Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 294 Hardworking Black People

Chapter 294 Hardworking Black People
Her skin is as delicate as jade, her legs are slender, and her whole body is uneven. In addition, she has a beautiful and charming face and exquisite facial features. When she is lying on the bed in a red sexy dress, she has a deadly allure to everyone.

This is indeed the case, because such a woman is liked by Li Ming, not to mention other men.

As for why Master Li Ming likes it, of course, five days later, the scene where she was wrapped in a bath towel and sent back to Tiejun Villa was seen by someone with a heart.

They are all dizzy!

However, something even more exciting followed - this woman really awakened her abilities!
All of a sudden, more intense stimulation hit everyone's hearts. Several supernatural beings couldn't restrain themselves for the first time, took out their long-cherished supernatural crystals, and brought a woman who was very important to them to the door.

This continued for more than ten days, when the women of these people were wrapped in bath towels and sent back, the result surprised everyone, they all awakened their abilities!
At this moment, no one could hold back any more. One after another, the superhumans sent the women who were important to them together with the supernatural spar to the master's villa, and the scope soon expanded to the entire base circle.

After more than a month in a row, it finally took a turn.

Except for a few unlucky ones, all the remaining women have awakened their abilities!
Although the degree of awakening of this ability is very weak, it is also shocking and joyful.

Li Ming is also very happy.

"With these crystals, their combat effectiveness should be able to take shape quickly."

In the villa, Li Ming, who had been playing hard for more than a month, was in good health. Looking at the supernatural crystals piled up in the wooden box in front of him, his face was full of smiles.

The attraction of the supernatural spar is only effective for the supernatural beings of its level, like Li Ming, basically he can't feel anything attractive to him now, including these spars in front of him.

And no one can be sure of the law of its formation, and there have even been outrageous things that hoped that there would be spar deposits in the base city.

It's just that the spar deposits are very small, and they have been digested by all the supernatural beings long ago, and only God knows how many spar are left now.

In this way, these collected crystals are also an indispensable resource.

"Although the secret scripture has reached the level of Dzogchen, it is still showing its effect. With the help of these women, my own breath is also much more harmonious, and my true energy has grown a lot."

At the same time, Li Ming felt his true energy, the amount of which had increased by more than three times, and a smile could not help but cracked at the corner of his mouth.

There is another key point... These women who were sent in by his man were watered by him. In their hearts, it was not certain who was their husband or master.

In this way, his control over the entire base circle will naturally be much stronger.

"Daoist Master Qingchengzi sent a message that the group of blacks have finally arrived near the outer circle of our base after many days of trekking. Do you need to meet them and make arrangements?"

Liu Fang caressed Li Ming's strong chest muscles, thinking of an incident in the past two days, she couldn't help but said to him.

"What am I going to greet, this group of people deserves me to go in person?"

Li Ming rolled his eyes, turned over, and said with force: "Let the people below watch the arrangements. The strongest among the blacks can only evolve three times, just send someone to see."

Today, Li Ming's base has three re-evolved supernatural powers, plus the popularity of martial arts, the fighting power of each of them is absolutely crushing compared to the supernatural powers that have not practiced other than supernatural powers.

In this way, such a small matter, naturally, he doesn't need to worry about it.

"How do you arrange for those black supernatural beings?"

Liu Fang hugged Li Ming's neck tightly, looked at his handsome face gently, and asked in a trembling voice.

The action is intense.

"Give equal respect, but we must doubly abide by our rules. In addition, all non-black women who combine with black supernatural powers will be stripped of their resident status in the base city and cut off all the rights they enjoy as base citizens. The city will report their information and prohibit them from contacting any human race of their own race."

Li Ming thought for a while, then opened his mouth, then turned his eyes again: "The black beauties brought back are also announced in the black world, so that at least on the surface, they feel that they are treated the same as us."

"oh, I understand now."

Liu Fang nodded, and then didn't want to distract her attention, but just concentrated on everything about Li Ming.

She just felt that her body was not enough, and she couldn't completely satisfy her desire to give him more, so she could only give it to him with all her strength.

By the way, Li Ming's decision was passed on through spiritual communication.

"My husband is playing again."

Next door, Chen Li felt the message sent to her mind by her mother, and shook her head, knowing that her husband must have gone out to notify her, so she used this method of communication.

"I really don't know why she got such a special physique."

Shaking her head helplessly, Chen Li went out to tell Zhang Yuan the news, and then the two of them sent a message to Taoist Priest Qingchengzi with a flying sword.

Not long after, Qingchengzi, who had been cultivating hard on Guyi Mountain, received a reply.

"This guy is completely neglected."

Qing Chengzi looked at the reply letter, and the corners of his mouth twitched helplessly. Then he thought about it, if such a large group of people were not handled well, they might suffer from it, so he shook his head immediately.

"Forget it, I'm an old man, so I'll go there myself."

Qing Chengzi murmured to himself, and when the words fell, a fierce aura emerged from his body, followed by Yu Kong, and flew to the place where the black people moved.

With the speed of Qingchengzi, it didn't take long to arrive at the scheduled location. The welcome team and city management team have been fully formed here, and the combat equipment makes people feel safe at first glance.

"Daozhang, you are here!"

Liu Minghui and Lin Yu, who were guarding this place as the core forces, immediately noticed Qingchengzi flying over, and rushed forward to say hello.

It has been a long time since Qingchengzi joined Li Ming's command. In this era, naturally every important person in the base circle recognizes this important high-end combat power component.

Liu Minghui and Lin Yu, two supernatural beings who have re-evolved three times, and practitioners of martial arts and Taoism, naturally know better, and even went to visit each other early on, and consulted the classics of practice, and each gained something.

Seeing that it was him who came now, they were naturally full of joy.

"Well, in order to avoid accidents, I came here specially."

There was a smile on the corner of Qingchengzi's mouth. He knew why Li Ming didn't come. As a local leader, he would sometimes send out different signals wherever he was. For this foreigner, he naturally had to reveal a basic strategy, so that most people could feel at ease.

But such an influx of people, if not dealt with properly, might cause chaos out of thin air, so Qing Chengzi made a special trip by himself.

"Are all measures ready?"

Qingchengzi looked around, knowing the layout of the surroundings, but he still asked Liu Minghui.

"We have prepared sufficient food, bathing water, bathing pools, changing clothes, and sufficient rooms. Medical personnel, after this group of people arrive, they will conduct sanitation, disease detection, meals, receive supplies, and allocate rooms as soon as possible."

Liu Minghui smiled and said, Li Ming had issued an order for these black people a long time ago, and he was naturally well-prepared: "The supernatural beings will be arranged in the villas built for them and their women to live in after a uniform bath and wash."

"Well, after all, people with supernatural powers are extraordinary. Even black people with supernatural powers should enjoy enough preferential treatment, otherwise, why would the world return to their hearts?"

Qingchengzi nodded in satisfaction, then smiled at Liu Minghui and said, "I'll show up later, and you can lead people to deal with it as you want."

"it is good!"

Liu Minghui immediately nodded in agreement, and then took Qingchengzi around to get acquainted with other people around him. Everyone showed enough respect for this strong man who can fly.

Yes, being able to fly has now become the criterion for judging whether a person is a top powerhouse!

Those who pass the hope base city's standard flying swords are generally small masters.

Those who fly extremely fast are masters.

Those who fly without seeing their shadows are the best of the best.

Those who can fly by themselves are even more masters.

And those who fly by means other than the flying sword in Hope Base City are undoubtedly super masters!

Qing Chengzi flew over with a yellow gourd, so fast that he couldn't see it, what is such a person if he is not a master?
But for masters, enough respect must be given, which is the first criterion for surviving in this apocalyptic environment.

"Well, you are all waiting here, I will go forward to meet them."

Qingchengzi got acquainted with the people around him, nodded in satisfaction, then gave Liu Minghui an order, got up and flew towards the direction of the black team.

Greeting does not mean respect. It is a very suitable buffer zone for both parties to send people to greet in advance before the other party's large team has direct contact with their side.

If there is any problem, you can communicate in advance, so as to promote a more relaxed way of acceptance.

That's why the habit of welcoming people in advance has been passed down since ancient times.

As the top expert, Qing Chengzi is not afraid of any problems, but also able to calm down the situation, so it is very suitable for him to meet him.

After Qingchengzi left, Liu Minghui looked back at the towering earth-stone city wall behind him, and the rolling earth-stone buildings behind the city wall. His eyesight was excellent, and he could see that these buildings were generally small houses of about [-] to [-] square meters, and only a few of them were more than [-] square meters.

There are posters erected in the city, on which are posted photos of every black beauty who took the initiative to fall into the arms of the supernatural being, as if they were labeled as traitors.

"Cooperate, but not blend in."

Liu Minghui's heart moved secretly, he was very clear about Li Ming's thoughts, and he was also thinking in his heart whether he could fulfill this entrustment properly.

And in the front, Qingchengzi who went out also quickly saw a black man who had re-evolved three times. Qingchengzi was there, so naturally nothing happened. After a simple communication, everyone was very satisfied with the treatment after moving into the city.

Following them, led by Qingchengzi, they walked to the receiving office of the management team of [Black Rock City], and began to quickly pass through the checkpoint.

The progress of one job after another made the black people wear crisp and clean clothes and walk into the city in an orderly manner to find their own rooms.

It took a whole day to enter the city, and many black people were tired from the sun, but no one complained and moved, and they all cooperated with the management honestly.

When it was getting dark, the entry into the city was finally completed, and every black man received enough food, and after eating and drinking, he fell asleep happily.

Immediately after waking up, I found something eye-catching at the door of my house.

"We're recruiting, we're hiring, we're hiring railway workers, and if you're willing to go, you'll be paid well, and you'll be given rice, flour, grain, oil, meat, vegetables, and fruits!"

"Recruiting absenteeism, miners, miners, good treatment!"

"We're hiring farmers!"

"Hiring grazing staff!"

"The butcher is recruited!"

"We're hiring technicians, anyone with skills can come here!"

"Is there anyone who can read and write? We're recruiting civil servants!"

One after another, the recruitment spots appeared downstairs in every residential area with banners, completely including all the industries that black people could work in, and the black people who heard the voice immediately lined up to apply for the job.

"Fill in your personal information, and wait for the notification at home after the registration is completed. All those who sign up for work will enjoy material subsidies, and they can eat and drink enough!"

When filling out the application, another news was released, which immediately caused a sensation. Black people rushed to sign up. Those who knew the technology would become technicians, and those who didn’t know the technology would work as coolies. In the new world, there were inexhaustible job demands waiting for people to do it.

After the recruitment was completed, these black people got five full days to cultivate their empty bodies after the long journey. During these five days, they ate a lot of food and were led to do exercises to cultivate their bodies.

In this way, after five days, the energetic black people changed into their uniforms and went to work enthusiastically. Every time they passed by the posters of black beauties who were put up and put themselves under the crotch of the supernatural being, they would spit at each other.

At first, these black people felt that they were happy, and how comfortable they were when they had enough food and drink.

But when the horrible workload comes up, this sense of happiness slowly begins to decrease.

But the arduous work left them no time to think about it. Occasionally, they were upset, but looking at the meat served and thinking about the horror of the outside world, they all endured it again.

And the results brought about by the horrible workload are also remarkable. After their hard work, in just one month, all the Dongguo people in the hope base circle have no shortage of electricity and coal.

The supply of various resources is many times more abundant, so that everyone has more energy to practice and become stronger.

And a piece of railway track has also entered the construction. The first thing to build is that the bases of the base circle communicate with each other.

While the black people are working hard, a piece of good news comes at the same time.

"Found the nuclear bomb!"

(End of this chapter)

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