Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 304 What the hell is this called a negotiation?

Chapter 304 What the hell is this called a negotiation?


On the white sheets, Liu Fang stretched lazily, and woke up in a daze, only feeling refreshed for a while.

"It's dawn."

Looking at the sun outside, Liu Fang spoke in a daze, and just about to stretch her feet, she was suddenly pulled into the bed.

"I haven't practiced yet, it's so early in the morning..."

Liu Fang's mumbled voice became indistinct before she finished speaking, only one hand stretched out outside the quilt and scratched at the bed sheet.

"The two of us exercise, and I instill it, and the effect is comparable to cultivation."

After a while, Li Ming's voice sounded, and the next moment, Liu Fang's hand gripped the bed sheet even tighter.

Time passed slowly in the movement of the great sun.

At noon, Liu Fang finally had time to stick her head out of the quilt and breathe in the fresh air slowly.

"Husband, don't you go and see if the decoration outside is ready, don't make any trouble."

Liu Fang looked at the window, spoke to Li Ming in the quilt with a trembling voice, and breathed continuously after speaking, as if she was exercising violently.

"Don't worry, everything is under control."

Li Ming's head slid out of Liu Fang's skin after a while, put his elbows up to Liu Fang's ear, looked into her eyes and smiled and said: "Besides, the agreement was to see you in seven days, so I will be with you now Five days in bed."

"It's noon on the sixth day today."

Liu Fang rolled her eyes, blushed and slapped Li Ming: "Okay, it's ok, hurry up and do something else."

Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief, smiled at the corner of his mouth, lowered his head and kissed Liu Fang fiercely, then got up and left the bedroom satisfied.

Seeing that Li Ming was gone, Liu Fang breathed a sigh of relief, then turned over, laid her smooth body on the bed, supported the mattress with her arms and took out her mobile phone.

[Everything is going well here, peace, don't read. 】

After editing a few short texts, Liu Fang sent a text message to her daughter, and after thinking about it, she sent another one to Zhang Yuan and the others one by one. She waited until their text messages were replied, then she smiled with satisfaction and put her phone on Lay down, get up and get dressed.

Between the actions, a powerful energy surged from her body, and Liu Fang's expression suddenly froze.

"Unexpectedly, it evolved again for the second time."

Liu Fang felt his power to become stronger, and looked a little surprised.

In an instant, he thought of the energy essence that had been poured into her body dozens of times in the past five days.

"It's really no less than practicing."

Thinking of Li Ming's words in Liu Fang's heart, she couldn't laugh or cry.

It is said to have evolved twice!



On the other side, he walked out of the room where Liu Fang and the villa had stayed for five days, patted the maid's buttocks, and happened to meet Yang Ying and Dong Liya who were chatting together in the lobby.

"Husband, you are out."

Seeing Li Ming coming out, the two immediately greeted him. Yang Ying hung on Li Ming with a smile on his face, and whispered into his mouth.

"Well, come out and see the situation. Have you practiced hard to recover in the past two months?"

Li Ming smiled and nodded, kissed Yang Ying for a moment, then kissed Dong Liya's mouth, and asked softly.

"Yes, but it's too difficult to recover, my husband used too much force."

Yang Ying said distressedly, she fell off Li Ming's body resentfully, she was afraid that Li Ming would become interested, and she would not be able to entertain him now.

"By the way, my husband, Jiang Shuying and Liu Yifei, are waiting at the door to be guests. Do you want to invite them in to accompany you?"

When talking, Yang Ying thought of something, and asked Li Ming with a smile.

"Oh? Why are the two of them here now?"

Li Ming just sent Kaudunlia's lips, and while holding her to caress, he couldn't help asking with his eyes wide open.

"Husband, I haven't entered Kongming Base City for a long time, and I haven't had time to be called to sleep with him. Yang Ying is staying alone to treat guests, so I was arranged to come here immediately."

Dong Liya hugged Li Ming's neck, looked at him with eyes like stars, and said softly.

Li Ming understood instantly.

He hesitated for a moment, thought about the appearance of Jiang Shuying and Liu Yifei in his heart, and said carefully: "It's okay, in fact, I like wives quite a lot."

"I hate it, she is also a wife, and I don't see you liking it on purpose."

Dong Liya touched Li Ming's lips angrily, and said with a pout.

"Huh? Do you still have the energy to play more exciting games with me?"

Li Ming's eyes lit up, and he looked at her with piercing eyes.

Dong Liya's legs trembled, and she hurriedly smiled: "It seems to be the same."

She thought about it, it seemed that in the few days with Li Ming, Li Ming didn't completely stop for a second~
"It's all because the time we've known each other is too short, otherwise there must be more fun."

Yang Ying twitched the corner of her mouth and said with a smile.

"That's right, there will be something to play with in the future. It just so happens that the two of them are here. You go and bring them in. Let's get to know each other first, and then we can talk about other things."

Li Ming smiled and patted Yang Ying's buttocks. Yang Ying nodded immediately, turned around and left the villa with a smile.

"By the way, how many stars like this are there?"

Li Ming sat in the living room with Dong Liya's buttocks in his arms, and asked curiously.

How do you feel, love one and return the other?

"Except for me, there are seven in total. Now that Yang Ying, Jiang Shuying and Liu Yifei are here, there are four left. These four are Zhang Ziyi, Zhang Ruonan, Lin Zhiling, and Liu Shishi."

Dong Liya answered with a smile. She adjusted the angle of her sitting beside Li Ming to make Li Ming and herself more comfortable.

"It turned out to be a few of them, so where are the remaining four?"

Li Ming's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help asking.

"It's all being prepared for my husband. I just wait for you to use up the previous products bit by bit, and I'll serve them up for you!"

Dong Liya said with a smile, Li Ming suddenly realized, and then chuckled: "This guy has a lot of thoughts."

"Only in this way can you play more happily, husband."

Dong Liya smiled and said, Li Ming scratched her nose, and held her in his arms and kissed her as soon as he stretched out his hand.

With such a beautiful star by her side, who can resist not kissing her~
Just after a while, he heard footsteps again. Li Ming let go of Dong Liya and looked at the door. Liu Yifei and Jiang Shuying were led by Yang Ying.

"Husband, people have brought it!"

Yang Ying smiled and said something to Li Ming, then turned around and ran to sit on the sofa next to Li Ming, leaving Liu Yifei and Jiang Shuying standing in front of Li Ming.

"Hello, Master Li."

Liu Yifei has a plump figure and is wearing a classic white dress. After seeing Li Ming, she immediately bowed down with Jiang Shuying to salute.

Jiang Shuying was slimmer than Liu Yifei, and after seeing the ceremony, she also looked at Li Ming with a smile on her face.

Before coming, Yang Ying said that the adult in front of him wanted to get to know them first, and they were thinking about how to speak in their hearts so as to fully integrate into this atmosphere.

As soon as the thought came into being, Li Ming walked in front of them and put his hand into the skirt of his clothes.

Liu Yifei felt a tightness and heat in his chest, raised his watery eyes to look at Li Ming, saw him looking at him kindly, and the entanglement in his heart disappeared instantly.

The same is true for Jiang Shuying.

"In the future, stay by my side, don't call me Mr. Li, you can teach me what you want to call me."

Li Ming smiled and said to the two women with steamed buns of different sizes, looking left and right, relaxed and freehand.

The moment he saw them, Li Ming saw them on the screen again and again in Li Ming's mind. Under the influence of this emotion, he was so excited and happy.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be like this.

"Ah, can my husband do it too?"

Jiang Shuying arched her tongue, gently took Li Ming's arm, bent forward slightly, and asked jokingly.

"Of course, call me husband, then I will be your husband."

Li Ming couldn't help but kissed Liu Yifei who hadn't had time to continue speaking for 3 minutes, then turned to look at Jiang Shuying and answered with a smile, and kissed her on the mouth after speaking.

"Then I'll call you husband too."

Not to be outdone, Tianxian hurriedly spoke, and Li Ming felt that Jiang Shuying didn't care, so he had to move his hands in response.

The smile on Tianxian's face remained undiminished, and she loosened her underwear intimately. Seeing the scene of Li Ming kissing Jiang Shuying kissing bozi bozi, she secretly felt emotional.

Doomsday is undoubtedly a catastrophe for her, but it is also an opportunity.

A chance to gain supernatural powers.

It's a pity that her strength is too weak, so she can only seek shelter from others.

Originally, she was still very worried when she was called here suddenly.

But now it seems that it is not bad, the other party is so obsessed with him, and Dong Liya and Yang Ying who came first are also so healthy and lively, which proves that there will be no too perverted things here.

And under the protection of such a strong person, life is easy and comfortable, what else can they pursue.

After all, this is the end.

Nothing is more important than life.

"It's a coincidence that the two of you came here. I was about to go out to see how the base is going. I didn't see it for the time being and stayed at home. Would you like to go out with me?"

After a satisfying kiss, Li Ming finally let go, and smacked Liu Yifei's face again, with both hands uncontrollably moving from top to bottom, he smiled and asked the two beauties.

"Of course, you can take us wherever you want."

Jiang Shuying said with a smile, with a bright smile on her face.

Obviously, she and Liu Yifei have the same idea. As public figures, they already have full self-awareness in their hearts.

It is impossible to live a simple life like ordinary people. In this environment, as long as any strong person takes a fancy to them, they will inevitably be possessed.

And the only thing that can make you stable is to depend on the strong.

As for how long it can be stable... It depends on whether this strong man is strong enough.

But... Fortunately, the most powerful person in the entire country right now is the Lord Li Ming in front of him.

Depend on him, if nothing else happens, you can enjoy a long period of stability.

As for how long, no one can say.

"Shall we walk or take the car?"

Liu Yifei brushed his hair and asked with a happy smile on his face.

"Of course it's...flying."

Li Ming raised his eyebrows, and with a movement of his body, he flew up into the air, and then flew out of the villa amidst the happy expressions of the two women, and came to the outside world.

In the heart, a ball-like hole connects the sky and the earth, inherits the huge energy from the sky and the earth, and supplies Li Ming's flight.

The first function after the achievement of the acupoint practice method: physical flight!

Of course, if one can carry the power of heaven and earth without getting tired like the acupuncture points, one can naturally fly directly through the body, but obviously, this is extremely difficult.

Otherwise, Li Ming, who once developed the proficiency of [Shen He Tian Di] to [-]%, would not be able to fly like this after he created the acupoint practice method.

The physical body is the foundation of human dependence, and any mistakes in the muscles, bones, and internal organs are problems.

But the acupoints are different, they are the pure crystallization of wisdom, which contains only the purest and entangled spiritual energy, so they can maintain the state of harmony with the sky and the earth for a long time without worrying about the pressure of the sky and the earth, and even drive the body to fly.

Amid the exclamations of Liu Yifei and Jiang Shuying, Li Ming directly used the most instinctive way of genes to fly into the air, and directly came to the main hall of the Gulf Base City, and saw Kong Ming, Lei Ming, without saying a word, Li Ding four people. .

"Tomorrow is the time for negotiations. How are the ministries preparing?"

Li Ming hugged Liu Yifei, and when Jiang Shuying landed at the gate of the main hall, the four of them came out together, hugging the woman, and it was inconvenient for Li Ming to sit on the main seat of the main hall, which represented the ruler, which would make people mistake him It's a licentious color batch.

So he stood directly at the door without going in, and asked the four of them one by one.

"Report! My lords, I just received the news that Wujingshan said that the negotiation date is not suitable for tomorrow, and it should be set in fourteen days later!"

Suddenly, a figure ran out from the information communication room at the side of the main hall, knelt down respectfully to no one on the field and said, "They also said that it may not be fourteen days later, during these fourteen days, see them If the disciples in the sect are in the mood, if they are in a happy mood, they may come at any time, so let us wait for you at any time every day."

Kong Ming, who was about to speak, froze for a moment, and looked at the messenger in astonishment.

Liu Yifei and Jiang Shuying looked at the few people in front of them unnaturally, Li Ming squeezed his hand slightly: "They really said that?"

"Here, this is what this subordinate received from the front line, word for word!"

The messenger was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said.

"Well, how can we talk about this?"

Bu Yan frowned, and couldn't help but speak.

"Talk? Talk about a fart, does this look like a negotiation?"

Li Ming narrowed his eyes, and snorted: "If you don't give them some color, you really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, pass the order, and everyone prepares for a first-level battle. If the other party doesn't come to Qingming Hill tomorrow, Then it will be regarded as a declaration of war, with a deadline of [-]:[-] noon, if you don’t come, all artillery will be fired immediately to attack Wujing Mountain!”

In Li Ming's mind, Qing Chengzi said that even the Zongmen would not have a practitioner as strong as him, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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