Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 305 Why Should I Help Him?

Chapter 305 Why Should I Help Him?
I never do [-]th—unless someone else does the first day of junior high school first.

Li Ming wanted to have a good talk, after all, they are all human strength, but if the other party is so shameless, then don't blame him for being cruel.

As the saying goes, kill chickens to scare monkeys, since this Wujing Mountain jumped out first, then... die first.

If you don't conquer one, how will you deal with other sects and get along with each other in a friendly way in the future!

When the three of Kongming heard Li Ming's words, their hearts were full of Ling Ran, but after thinking about Li Ming's almost invincible strength, they immediately stood up straight respectfully: "Yes!"

"When the fight starts, Lei Ming, you will be in charge of guarding the base. When all the artillery fires to destroy the opponent's formation, I will take the first shot and capture the opponent's strongest force as soon as possible."

Li Ming looked at the three of Kong Ming and said, "Your task is to contain other monks and limit the battlefield to Wujing Mountain."

The location of Wujing Mountain is in a peak thousands of miles northwest of Haiwan Base City. Li Ming has already known it, so there is no danger at this time.


The three of Kongming and Lei Ming responded immediately, and Li Ming nodded: "Now we will dispatch troops and generals immediately, and we must make complete preparations."


The four responded in unison, and Li Ming nodded in satisfaction. He hugged Liu Yifei and Jiang Shuying, who were still a little unnatural, with his left and right hands, and his figure soared into the sky.

In a flash of lightning, Li Ming carried the two women straight into the clouds, causing Liu Yifei and Jiang Shuying to exclaim happily.

Among the supernatural beings that Li Ming knew now, apart from him, only Kong Ming and the other three could fly with their unique supernatural powers.

The power of Kongming's starry sky itself has the nature of flight, and the power of Liding's magnetic field can wrap himself around him like a telekinetic power to fly. The unspoken supernatural power has the ability to change flying birds and beasts, so he can also fly .

Others, only Zhao Sunwu and his parents have flying abilities and can fly by themselves.

Even Gu Zhuo, a supernatural being who has evolved five times, and has superb martial arts, can't fly by himself.

Those who have the ability to fly to the sky only by relying on their physical body must reach the golden core level of physical training in the immortal way and have the corresponding supernatural powers.

It's just the golden elixir of refining qi, unless you master the corresponding skills, you can't fly by relying on your body's instinctive power.

On this point, Li Ming, who doesn't have any Golden Core-level exercises, can testify...

He has the golden core, but the way to control the power of the golden core is only the most basic use, or it can be blessed to martial arts, or it can be blessed to supernatural powers, but the power of immortality cannot be exerted through the golden core itself.

This is the pity of the incomplete inheritance. He has the power of the golden core, but only relying on the cultivation base of the immortal way, he does not have the power that the golden core should have.

Of course, if you add his current ability and martial arts cultivation base, it may not be necessarily the case.

Although I don't know which level of immortal monks the strength can correspond to, but at least it is not worse than the previous Nascent Soul monks.

And in such a situation, although Liu Yifei and Jiang Shuying are beautiful and attractive, among the people they know, only Kong Ming and Kong Ming can fly, and the three of them will not fly with them in their free time.

So this is the first time they have experienced the feeling of flying directly into the sky.

"Honey, don't you need to get ready?"

Although the feeling of flying to the sky is very exciting, Jiang Shuying insisted on being her own person, so she still couldn't help asking Li Ming.

"Yes, of course."

With a heartbeat, Li Ming's Gengyuxuan lightsaber flew out of his body, transforming into a ten-meter-long and five-meter-wide giant sword. Immediately after his heartbeat, the giant sword flew flat in the air, and he jumped up with the two of them in his arms.

"But now, I'm very angry, venting my anger is actually a kind of preparation."

Before the two girls could recover from the surprise at seeing the giant sword grow bigger out of thin air, Li Ming pushed them down on top of the giant sword, hugged them together under his body, and watched them speak with a smile.

It turned out that this is what brought us to heaven...

This is getting to know each other first?

Two different thoughts arose from the minds of Jiang Shuying and Liu Yifei, but immediately after that, they had no time to think about it under Li Ming's manipulation.

Jiang Shuying opened her eyes slightly. Although her physical reaction made her have no time to pay attention to him, she still couldn't help but have a question in her heart.

If two people suppress it together, which one will he OK first?
As soon as the thought came to her mind, Jiang Shuying opened her eyes, and when her breathing was slightly relaxed, she saw Liu Yifei also opened her eyes. Just as she was curious, she opened her eyes again.

'The pace is so fast...'

Jiang Shuying opened her mouth, thinking feebly.


Anger in the heart is obviously not good for fighting.

In other words, when there is anger in my heart, it is difficult to do anything well.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with venting the fire and preparing for the next big battle.

And when Li Ming was seriously venting the fire, the bases below also moved.

Abilities, warriors, fighters, gathered wave after wave.

In order to avoid being destroyed by a wave of too many effective forces, they did not assemble a large number of troops, but tried to form a tight cross-fire network in a loosely spaced and small-group combat method to ensure that their own attacks could cover both roads and empty places.

Basically, it can be guaranteed that every low-level ability user and extraordinary warrior will have three combat teams to form a basic combat unit.

There are three such teams around each re-evolving ability user once, and there are two re-evolving teams around each re-evolving second time.

The number of supernatural beings who have re-evolved three times is rare, and they will automatically gain the attention of the audience when they move freely, and can become the center of any place at any time.

The number of supernatural beings who have re-evolved four times is even rarer. If they can assist the supernatural beings who have re-evolved four times, every team must do their best to assist them.

A series of relevant orders and experiences are directly passed on through the spiritual magic method, which greatly increases the combat literacy of each soldier, and strengthens each individual's combat ability and adaptability.

The logistics team is also quickly distributing all the supplies to every soldier.

【Life Injection】It is made by wood-type and water-type supernatural beings together with the most advanced medical technology.

[Jingxin Pill] is made from the secret recipe of martial arts. It has the effect of detoxifying, dispelling energy damage, and relieving mental stress.

In addition, alcohol, bandages, adrenaline, and antibiotics are four items that each soldier has portable reserves.

Coupled with an auxiliary exoskeleton, heavy body armor, firearms, helmets, and combat uniforms, it can be said that every soldier is armed to the extreme.

They have also reached the peak of their current combat capabilities.

There are also tens of thousands of vehicle-mounted mobile cannons, which are matched with flying cannons to carry a large number of shells and move with the army.

With such a huge gathering of forces, Wujing Mountain is far away.


In Wujing Mountain, the dense heaven and earth inspiration almost turned into clouds and mist. Figures in Taoist robes shuttled through the clouds and mist. A Taoist with a long sword on his back hurried from the foot of the mountain all the way to a small hall.

"Report, Elder Zhang, those supernatural beings outside gathered an army to aim at my Wujingshan garrison, and they have the potential to attack!"

The Taoist stopped outside the hall, performed a salute, and reported anxiously in his voice.

"Oh? Didn't these vulgar mortals say they want to negotiate, why are they dispatching troops now? Could it be that they want to keep their promises!"

A taoist with sharp eyes and half-haired beard walked out of the small hall, frowning and asked the taoist.


The disciple who made the report hesitated for a moment, and in the end he didn't say anything. He just complained in his heart. Originally, he really wanted to negotiate, but listen to what you advocated spreading out. Does that sound like he wants to negotiate?

What does it mean to put on such a manipulative posture?
However, he knew that this elder had a weird personality. Although the disciple had some opinions in his heart, he didn't say a word.

"Hmph, it's really chaotic to hand over the last hope of this world to these ordinary people."

The elder surnamed Zhang raised his eyes to look outside the formation, snorted heavily, and then looked sharply at the disciples in front of him: "Go back to the formation and be on duty, but if you have any news, report it immediately."


The disciple immediately responded with a respectful yes, then turned and left.

The elder Zhang surnamed thought for a moment, carried a green dragon mace on his back, and walked towards the largest palace in Wujing Mountain.

Not long after, the elder Zhang surnamed arrived outside the palace, and just about to step in, he saw a middle-aged Taoist walk out of it suddenly. Seeing him coming, he immediately saluted: "Senior brother, I don't know why you are here?"

"Junior brother, the dawn of the world is now under the control of ambitious people and ordinary demons, so that the world is in chaos, and there is no sign of prosperity. At this time when the race is in danger, we should report to the master as soon as possible, mobilize the artifacts of the clan, and wipe it out in one fell swoop." Clean up the world!"

Elder Zhang looked solemn, bowed to the middle-aged Taoist who appeared, and spoke seriously.

"What's the situation in the world? We haven't reached the time of birth yet, we haven't seen it with our own eyes, let alone comprehended it in person. How dare we call it a chaos in the world?"

The middle-aged Taoist frowned, looked at Elder Zhang, and said seriously: "Brother, don't act with arrogance!"

"Hmph, I see that this world is more than just dancing around, it's like a group of demons dancing wildly, and my junior has not yet awakened!"

Elder Zhang snorted softly, and pointed to the outside of the mountain: "Now there is a force outside the mountain, which is controlled by the devil, just because I changed the negotiation period they said, the other side actually sent troops, ready to attack at any time. "

"He's going to fight every now and then. If he's not a devil, why is he a devil?"

Elder Zhang spoke eloquently, and when he finished speaking, he said in a cold voice with cold eyes: "From the point of view of the poor, it is time to clean up the world. Please activate the divine weapon and kill all the demons in the world. Let the disciples of my sect go down the mountain." Walk and take control of one side, only in this way can the universe be stabilized and the world recreated!"

"Senior brother, you have become obsessed with your mistakes."

The young man glanced at Elder Zhang, opened his mouth quietly, saluted after speaking, walked out without further words.


Elder Zhang snorted, strode into the main hall, questioned the Taoist boy, and came to a secluded small hall.

"Master, the outside demons are rampant, and they have gathered troops outside the mountain gate, and they have the potential to attack the mountain gate."

Elder Zhang bowed respectfully to the Taoist who was sitting cross-legged facing Sanqing, then frowned and said, "I also ask the master to bring out the magic weapon of the Zhenjiao to kill the demons to save the common people."

"At that time, I, Zhang Lingyuan, would like to lead the disciples of the sect to travel the world and rebuild the universe!"

Elder Zhang spoke solemnly, and stood still in place respectfully after speaking.

After a while, the Taoist priest who was sitting with his back to the temple door suddenly turned around, his eyes gleaming with aura, staring at Zhang Lingyuan, who had layers of demonic energy surging in his body, and sighed in his heart: "Since you wish to slay the demon, you might as well go out alone , go to try the danger of the devil, and when you succeed, you will be able to turn around."

"This... the master is testing my will?"

Zhang Lingyuan frowned, then stretched it out again, and smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth: "I have entered the realm of supernatural beings during the great change of the world, and I can't show my full power in this sect, but in the outside world, When you are invincible in the world, even if the devil comes in person, what is there to be afraid of?"

The head of the sect took a deep look at Elder Zhang, and after a while, stroked his beard and smiled: "Good."

"Since that's the case, respect the orders of the sect master!"

Zhang Lingyuan raised his eyebrows, then solemnly bowed to the head of the sect, then turned around and strode outside the sect.

He first went to his own room, fetched a whisk, then walked in big strides, smiling to the top of the Zongmen mountain climbing road, then looked at the road outside the mountain, nodded with satisfaction, and walked step by step towards the mountain. Go outside the sect.




Above the clouds, the giant sword was flying across the sky.

Li Ming had a great time playing.

Finally, at dusk, he shook slightly, quite satisfied.

He didn't rush to continue, but let the two women absorb and digest first.

However, just enjoying it for a while, suddenly a spiritual thought sounded from his ear.

[The head of Wu Jingshan, I have met this gentleman! 】

Li Ming frowned, a little surprised: "You can pass on the message to me?"

[It is not the ability of the soul, but the wonder of supernatural powers. If you are poor, you have already entered the realm of the three realms of supernatural powers, the empty self. 】

"Then I don't know, why is this head looking for me at this time?"

Li Ming raised his brows, feeling this divine sense that was far lower than his own, and responded in the same way in his heart, and then looked at the sunset with some amusement: "Now, it's not the time to negotiate."

[Sir, please calm down. The information that came out of the gate before is actually the master of a demonic elder. Get rid of the evil thoughts! 】


Li Ming raised his eyebrows and chuckled: "But why should I help you?"

"You know, since he has found fault with me and has the momentum to declare war, then in a sense, we are already enemies!"

[In return, the classics in my door can be borrowed from my husband to read! 】

(End of this chapter)

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