Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 313 Hairy Nuclear Bomb, Top Mission

Chapter 313 Hairy Nuclear Bomb, Top Mission ([-])
"Now that the two evil troubles have been resolved, and the world is basically peaceful, it's time to do some extra things."

In Gulf Base City, Li Ming who came from the equator lay on the big bed, meditating quietly in his heart.

He thought of the Mao country nuclear bomb base that had received specific information before, but had been delayed.

With nothing to worry about, it seems that it is indeed possible to consider collecting these great killers in the world.

"I won't participate in this matter, let the people below handle it."

Li Ming thought about it for a while, and felt that he, the boss, didn't need to take care of such a trivial matter, and just sent some subordinates to do it.

Who should we send?

Or send yourself.

With a thought in his mind, Li Ming immediately sent a message to Gu Zhuo who had just arrived in Wushan Base City, asking him to go to Mao Country to investigate the news in person, and after the results were obtained, he would send a team to drive an aircraft made of supernatural metals to transport.

However, considering that Gu Zhuo was not capable enough alone, Li Ming thought about it, and asked Zhang Yuan to issue a reward task, looking for things that would be willing to go to Mao with Gu Zhuo to explore and find the nuclear bomb base.

And this team can't be too small.

"Forget it, Lei Ming will go with him, and take away another 100 people."

Li Ming's heart skipped a beat, and based on the mental remnant he had left on Zhang Yuan, he sent this message to her.

"What else are you thinking about?"

A gentle voice came from beside him, and Li Ming turned his head to see that Liu Fang, who was wearing sexy clothes, was looking at him tenderly.

"Now that the two crises have been dealt with, I'm thinking about getting a nuclear bomb. After all, the more weapons that can have a powerful war effect without consuming yourself, the better. I was sending them a message just now."

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Ming's mouth, turned over and pressed on Liu Fang.

"Oh~ where are you going to get it?"

Liu Fang touched Li Ming's cheek and asked softly.

"Mao country, there are many there."

Li Ming held Liu Fang's face in his hands and responded softly, then he lowered his head after speaking.

Liu Fang closed her eyes and stopped worrying about these things.

Fortunately, all of Li Ming's beds are made of supernatural metals, otherwise they wouldn't be strong enough.

In addition to being tough enough, supernatural metals also need to have strong enough energy conductivity.

Otherwise, it would not be named after the four words of supernatural metal. Every time Li Ming uses the gun, the power is too great, so he has to use supernatural metal. Fortunately, the production of supernatural metal is enough now, and one more bed is fine~



In Hope Base City, following the arrival of Li Ming's letter, Zhang Yuan immediately took action and released this reward task through the newly established contribution system.

The basic network has already been restored, and this brand new top mission was immediately displayed on the contribution mission halls and public players in each base city.

[The first phase of the Mao country long-distance mission: cooperate with the adjudicator Gu Zhuo and the adjudicator Lei Ming to go to Mao country to find the trace of the nuclear bomb. After getting the exact information, the mission will be completed and the second phase of the mission will start. 】

[Each entourage requires at least the peak strength of the initial supernatural powers, or a practitioner with equal strength]

[The degree of danger of the task is unknown, it is recommended that those with high strength go there]

[Those who have the ability to escape from earth and those who have the ability to control metal can relax the conditions at their discretion]

[Task Reward: Basic Reward for Entourage: 50 Contribution Points]

[Additional reward: every time a nuclear bomb location is confirmed, an additional 10 contribution points will be obtained]

[Further benefits: Gu Zhuo, the pioneer of martial arts, will explain the key points of practice, which will be of great benefit to martial arts practitioners]

[Note: The transformation of the world, the outside is a crisis, but also an opportunity. While the long-distance mission will sharpen people, it will also help your cultivation. Under the protection of the two adjudicators, your safety will be more guaranteed 】

[Note: Any heaven and earth spiritual objects and chances obtained on the way can get a unique copy after reporting, and get 100 contribution points according to the chance and the level of the spiritual objects——10w contribution points vary]

【A total of required personnel: 150 people】

The long-distance mission that was pushed to the top of the mission bar of all base cities at the same time attracted enough attention as soon as it appeared.

The high contribution points made most of the supernatural beings excited, and all the supernatural beings in various base cities were rushing to tell each other, gearing up and eager to try.

"Reed reed..."

The vigorous steps sounded above the snow water after the rain and snow melted. Fan Guangxing strode to the staff area where he lived, carrying a Yunling wild boar he had hunted.

Along the way, the clever power emanating from Yunling Wild Boar attracted the attention of all the nearby workers, who were amazed, envious, and so on.

"It's not in vain for me to waste such a big effort to catch it."

So many people stared at Fan Guangxing, not nervous, but proudly walking with his chest up, swaggering towards his single dormitory.

With the advent of great changes in the world, there are a large number of wild beasts outside. They are not mutant beasts, but they are stronger than wild beasts, and they have spiritual powers.

Of course, the more inspirations these [Spiritual Beasts] contain, the stronger their strength will be. They are the best material for those who can't afford the meat of mutated beasts.

Most of the main ingredients of the meals in the cafeterias for the free people are this kind of spirit beast.

And [employees] like them, basically no one can get it.

The reason why we don't need to be absolute is because even among the employees, there are those who are as strong as Fan Guangxing, who still have the energy to go hunting in the wild after finishing the eight-hour work.

According to the rules of the base city, all the hunting proceeds belong to oneself.

In this way, for individuals, if they go hunting alone, if they can get something, it will be a big profit.

"Just relying on this Yunling wild boar, even if only one-third of it is taken out, I can leave my employee status and become a free citizen."

Fan Guangxing was proud of himself, walked up to the floor where he lived with his head held high, and the staff he saw all of a sudden became familiar to him.

"Oh, Guangxing, you hit such a big guy today!"

Walking to the front of the residential building, a woman in the same group saw Fan Guangxing coming back with such a big Yunling wild boar, she was very surprised, and then walked up to him involuntarily: "If you don't want to sit at home, I will I took a shower."

Fan Guangxing turned his head and took a look. The woman in front of him had winking eyes and a good appearance, but it was a pity that it was an airport.

"Don't go."

Leaving a sentence indifferently, Fan Guangxing strode towards the third floor where he lived, carrying the Yunling wild boar. As soon as he arrived at the corridor entrance on the third floor, he met a tall, bulging and backward-looking man, wearing a blue shirt. woman in colored skinny jeans.

"Guangxing, you have hunted the Yunling beast!"

The tight-fitting jeans on the woman's body walked close to the skin, fully showing the beautiful shape of the legs. The blue shirt on the upper body seemed to be a bit unfit, and the bulging was very conspicuous.

But it is matched with a waist that is not thick but not thin, the flat belly, the smooth neck, every curve is so attractive.

"Sister Wang Ling, I'm lucky today, I bumped into one."

When Fan Guangxing heard the voice, a figure of a woman appeared in his mind. When he turned his head and saw that it was her, his eyes lit up immediately, and he responded with a smile.

"Hey, this is a good thing. Come on, I'll open the door for you and put this thing back first."

Wang Ling's eyes sparkled when she heard the words, and she hurriedly walked in front of Fan Guangxing, swaying slightly from side to side, to Fan Guangxing's dormitory, and pushed the door open.

Fan Guangxing smiled at the corner of his mouth, but he didn't refuse, allowing the other party to push open the door that he didn't even lock, and carried the whole Yunling wild boar to the kitchen at home.


The Yunling Boar fell to the ground as a whole and made a dull sound. Fan Guangxing looked at the Yunling Boar that fell on the ground and was as tall as his own waist, with a smile on his face.

I actually hit such a Yunling wild boar today, what a profit!

"It's not easy to hit such a guy, hey, is this injury okay?"

As soon as Fan Guangxing lowered his head and smiled, Wang Ling had already gone back to his house next door and brought over the pink towel for washing his face. Wetting it with water, he enthusiastically wiped off the sweat on Fan Guangxing's face, neck and upper body. wipe off.

While wiping, looking at the bruises on Fan Guangxing's body, he couldn't help but said with concern.

"Hey, I heard before that you two are sober and calm, and not everyone is waiting for you. Today, I have seen it."

Fan Guangxing stared fixedly at Wang Ling's tender face, did not answer her, but suddenly murmured: "In the past, except for that idiot group leader, no one else could get in. No matter how hard and tiring it is to work and practice, I have never stepped forward to show my hospitality."

"Today, I came back with Baby Yunling on my shoulders, and you ran over to wipe my sweat."

Fan Guangxing looked at his upper body that had been wiped clean, and his voice was full of emotion, but Wang Ling didn't show the slightest embarrassment. Instead, she stretched out her palm and patted his strong chest reproachfully: "What are you talking about, I don't want to let others Hello to you."

"Think, why don't you want to."

A bright smile appeared on the corner of Fan Guangxing's mouth, and then he pointed down: "But the sweat is not only on the body, but also on the legs."

Wang Ling hurriedly lowered her body to wipe him, and Fan Guangxing let the woman's little hand hold the soft and scented towel to wipe the sweat off his body.

At the end of one wipe, the feminine fragrance on the soft towel disappeared, and was filled with the smell of sweat instead.

"Did you have supper? Why don't you go to my house to eat at night?"

Wang Ling kindly found a new set of clothes for Fan Guangxing in his room to put on, put on the trousers, and helped him put on the upper half of the shirt, and said with a smile, she didn't care about Fan Guangxing's hands stretched out to her. take care of.

"Eat, you have to eat, you have to eat well, eat hard."

Fan Guangxing opened his mouth fiercely while kneading, Wang Ling just didn't feel it, and still carefully adjusted his neckline, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go, it just so happens that my man has also chosen the dishes. "

As soon as the voice fell, Fan Guangxing hugged Wang Ling with all his strength. Wang Ling, who had been living with her husband, not only didn't blame him at all, but instead took the initiative to hug him with a smile.

"Guangxing, I heard that you hunted a Yunling wild boar, is it of good quality?"

Fan Guangxing rubbed Wang Ling's body with his big hands, and just walked two steps to the door, suddenly a girl in a light yellow dress with a ponytail, fair skin, slender figure and delicate appearance popped out .

Different from Wang Ling's plump body, the girl's small steamed bun is just enough to hold, but the willow waist is really as thin as a willow, with fair skin, and a freshness that only belongs to girls.


Fan Guangxing rubbed Wang Ling's millstone unscrupulously, and Wang Ling stuck to him with all his strength. He looked at the most beautiful girl in his workshop, with the same unscrupulous expression on his face.

Huang Ya, the woman he had tried to strike up several times but retreated in indifference, had never said a word to him before today.

"Then, can I stay and sleep with you tonight?"

Huang Ya obviously saw the scene of the Yunling wild boar in Fan Guangxing's room when he was talking, her eyes lit up, and she couldn't help saying excitedly.

Staying and sleeping together, this is because he wants to be his woman.

Fan Guangxing looked her up and down, and thought for a while: "I have to see if you are doing well, come here and let me see."

Huang Ya pursed her lips, and immediately walked up to Fan Guangxing to let him see.

Fan Guangxing really squatted down to look, Huang Ya pursed her lips like an electric shock, and Fan Guangxing stopped.

Seeing that Fan Guangxing stopped, Huang Ya hurriedly put on the bottom of her trousers, tidied up her skirt, and stood there looking at him nervously and expectantly.

"Go into the house, clean up the house, take a good bath, and wait for me to come back."

Fan Guangxing nodded in satisfaction, and opened his mouth with a smile. Huang Ya immediately jumped up happily, jumped up and kissed Fan Guangxing, and then rushed to his house, and began to clean up.

Fan Guangxing smiled and nodded again, then looked down at Wang Ling, and the corner of his mouth hooked up: "You are lucky, you came before her, otherwise it won't be your turn."

"Then it has to be Brother Guangxing speaking the truth."

Wang Ling responded with a smile, Fan Guangxing chuckled and continued walking towards her house.

Halfway through, there was another girl wearing a long white dress and white pearl jewelry, exuding a delicate, clean and beautiful atmosphere all over her body.

"Okay, lift it up, I'll check and check."

Fan Guangxing saw the woman wave her hand, and the woman in the white dress immediately acted pretentiously. Wang Ling couldn't help feeling: "Even the supervisor's daughter is here, you are really lucky."

"It's all in exchange for strength."

Fan Guangxing chuckled, seeing that the famous high-cold goddess in this workshop had done it, he also knelt down and looked at it carefully again.

"Okay, go to my room and stay."

Finally, Fan Guangxing stood up in satisfaction, smiled and waved to the shy girl, who immediately ran into his room as if she had been pardoned.

Fan Guangxing continued walking indifferently until he arrived at Wang Ling's house, and saw her husband at her door.

"Let Guangxing come to the house for dinner tonight, he killed a Yunling wild boar!"

When Wang Ling saw her man, she hurriedly opened her mouth, and Fan Guangxing directly put his hand into Wang Ling's collar from the front.

(End of this chapter)

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