Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 293 Can You Awaken My Woman's Power Once?

Chapter 293 Can You Awaken My Woman's Ability
The morning sun shines on her white skin through the window, Liu Fang yawned, stretched her waist and woke up slowly.

As a result, when he opened his eyes, he noticed a strange movement in his chest. He looked down and saw that Li Ming was shaking his head while he was buried on his body.

"I hate it, why is it so early in the morning..."

Liu Fang stroked Li Ming's hair mutteringly, saying that she hated it, but didn't stop him from doing it.

After a while, she narrowed her eyes and pressed hard on the mattress again.


After thirty days, the big day is in the sky.

At lunch time, Liu Fang lazily walked out of the bedroom to eat lunch cooked by her new nanny, while Li Ming had already left the villa.

In the quiet room, a burly figure sat cross-legged quietly.

"Phew, it's all good at last."

Li Ming sat cross-legged in the quiet room, feeling the spirit of joy and the inspiration like a spring, and began to try to explore the communication and connection between [Acupoint Practice] and [Fitness with Heaven and Earth] with shining eyes.

In order to have more and better inspirations, this time he hugged Liu Fang and lingered on the bed for five days. While feeling happy, he also gained enough inspiration and status.

At this moment, when I started to make associations and tried to practice myself, many insights immediately rushed in.

Spiritual power, qi and blood power, true qi, five elements power, magic power, physical supernatural power, a full six kinds of energy collided and condensed in his body continuously.

With the continuous collision, a thing like a chaotic ball slowly formed.

Primitive acupoints!

The acupoints have not yet been formed, and the six kinds of power, namely Qi and blood power, spiritual power, true qi, five element power, magic power, and physical supernatural power, circulate back and forth in it, and the power of blood and blood turns into the power of true qi after turning around. Either mana, or the power of the five elements, or the power of physical abilities.

True energy, magic power, five elements power, and the power of physical supernatural powers turned around, and then suddenly turned into spiritual power.

The spiritual power is reversed again, and it is randomly transformed into true qi, five elements, mana, and supernatural power of the physical body. Immediately after these four kinds of power are reversed again, they become real qi and blood power, strengthening the muscles and bones.

Li Ming felt this illusory acupoint that condensed all his understanding of spirit, energy, and spirit. With a slight movement in his heart, a stream of mysteries gathered, and all the power in his body poured into this illusory acupoint with greater force.


In the end, under the frantic influx of all the power, under Li Ming's deliberate manipulation and changes, a new space in the heart was slowly formed.

The heart is the source of the body's fundamental qi and blood. At the same time, this place is also a natural place for concentrating the mind. It is also within the scope of the five internal organs and five elements, and it is the best place for gathering and forming acupuncture points.

With the operation of the five elements, there is an invisible space gathering in the heart. This space does not affect the normal operation of the heart, and has a natural close connection with the heart.

The moment the space was formed, all kinds of spirit, energy, and energy attributes poured into it crazily and vigorously. Under Li Ming's mobilization, these energies slowly gathered in the heart space like a crater in the state of a golden core. General energy entities.

Although the golden elixir is strong and wonderful, living in the middle dantian will not make people feel different physically.

Although the zhenqi is condensed, it will not make people feel uncomfortable in the lower dantian.

Energy is one body, even if all kinds of mysteries are gathered, no matter how much energy is condensed, it will not make people feel uncomfortable, this acupoint is pleasant.

With nearly [-]% of the body's energy gathered, this acupoint was finally successfully opened, and Li Ming then solemnly mobilized Qi and blood to enter this acupoint to try its function.


The acupoint emits brilliance, and the blood qi energy that enters it turns slightly, and its qi and blood attributes are continuously diluted and stripped. When it appears from the other end of the acupoint after turning around, it has transformed into true energy according to his intention.


"Only half of the energy is converted?"

Li Ming frowned. This really low.

He couldn't help but continue to try, and circulated the transformed zhenqi through the acupoints again, and finally lost a full [-]% of it in the process of constantly diluting Guiyuan and transforming it into spiritual power, and finally only [-]% of it Infuriating into spiritual power.

"This efficiency is too low."

Li Ming frowned slightly, and then continued to try to use blood and energy to transform into mana, into the power of the five elements, and into the power of physical supernatural powers. As a result, it took a huge loss to transform successfully.

He then tried to directly use the power of true energy, magic power, the power of the five elements, and the power of the physical body to transform them into spiritual power, and then tested the consumption.

As a result, [-]% of it was lost, and only [-]% became the nutrient of spiritual power and strengthened the spirit.

"It seems that just this is not enough."

After testing the results, Li Ming shook his head and sighed softly. In fact, the lost power did not disappear out of thin air, but was integrated into the acupuncture points themselves, and finally returned to all parts of the body without dissipating.

However, this efficiency is still too low. If the desired conversion effect is not achieved, why bother?

"Integrate into heaven and earth..."

Li Ming frowned slightly. After thinking about it, the Five Elements Reversal suddenly disintegrated the formed acupoints into nothing, and the power of the condensed acupoints returned to itself, allowing his strength to return to its peak.

However, the disintegration of the acupoints caused him to be traumatized, but with the energy of the five elements, it didn't take long for Li Ming to recover the trauma he received.

It is precisely because of the effect of the mutual generation of the five elements that he dared to make such a bold attempt.

"Acupoints merge into heaven and earth..."

Li Ming's eyes flickered slightly. After recovering from his injury, he summed up his experience and made another new attempt.

This time, during the process, he used his experience and skills of merging the body with the world to bring the acupoints into that state of merging the body with the world.

After a while, the acupoints were compatible with the heaven and the earth, and Li Ming realized in a daze that he was about to lose contact with it, and hurriedly took back all the power that gathered the acupoints before losing contact completely.

"It seems that the acupoints cannot be directly connected to the heaven and the earth. In other words, the acupoints and oneself must be integrated first, and then use the power of the heavens and the earth to practice."

Li Ming's eyes flickered, and then he was no longer in a hurry to experiment, but closed his eyes and meditated after adjusting his state to the best.

In the midst of thinking, five days passed in the blink of an eye.

With the arrival of the last group of 24 youths, Li Ming also temporarily ended his practice, and began to teach them to reach a higher level of martial arts and carry out sublimation.

Five days later, when the strength improvement was over, Li Ming was very satisfied to see all the youths who looked like live dragons and tigers, and let them go.

"With the [Vientiane Foundation Building Method], [Dari Contemplation Sutra] and [New Martial Arts] and my sublimation of martial arts for them individually, the achievements of these boys in the future will not be weaker than people at the level of Lin Yu and Liu Minghui. "

Li Ming looked at the figure of the 24-year-old with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The world is too big, and some things cannot be fully grasped by him alone.

It can be said that these teenagers are his tentacles in this world, able to help him control the situation in a wider area.

In addition to his own women, and Yang Ruo and others, his own power is thriving.

"The core strength is almost cultivated, and the next step is the backbone."

Li Ming thought of Xu Xiu's husband, Zhou Cheng, and the group of people in the Linjiang villa area.

With 24 young people as the basis, it would be even better to expand a group of backbones.

However, these ordinary people who followed him at the beginning of the end, aren't they the best choice?

"It's better to thoroughly popularize the new martial arts first, and it won't be too late to carefully select these people after the results are finalized."

Li Ming thought about it, and then walked to the residence very leisurely.

Regarding the acupuncture point, he was not in a hurry, because he already had an idea in his heart.

However, we still need to continue in-depth communication with my aunt, and need further efforts from my aunt to get more inspiration.

But before that, let's settle these things first.

"Shui Shui, tell Tie Jun that I'm going to visit him."

Li Ming went outside to find the waiter Shui Shui, and gave an order, but when he saw that she was already in water, he immediately smiled, gently hugged her along the bend of her leg, and said with a smile, "Miss me?"

"Well, I thought about it."

Shuishui's face was full of red light, her calf was dangling in the crook of Li Ming's arm, and soon after she finished speaking, she started shaking very quickly.

It wasn't until the water was full that it was put down, and with a red face all over the body, he went to Tie Jun happily.

"You, you always dote on your women so much."

Zhang Yuan came out from the villa with her arms folded smiling, straightened Li Ming's clothes, and blamed him a little: "I don't pay attention to this bald man."

"There's no need to pay attention to this. I'm in charge of my territory, and I can do whatever I want."

Li Ming smiled, stretched out his hand to pinch Zhang Yuan's buttocks: "You go and change your clothes, we will go to Tiejun together later, I'm going to see how the new martial art is progressing."

"it is good."

Zhang Yuan smiled and nodded, but Li Ming groped her legs and took her to the villa when she said that. Afterwards, she chose a charming dress to put on, and went out with Li Ming with a smile on her face.

When they were going out, they went together and called Zhao Mei over, and went out again just in time to see Shui Shui came back.

"Master, the Shuishui notification has arrived."

Seeing Li Ming looking at him, Shui Shui opened his mouth with a red face, Li Ming nodded with a smile, touched her cheek, and left with Zhang Yuan and Zhao Mei.

Not long after, the two of them appeared in the Tiejun Villa, where they responded enthusiastically.

"Brother Ming, don't worry, everyone is very concerned about the spread of the new martial art. Now not only our base city, but also all the other base cities under it have spread it. Even ordinary residents can apply to learn it!"

When the two parties were seated, Tie Jun immediately patted his chest and said, Li Ming noticed that beside him was a very beautifully dressed woman who was charming from top to bottom.

Unlike Tie Jun's previous women, this woman's demeanor is very natural, and she doesn't seem to be of a particularly low status.

"well done."

Li Ming smiled when he heard this, and nodded lightly. In fact, both he and Tie Jun understood that it didn't matter what they were talking about here. After all, Tie Jun, Zhao Sunwu, and Dwarf Monkey were real people of their own now.

Li Ming also had Song Xiu as his backup, so he wasn't afraid that someone under his command would really change things.

What Tie Jun said is also true, but he still wants to come, the purpose is to show his attitude, attitude towards the new martial arts, and to avoid subsequent manipulations.

So after the opening was finished, the atmosphere became more relaxed. Zhao Mei was wearing a hollow black dress, and buried her head on Li Ming's lap. With a rosy face, she leaned against him and let her do whatever she wanted.

There was exotic animal meat and good tea on the dining table. Li Ming ate with one hand while chatting with Tie Jun with a smile. In the end, Zhao Mei asked her to lie down in front of the dining table when her mouth was sore, and test herself.

Zhao Mei pressed the dining table tightly, her mouth was pursed, and she looked at Tie Jun, who was also playing on the opposite side, with a slightly condensed expression.

He noticed that Zhao Mei's fingers were pressed deeply into the dining table made of rigid iron.

this power...

"Brother Ming, Zhao Mei has also been poured out by you?"

Tie Jun touched his beloved woman, and couldn't help asking Li Ming.

"That's right, it's the power ability that's awakened."

Li Ming smiled, his expression was very calm, and Zhang Yuan's indifferent expression made Tie Jun feel that things were not easy.

Could it be...all of Li Ming's women!

"Brother Ming, that, my little brother asks you something."

Tie Jun hurriedly poured a glass of wine for Li Ming, and then prayed.

"Oh? You also want to awaken your woman's ability?"

Li Ming raised his brows, looked at him and asked a little funny.

"Brother Ming, I really like Xiaotao. I don't want to see her grow old too quickly, and her strength is really weak."

Tie Jun hurriedly apologized and said with a smile, then looked at Li Ming carefully: "Brother Ming, look, is it all right?"

"You are my brother. If you can't do it, there will be no one in the world."

Li Ming smiled lightly and shook his head, then looked at the woman beside him and shook his head: "Let her wash up and live in my place, and when she wakes up with supernatural powers, she will come back."

"Also, spread the word, who else wants to awaken their abilities, that's fine, but there are conditions."

"One, there must be a power spar transaction, which is the kind that can enhance the power of the power."

"Second, you must look good."

"Three, the time is unlimited, and the probability cannot be guaranteed. Some women may be able to, and some women may not be able to, but the current probability is not less than [-]%."

Li Ming said three conditions with a light smile. Tie Jun's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly toasted Li Ming happily, and then he immediately let the woman around him feel that he should wash himself clean, and accompanied him to drink with a smile on his face: "Brother Ming, don't worry. , I will definitely spread the news.”

Li Ming smiled nonchalantly, continued to eat and drink, and when Zhao Mei was tired, he let her rest and replaced Zhang Yuan, and the meeting time in Love was over.

Peng Zhi, who was working in the Tiejun Villa, fetched a new suit for each of them and brought them over. The two women thanked him after putting them on, and then returned with a smile while hugging Li Ming's left and right arms.

(End of this chapter)

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