Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 270: Smart Zombie!times the world

Chapter 270: Smart Zombie!a thousand times the world
"Ho ho..."

In the huge valley, all kinds of monsters with strange shapes and extraordinary momentum gathered together, and they were all shocking monsters outside.

The monsters that used to require a cluster of rockets to kill are just ordinary members here, and in the center of this valley, there are two special zombies with eyes shining with wisdom.

Looking around, there are all kinds of giant monsters in the valley, and zombies are still everywhere outside the valley, and the closer to the valley, the stronger the zombies are, even the most marginal positions are powerful existences among ordinary zombies.

But at this moment, these zombies are all sorted according to their strength, standing silently in front of the two special zombies, as if they were going to court.

"Ho ho..."

Under the change of sky, the two zombies in the center growled at each other, as if they were communicating with each other, and even wrote and drew on the ground astonishingly, with the act of writing.

The power of the strands and the five elements is very different. The deep and dark energy pours into the bodies of these zombies from between the sky and the earth. The violent power makes many zombies in the periphery react uncontrollably with energy.

Only the zombies in the valley remained motionless, and the two talking zombies even felt the energy at their fingertips.

It was not until a long time later that the deep valley suddenly expanded a thousand times, and the dark and gloomy sky between the sky and the earth suddenly dissipated.

In an instant, a round of red sun rose from the east, reached the sky, and sprinkled thousands of brilliance.


A howling sound came from outside the valley, and the two zombies in the center frowned, feeling an invisible sense of oppression under this big day.


Suddenly, a roar came from the mouths of the two zombies, and the group of zombies that had been howling just now immediately fell silent, followed by the two zombies walking out of the valley, one on the left and one on the right.

"Ho ho..."

The crowd of corpses inside and outside the valley was huge. Under the leadership of two special zombies, they were divided into left and right, and were led out of the valley in two directions.

During the process, this usually irritable monster was as obedient as a dog.

Finally, under the shining of the rising sun, the valley full of zombies became empty, and there were terrifying hordes of zombies gushing out from both sides of the east and west.




Above Hope Base City, Li Ming, who was sitting cross-legged, silently absorbed the power of the five elements of heaven and earth. His internal organs, muscles, muscles, abilities of the five elements, and even his own soul were gradually strengthened through continuous nourishment.

Practicing in this way, until a certain moment, Li Ming raised his eyebrows and opened his eyes.

"Has the soaring power of the Five Elements stabilized?"

Li Ming carefully sensed that the powerful five-element power that was active and greatly enhanced around him seemed to have exhausted his physical strength at this moment, and couldn't absorb it all at once.

At the same time, some of the power of the five elements disappeared into the sky and the earth so quickly that it was difficult to perceive it. Li Ming immediately understood that the feast of the five elements was coming to an end. Quartet.

"The land outside the base city... has expanded a thousand times."

Under Yujian, Li Ming's figure was extremely fast, coupled with the assistance of vertical and horizontal telekinetic detection, he figured out the huge environmental change brought about by this sky change in a short while.

He hovered over an original mountain range outside the base, looking at everything in the mountain with amazement in his eyes.

Hope that the mountains around the base city were originally low mountains, but now these low mountains have all turned into towering mountains, and the trees in them have also changed from ordinary trees to towering giant trees.

Even the lakes in the mountains have become extremely vast, and some birds and beasts in the forest have become extremely robust, with brightly colored feathers.

Although it is not as exaggerated as the area of ​​the world has expanded by a thousand times, it is still an incredible change.

You know, the diameter of the sun before the doomsday was only about 1000 times that of the earth, but the diameter of the earth now has expanded by more than [-] times, which is equal to... the size of ten suns!

"Could it be that starting now is the real beginning of the end of the world?"

After probing around until it was confirmed that the physique of ordinary people had grown correspondingly, Li Ming was relieved and at the same time couldn't help but feel a bit of doubt in his heart.

But immediately, he felt a little dignified.

"The power of the five elements has created the world and all living beings, but it must not be the power of the five elements that has skyrocketed with the power of the five elements. It is probably the dark energy of the world that has skyrocketed with the power of the five elements that transformed the zombies before."

"It's just... so much dark energy, why haven't we seen particularly powerful zombies?"

Li Ming had doubts in his heart. Ever since he dealt with the golden zombie and the magic infant zombie, he rarely encountered such monsters again, but not to mention that these monsters are not special compared to human beings with supernatural powers. powerful.

In terms of quantity alone, it is not quite right.

"Let's go and see what's going on elsewhere."

Walking around Hope Base City, Li Ming had a lot of thoughts in his heart. Where are the immortal cultivators who control the flying swords? Since there are immortal cultivators, will there still be magicians? Where are they?
What is the reason for this great change in the world, why did it change twice?
A lot of doubts were stuck in his heart, and he really couldn't answer them, so Li Ming had no choice but to suppress them for the time being, and after thinking about it for a while, he drove the flying sword away.


The flying sword pierced through the air, as fast as lightning, but the vast territory and changing terrain made it take Li Ming a lot of time to reach the seaside military fortress near the sea even though he was fast.

He was not in a hurry to enter the city right away, but Yujian once again inspected around the seaside military fortress, and found that here was the same as the inland area, with huge changes in the mountains, rivers, jungles and vegetation.

The sea, on the other hand, still looks so vast and boundless, and I can't feel any big changes in a short time.

"The black mist has all dissipated."

Li Ming looked around and found that there were only some waves ebbing and falling on the seashore, and there were some hazy mist, but nothing else. This proved that the black mist that had covered the entire sea area before had completely dissipated.

So... what about the monster?
Li Ming looked at the sea quietly, pondered for a moment, and turned back silently. After a while, Li Dingguo, who had also improved in strength, was brought to the seaside by Li Ming and asked him to watch him, and then Yujian flew into the sea.

After Li Ming left for 10 minutes, Li Dingguo followed the flying sword and entered the turbulent sea in front of him.

The two entered back and forth at a certain time interval. Even though there was a gap in time, Li Dingguo was weaker than Li Ming, but if there was any need, Li Dingguo might be of great help.

Whether it's a vast giant sword or a huge monster, Li Ming is not something that Li Ming can contend with now. Even if he is dead, he must be extremely cautious when going to investigate now.

It's a pity that Li Dingguo is the only one who can help Li Ming now, otherwise he would definitely be able to call as many as possible.

Although Li Ming has Gengyu Xuanguan Sword and Shufang Guiyuan Ding, two big treasures, but compared with these dead things, a living person can obviously deal with more and more complicated problems.

Therefore, it is necessary to bring people along.

"If I remember correctly, it should be here."

On the surface of the sea, Li Ming's figure shuttled over the surface of the sea like electricity, and his mind power kept exploring the entire sea surface and even the things in the sea with himself as the center.

His eyes searched around at the same time, and compared to the position before the environment changed, he constantly corrected the direction and flew forward quickly.

"Li Dingguo said that he had just practiced at a place [-] kilometers away from the sea, and he could see the monster very clearly in this direction. With his eyesight at the time, the distance was at most about two kilometers..."

Li Ming deduced the direction in his mind, and the Gengyuxuan light sword under his feet continued to explode at a faster speed, carrying him to fly rapidly on the sea surface, approaching the destination.

In this way, in the blink of an eye, an hour passed.

Li Ming's figure suddenly stopped in front of a piece of sea area, his eyes looked forward, his expression was a little more dignified.

"Is it polluted by the blood of that monster? It shouldn't affect me much."

Looking at the seawater that suddenly turned black in front of him and the faintly visible monster corpse far away, Li Ming twitched his eyebrows, mentally feeling the seawater full of strong corrosion over and over again.

In the end, after confirming that it really couldn't hurt him at all, Li Ming couldn't wait to fly the flying sword towards the mountain-like monster corpse in front of him.


The sword light galloped and approached the target in only 5 minutes. Li Ming also hurriedly stopped and looked forward. The corpse of the monster that was far away was now less than two meters away.

Invisibly, there seems to be a monstrous ominous power, and the unrivaled evil spirit pervades, making people's hairs stand on end...

But, in fact, nothing.

The corpse of the giant beast is like a mountain, a piece of rock, but it doesn't look like a huge monster. It has no threatening power at all, and it is completely the same as a dead thing.

The ferocity on his body has long been wiped out by the terrifying flying sword, and perhaps the power of heaven and earth is also wiped out at the same time...

Now, apart from the polluted seawater, all other traces of this monster have long since disappeared.

"Sure enough, he is completely dead."

Seeing this change with his own eyes, Li Ming couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, but his eyes immediately returned to sharpness, and he fiercely sacrificed the Gengyu Xuan lightsaber in his mind. A sword slashed at the monster's corpse.


The terrifying attack cut off a huge piece of flesh and blood from the monster's body in an instant, almost splitting it into two halves—the monster's body that was slain by the giant sword lost all the terrifying power it had when it was alive!
Seeing that it was okay to injure the monster like this under the urging of a sword, Li Ming couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, then his eyes sparkled, and he silently stepped forward to touch it.

[Detecting the magic source, purifying and absorbing can obtain a huge increase in magic resistance and continuous increase in magic resistance]

【Are you absorbed? 】

As expected, a message box popped up in front of Li Ming, and Li Ming's eyes lit up instantly.

"This monster is indeed similar to a mutant beast, not a zombie. When it is cut in half, there is no crystal nucleus or other things exposed. It is rewarding to touch it."

Li Ming was full of interest, especially when he saw the [Magic Resistance] displayed on the panel, his eyes lit up slightly.

Magic, what do you mean?
The power of this monster?
And this monster can control the power to absorb zombies, no, it should be called a demon corpse.

Could it be that it refers to the resistance to all the power of demon corpses?
While Li Ming was thinking about it, his eyes flickered and his spirits were bright. No matter what it was, such a powerful increase would definitely become a means for him in the future. Li Ming immediately chose to absorb it while thinking about it.


As if some deep-seated power had been aroused, the majestic and powerful power poured into Li Ming's body in an instant, making him suddenly feel a scorching heat around his body.

The introduction of power this time is not at all different from the previous ones, even though the giant snake's muscle evolution had never undergone such a drastic change last time, and with the influx of scorching air, Li Ming instantly felt the muscles all over his body The strength suddenly rose by a large knot.

In an instant, the fourth re-evolved physical body reached its peak.

next moment……


A sound like a tidal wave was rushing out of Li Ming's body, followed by the power of heaven and earth around him, and the power of the five elements poured in crazily, a reborn change spontaneously emerged from Li Ming's body!

"Evolve again for the fifth time!"

Li Ming exhaled turbid air, his eyes were full of light, and he felt that with the continuous influx of the power of the surrounding heaven and earth and the power of the five elements, the power in his body also rose crazily as if it were endless.

Along with it, there was also a concentration of mysteries. Under this mystery, Li Ming instantly felt transparent and clear about the change of physical supernatural power of 'shrinking'. He subconsciously fused this mystery with himself, and the next moment a new The ability to 'shrink' arises spontaneously in his heart.

But seeing Li Ming's heart move, his tall and high-spirited body disappeared in an instant, but there was a small figure only five centimeters high, as tall as a meatball, on the spot.

But the terrifying power contained in this figure distorted the void.

With his height in vertical and horizontal proportions, his facial features and limbs are all perfectly coordinated, he is completely a miniature version of Li Ming!
"The person has shrunk, but the power has not shrunk. On the contrary, it has been extremely compressed in this shrinking, which means that the power will become stronger!"

Li Ming looked at the suddenly huge world around him, and knew that it was because he became smaller. At the same time, he felt his incomparable strength and...super lightness and sensitivity, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

The first powerful ability of the evolution of the physical body was finally produced!
It's just that although this 'shrinking' power is used as usual, Li Ming still feels a sense of incompleteness when he is excited, as if this change is still not over.

"Since it can be shrunk, it bigger."

With a flick of his eyes, Li Ming's eyes turned back to normal size in an instant, feeling the huge growth of basic physical strength in his body, and his heart was full of joy.

The fifth re-evolution has finally opened the stage for the great transformation of the physical body!

(End of this chapter)

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