the earth. It increased greatly, and then actively smelted the violent power of the five elements that invaded Li Ming's body.


A ball of blood mixed with the most terrifying power of the five elements spurted out of his mouth. Li Ming hurriedly took out the supernatural metal spear, the long vine with the seal pattern, and the garrison back to Yuanding, absorbing all the manifested power of the five elements.

Afterwards, regardless of checking the effect, he immediately began to run the exercises to continuously expel the remaining power in his body. He finally breathed a sigh of relief until the high temperature of his body dropped and his own state returned to normal.

Checking the body again, the evolution level of the physical body has increased to more than 90.00%, and the level of spiritual evolution has also reached 50.00%. The abilities of the five elements except the earth element have undergone a fourth transformation.

Even the recently re-evolved earth-moving ability has increased both in quantity and quality.

"There is such a chance."

Li Ming's eyes were shining brightly, and even an urge to continue to actively enter that state arose in his heart.

But the faint feeling in his body told him clearly that he had reached the limit and could not continue.

The body's feedback made Li Ming's expression change slightly, but then he thought about it and shook his head. It seems that one should not be greedy in everything, and it is a great fortune to have such an opportunity for nothing.

"This short period of time has passed, and the physical body has reached the level of the fifth re-evolution. Although there is still a slight difference, these gaps will inevitably be smoothed out in the future practice. The day of advancement is just around the corner. !"

Li Ming couldn't help feeling a surge of joy in his heart, especially the strength of the Five Elements, which was condensed and extraordinary in quality, and its total volume had also increased terrifyingly.

It can be said that his strength has soared this time, and he has already achieved extraordinary results, so he should be content!

"Before the end of the sky change, let's guard here first."

He raised his eyes and looked around. Everything outside the city was still growing rapidly. Li Ming knew that the earth was expanding rapidly due to the stimulation of the five elements. .

As he entered the practice, he immediately felt that the power of the five elements that he could absorb under ordinary practice had also greatly increased, and he couldn't help but feel excited in his heart to cultivate the power of the five elements with all his strength.

Refining and nourishing the five internal organs, increasing the abilities of the five elements, and making it clear.


In the rain, the weakest group of supernatural beings guarded in a relatively safe area, Liu Minghui and Lin Yu were in a slightly lower place, and Li Dingguo was near the seaside fortress that occupied the least time.

Li Ming sat in the center and sent Lei Ming to the northernmost point to check the surroundings. Li Ming then sent a telegram with his mind power, and the telegram signal with spiritual thoughts directly transmitted the information to the nearby supernatural beings after arriving at the destination.

All the supernatural beings who were still awake, including Li Dingguo, who was still in shock, also threw themselves into the practice in a hurry and surprise, and their strength rose rapidly.





The blood electricity shone, turning the pitch-black sky red.

In a deep, uninhabited valley, two black jade-like zombies looked thoughtfully at the great changes in the sky with agility in their eyes.

If Li Ming were here, he would definitely find a familiar figure a hundred meters away, the zombie monster who once hoped that the base would flee!
And here, there are countless monsters like giant monsters, all over the valley!

(End of this chapter)

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