Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 274 Grain Seed Dispersion Exploration

Chapter 274 Grain Seed Dispersion Exploration
Under the sunlight, Shui Shui's open neckline exposed a large area of ​​white.

The distance from the training ground to the villa is not too far, but when Shui Shui's feet finally touched the ground, she felt unsteady. The water stains all over the place were envious in their hearts, and at the same time they did not forget to respectfully watch Li Ming go back.

"Husband, now the autumn harvest has begun in various places, but the proportion of wheat that can be re-bred is not much. Do you want to keep all the wheat that can be self-recycled and used as seeds?"

Li Ming opened the door and entered the villa. Zhang Yuan happened to be sitting and talking with Chen Li. Hearing the movement, she turned her head and looked. Seeing that it was Li Ming, Zhang Yuan stood up and helped him get the slippers. At the same time, she couldn't help asking. .

Food is a very important strategic material at any time, because without food, people will have nothing to eat. This is the foundation of human survival, and anything related to food is important.

Time has changed, and the period of the first wave of wheat harvest has arrived. While harvesting grain in various places, many people will take the opportunity to report various problems they have discovered.

For example, the most critical grain issue.

Even if Zhang Yuan was a woman with Li Ming's marks all over her body, she didn't dare to make her own claims, but asked Li Ming for his opinion.

"What's the point of asking, of course they all stay..."

Li Ming frowned, and he realized right after he finished speaking that these people who reported the problem asked not whether to keep or not, but what to do if there is not enough food.

He has supernatural powers and martial arts practiced to the pinnacle of the current world. To ordinary people, he is a god-like existence. Those ordinary survivors who are responsible for farming at the bottom do not dare to ask him questions even if they encounter serious problems in food.

He didn't even dare to ask him in a tone that made people think it might be a question.

And he is like this, so is Zhang Yuan. As a well-known "Madame", Zhang Yuan's status is very important in many people's hearts. Many things are kept taboo by Li Ming, and the same is true for her.

And Li Ming just thought about it casually, and he thought that even if it was an ordinary supernatural being who managed food, those ordinary people would not dare to ask questions directly.

There must be not enough grains that can be recycled, otherwise we would not have emphasized this matter when we asked politely. The preservation of grains must be preserved, but how to solve the problem of insufficient grains is the difficulty.

"Don't dare to say it clearly, it's really embarrassing for them to come up with such a roundabout word and pass it on to me."

Li Ming shook his head, he didn't rush to answer this question immediately, but put his hand on Zhang Yuan's lap, squinting his eyes and playing with the well-behaved Zhang Yuan.

"Is there any result in the research room of our base?"

Li Ming's muttering voice came from between ears and temples. Maybe it was because there was too much soft meat stuffed in his mouth, which affected his speech, so it seemed a little vague.

"There are only five people in the scientific research room, and none of them are related to food, so we can't study food."

Zhang Yuan's voice was also very vague, muttering as if it had been squeezed out of her throat.

"What about the other bases?"

Li Ming frowned, and his tone was a little dissatisfied. Food is such an important matter, such a big problem, and he didn't find out until now, which made him feel a little unhappy.

But after thinking about it, this matter has indeed been neglected by him all the time. He has been working on improving his military strength, and this kind of soft power has been ignored.

"There are none in the entire base circle, only college students with relevant majors, but...all of them are ignorant."

Zhang Yuan really had difficulty speaking. Chen Li on the side took the initiative to take over the conversation, and then saw Li Ming frowning, and couldn't help but say: "However, we have rescued a lot of granaries, and the stored grain will be gone for at least three or two years." question."

"The grain in the granary is dead, and the grain in the field is alive. You can't rely on the granary. This matter must be taken seriously."

With the development of supernatural powers, Zhang Yuan's skin became more and more delicate and soft. Li Ming couldn't bear to let go of his mouth, and answered vaguely. Collect as much grain as possible, especially grain seeds, and store them."

"At the same time, let people start to sort out, save all food-related information and materials, integrate them, and send more people."

"Let the localities send more people to ensure the smooth harvest of the grain. No mistakes can be made at this critical point. Everyone is busy."

"Material supplies must also be sufficient."

While thinking about it, Li Ming ordered all the points that came to mind one by one. Li Ming thought for a while, then hesitated to say: "As for the researchers, wait two more days, maybe there will be a different result."

Since the apocalypse, the human survival rate is very low. It is normal to hope that there are no corresponding researchers in the base city and the surrounding circles, but Li Ming does not believe that all the base cities do not have corresponding personnel.

For example - the League of Judges.

"Wait another two days?"

Chen Li asked back in doubt, but then thought of the Judgment Alliance, a smile flashed on the corner of her mouth, and she nodded accordingly, and then returned to the kitchen to let her mother start preparing lunch.

After finishing speaking, she saw that Zhang Yuan was trembling from being bumped and had no time at all, so she took the initiative to go to a side corridor and found Peng Zhi standing there.

"My husband said, in the future..."

Chen Li explained what Li Ming said one by one, Peng Zhi smiled and nodded, listening to every sentence with extreme concentration, and at the same time quickly recorded it on paper with a pen.

It wasn't until Chen Li finished speaking that he stopped writing, closed the notebook, and bowed to Chen Li with a smile on his face: "Thank you for conveying, with Master Li Ming's order, the people below will have a direction. What should I do?"

"Well, it's not easy for you to be able to mix in the base to the present level, but many people know about the things you and my husband are familiar with. I know you didn't do it on purpose, but you should restrain yourself. My husband's relationship is like a fake tiger."

Chen Li looked at this former neighbor with a smile on her face, and after Peng Zhi nodded with a smile for a long time, she suddenly spoke slowly, instantly making him stiff all over.

"Otherwise, this right is easy to get and easy to lose."


Peng Zhi's knees softened, and he knelt directly on the floor: "I know, I know, I swear, I really didn't do anything with this identity on purpose!"

"Of course I know this. I just remind you that it is best not to use it in the future. When you should be low-key, don't be so active. If you are active, you will naturally get help from this relationship. The more you get, the more you use it." The more people there are, the more things they can’t do, the more they can’t step down.”

Chen Li looked at Peng Zhi who was kneeling indifferently, and said in a light voice, the meaning in the words was self-evident.

Food-related matters are so big, they were conveyed step by step from the bottom, and it was Peng Zhi who finally came here to report. As long as you think about the relationship a little, you can understand why.

Fortunately, Peng Zhi did not take the initiative to take advantage of this relationship, otherwise it would not be something for him to talk about here.

As Li Ming's woman, Chen Li naturally wanted to remind her.

Hearing Chen Li's words, Peng Zhi was in a cold sweat, and hurriedly responded: "Don't worry, I'm going back this time, and I'll quit these things right away."

"What can be done well and what can't be done well, you can decide for yourself, I won't say more, go back by yourself."

Chen Li glanced at Peng Zhi, her mouth was light, but there was a strange emotion in her heart, but she naturally couldn't express this emotion at this time, she just maintained her superficial calm and watched Peng Zhi walk out of the side corridor.

Afterwards, he passed the place where Li Ming gnawed Zhang Yuan, and left the villa.

"The fact that my husband likes my husband's wife... has spread more and more widely."

Looking at Peng Zhi who left, Chen Li muttered in her heart, thinking that when Li Ming met Zhu Yunxing before, when Li Ming didn't say anything on the surface, but secretly became more excited, her face turned a little red.

"Fortunately, Zhang Yuan and I have many places that our ex-husband has never encountered, and now they are all taken by my husband, otherwise we will be a little jealous."

Chen Li knew how domineering her husband was. No other man could touch any woman he had ever touched. If Li Ming hadn't been the first to touch her, she would definitely not be as favored as she is now.

Just like Adjutant Song, who is so beautiful and has such a perfect body, but it is just a frame.

They didn't even let her in.

"Fortunately, there is a supernatural ability, and the recovery is fast, otherwise there will definitely be problems."

Chen Li was happy thinking about this, but couldn't help touching her butt, muttering, and then returned to the front with a smile, and she saw that Zhang Yuan was hit harder.




The food issue quickly became the hottest topic. Following Li Ming's words, the entire base circle was in full swing because of the food issue.

The iron army selected elite soldiers to lead the team and set off in person, collecting what they needed from the surrounding cities. In this regard, since the zombies had not actively destroyed it, it was quite effective.

And the matter of the grain seed researcher has also entered the process.

On the day Li Ming issued the order, Lei Ming communicated with the Judgment Brand and sent an inquiry to the [Judger Alliance] center.

And the reply over there was also very fast, but the content was a bit strange.

"The grain seeds have already produced fruit, so don't worry too much, the Guzhuo leader will come to your land in person soon?"

In the room, Li Ming looked at the information paper in his hand, frowned, then straightened his waist, motioning to Adjutant Song, who was dripping with sweat, to answer the question: "Why is Gu Zhuo here in person for such a trivial matter?"

"I don't know, but the content of the reply letter should be true."

Song Xiu felt like she was about to fall apart from the too many shots the gun mount had endured. Li Ming made a slight movement and she felt great, so she responded hastily.

"It's hard for you, so, since he wants to come, just wait for him to come."

Li Ming rubbed the paper into fly ash, snapped his fingers again to restore it to a new paper appearance, and put it on the table with a smile.

"Clap clap."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work today. By the way, I heard that your invisibility ability has reached the level of re-evolution?"

Li Ming patted his big butt, got up with a smile, and then asked again.

"Well, the evolution has just been completed, and now people's stealth ability is better."

Song Xiu nodded hastily. Even if such a powerful and fascinated person like Li Ming opened his mouth to care about her strength, it made her happy like a flower blooming in her heart, and even her spirit was shaken.

"Oh, let's see how it works."

Li Ming raised his eyebrows and said with interest.

Song Xiu nodded immediately, and while speaking, her body suddenly disappeared from her eyes.

Li Mingrao looked up and down the invisible Song Xiu with interest, observed carefully, and nodded with satisfaction: "The stealth ability has indeed been strengthened a lot, and it is estimated that even if you have made achievements in spiritual exploration, it will be difficult to find it. You, unless there is a strong spiritual force."

"Is there anyone else who can find out besides you?"

Song Xiu clearly felt that Li Ming's eyes must be on her, and it seemed that there was no difference between her being invisible and not being invisible in front of Li Ming. Can't stop talking.

"Li Dingguo can tell that if someone like Gu Zhuo has made achievements in the spiritual aspect, it shouldn't be difficult."

Li Ming smiled, but then again, how many people like this are there?
"They, no wonder..."

When Song Xiu heard that it was these people, she knew it in her heart, then moved her ears, and looked at Li Ming with her mouth pursed.

"Otherwise, you can do something after a while."

Li Ming looked at Song Xiu who was listening attentively, and said casually, "Help me see, listen, check the situation outside the base?"

Song Xiu's eyes lit up, and she nodded excitedly.

"Okay, remember, when you are investigating the situation outside in the future, anyone who has a portrait of the Chinese zodiac, or a sculpture, etc., who only needs to appear as the Chinese zodiac, will contact you, or if you see it, you must do your best. to provide assistance.”

Seeing that she was happy, Li Ming smiled and left from here, walked outside the door, let Lei Ming who had been standing guard at the door continue to go back to practice hard, and stabilized the thunder and lightning ability that he had evolved three times. In an unknown underground base.

In the empty underground base, 24 heavily armed teenagers lined up and stood together with serious expressions. When they saw Li Ming coming in, they tightened their back muscles even more.

"This time the world has changed drastically, coupled with the resources that have been reserved for you all the time. After the transformation, your strength has now caught up with normal supernatural beings. Every zodiac has a person who has skillfully used the ability of mental detection. I can also use it freely, and I have a little bit of confidence in my heart."

Li Ming looked at the group of teenagers, and patted the shoulders of his parents who were showing signs of reluctance: "The farming is busy right now, and it is time to collect grain, and the scope is not very large, and they are all within the scope of our base circle. The practice homework, all scattered out to do their best to check the situation, and then summarize and report the problems found one by one, and wait until the busy farming is over, and then go outside the base to monitor the world."

"How about it, can it be done?"

Li Ming smiled. People with supernatural powers and mastering martial arts will benefit more when the world changes drastically. the biggest reason for the

Now, it's time to let it out.

(End of this chapter)

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