Chapter 314 Life
Yunling wild boar?

The man with a fair complexion was moved, and then he looked at the man his woman was snuggling up to, and instantly recognized him as his fellow worker in the same workshop, Fan Guangxing.

"Come and eat, come, come, come in, come in."

A smile appeared on the man's face immediately, he hastily pushed the door back, stood under the door frame, and greeted Fan Guangxing and his wife Wang Ling outside the door.

"I'm going to trouble you today. This is the first time I've come to your house for dinner."

Fan Guangxing laughed, and walked to the man with his arms around Wang Ling, his palms were not polite, but the man smiled all over his face as if he didn't realize it: "What's the trouble, I don't have anything else, recently This culinary skill has improved."

"Wang Ling will sit with you in the living room later, and I'll go to the kitchen to cook. After the dishes are done, let's sit down and have a drink together."

The man smiled all over his face, patted his chest, and let him in while talking. Fan Guangxing laughed and walked in with his arms around Wang Ling.


As soon as the door was closed, the man went to cook on his own, leaving Wang Ling alone with Fan Guangxing in the empty living room.


It was getting dark gradually.

In the night where all kinds of cries are intertwined, scenes and scenes reflect the glory of the doomsday.

Finally, in the dead of night, the door of Wang Ling's house was opened. Wang Ling leaned on the window and watched her man send Fan Guangxing away.

"Don't worry, the position of the free people is hard to say, but you must have the title of free people."

Fan Guangxing spoke to the Wang Ling man with a smile on his face, and while talking, he turned to look at Wang Ling behind the window, and his face was full of aftertaste: "With your current strength, if you really go out and become free citizens right now, you are looking for death. , getting a free quota increase is the best choice.”

"Hey, that's enough, Brother Xing, it's you who is righteous!"

The man Wang Ling spoke anxiously, seeing Fan Guangxing's expression full of unbelievable surprises, he still couldn't help swallowing his saliva after finishing speaking: "Brother Xing, are you really willing to get us a couple of free lifts?" Forehead?"

"I'm not the leader of the picky team. The person who sleeps with you will definitely do things for you. This matter is on me."

Fan Guangxing sneered, and after thinking about it, his face darkened: "From now on, don't leave the door open for anyone except me, do you hear me?"

"Okay, I promise not to let it go, I will only leave it to you in the future!"

The man Wang Ling hurriedly patted his chest to reassure, trembling with excitement, obviously extremely surprised by Fan Guangxing's "magnanimous" and "righteous" actions.

Regulatory workers → free quota increase → free people.

If a control worker wants to become a freeman, he must first file a report, and then become a freeman. Normally speaking, the free quota increase is just a process of becoming a freeman.

However, one of the things you must face to become a free citizen is that you are free, but the basic guarantees of life are gone.

From the time you become a free citizen, you have to rely entirely on yourself to obtain all your daily necessities. The base city provides you with shelter and a platform, but you have to obtain resources by yourself.

This is a fatal problem for some people who want to become free citizens but lack their own strength.

However, they are unwilling, or because of their special talents, they do not need to work eight hours a day, so naturally the excessive free quota increase status has a new layer of benefits: the daily working hours are halved, and additional 1% practice supplies.

In other words, for an eight-hour work day, you only need to work for four hours, and you can also get additional supplies for practice, which is already a dream for ordinary supervisors.

The extra four hours plus a layer of cultivation resources may not seem like a lot, but for many people, this is the most practical opportunity to take themselves a step further.

Even without further thoughts, everyday life is much easier.

Therefore, even if they are not free people, many supervisory workers are rushing to become free raisers.

Offering one's own woman is just one of the means.

To some extent, Wang Ling's man should be thankful that he has such a colleague and a beautiful woman.

Otherwise, all this has nothing to do with him forever.

"You just understand."

Fan Guangxing glanced at the excited Wang Ling man, chuckled lightly, waved his hand, greeted Wang Ling, blinked his eyes, and left with a smile on his face.

Wang Ling's man walked all the way to the stairs, watched him leave, and then happily went back without mentioning it.

On the other hand, Fan Guangxing was also pondering some new things.

There are two women in the family, the Yunling wild boar he hunted back, and his own cultivation, including future choices.

According to the rules of the base city, if a person wants to change from a supervisory worker to a free citizen, he must pay enough to replace himself.

He himself needs a part of Yunling Wild Boar, but if he wants to change to someone else, he needs to pay an extra part.

Although two women plus one piece can't take up much pork, but after becoming a free citizen, he can't stay in the supervisor's dormitory.

First of all, he had to find a house of his own. This was simple. Fan Guangxing had bought one before, a small western-style building with a yard, which was enough for him to practice and live, even if he lived in a few more.

Then, the most important thing is to be affiliated to a cafeteria, have his own share in the cafeteria, and then he can solve the food in the practice cafeteria in the future. Only in this way can he have more energy to practice.

In addition, after becoming a freeman, he didn't want to continue to take risks and hunt for a living. He had the talent to refine elixirs, and he wanted to buy some elixirs' inheritance to make a living.

However, whether it is the alchemist's creation, the alchemist's inheritance, or the alchemy materials, it is not so easy to get.

His current spirit wild boar is far from enough.

Don't want those two women, save some money?
Fan Guangxing thought of the two women waiting for him at home, and shook his head, even if he didn't bring them, he didn't have enough resources.

Then, if this is the case, you need to continue hunting to accumulate wealth.

In this way, for the safety of hunting, he had to consider purchasing some combat equipment to ensure his own safety.

A place in the cafeteria needs one-third of the Yunling Boar, plus a series of expenses such as redemption, what he has left in the end is at most one-tenth of the Yunling Boar.

With such limited resources, what should I buy?


Fan Guangxing let out a breath, walked back to his home unknowingly, he pushed the door open, and suddenly saw that the messy home was now clean, obviously someone had cleaned it carefully.

And in the clean living room, a cold and temperamental goddess, and a gentle little sister next door were all waiting for him cleanly.

The huge Yunling wild boar was lying at the door of the kitchen, and no one moved.

The folk customs in the current base are extremely simple. Once Gein has misdeeds, such as stealing and robbery, once any behavior that violates the law of the base is discovered, no matter how big or small, all sentient beings will lose the opportunity to become free citizens.

If it is serious, not only will it be punished heavily, but it will also affect the next generation.

The city security department patrols every day, and the security officers that can be seen everywhere are enough to dispel any illegal thoughts.

In addition, even as a supervisor, life is still comfortable, so naturally no one is willing to take risks.

In this environment, those who dare to take risks basically become the lowest-level labor slaves, people who are not in the same world as their supervisors.

Besides, if valuables were stolen at home, he could apply for double compensation from the Public Security Department, so naturally he didn't care.

Seeing all this, Fan Guangxing couldn't help feeling satisfied.

He suddenly thought of a famous exercise: [Secret to the Scripture]

This is the savior of the base city, Master Li Ming, who is in charge of everything, has practiced seriously.

Perhaps it would be good to use the remaining resources to replace this?

At the very least, the current 【Secret Biography to the Scriptures·Reformation】has few exercises that can increase the original source, and by increasing the original source, his martial arts cultivation base can be better broken through.

Maybe, at the initial stage of bone training, which originally took a month to break through, it only takes a week to break through, and then go hunting, even with the current weapons, the safety will still be greatly increased.

"Brother Xing, you're back."

Seeing Fan Guangxing coming back, the two girls took the initiative to greet him, and Huang Ya greeted him with a smile.

"Well, Zhao Ling, Huang Ya, come in and tell me what you two are planning."

Fan Guangxing smiled and nodded, closed the door, sat on the sofa, and greeted the two girls, "Do you want to get a free quota increase, or do you want to follow me and become a free citizen?"

"Brother Guangxing, I want to follow you and become a free citizen."

As soon as Fan Guangxing's words fell, Zhao Ling, the daughter of the director, couldn't wait to speak, and looked at him nervously, for fear that her lion would startle him by opening her mouth.

"Brother Guangxing, I, I also want to be a free citizen."

Huang Ya pursed her lips, followed suit, and then hurriedly said, "Brother Guangxing, I didn't know you had this strength before, and I only wanted to be a free citizen, so I didn't pretend to pursue you, but now I know I was wrong. Well, I was wrong before, but I will accept how warm you are to me in the future."

After the two of them finished speaking, the air seemed to freeze a bit. Fan Guangxing's face was full of smiles, and he didn't speak in a hurry, so that they all became nervous.

Obviously, the great difficulty of becoming a freeman is not enough for them to get it by consciously paying their bodies.

After all, there are so many people with bodies, but there are very few people who can successfully hunt wild beasts in the wild. In comparison, you can understand which one is more valuable with your toes.

It's just that the value of this thing is at your own discretion, and only you know whether it's worth it or not.
So everything depends on how Fan Guangxing chooses.

"Follow me as a free citizen, then you will be mine from now on, and you can't go back on your word."

Fan Guangxing squinted his eyes and looked at the girls with different looks in front of him, and said with a smile.

"No regrets!"

"No regrets!"

As soon as Fan Guangxing finished speaking, the voices of the two girls immediately spoke in unison, looking at him eagerly.

"Okay, don't go back on your word, then come."

Fan Guangxing smiled at the corner of his mouth, opened his arms and hugged the two girls laughingly, and turned off the light while walking towards the bedroom.



The sun rose and the moon set, and a new day came. Huang Ya and Zhao Ling seemed to have grown a lot overnight, with a touch of maturity between their brows, and they followed Fan Guangxing to the office with their luggage in a gentle manner.

Outside the hall, well-dressed Wang Ling and his wife were already waiting at the door. When they saw the three of them coming, they immediately greeted them with smiles. Fan Guangxing waved his hand and led them in to start the formalities.

The efficiency of the staff in the hall was strange, and all the procedures were completed in half an hour. After the value measurement and containment of the Yunling wild boar, they stamped several times, and all their demands were fulfilled.

"Fan Guangxing, there are 130 catties of Yunling pork left. Do you keep it or replace it in our lobby?"

The clerk handed over the three free citizen certificates and two free quota increase certificates, and then asked Fan Guangxing with a smile on his face: "By the way, I think your strength is almost comparable to the peak strength of ordinary supernatural beings. Well, if you can break through within a week and really reach the peak of ordinary supernatural beings, then maybe you can catch up with the Mao country expedition mission, this is a rare and great opportunity."

"Oh? What Mao country expedition mission?"

Fan Guangxing's expression changed, and he couldn't help asking the staff.

The staff responded immediately, and Fan Guangxing was very excited when he told the specific details of this expedition mission.

"This is a team led by two big bosses. If you can participate, you are lucky."

Seeing Fan Guangxing's expression, the staff immediately added something with a smile. Fan Guangxing nodded, and then said decisively: "Is there any discount for exchanging the new version of the secret scripture with us?"

"Yes, you can have three catties of animal meat left over."

The staff smiled and said, Fan Guangxing made a decisive decision: "Then, let's change it here, and I will replace the leftover meat with [Essence Blood Pill]"

"These three catties of animal meat can be exchanged for one grain at most."

"Okay, just change one!"

Fan Guangxing nodded determinedly, and soon he would have to impart the latest version of the secret transmission to the scriptures. He immediately held the Qi and Blood Pill, and led the two girls straight to his small building.

After arriving at home, the Qi and Blood Pill was split into two halves for the two women to use, and they couldn't wait to start practicing.

"I, Lao Fan, have decided to participate in this long-distance mission. Zhang Ya, Zhao Ling, you two have to work hard."


A week later, Zhang Ya and Zhao Ling, who had ruddy complexions, were lazily lying on the bed at home.

Fan Guangxing rushed to the mission hall with all his equipment in good spirits. Seeing that 148 people had been recruited, he quickly got stuck in the last two places and put his name on it.

[The 149th member of the expedition mission, Wang Lin]

[The 150th member of the expedition mission, Fan Guangxing]

[The number of mission personnel is full, and registration is no longer accepted. All those who register to participate in the mission, please gather in the mission hall after three days]


(End of this chapter)

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