Chapter 322
"hold head high!!!"

A sound of dragon chant surged in the space in the frozen and annihilated state, and a powerful force burst out instantly as the space core and the whale dragon merged.

Facing the force of space that wanted to completely assimilate and subdue him, the whale dragon, who was born with a dragon spirit, mobilized his own space-time force angrily to collide with it.

But unlike the power of the previous eight ascetics, which could collapse at the touch of a touch, Li Ming's power is like a stubborn rock on the bottom of the river bed. No matter how hard he tries, it is difficult to shake this seed of power.

In the face of this vast force, the ever-unfavorable power of time and space was easily blocked like a stream scouring a giant mountain. The strength of that force made Whale Dragon unable to shake it at all.

"hold head high!!!"

A sound of dragon chants erupted, and the whale dragon fought hard against the power that wanted to subdue itself, but no matter how hard it tried, it couldn't escape the confinement of this power at all. into the body.

In an instant, all of the dragon soul, dragon bones, dragon blood, dragon meat, dragon scales, and dragon claws appeared the space core power belonging to Li Ming.

"hold head high!!"

Whale Dragon didn't dare to roar angrily, but with one move by Li Ming, the recovery power belonging to the space was used, and the space core fused with it forcibly took the unwilling Whale Dragon back into his space.


A wave belonging to the power of time and space flickered in Li Ming's first space. The moment Li Ming received the whale dragon in his body, Li Ming also obtained the special power of the whale dragon: the power of time and space!

At the same time, he also got the power to drive this whale dragon to fight!
Being able to obtain the power of various beasts, and at the same time, commanding the beasts to fight with him, this is the power of the four cores of Taoism, "Secrets of the Cave Heaven".

To a certain extent, the practice methods of Taoism are all born out of the cultivation methods brought by those immortal cultivators, but the difference is that after thousands of years of evolution, these Taoist methods that once originated from the cultivation methods of immortal cultivators have long been After being improved by generations of practitioners, it has become a brand new exercise that incorporates the wisdom of practitioners.

It has long surpassed the level of the immortal cultivator's skills that came here and leaked out unintentionally, and reached a new level of power.

They are not necessarily the strongest in the world of cultivating immortals, but they have their unique power and functions. At least, they are easy to use.

For example, the skill "Cave Heaven Secret Essentials", which was born out of the beast-control art of the Yuanying sect in the world of cultivating immortals, is based on its own ability to control beasts.

Li Ming suspects that spiritual energy has appeared more than once in this world, but it is just like the tide. The recovery of spiritual energy in the past has always been intermittent, ebb and flow.

During the period of the great magician Liu Xiu, it may be the time when a spiritual energy trend came, and because of this, these cultivation methods have the basic conditions for continuous improvement.

In the period when the aura was fixed and unable to be absorbed, these sects became ordinary hermit sects, focusing on honing the physical body and stabilizing the foundation of Qi and blood.

Only when the spiritual energy comes, with the help of abundant background, soar into the sky.

"It seems that there were not only those seven immortal cultivators who descended back then, but the others all perished in the battle with that monster, and the inheritance scattered after his death was obtained by some Taoists, which evolved into the current practice results. "

Li Ming guessed in his heart, then looked at the Whale Dragon subdued into the cave by himself, a thought flashed in the corner of his eyes, this dragon is so forcibly subdued, although it is squeezed in according to the skills, as long as it works well in the future, it should be able to subdue its heart , the danger of devouring the Lord will also be greatly reduced.

However, if the command does not move, it is still a hidden danger.

"Forget it, you must be very resistant during the running-in period. Who made me a soft-hearted good person, so I won't let you experience the pain of the running-in period."

Thinking about it, Li Ming took a look and didn't notice that he appeared at all. The eight overseas Taoist priests who were still sitting cross-legged and closed their eyes quickly recovered from their injuries. was released.

The first time the Whale Dragon appeared, its body was winding, resisting its own body, but the cave core has become a part of its body, how can it resist its own body?

Under the forcible control of the core of Dongtian, even the sound it wanted to roar was controlled by Li Ming, holding the dragon's voice in its throat, so that the whale dragon could only stare at Li Ming angrily. its human.

"What a stubborn new dragon."

Li Ming looked at the eyes of Whale Dragon, feeling emotional in his heart, and then controlled the core of the cave, so that it couldn't even stare angrily. Instead, he showed a cute expression, followed by hooking the corner of his mouth, and looked straight at Whale Dragon's eyes .

Supernatural powers - heart-pounding!
The supernatural power awakened from the sixth re-evolution of the telekinetic power was used by Li Ming in a real sense for the first time, and the terrifying power of divine thoughts immediately erupted from Li Ming's body, pouring into the spirit of the whale dragon crazily in the world.

In Whale Dragon's mind, the most fundamental source of dragon unconsciously changed into the shape of Li Ming.

When Li Ming opened his eyes again, Jinglong's resistance to Li Ming completely disappeared, and he became very docile in an instant, and he ran to Li Ming's side and rubbed his arm affectionately.

Li Ming smiled slightly, and in his thoughts, a force of time and space was brewing in his body.

"Another important ability of a beast master is that he can quickly comprehend the power of the beast master, and practice it by himself without borrowing the power of the beast master."

Li Ming felt the power of time and space with special effects, and his eyes were slightly bright. No wonder the Whale Dragon can make the exercises actively produce reminders. Not to mention anything else, this extremely special power of time and space alone can indeed be used for His practice has achieved excellent results!
In addition... There is also the power of time and space.

Li Ming thought of this, and immediately communicated with the power of time and space in Whale Dragon's body. The next moment, his body didn't move, but he disappeared out of thin air.

Then, while he was thinking, his figure reappeared, his eyes looked towards the sea ahead, and with a movement in his heart, the sea seemed to be squeezed by a five-element mountain, dropping 300 meters deep out of thin air!
With another thought, the sea returned to its original position.

"The power of time and space is truly mysterious."

Feeling the basic use of the power of time and space, Li Ming's eyes showed a look of radiance, and he felt extremely satisfied. Then he looked at the eight practitioners sitting cross-legged and the huge [Zhenhai Tower] under them, I thought about it in my heart.

"Meeting is fate. In order to thank you for this opportunity, I will save you."

With a heartbeat, the life force of the five elements gushed out and landed on the eight practitioners, allowing them to recover quickly from their injuries.

The five elements are mutually regenerated, and under the influence of the power of the five elements that Li Ming has re-evolved six times, the eight ascetics have not only recovered their cultivation, but even the damaged caves have been opened up by Li Ming with good fortune. Force built it.

Even, with this power of vitality, all the injuries suffered in the past practice are healed, and there is a faint sign of diligence in his cultivation.

How did the injury heal so quickly?
The eight Taoist priests, who were recovering from their wounds, felt depressed and hurriedly opened their eyes from their practice. The first reaction was that there was no response from the early-warning gossip array, which meant that there were indeed no creatures approaching.

Then he opened his eyes, looked around, and saw Li Ming looking at them with a smile on his face.


'This person is clearly right in front of us, why is there no response from the gossip array! '

'The formation failed? '

'Hiss, why did the Whale Dragon escape from the annihilation space! '

'Dangerous! '

Thoughts flocked to the minds of the eight Taoist priests in an instant, and they looked at Li Ming in front of them, and couldn't help but feel a strong admiration in their hearts. The strongest Great Elder cupped his hands, and took the initiative to ask: "May I ask what's going on here, sir, that whale dragon, but sir surrendered?"

Whale Dragon, whose name is Yi, is a dragon transformed from a blue whale. Since the transformation into a dragon is not complete enough, many features of whales can still be seen on its body. Fat, although the head is a dragon's head, but you can faintly see the appearance of a whale.

In short, this is a whale-like dragon.

"I came here just on a whim, because of my inspiration, I came here on purpose."

Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Besides, I discovered this situation as soon as I came here, and I know that all fellow Taoists are guarding against this dragon's evil, so they spared no effort to lose their mana and imprison it here."

"However, I don't think this method of imprisoning the prisoner can last for a long time. Therefore, I took the initiative to subdue the dragon directly, which caused troubles for everyone."

As Li Ming said, he smiled and cupped his hands at the eight Taoist priests, his eyes flickering.

No matter what kind of words to say to whoever, the Taoist priests on the other side speak so politely, he has to drag a few words, otherwise he will not be compelled.

Besides, the reason why these people treat him like this...

Li Ming thought for a while about the power that he had accidentally spread to them when he used the supernatural power of [Heart Concentration] just now, and said that he really didn't do it on purpose.

It's just a carelessness, let these eight monks take him as the master, there is no other meaning.

"What did you say, if this dragon cannot be subdued, it will definitely cause harm to the world. We originally came here to subdue this dragon, but we are weak and unable to do what we want. Now that this dragon is subdued by you, it should be the world. What a blessing, what a blessing to us!"

The great elder in the realm of supernatural powers hurriedly opened his mouth, and then looked at Li Ming's face, hesitantly said: "There is a hero on the Suwen land, sweeping across the universe, clearing the demons in the area, and establishing a peaceful and stable alliance of base cities, providing a way for the world's human race Withhold life."

"Dare to ask, sir is the co-lord of the world, Li Ming?"

The last question asked by the great elder of the supernatural power realm was very disturbed, for fear of offending the strong man in front of him because of his own injustice.

But the information sent by the head teacher Wu Jingshan should be him, and this is the main reason why he praised him as soon as he opened his mouth.

Of course, having said that, I was also afraid of admitting my mistake. After all, no one knew whether the other party would feel annoyed because he brag about another person in front of him, and thus directly punished himself.

Although what he said was not bragging, but in this age when the strong are respected, no matter what he said was true or false, if he offended the other party, it would not end well!
"Your Excellency has good eyesight, and I am Li Ming."

Li Ming smiled slightly, but he didn't care about the word "co-lord of the world" in the other party's mouth.

After all, he is indeed the co-lord of the world now, and it would be bad if his subordinates' confidence was hit because of his temporary humility.

Well, that's not right, this co-owner of the world does not include the West.

"However, the West is still undecided, and the word "Common Master of the World" is allowed to be delayed a bit. In the future, I will help the people of the West clean up their evil troubles and protect their people. It will not be too late to get this title again."

Li Ming, who originally wanted to claim the title of co-lord of the world, suddenly thought that maybe he could take this opportunity to spread the idea of ​​truly unifying the world. After all, human beings are all one family, and the global village should be unified.

It's not too much for me to work tirelessly to unify the earth for peace, right?
Thinking in his heart, Li Ming also looked at the eight monks in front of him with a smile on his face: "I don't know if the eight monks are willing to help me calm down the world and create a stable world?"

"We are willing to follow you!"

Hearing Li Ming's words, the eight elders of the overseas Dongtian Sect showed sudden expressions, and then hurriedly knelt down and bowed to speak.

Li Ming nodded in satisfaction, and then thought about it, while touching the head of the whale dragon, he looked at the eight people: "I see that each of the eight people like you has not found the first beast that suits them, so, since If you are willing to follow me, then I will help you."

"Next, come with me, the vast sea is so vast, there must be many excellent beasts hidden, and let me take you to search for one or two, and try to help you find a suitable powerful beast!"

While speaking, Li Ming released the Gengyu Xuanguan Sword, enlarged it to a length of 20 meters and a width of [-] meters, and looked at the eight overseas cavemen below.

The people from the Overseas Cave Sky looked at each other, thanked Li Ming with a happy smile, and then hurriedly got on the Feijian. The next moment, the Feijian shrunk down to a suitable size and led them across the vast sea.


Seeing this, Whale Dragon took the initiative to sway a wave of force, wrapping the sword body, accompanied by the water vapor, the sword body began to hide, and everyone flew over the sea area silently.

A seagull was flying in the air, and the long sword passed by it, but it didn't attract the slightest attention.

Dragon's Supernatural Ability Hidden!

Seeing this scene, the eight monks showed emotion in their eyes, and repeatedly praised Li Ming for subduing the magic power of the whale dragon. Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hand and rubbed the head of the whale dragon, and was quite satisfied.

In this way, not long after, the Great Elder in the realm of supernatural powers suddenly felt a sense in his heart. Li Ming took him to look at the sensed area, but saw a seagull with a wingspan of 50 meters, surrounded by golden and blue luster, flying into the sea , Riding the waves in the sea is faster than fish.


The seagull flew up again after hunting a huge catfish. After rising from the sea, it was not affected by the sea water at all, and flew into the clouds at high speed amidst the shining golden light.

(End of this chapter)

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