Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 276 I Can't Enjoy It After Working Hard To Become Stronger?

Chapter 276 I Can't Enjoy It After Working Hard To Become Stronger?

"Everything in life is a matter of fate. How could so many people know it early, and if they can get in touch with each other later, it is already a good result."

Li Ming looked at the corner of Zhao Sunwu's mouth in front of him and smiled, then reached out and patted Zhou Qian's skin, and looked at Zhao Sunwu: "She can do whatever she wants, but you, why haven't you heard anything lately?"

"For such a big change in the world, everyone's strength has been improved so much, why don't you do something about it?"

"At home every day, beautiful wife and beautiful concubine, live a leisurely life."

Li Ming looked at Yingying Yanyan in Zhao Sunwu's villa through the open door of the tea room, and then looked at the naked beauties surrounding Zhao Sunwu in front of him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and closed the tea room door with a smile .

With the improvement of his martial arts practice and the continuous transformation of his physical abilities, Li Ming's true energy has already been transformed as if he had been tempered for thousands of years.

Now it is not only of surprisingly high quality, but it also seems to be the reason why it has been in contact with the five elements of heaven, earth, and five elements. It has a certain spirituality, and its power and magical effect have increased by an unknown number of times.

All kinds of strength in martial arts can be strengthened through the use of true energy. This means of closing the door of the tea room silently and at a distance of three meters is very good for his true energy. Said very commonplace.

But for ordinary people, this move is not so simple.

Li Ming looked at Zhao Sunwu's expression while speaking, and seeing that there was no surprise in his expression, he knew that the other party did not pay much attention to this matter.

Instead, after hearing what he said, a look of astonishment flashed across his face.

"Uh, Brother Li Ming, what do you want me to do?"

Zhao Sunwu looked at Li Ming with a cautious expression: "Let's talk about it first, man, my biggest dream after I have supernatural powers is to live comfortably and freely, and I don't like to fight..."

"As long as you don't arrange any dangerous work for me, you can open your mouth for anything else."

As he said that, Zhao Sunwu scratched his head: "I have evolved my powers three times now, and my martial arts cultivation is also progressing well. Many things can still be done, but can I enjoy it after I finish it?"

Before entering the Hope Base City, when the Hope Base City strangled the mutant beasts, he worked so hard for so long, can't he enjoy it?
Could Brother Li Ming come to blame me for only caring for pleasure and not doing business?
But I have such a strong ability, what's wrong with just wanting to enjoy it?

I work hard, and that's the purpose!

What's wrong with enjoying?
When Zhao Sunwu asked the question, his expression moved slightly and thoughts flashed in his heart. He always felt that he was dissatisfied with his constant enjoyment after he became the master of the house?

Should he also actively participate in the establishment of the base, like the Iron Army, and work for the development of the base?
But I just want to enjoy it.

Zhao Sunwu's expression was slightly bitter, and he felt that Li Ming specially brought Zhou Qian, an 'acquaintance', to warn him this time, not to let him live too extravagantly, just like those elders in the family before the end of the world.

'Oh, why can't people really enjoy it? '

Zhao Sunwu sighed again and again, sitting opposite, Li Ming, who was constantly bringing the other party's thoughts under the perception of telekinetic power, looked a little strange.

The fluctuation of this idea is too obvious. Why didn't I realize that this guy not only has no ambitions, but is also so afraid of being controlled?
Words can deceive people, but spiritual thoughts cannot deceive people.

With such high strength, I don't want to show off in this doomsday, I just want to enjoy myself comfortably.

This one is also a real person.

"That's not true. The main purpose of coming here today is to play with you."

There is no reason not to be dissatisfied with such a simple request. Li Ming pushed Zhou Qian up, making her eyes open, and then said with a smile: "You have so many beauties in your family, it seems that you are very good at playing."

"Um, sexual partners who become supernatural beings don't have to work, they can also bring their families to receive living supplies, and they can also practice kung fu. These women are all voluntary."

Zhao Sunwu was stunned for a moment, couldn't help laughing, and then thought that this might be a matter of checking whether he violated laws and disciplines, so he promised: "If you don't believe me, go outside and see how many women line up outside the area of ​​supernatural beings." Waiting in line to come in."

"That's right. Now, no one engages in perverted things. They can live a better life. How many people wish for contact with the extraordinary world?"

Li Ming agrees with this point, but as for whether the extent of it is abnormal or not, others have the final say, only he has the final say.

In short, under the command of the righteous Lord Li Ming, you can't do things that make him uncomfortable.

Otherwise make him uncomfortable, he will make you more uncomfortable.

"You have such great strength, it would be a waste if you don't do something. Tie Jun is collecting information everywhere. It's good to run with him to see the scenery."

Li Ming shook his gun, and couldn't help but suggested to Zhao Sunwu: "As for playing, you have flying abilities, so what are you afraid of playing, you can play in the sky."

"In the past, there was nothing you were afraid of danger, but now there are flying swords and magic weapon armor, what danger are you worried about?"

Zhao Sunwu is the only one known to be the first batch of supernatural beings who naturally evolved to obtain the ability of flying. In addition, he also practiced martial arts quite early, and his strength quietly broke through to the level of three re-evolutions in one fell swoop, which is a bit surprising.

But it is also within the acceptable range.

After all, his father and mother have re-evolved for the second time, and it is reasonable for him, a real flying supernatural being who has been exposed to martial arts earlier, to re-evolve three times.

In this way, such a guy with very strong mobility and high combat effectiveness, who can be called the backbone, must be of great value.

So Li Ming couldn't help but persuade him.

"This... Now that Brother Li has spoken, I'll go."

Zhao Sunwu touched the woman beside him, sighed secretly in his heart, and began to roll his eyes and think wildly after the words fell.

Is it because he didn't give Li Ming a wife he was satisfied with, so he came here to find something for him?
Do you want to give him some points...

"Ahem, since you want to go, wait for Tie Jun to come back next time, finish repairs and set off."

Li Ming coughed twice, pulling back Zhao Sunwu's increasingly outrageous thoughts, and then, in order to prevent him from continuing to delve deeper into this topic, he directly confronted Zhou Qian and started chatting about other things.

Eating, drinking, and having fun, there are many topics at once, but Zhou Qian is crying, and there is not even a substitute, and it is hard to be pushed.

Li Ming didn't go out until he was having fun, and took Zhou Qian who had worked so hard to go home.

"The base city has one more combat power to re-evolve the ability user three times, and it is also one more background."

After leaving Zhao Sunwu's villa, Li Ming looked back and thought to himself, then returned home with a smile on his face and put Zhou Qian down, let her have a good rest, and then returned to the martial arts field to practice martial arts.

"This basic swordsmanship, as the level increases, the power continues to rise, it seems that there is no limit."

On the martial arts arena, Li Ming drew out an ordinary long sword with a magic weapon, and made a very simple straight thrust. In an instant, there seemed to be meteors flying across the sky, and the power of heaven and earth in a radius of ten miles was mobilized by this sword. With Li Ming's stabbing attack, he attacked on the landing point.

The terrifying power caused the air to move wildly and explode. Li Ming withdrew his long sword, his eyes glistening.

He raised his long sword, and was amazed at the proficiency level of [Sword Art] in front of him.

Today, this ordinary basic swordsmanship has been upgraded to the level of [Back to Basics] by him!

Li Ming was amazed that the [Swordsmanship], which was only achieved by basic swordsmanship, could rise to a height that many complete exercises could not reach.

How could this basic swordsmanship give him the feeling that it was not at all what the basics should be.

"From the great to the simple, the simpler the easier, the easier it is to reach a higher level?"

Such a thought came to Li Ming's mind, and then Li Ming thought that once the martial arts came to an end, would he be trapped in the martial arts when there was no way to advance?

At that time, if you want to break free from the shackles, what can you rely on...

Li Ming couldn't help flashing in his mind the intangible proficiency of walking, running, and breathing that is constantly growing.

He thought about the past carefully, and then suddenly realized that with the passage of time since the end, his breathing ability, running efficiency and other basic human body abilities are much, much better than before!
And these are all natural changes.

"If one day, my breathing is the strongest practice method, and running is the strongest escape method, maybe it will be the time when I become enlightened."

Li Ming thought about it, then shook his head, suppressed these thoughts for the time being, and continued to practice other martial arts.

In any case, the benefits brought about by improving martial arts are stronger than other methods, so it is natural to focus on martial arts training first.

And if the martial arts cultivation has reached the peak, and all martial arts are integrated into one, then at that time, it will be a big deal to continue to practice certain strengths in martial arts. upper limit.

If it doesn't work, then do basic running exercises, punching exercises, and reaction training. If this is the case, I don't believe that I won't be able to reach the peak in the next day.


There were bursts of terrifying sonic booms, carrying powerful heaven and earth forces continuously boiling in the air.

Fortunately, all of Li Ming's attack targets were above the sky, so these terrifying attacks did not damage the Martial arts field and the surrounding things.

And in the process of training, the signs of Li Ming's various martial arts skills are faintly connected and integrated with each other are also constantly strengthening.

In this way, after practicing until the night was dark, Li Ming drew his sword and returned.

So, time flies.

In the process of Li Mingqin's unstoppable cultivation, wheat harvesting operations in various places are also going on vigorously.

Under the apocalypse, after all, people's hearts are floating, even if there is a base city to govern, there will still be some people who can't help but want to do something about it.

But as soon as these people moved their hands and feet, without exception, in the next hour, a strong law enforcement agency would come in and take them away.

What they will face will be one month to three years of long-term construction labor.

Thanks to Master Li Ming's kindness, the base city has now basically abolished the death penalty. Anyone who commits a serious crime must be subjected to injurious labor, and their blood will be drawn every once in a while to provide resource storage.

In this way, replacing the death penalty with hard work for a lifetime and donating all the organs at the time of death, everyone felt the benevolence of Mr. Li Ming.

If you can't feel it, you can't feel it. Human life is precious in the apocalypse, and labor is scarce. If there is such an opportunity, it is natural to squeeze it hard.

In any case, once a crime is committed, it will be suppressed by Thunder, and rewards for meritorious deeds will also be issued quickly.

Even if there is no meritorious service, as long as they are willing to work diligently, they will be considered meritorious service and will be rewarded with different amounts.

Relying on their mental perception, the 24 Youth League handled all emergencies that occurred during the busy farming period with terrifying efficiency.

It wasn't until the end of the busy farming season, when new seeds such as rice, corn, peanuts and other crops, as well as vegetables and fruits were put into the ground, and even water supplements were helped by people with water abilities, that the 24th Youth League ended their work in their area. Responsibilities, each went around the entire base circle to conduct some investigations, then summarized all kinds of things encountered by the party, summed up the information they learned, and embarked on the return journey.

After being so busy for half a month, when the 24 Boys returned to the underground base again, they suddenly felt the changes between each other.

It is less immature and more mature, and Li Ming has been waiting here for a long time.

After coming back to rest for two days, on the third day, everyone gathered together in high spirits and waited for Li Ming's meeting.

"I've read all of your summaries, and I've also reviewed the strengths and weaknesses of each of your reports. Overall, it's pretty good, except for some details that need to be optimized..."

"This time, I undoubtedly found that the twelve zodiac signs are not suitable for you. Next, we will name them from Li Yi, Li Er, Li San, until Li Er Si."

"Come back this time and conduct a one-month assault training. I will come to give you advice every day. If you don't understand anything, if you want to give advice, you can come to me."

"One month later, everyone will step out of the base circle, collect any information we need and don't understand from the outside world, and pass it back with flying swords!"

Flying sword transmission is a newly researched method of communication. Simply put, it uses the flying sword as a carrier, carrying information on it, and passing information quickly back and forth through a fixed track.

This kind of transmission method is more difficult to crack and leak than the telegram, and the speed is far faster than flying pigeons, flying eagles and other methods. It is a very good way. Such a small flying sword is also easy to sit. Hundreds have been made, enough for them to use.


The 24 boys immediately responded in unison. Li Ming clapped his hands and gave them a three-day holiday so that they could go to the base to do what they wanted, before turning around and leaving.

Three days later, all the teenagers returned to the underground base with expressions of relaxation, joy, or peace, and the special training began.

At the same time, an unexpected visitor appeared in the base city.

"Taoist priest?"

(End of this chapter)

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