Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 292 Wait For Me To Find My Auntie For Inspiration

Chapter 292 Wait For Me To Find My Auntie For Inspiration
There are many strange rocks in the hot valley, and the air here has a sense of waves due to the high temperature.

But in such a high temperature, there are groups of zombies gathering, and in the very center, there are all kinds of strange zombies.

A strand of gray energy surged on these zombies. Compared with the zombies killed by Li Ming, the second batch of zombies that had grown for another month seemed to have more energy and more in-depth transformation.

On the ground a hundred kilometers away from here, the energy of Gu Zhuo, who had been sitting cross-legged for a whole night, suddenly surged and surged, followed by the golden light in his figure, and the meaning of invincibility rushed towards his face.

"It's also the evolution of the physical body. Gu Zhuo's five re-evolutions only strengthened the defensive ability, that is, the King Kong is not bad, but it does not have the ability to grow and shrink. It seems that not everyone's supernatural powers can be re-evolved. Get the same natural ability."

Li Ming opened his eyes, felt the power obtained after the breakthrough of this incarnation ability, and also felt the characteristics it obtained, and whispered in his heart.

The conjecture in my mind about the differentiation of abilities has been further demonstrated.

In fact, he had noticed this a long time ago—there are many supernatural beings in the base, but each supernatural being has different characteristics after reaching the same level of evolution.

Some are strong, some are weak, and the difference between those who have practiced martial arts and those who have not practiced martial arts is more obvious.

However, it seems that no one has the same power as him with the same number of evolutions.

"Huh, after Lei Ming, Gu Zhuo's ability has also reached a breakthrough, and my strength is even stronger."

Li Ming felt the power of re-evolving the physical body five times surging in Gu Zhuo's body, and whispered in his heart.

It is not only him who has improved by leaps and bounds in strength after the heaven and earth change, but also the arbiter of Wushan Base City, who was the first person to come into contact with immortal cultivators after the end of the world.

Gu Zhuo gained a lot from the extreme practice of cultivating immortals and martial arts, and reached the level of almost the peak of four evolutions in one fell swoop.

It's just that it's hard to get to the next level because of the shackles, and the continuous hard work has only reached the peak of four evolutions.

But after Li Ming took control of him, his shackles were directly broken. After these years of hard work, he finally reached the level of five re-evolutions in one leap.

Of course, compared with that, Li Ming's current level of supernatural evolution is undoubtedly deeper, and has reached the level of five re-evolution stages.

Even though Gu Zhuo has broken through to the level of five re-evolutions now, Li Ming is only on the same level as him, but the volume of abilities of the two is completely different. The difference between five re-evolutions and four re-evolutions is even more exaggerated!
As for Lei Ming, he reached the peak of three re-evolutions when the world changed. Now after this practice, he has reached the middle stage of four re-evolutions, becoming a mainstay.

"Gu Zhuo's strength is better than frontal combat power, and he has the ability to overturn mountains and seas. Lei Ming's strength is better than strange power. After four re-evolutions, Lei Ting is very terrifying. He has a strong restraint against all evil spirits. It's a warrior, a warrior."

Li Ming felt the different supernatural powers of Gu Zhuo and Lei Ming through two different spiritual rosary beads, and thought to himself, but he also felt quite satisfied.

When the adjudicator of the Nanlu base city came, Li Ming explored his strength, and guessed that he should still be stuck at the peak of evolution four times.

Of course, except for Gu Zhuo, the remaining four people have extremely special abilities. Li Ming has seen so many people, they are the most unique. Perhaps the five re-evolution thresholds that have trapped Gu Zhuo have not trapped them. Already a supernatural being who has re-evolved five times.

The strength of the supernatural beings in the world has been further improved as the blessings of the world's changes have been digested.

"It's already at this time. Hasn't anyone in this group of Westerners noticed the abnormality here?"

Because of Gu Zhuo's five evolutionary breakthroughs, Li Ming, who temporarily invested a part of his energy, practiced on the spot for a while. After sorting out his own strength, he once again controlled Gu Zhuo and used his magic weapon to fly into the sky to look down on those waiting for him. Zombies being baptized under the sun.

Looking at the off-white energy, Li Ming frowned slightly. If the evolution continues like this, even the effect of nuclear bombs will continue to decline.

"When the 24-year-old's training is over, and Li Dingguo's new martial art is updated, it's time to focus more on finding these weapons."

For a 24-year-old, the new martial art is the foundation, the key to truly determining the balance of survival, and the nuclear bomb is just a weapon. Before that, it is inevitable to lay a good foundation for oneself.

Li Ming secretly stirred in his heart, and then asked Gu Zhuo to observe secretly. After realizing Gu Zhuo's new power, he took his thoughts back from the spiritual rosary and let it work on its own.

With the mystery of the spiritual rosary, even without Li Ming's possession, all the actions of Gu Zhuo's incarnation would be the same as before. Li Ming was not worried about any major accidents due to lack of control.


While thinking back, Li Ming's attention instantly focused on the scene in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he rubbed Wen Yan'er with one hand, and supported Zhang Yueyue's waist with the other .


Zhang Yueyue and Wen Yan'er were suddenly attacked while walking on the road, and they let out an exclamation, especially Zhang Yueyue, she screamed and her body trembled wildly.

She waited until 2 minutes later, unable to break free, to realize that this feeling was her husband. She was a little suspicious and wanted to turn her head to see if it was true, but she couldn't do it under the huge power gap.

It was like this until half an hour later, when she was released and Wen Yan'er was suddenly stuffed, she realized that it was indeed her husband, and she immediately relaxed.

"Hateful husband~"

Zhang Yueyue angrily stepped forward and hugged Li Ming's neck, hung on his back and swayed with him, but refused to get off.

Wen Yan'er struggled for two hours, and finally begged for mercy loudly, only then was Zhang Yueyue turned over with a smile on her face.


In the sound of mosquitoes and flies, time passed happily.

Li Ming finally felt refreshed. Surrounded by the two girls intimately, he took them to play together for a day.

That night, he took Teacher Zhang Nana and Qian Ling and Zhou Qian into the room to play hard, and the next day Fuzhi entered the state of comprehension.

In my mind, I have more practical ideas about the road of fusion of previously envisaged directions.

After four consecutive days, Li Ming opened his eyes, and a divine light flickered.

"Perhaps, the key to connecting spirit and energy lies in the acupoints!"

Li Ming felt what he had gained from his comprehension, and his eyes were full of splendor.

In constant thinking and experimenting, he found a way that might be able to connect the spirit, energy, and spirit, and he could cultivate one into three—acupoints!
"The acupoints of a person can store essence, store qi, and gather spirit. As long as the acupoints are connected with the spirit, and the effect of transforming the acupoints into the spirit is developed, it may be possible to practice the acupoints and become stronger." The three of spirit, energy and spirit."

Li Ming's eyes burst into splendor. If the essence and spirit are related to the acupoints, then it is completely possible to transform the energy through refining the essence. The way of refining the energy and transforming the spirit only needs to increase one's own physical strength, which can automatically increase mana, true energy and other energies. It can also enhance mental strength at the same time!
It's just that this acupuncture point cannot be the existing acupuncture point of the human body.

People's existing acupoints don't have this ability!
"Perhaps the best way is to open another acupuncture point in the body with spiritual power, blood power, and true energy power."

Create a path suitable for practice by yourself, and provide yourself with practice!

In this way, the acupoints are made of essence, energy and spirit, and as one's own energy and spirit become stronger, the acupoints can also become stronger.

It can be said that the acupoints are like an energy conversion machine plus a super-powerful engine, driving the whole person's practice!

"Huh, whenever there is a major event, you must first meditate."

Li Ming could almost imagine how smooth the future practice would be if the acupoints he created were complete. He couldn't help taking a deep breath, restraining this urge, and then moved out of the quiet room.

Today is exactly the time to train ten young men, Li San, Li Si, Li Wu, Li Liu, Li Qi, Li Shiba, Li Nineteen, Li Twenty, Li Twenty-one, and Li Twenty-two.

Teaching others is also a review of one's own cultivation, and Li Ming doesn't find it troublesome.

Moreover, their existence has actually provided great help to the stability of the base, so Li Ming doesn't mind spending time training them.

After rigorous training and going out to hone, these teenagers' combat effectiveness is already very impressive, and they are fully capable of taking on the important task of protecting his wife and parents when needed.

Compared with those free power users who are not under their control, they are undoubtedly more reliable.

Thinking in his heart, this time Li Ming directly communicated with them with the power of spiritual thoughts, guiding their martial arts to undergo a deeper transformation.

In this way, although there were ten people, it only took five days to step over the most critical shackles, complete the transformation, and return to the rotation again.

"The next batch, call them back after five days."

Satisfied, Li Ming sent the ten teenagers away, then found Zhang Yuan who was following up, and gave instructions softly with a smile.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

Zhang Yuan smiled at the corner of her mouth, nodded and left, Li Ming's eyes turned, but suddenly his figure moved, disappeared from the spot, and came to a secret place.

"I've worked hard for you these days, do you miss me?"

Li Ming smiled and looked at Adjutant Song who was wearing a strict military uniform in front of him, and stretched out his hand to caress her pure white neck with a smile on his face. He slid his hand up and down the proud curve to take off his clothes, and asked with a smile.

"Think, my body has been washed clean."

Song Xiu looked at Li Ming with fascination.

She was originally a very admirable woman, and even more so after receiving several injections of essence from Li Ming now. The attachment, love, and inseparableness for him were almost integrated into her bones.

At this moment, she couldn't restrain her instinctive desire, quietly returned to the base, washed her body clean, just wanted to...

Get shot again.

"It smells so good, Adjutant Song."

Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, followed his figure, and used the simplest gesture to support Adjutant Song's thoughts from behind.

Adjutant Song took a deep breath, his eyes narrowed slightly and trembling.


An invisible Miaoman figure left the base city with arrogant satisfaction.

Li Ming looked at the proud figure, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and immediately moved his body, and came to Li Dingguo's residence again, and shared his thoughts on "Acupoint Cultivation" with him.

"Acupoint practice?"

Li Dingguo's eyes lit up: "This method may be a perfect complement to the body and the world!"

"Human transformation is limited, and there are many difficulties and obstacles. Why not borrow the power of heaven and earth?"

There was a divine light in Li Dingguo's eyes, and he felt that such a way of practicing the law and integrating the body with the world is really exquisite!

"Borrow the power of heaven and earth?"

Li Ming's eyes froze for a moment, and then he said brightly: "This statement is wonderful, wait for me to study it again!"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Ming's figure disappeared from the villa in a hurry, and Li Dingguo also excitedly started to understand and comprehend on the spot.


In the villa, Liu Fang was sitting on the sofa chatting with Li Ming's wives.

It was rare that everyone in this villa was here today. Zhang Yuan, Chen Li, Xu Xiu, Xu Yunyun, Liu Minying, and Zhao Mei were all sitting on the sofa and chatting with sweet smiles.

Their daily training tasks are actually very tight, and they usually only have a little time to sit and chat together, so they are naturally very happy now that they have gathered together.

"By the way, didn't my husband say that we want to popularize the new martial arts? Can we sisters make some contributions?"

During the chat, Chen Li remembered Li Ming's previous arrangements, and couldn't help asking a few women.

"At that time, let's go around more. With the status of husband and wife, it is already a supervision to the executive staff."

Zhang Yuan smiled: "The specific matters have already been promoted by Tie Jun and Zhao Sunwu, and I heard that there has been a lot of repercussions."

"Before this, we have promoted martial arts. The new martial arts can be further improved on the basis of the old martial arts. It is normal for everyone to accept it quickly. Even if it is only a small part, it can cause a lot of trouble. repercussions."

Li Ming's figure suddenly appeared in front of the girls. He heard Zhang Yuan's words and answered with a smile, then walked straight in front of Liu Fang.

Liu Fang obviously realized something, blushed, and couldn't help but glanced at Chen Li beside her, and looked at Li Ming embarrassedly: "What, what are you doing?"


The corners of Li Ming's mouth curled up, and he took a step forward to kiss her red lips fiercely. Then he pinched the melon with one hand and the millstone with the other, picked up Liu Fang and went to the bedroom while whimpering.


Liu Fang hugged Li Ming's head in embarrassment, looked at the women behind Li Ming, and saw that everyone was looking at her, her face turned redder, and she muttered something when Li Ming kissed her forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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