Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 275 Heaven and Earth Love National Art?

Chapter 275 Heaven and Earth Love National Art?

After ordinary people awaken their powers and evolve their powers for the first time, there is a stagnation period in which their strength can no longer be stored. After passing this stagnation period, they can directly get another evolutionary transformation. at the current stage.

This stage is the level reached by most supernatural beings.

Under the great changes in the world, almost everyone's abilities have been greatly increased, and even the weakest ability users have reached the level of re-evolution.

Special abilities like Song Xiu who don't practice much and don't fight have been evolved.

24 Before the great change of the world, the youth group of supernatural beings studied hard every day, coupled with abundant energy supply, rigorous training, work and rest, and practiced profound martial arts skills one after another. Get more in the process.

Under the great changes, the ability itself has barely broken through to the level of re-evolution, and the martial arts cultivation base has been greatly improved under the great changes in the world, and it has fed back the ability, driving the ability to fully grow in the re-evolution , is already not weaker than the first batch of awakened abilities.

The ability is not weak at all, with a strong martial arts cultivation base, rigorous training and improvement of will, plus a body of magical equipment, these people can be regarded as small masters even among the first awakened ability users.

Not to mention the years of training with each other, the research of various formations and the various secret skills they have learned in cooperation with each other, the strength they can display with each other is even greater.

Such strength is already worthy of use, and there is no need to wait any longer.

And this is obviously also the thinking of the 24 teenagers themselves, so after listening to Li Ming's words, all the 24 teenagers should be full of energy.

"Harvesting wheat is not just harvesting wheat. This is an opportunity for forces to show their dominance and whether there is order under the rule. I have shown you the relevant guidelines and requirements in advance. There is nothing to say. After the repair is completed, we will all set off Bar."

Li Ming looked at the corners of these 24 people with a smile and said, his expression returned to seriousness after he finished speaking: "It's not like being in the training base outside, everything can happen, the most important thing you have to do is to protect yourself and pass on any information safely." Change information."

"In addition to this, we must also maintain the most important order of the base to demonstrate the stability and dominance under our rule, understand?"

Li Ming's gaze was very serious, and all the 24-year-olds regarded his orders as the laws of heaven, and they all listened carefully, carefully, and nodded solemnly.

"Well, let's get started."

Seeing this, Li Ming nodded in satisfaction, then waved his hands and did not leave. He sat in front and watched the group of youngsters flexibly check himself.

Each zodiac sign has two members as a team. After the members of the team sorted out, they greeted Li Ming's parents and Li Ming one after another, and then passed through various passages inconsistently and left the underground base.

However, although the time of departure was inconsistent, looking at the overall situation, it was found that the direction of the two people in each team was very purposeful, and in fact they were all like this.

Exploration, not random investigation, after they finally reach their destination, twelve teams will be evenly distributed throughout the base circle, in order to obtain information from various places to the greatest extent.

"Hey, these little brats are chattering and chattering every day, and it's so lively. It's a bit reluctant to leave suddenly."

After the 24 Youth League left, Li Ming's mother looked at the empty underground base, and suddenly became a little sad, and couldn't help but speak.

"Isn't that what Li Ming trained them for? We have been training here for a long time and we have some feelings, but we can't put the cart before the horse."

Li Chengshu looked very openly, and when he heard his wife's words, he smiled and patted her on the shoulder, expressing his comfort.

"Mom, if you feel lonely, go back and accompany your cousin and sister-in-law. There are so many daughters-in-law waiting for you to accompany you. Why are you alone?"

Li Ming also smiled teasingly. Luckily, Liu Jianyun is also sensible. Now it's just the sadness of parting with her for a long time, so she is not angry. She gave Li Ming a reproachful look, and then paused: " It’s true that I haven’t been with them for a long time.”

"That's right, let's go back and live a good life at home."

Li Chengshu smiled at the corner of his mouth, and stood upright while speaking, his expression was full of smiles.

Under the great changes in the world, the members of the 24 Youth League have all broken through to the level of re-evolution once, and he and Liu Jianyun are even able to break through to the second re-evolution.

For one thing, since Li Ming gave them supernatural powers, they have been practicing diligently, and they have been advancing both supernatural powers and martial arts.

Especially when practicing martial arts, I often fly in the air to practice, so that while using supernatural powers, I am still improving martial arts, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Secondly, what they possess is a special flying ability, which is only three special existences among all known people with abilities.

In fact, if it weren't for Li Ming's cheating, there would be only one Zhao Sunwu who was born with flying abilities.

Li Chengshu had noticed a long time ago that the ability to fly was not simple - there were extremely rich origins that emerged continuously in the practice of martial arts.

This resulted in the rapid improvement of his own strength, not only the ability to fly faster and higher, but also the strength of martial arts and physical body has reached a level far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Before the heaven and earth changed, they had caught up with ordinary supernatural beings, and it was still the kind of comprehensive catch-up.

Its power is only a little less than [-]% of those with power-type abilities, and its speed, endurance, recovery speed, explosive power, and even vision, hearing, perception, and all aspects related to the body can catch up with ordinary unilateral abilities.

Although it is slightly inferior, when these forces come together, it is terrifying.

Coupled with the profound martial arts skills of Li Chengshu and Liu Jianyun, everyone in the entire base can touch Li Ming, Li Dingguo, and Lei Ming.

And at the time of great changes in the world, the two felt that powerful power was actively absorbed by their bodies from the space between the heavens and the earth. degree of evolution.

And this kind of strength is enough to rank among the top ten in the base circle.

Counting it down, Li Dingguo's strength has directly reached the peak level of three re-evolutions under the great changes in the world, and there is a possibility of breaking into four re-evolutions at any time.

Lei Ming even reached the level of breaking through four times before evolving, and his lightning ability was even more terrifying, which greatly increased Li Ming's strength.

Chen Jun, the water system evolutionist who used to be in power in the sacred base city, relied on his own ability to reach the level of one re-evolution long before the great change of the world.

It's a pity that he is still a younger brother in front of Li Ming, and his spirit is always under control.

In addition, Liu Minghui and Lin Yu from Guxi Base City both broke through to the pinnacle of the second re-evolution, and due to their success in martial arts and spiritual transformation, their strength is also at the peak of the second re-evolution.

Except for these people, most of the rest are still at the level of one re-evolution, and the highest ones, such as those in power in the other base cities, are at the highest level of breaking into the second re-evolution.

Except for these people, plus Zhao Sunwu, who first awakened the flying ability, only these people may surpass Li Ming's parents in strength. There is no way to compare.

The higher the potential, the richer the income.

Of course, these supernatural beings are all at a relatively low-level stage, which is why they have undergone such a big transformation.

Li Ming didn't seem to get as much as they did, but that was because the power level of the four re-evolutions was too high and too deep, and even a little bit of improvement was more difficult than the first or even one re-evolution.

Not to mention the most critical hurdle that the physical body has crossed directly from the fourth re-evolution to the fifth re-evolution, the power obtained by the five elements and the spiritual powers alone far exceeds other people.

In this great change in the world, it can be said that the strong will become stronger!
"The martial arts of the main body seem to be very ordinary. There are innate martial arts, immortals, and magicians on it, but after this great change in the world, there is such a unique treatment. Could it be that it is loved by the world?"

Li Ming recalled all kinds of wonderful changes brought about by this great change of heaven and earth, so he had to pay attention to the improvement of martial arts, and some inexplicable thoughts in his heart.

He had to think this way, because the feedback from the world brought by those with martial arts cultivation was too rich, even surpassing the feedback from the ability itself.

The only thing that is uncertain is what will happen to those who have practiced the Immortal Technique and the Magician's Art.

As for the Innate Martial Arts... Li Ming and Li Dingguo have not improved the secret skill of [Fitness with Heaven and Earth], and they don't know why...

"Under the great changes in the world, Zhao Sunwu's strength has deteriorated to an unknown extent. I don't know if this kid has practiced martial arts."

When he was thinking about it, Li Ming couldn't help looking at Zhao Sunwu again. After thinking about it in his heart, he was a little contemplative, and decided to take Zhou Qian to have a look tomorrow.

Its strength has improved, but it has not been revealed. Is it because it has no chance to reveal it, or does it have some other thoughts?
Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

While the thoughts were turning in his mind, Li Ming saw his parents chatting and laughing as they left the underground base. He cleaned up the underground space himself, then closed the entrance and strode out.

Since the local martial arts are inexplicably effective, he should practice first, and now he also needs a breakthrough in martial arts to drive his own abilities to evolve again.

"These martial arts skills can drive my abilities to the level of five re-evolutions and are still useful. This in itself is quite incredible."

When Li Ming came to the villa compound, he began to practice horizontal kung fu all over his body with a thought. A shield of golden light visible to the naked eye rose from his body like a golden bell. .

With the continuous use of the special skill [Shen He Tian Di] to improve his horizontal kung fu, his level of horizontal kung fu has improved rapidly, and gradually there is a tendency to merge into one.

The most obvious change in this trend is that kungfu is more and more closely related to each other when practicing, and often practicing one kung fu will instantly drive other kung fu, so gradually it will let him practice it. The resulting golden body!

Moreover, its defensive power is also extremely strong, and the most important thing is that behind this golden bell are all the horizontal exercises working together.

"Perhaps, this golden bell is really a sign that the combination of horizontal kung fu and kung fu has reached great success."

A look of anticipation flashed in Li Ming's eyes, and he just maintained the golden bell, and entered the state of "fitting the world" again.

With the concealment of the body's breath, the strong power of the five elements in his body is also operating spontaneously, becoming more and more surging and turbulent, resisting the pressure from the five elements of heaven and earth, and trying his best to absorb the power.

Even the telekinetic ability is slowly growing in this state, faintly peeking at the threshold of the fifth re-evolution.

It's a pity that this state only lasted for more than an hour and then had to stop. Li Ming's complexion was pale, and his body was injured again, but the powerful repairing power brought by horizontal kung fu made these injuries quickly recovery.

At the same time, in the process, the skill of horizontal kung fu practice has become deeper unconsciously!
Li Ming was satisfied in his heart, but he didn't stop his hands. Instead, he moved his body and began to practice the upgraded version of the three fundamental internal kung fu of [Five Spirits Skills], [Washing Marrow Sutra] and [Yi Jin Jing].

And during this process, the three internal Kung Fu of the popular version, the [Five Viscera Method], [Marrow Cleansing Method] and [Tendon-Yitting Method], which he practiced before, are also working together.

Yes, with the improvement of his skills, Li Ming suddenly discovered that the Dao is one, and all the kung fu of the same kind are all related to each other later on. Li Ming's skills in practicing one other kung fu will also increase accordingly, and there is a connection between them. the trend of!

Even in the process of cultivation, the power of the five elements is also increasing accordingly.

"No matter what kind of kung fu, it is nothing more than the use of the physical body. Maybe in the end it will really be condensed and unified, and all kung fu will be integrated into one."

Li Ming's eyes were piercing, and he had a hunch that with the improvement of his skills, this day would not be far away!

Thinking in his heart, Li Ming became more and more calm, constantly comprehending the mystery of the compatibility and connection of his kung fu, and practiced in the courtyard until dark.

That night, I had a meal with my parents, Zhang Yuan, cousin, and sister-in-law, and slept soundly.

The next day, Li Ming specially called Zhou Qian, and took her to Zhao Sunwu's villa in Shuishui's car.

Being taken out by Li Ming, Zhou Qian specially dressed up. She was originally an urban fashion beauty, and this deliberate dress made her look even more beautiful.

Even in the tea room of Zhao Sunwu's villa, with half-undressed tops, there is still an elegant and fashionable taste in it.

"Brother Li, you like her so much, I knew I would have given her to you when I didn't come to the base."

On the opposite side of the tea table, Zhao Sunwu looked at Li Ming, who was sitting comfortably on his back, with burning eyes.

Li Ming is really a good wife!
(End of this chapter)

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