Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 271 Beautiful Rewards

Chapter 271 Beautiful Rewards
"Resistance to magic power, is this what you mean?"

Above the sea, Li Ming absorbed the treasures of the super monster. Li Ming stood quietly on the surface of the water. A spherical shield is formed.

Li Ming felt a deep-seated repulsive force possessed by this shield, and his eyes were strange.

How does this have a sense of sight of game equipment?

This shield is the manifestation of the energy he absorbed from the monster's body. At its root, there is a repelling force from the most basic force, which has a very strong repulsive force against the polluted seawater under Li Ming's feet.

The moment the shield appeared, there was no drop of sea water mixed with black magic power within ten meters of his body, but he had no reaction to other forces.

Li Ming even easily controlled a drop of water to fall freely from outside the shield into the shield.

"Magic resistance can only defend against magic power, and cannot defend against other things, which is reasonable."

Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, touched the shield, and his powerful and extraordinary body, and a look of satisfaction flashed across his expression.

This trip is just another evolution of the physical ability, which is enough to make him happy, not to mention the extra gain of this magic shield!

In a happy mood, Li Ming looked at the monster with calmer eyes.

"Meeting you really puts me in a good mood, since that's the case..."

Li Ming smiled easily, and immediately shook his long sword, swaying the sword light, turning the corpse of the monster into pieces, followed by the sword, the energy of the five elements in the body was dominated by the power of the earth element Instantly reversed and exploded, turning into a terrifying five-element god thunder.


With a burst of drinking in his mouth, the thick five-element divine thunder burst out instantly, turning the entire monster's body into powder in an instant, and with the help of the dissolving power of the five elements, it completely dissipated into the heaven and earth.

"Then I'll give you a setback."

Li Ming clapped his hands, quite satisfied in his heart, then looked down at the blackened river around and frowned, feeling a little unswerving in his heart.

They all said that they were going to be ashes, how could they still leave a little trace.

As soon as he said and done, Li Ming immediately used his telekinetic power and the power of the Five Elements Divine Thunder in his body to clean up the seawater soaked in magic power on a large scale.

He didn't stop until there was no black sea in the place he was looking at, waved his sleeves in satisfaction, and turned back with a joyful sword.


Yu Jian lightning flashed for ten miles, Li Ming looked back, but saw the sea waves swaying under the sun, but there was no trace of magic power, the corner of his mouth couldn't help smiling with satisfaction, Shi Shi ran away with the sword.

As the only monster he knows now that he can't fight against at all, the existence of this monster is constantly affecting Li Ming's life safety invisibly.

Seeing that it was completely removed at this moment, Li Ming felt an unknown joy in his heart, and for a moment he felt beautiful and happy looking at everything.


As the sword light flew away, a slow figure appeared in front of him, also walking with the sword. Li Ming saw a sword and bent it, and flew gently to a place parallel to the opponent.


Li Dingguo suddenly felt the howling wind, and the waves blowing backwards, followed by a familiar figure appeared in front of him, it was Li Ming.

"Come back so quickly..."

Li Dingguo helplessly stopped Feijian, who was slow compared to the other party, and the strong sonic boom sounded from his ears when he opened his mouth to speak. After the explosion, he raised his eyes to look at Li Ming.

"It was indeed a bit of an accident, but it was an unexpected benefit, and there was no danger."

Seeing Li Dingguo's helpless look, Li Ming rubbed his nose a little embarrassedly, knowing that the other party, like himself, was concerned about the life and death of this terrifying monster in the sea like a natural disaster.

Even if he is dead, he still wants to see the corpse. Besides, no one knows if such a terrifying monster will cause any trouble after its death.

Li Dingguo knew that Li Ming was going to investigate, and also knew that he knew the location, so he was already relieved to see him come back now, but now he heard what he said, and he was even happier.

"That's fine, that's fine."

The terrifying pressure brought by the monster was so strong that Li Dingguo couldn't help shouting twice, then he patted Li Ming's shoulder with emotion: "The world has changed a lot today, like you and I were born here. There are not many people in Fang Shijie who are willing to work hard, although this time the karma will not help much, but the worries in my heart are also inevitable..."

When you feel the way ahead is lost, the race is hopeless, and no one can help you, the horrible pressure is unimaginable for ordinary people.

Ordinary supernatural beings are strong enough for ordinary people, but at their level, they are too embarrassing to use.

Among all the known people, it seems that they are the only ones who are qualified to shoulder these heavy responsibilities and are willing to shoulder them, but many things are obviously impossible to do...

All kinds of thoughts flickered in his heart, but Li Dingguo's eyes became clear again before he finished speaking, and even became clearer.

"Now that the most worrying thing has come to an end, it's time to deal with the affairs of the base city."

Li Dingguo let out a breath, withdrew his palms and turned his head to look inland, with a solemn look in his eyes: "Although when the sky changed, I killed a lot of zombies who couldn't move during the mutation, but no one knows that the sky change is over now." Will there be any surprises?"

"We have to take advantage of the end of the sky change, and then go around the base city."

Only a stable environment can achieve better reproduction. Li Dingguo understands this truth, and likewise, Li Dingguo is not the only one who understands this truth.

"Your flying sword is too slow, just sit on mine."

Li Ming heard Li Dingguo's voice clearly just now. Compared with the other party, because he had an invincible self-confidence that "I have evolved four times" at the beginning, he was not under so much pressure.

It was only when the things here were revealed that I was a little shocked, so my emotional feelings were not so deep, but I was also very moved by Li Dingguo's thoughts.

It just so happened that he wanted to stabilize the situation again, Li Dingguo's words reached his heart, and the words fell, he immediately lifted Li Dingguo to his flying sword, grabbed his arm with one hand, and let him step on it with one foot. Jianshang put away his sword by the way.

Immediately after that, Gengyu Xuanguan sword was activated, and the sword turned into Liuguang and rushed to the base city by the sea. After arriving at the place, he put Li Dingguo down, and agreed with him to start a circle around the base city to investigate the situation.

Under such circumstances, even though Li Dingguo's speed is very slow, once he encounters any danger, he can help resist the crisis that is almost a disaster for ordinary people and ordinary people with supernatural powers before Li Ming explores some places.

Even if there is a greater danger, no matter how bad it is, it can delay the time, and when he comes back, it will always play a role.

After discussing with Li Dingguo, Li Ming immediately drove the flying sword and left from the left. Li Dingguo did not dare to neglect and left from the right immediately. During the process, Yintang flashed his glory, showing more powerful spiritual power, to detect possible dangerous situations in all directions .

After the great change in the world, even at Li Ming's current speed, it would take a lot of time to patrol the base circle, and Li Dingguo's speed was naturally even slower.

Fortunately, miraculously, there was no crisis along the way. It took ten days to go around all the places, and after confirming that there was no danger, Li Ming redeployed the seaside military fortress with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, all the mobilized supernatural beings were transferred back, and other supernatural beings were called to garrison the seaside military fortress, and he returned to Hope Base City with Li Dingguo shaking his sword.

However, what Li Ming didn't know was.

When he was busy returning after exploring the base city, someone outside took action with extreme nervousness at this moment.




In Bai Yu's retreat room, two golden lights suddenly appeared, full of a breathtaking and fierce aura.

After a while, the golden light subsided, only to realize that these were actually a pair of eyes.

"This Vientiane foundation-building method is indeed very mysterious. I have benefited a lot from just practicing for such a short time. Now my golden body is not only better in quality, but also has agility and agility. Rigidity and softness are combined, and the sumi is invisible."

Gu Zhuo stretched out his palm, rubbed his fingers lightly, and there were actually golden flowers shining.

"The power of the indestructible golden body can even separate from the body and manifest attacks, but there are many places in this method that are really hard to understand, and it is difficult to improve in a short period of time. Otherwise, if I complete my practice according to this method, my strength will at least increase. ten times."

Gu Zhuo's eyes are shining brightly, especially his supernatural ability, just practicing now, coupled with the inexplicable help from the time of the change of heaven, has unexpectedly reached a higher level by chance, reaching the level of four re-evolutions.

Dare to ask the world... besides those immortal cultivators, monsters, and visitors from other worlds, who else can be the enemy?

"Cultivator, monster..."

Gu Zhuo thought of the celestial sword that was born out of this world, and pressed against the monster on the bottom of the sea. He turned his palm, and took out a paper crane from the bulging yellow cloth bag that always looked ordinary. Looking at the gray light on it, he said He gritted his teeth.

"Since I met these immortal cultivators, this paper crane has always been full of spiritual light. Every time I take it out, it can float and dance in the void. The immortal master often attaches his spiritual thoughts to it, swimming around the world."

"But since the monster died, the paper crane has suddenly been defeated. I didn't even respond to my voluntary inquiries and harassment yesterday."

"Repeatedly, again and again, if there is no response to several inquiries, then it proves..."

Gu Zhuo's heart flickered, and then he narrowed his eyes involuntarily. A moment later, a golden light flashed from his eyes, and he stood up suddenly, and strode out of the secret room.

In the outside world, Gu Zhuo first mobilized the [Golden Seal] magic circle as usual to investigate the security situation of the Wushan base circle, and cleaned up some fish that slipped through the net, and then walked around the base circle Shi Shiran.

As the base city of the first arbiter, Wushan Base City is second to none in terms of size and prosperity. Many of them are scientists and scholars before the end of the world, and everyone has real materials.

Downward, the number of various technical personnel is also quite large, and the number of ordinary people has reached the level of more than 50.

Although the more than 50 yuan was finally obtained after searching an extremely vast land area, the height and height also contributed to the prosperity of this base circle.

The heaven and earth rewards brought by the time of the change of the sky made the people in the base circle become strong and strong men one after another, but the same ordinary supernatural beings are stronger, so the environment of the base is still stable.

During the time of his retreat, the order of the base had been maintained, but the increase in overall strength and resources made life in the entire base city much better.

Gu Zhuo wandered around the base life circle composed of several base cities with a smile on his face, until he climbed to the top of the mountain when he was in the former scenic spot, Guyi Mountain.


Maybe it was the catharsis after being too depressed, Guzhuo's figure was as fast as lightning, even though Guyi Mountain has become extremely tall after the sky change, it still climbed to the peak in just 3 minutes.

"My lord, it's urgent, urgent, the world has suddenly changed, and the area has expanded by a thousand times!"

When Gu Zhuo climbed to the top of the mountain, the flashing golden light on his body had quietly dissipated, leaving only the skin that was getting closer to yellow, which was the embodiment of his golden body that had been cultivated to the point of combining hardness and softness.

Gu Zhuo ran wildly while shouting, but what he saw when he climbed up made his heart almost jump out. When he saw it, the originally flat and narrow mountain peak became abnormally wide at some point, as if there was an extra place on the mountain. for the vast plains.

And on this plain...Suddenly there are layers upon layers of Qionglouyuyu, pavilions and pavilions.

These are the scenes in the small world of the original cultivator!
Gu Zhuo understood the reason instantly in his heart, his pupils shrank rapidly, and he couldn't help but trembled and wanted to kneel down, but the next moment, the empty scene inside Qionglou Yuyu made his figure firm.

"No, no one?"

Gu Zhuo opened his mouth tremblingly, and his breathing gradually became heavy.


"Huh, ah, take it easy..."

Meimei's breathing was heavy, her long black hair was scattered on the quilt, her upper body was lying tightly against the bed board, her legs were lifted up to her chest, and her legs were still lowered, her eyelids were trembling.

Under the sunlight, the pores on her body opened.

"Didn't you think about it before, why should you be lighter again?"

Li Ming raised his eyebrows with a smile, Meimei was so bullied that she couldn't speak, she just shook her head subconsciously, but when she felt empty, she frantically stopped her.

The younger sister Lili on the other side couldn't bear to look at this appearance. She covered her ears with a pillow and closed her eyes, so that she couldn't see or hear.

But the same heavy breath in her mouth proved that on this bed, such an approach is basically deceiving and stealing the bell, and it is useless.

Li Ming looked at Meimei's gluttonous appearance, and smiled straight at the corner of his mouth. He immediately lowered his head to feel the smell of a virgin carefully, and the joy in his heart became more and more satisfied.

This reward is given at the right time!
(End of this chapter)

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