Chapter 272 Corpse Tide

With the sound of the last few tastings, the room finally came to an end, and Lili finally had a chance to breathe.

It's a pity that after such a long time, even if she just listened to it, she was tired of listening, and she could only fall asleep silently if she could be relieved.

"Huh, it's a pity that there is only one left."

Li Ming, who had been on the bed for seven days, exhaled lightly, feeling that he had finally enjoyed himself, but looked at Meimei's drowsy appearance, and then at Lili, feeling a little regretful.

He really wanted to eat it all in one go, but considering that there was only one left, it was really not suitable to swallow it so quickly, so he forcibly endured this thought.

Good things, especially rare good things, have to find the right time, the right time, and enjoy them in the best way.

Only in this way can its maximum value be brought into play.


Exhaling in his mouth, Li Ming waved his hand to replace the air in the room and make it fresher. At the same time, the force swept across, turning all the garbage into dust and transferring it to the soil outside.

Shi Shiran walked out of the room, stretched his waist, and suddenly felt a sense of relief spontaneously.

Now the most powerful monsters are eliminated by the group of immortal cultivators, and among the other monsters, Li Ming doesn't think that the monsters born in this country will be stronger than him.

And if it was too outrageous, there would be a group of immortal cultivators to face it, so why should he worry?

"Now the physical body has been evolved five times, but it can be shrunk as desired. The mind power has been evolved four times and two enslaved rosary beads have been born. It is still useless. Among the five elements, there is also the earth element ability that has been evolved to a very deep level after four times. Others Several lines have also broken through four times and then evolved to consolidate the foundation."

Satisfied in his heart, Li Ming couldn't help thinking about his own practice. He now owns several base cities, and the area under his control could be called a country in ancient times.

The women under his command also have various styles, and the number is also large. It can be said that power, beauty, and strength have all reached the peak.

But he was soberly aware that all of this came in exchange for something——his strength.

Without strength, so-called power and beauty are nothing but vain.

And if you want to get strength, you have to rely on your own self-cultivation.

"Phew, all the basic strengths are steadily rising now. Next, we only need to step by step to raise the five-element supernatural power to the five-time re-evolution level, and then raise the mind power to the five-time re-evolution level. Just do it."

Li Ming was thinking in his heart that among the five elements, there is an earth element ability that has broken through to four times and evolved to an extremely deep level. It is not that the other four-phase abilities can be accelerated to four times and then evolved to a deep level through the mystery of the mutual generation of the five elements. What a problem.

In this way, with the support of these four abilities, it is not impossible for the soil to evolve after five times!

And the psychic ability itself has gone a long way in the four re-evolutions, breaking through to the fifth re-evolution requires only a lot of hard work.

Therefore, there is no difficulty in the next improvement of strength, as long as one needs to practice without arrogance or impetuosity, one will surely usher in another transformation.

Li Ming's attention began to shift to other places.

"It's just that compared to the basic strength, my martial arts are still lacking. If the mastery of martial arts is lacking, even if the basic strength is strong, there is no way to use it. Next, the focus will be shifted to the cultivation of martial arts."

Li Ming thought in his heart, now his martial arts have reached the pinnacle level, but... after all, there is no Dzogchen.

Only with more powerful martial arts can he fully display his fundamental strength, especially with the [General Outline of Martial Arts] in hand, and in the absence of various secret skills, as long as he practices diligently, one day he will be able to do whatever he wants. An attack action is an extremely mysterious martial arts method.

Only then will he be able to maximize his own strength and avoid facing a rollover scene in which he is obviously not stronger than himself but cannot beat him in battle.

While thinking in his heart, Li Ming's heart moved, and he suddenly entered the state of being in harmony with the world.

The aura on Li Ming who was standing in the courtyard of the villa suddenly disappeared, as if the whole person was transferred to another place in an instant, but no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't detect it.

This state lasted for a full hour before Li Ming retreated from the state of being in harmony with the world with a little paleness.

"Hiss, hoo~"

Inhale and exhale through the mouth, the power of the five elements circulates, the golden bell cover, the iron cloth shirt, the iron head skill, the iron arm skill, the iron head skill, the iron leg skill, the iron body skill, the iron crotch skill, the mixed element golden body, and the hard work in one breath ... Wait for the method of horizontal kung fu to work together.

In an instant, Li Ming's whole body was exposed to the quenching effect caused by the huge amount of pressure of the five elements, which was quickly digested, and the five internal organs, five qi, blood, bones, and muscle membranes all rose.

It wasn't until 3 minutes later that this increase slowly stopped, and the state returned to its peak. At the same time, the horizontal kung fu practice increased some skills, and some skills that had just started practicing increased even more.

"The power of the five elements between heaven and earth is ten thousand times thicker than before. Under such pressure, my body is overloaded when it enters the state of fit. How much can be increased with the great leap in strength, but horizontal kung fu is easier to improve."

Li Ming felt the state of his body and mental strength, and knew that he could not practice again in a short period of time. He shook his head slightly, and turned to another villa next door.

As he had more and more women, he could no longer fit in one villa, so Li Ming simply divided the villas according to the time spent with him.

Mei Meili came late and was in another villa, while Zhang Yuan and the others were in the original villa, and there was another one in the middle.

However, although they are separated, the three divided villas are not far from each other. They are three rebuilt and connected villas, and the yards are all interconnected.

After leaving Meimeili's villa, she returned to her original villa within a few steps. Zhang Yuan, Chen Li, Xu Xiu, and Xu Yunyun all lived here.

"Hey, my husband is back."

Li Ming's aura is as calm as an abyss now, and it is difficult for ordinary people to notice it, even if it is a person with supernatural powers, it is the same for people with extraordinary martial arts.

It wasn't until he got close to him that Xu Yunyun, who had just finished training and was sitting and recovering her strength, noticed it, and she quickly smiled in surprise.

"How's your practice these days, haven't you slacked off?"

Li Ming looked at the fair-skinned girl and asked with a smile, Xu Yunyun nodded immediately: "Of course, she just finished her training."

"Really, then I have to do a good, deep, check."

Li Ming raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth with a smile, Xu Yunyun smiled with a grin on the corner of her mouth, raised her white and tender chin, revealing her slender neck, after a while, her eyes trembled, and she hummed comfortably.

"My husband just came back, and he got entangled again."

Xu Xiu, who just came out of the bathroom, saw the scene of Xu Yunyun being hugged and fulfilled, and couldn't help laughing and teasing. Who knew that before she finished speaking, she would follow suit, and her whole body was manipulated.

After a while, Xu Xiu blushed and stroked her hair, feeling very ashamed.

Even though such a long time has passed, every time she is charged so boldly, the thoughts brought about by Xu Xiu's conservative life will make her feel shy and unbearable.

This is in broad daylight, in full view of everyone, and in such a spacious hall.

The most important thing is, with Xu Yunyun...


Li Ming's self-control is still very strong. He came out of Meimei Villa at one o'clock in the afternoon and had just had lunch. No matter how deep the communication was, it only ended at five o'clock in the afternoon.

However, the end of the in-depth emotional communication does not mean the matter is over. After the in-depth communication, Li Ming followed the principle of not wasting any time, and brought four women to the yard to practice martial arts together.

Practicing until evening, Dr. Liu Minying, who was busy outside, and Zhao Mei, who was in charge of some matters at the base, came back together. When they saw Li Ming coming home, they naturally greeted Li Ming with ease, and then they were brought together to join in the fiery practice. .




Even though the moon is shining brightly, the center of the equator line is still quite hot, but fortunately, it is considered cool for the creatures living here.

And under the light of the moon, the stronger human beings have been able to see things as clearly as they used to see during the day.

In the moonlight, a defensive wall stands quietly in the dilapidated city. Its architectural form is obviously a city wall rebuilt on the spot by relying on various high-rise buildings.

Under the originally quiet night, on the tall defensive wall, there were sudden exclamations, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps. A group of soldiers with various weapons stood on the defensive wall within a short while.

Accompanied by the chattering shouts, a burly man with a dignified expression suddenly appeared on the city wall, and the terrifying power driven by his muscles and bones was astonishing.

But when he looked at the continuous black line that appeared at the end of his line of sight, his pupils shrank sharply, and then he roared back in a hurry.

With a sound of orders, all the people on the defensive wall looked dignified, looking a little pale at the overwhelming tide of corpses in sight.

It wasn't until 3 minutes later that the outline of the zombies at the front of the corpse wave became somewhat clear to the naked eye, and the continuous shells suddenly fell from the back sky.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of intense cannon fire sounded instantly, accompanied by continuous explosions. Even though these cannons were relatively primitive and low-level types, they were still very powerful.

On top of that, it's cheap to make and the shells are cheap, so the scale is huge and the shells are huge.

The continuous group of corpses obviously exerted extremely strong pressure, prompting the base behind the defensive wall to continuously pour artillery fire.

The damage caused by these artillery fires also instantly exploded groups of corpses, and the zombies were blown away like rotten meat.

In this way, the bombardment covered by artillery fire lasted for three full hours.

Finally, sporadic zombies rushed through the area covered by artillery fire and appeared in front of the defensive wall. A tall and strong black man roared, and a group of equally tall and strong black men rushed up to fight the zombies with sharp knives in their hands, killing all the rushing people. The zombies passing through the area covered by artillery fire were killed with cold weapons.

After another hour, the artillery fire ceased, and the influx of zombies increased. These people retreated immediately, and there were continuous gunshots from the defensive wall, and fierce battles were fought together.

But in the middle of the battle, suddenly there were mutated zombies jumping out of the corpses, and rushed towards the city wall. The reaction among the black crowd was equally quick, and some supernatural beings appeared on the wall to fight each other.

But in the process, ordinary black people were inevitably affected and rioted.

In an instant, the attack of the corpse group increased. Seeing that it was in danger, many black people rolled their eyes and began to look around for the escape route. A powerful supernatural person suddenly appeared, bursting out with powerful flame power to kill all the mutant zombies that climbed up the defensive wall. Kill them, and then release a large wall of fire, severely injuring the difficult zombies in the corpse group, and giving the ordinary people inside more chances to kill.

For a moment, the black people who wanted to escape were boosted again and stepped up their counterattack.

Such attacks continued throughout the night.

On the second day, when the sky was fine, the zombies like the tide suddenly retreated in large areas, and the people on the city wall were relieved and began to clean up the battlefield.

However, the reason for the sudden emergence of this tide of corpses made people feel uneasy, so a flying black man and a black man who had escaped from the ground set off together, away from the defense base, and chased in the direction of the tide of corpses.

An hour later, the two black supernatural beings returned with pale faces.

At noon that day, all the blacks hurriedly boarded the vehicle, formed a convoy under the protection of Tan Ke, the vehicle-mounted artillery and the supernatural beings, and fled frantically towards the rear.

At night, the tide of corpses continued to pour in.

The continuous tide of corpses pushed to the city wall and entered the empty base city without hindrance, where a terrifying monster suddenly appeared.

When the zombies in the front walked to the other side of the base city, a mechanism was suddenly triggered, and the large-equivalent bomb buried in the city exploded instantly.


(End of this chapter)

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