Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 323 Mysterious Royal Beast

Chapter 323 Mysterious Royal Beast

In the thick clouds, a seagull with golden and blue stripes all over its body screamed, and the giant catfish that was struggling just now fell silent, and was swallowed by the seagull in the next moment.

During the movement, the golden and blue light shone, and under the sunlight, there was some holy breath.

"As a bird, it is really rare to have awakened the water-moving supernatural power and the metal-moving supernatural power, and it is also the speed-type metal-moving supernatural power."

Even Li Ming felt very surprised when he saw the bird's actions, and couldn't help admiring: "It's no wonder that the Great Elder's heart can be touched. Such a strange beast is really rare."

"Thank you, sir, for your guidance!"

The Great Elder obviously also knew how precious such a strange beast that could fly into the sky and enter the sea was so precious. He even felt the breath of space from this strange beast. After hearing what Li Ming said, he didn't dare to claim credit, but instead A hasty thank you.

"Although I have brought you here, I still need to do it myself to subdue the beast. It will be up to you then."

Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, pointed at the seagull fluttering its wings, the strength on the other side is not simple.

The combination of the power of the gold line and the water line has even reached the strength of re-evolving a supernatural being five times, which is also a big challenge for the great elder in the realm of supernatural powers.

"I am the Great Elder of [Overseas Cave Sky]. Without the help of the core beast master, even if I rely on supernatural powers to fight against the enemy, it is only the strength of an ordinary five-time evolutionary supernatural being. But to deal with strange beasts, there is a secret method. "

The Great Elder smiled confidently, and then bowed to Li Ming: "Since the precious beast has been found, don't bother the next thing, sir, let's go on!"

After finishing speaking, the Great Elder's body was surrounded by light, and a power that was very similar to a supernatural power burst out from his body, and then his entire figure flew into the air directly by this power.

"Wrap the power similar to supernatural powers completely around itself, and then directly realize the flight through the air with the characteristics of light energy."

Li Ming looked at the Great Elder who was flying with the help of supernatural powers with great interest, but then shook his head to be right, but not all right.

Although supernatural powers are very similar to supernatural powers, they are not supernatural powers after all. It is more similar to a kind of power of heaven and earth, but it is rooted in itself, so it can use supernatural powers to achieve the effect of flying.

If the ability had such an effect, Li Ming would have already used the power of the ability to fly.

And... he doesn't fly fast.

At the very least, compared with his acupoint practice method, the way of flying with the power of acupoints is much slower.

Probably like the difference between a car and a shared bicycle, the two are not the same.

It's really hard to judge whether the ability or this supernatural power is stronger or weaker.

While Li Ming was thinking about it, he also watched with great interest the Great Elder of Overseas Cave Sky who flew to the side of the sea gull with his supernatural power.

Because the flying sword he controlled was always beside the sea gull, so the elder was able to approach the sea gull at a slower speed than the sea gull and then fight with it.

To Li Ming's surprise, facing the Great Elder, the Great Sea Gull's strength seemed to be difficult to use, and he looked limp. Although his overall strength was not weaker than that of the Great Elder, he was suppressed and beaten by the Great Elder.

And, slowly, he became more and more restrained, and after a while, he was out of breath and looked at the human beings in front of him in doubt.

At this time, a mental wave emanated from the body of the Great Elder and passed into the brain of the Great Sea Gull. Not long after, the Great Sea Gull seemed to have sensed some information, and looked at the Great Elder hesitantly.

The Great Elder seemed to be carrying a magic weapon of space, and when he reached out, he took out a pill the size of a basketball.

Danwan exuded a strange fragrance, and the seagull gulped its saliva after smelling it, and then the great elder threw it into its mouth, the seagull swallowed it in a panic, closed its eyes and enjoyed it for a while, and the eyes immediately began to reveal joy Then, under Li Ming's astonished gaze, he walked up to the Great Elder and rubbed his palm affectionately.

Only then did the Great Elder smile in satisfaction, and then summoned his own cave core, and the seagull actually took the initiative to fuse with the cave core.

It's just that, unlike Li Ming's process of subduing the Whale Dragon, the Great Seagull didn't resist the whole process, and even actively cooperated with the Overseas Grotto Elder to integrate with his Grotto Core with a happy and satisfied attitude.

At the same time, the relationship between them is also different from the relationship between Li Ming and Whale Dragon now. They don't have that kind of absolute control, but they have an absolutely reliable relationship of dependence, but the elder is dominant.

Perhaps, this is the real imperial beast.

Li Ming was puzzled, and couldn't help rubbing the head of the whale dragon.

Fortunately, he prefers the feeling that everything is under absolute control.

After the Dongtian core successfully merged with the seagull, the great elder closed his eyes and seemed to be comprehending something in the air. After a while, when the comprehension was completed, golden and blue energy surged all over his body.


There was a sound of breaking through the sky, and the Great Elder Yukong flew back, but after subduing the first imperial beast, his speed was incomparable, ten times faster than before.

Now the gap between him and Li Ming has become the gap between an ordinary car and a sports car.

"Before I waited for the Greedy Whale Dragon, knowing that the potential of this beast was definitely beyond my reach, but I still forcibly took it, so that not only did I not subdue the beast, but I was also deprived of my cave core. The road to beast control is hopeless."

The Great Elder of Overseas Dongtian carried his imperial beast and landed on the flying sword. Li Ming did not use the power of time and space to hide it from him, so the flying sword that did not exist in the eyes of Seagull just now will be honestly held by the Overseas Dongtian Elder. It really fell down.

After he landed on the flying sword, he felt the close connection between himself and the seagull, especially the brand-new power surging out of his body. He was filled with emotions, and couldn't help clasping his fists at Li Ming excitedly: "Fortunately, When I met Mr. Li, not only did I subdue the Whale Dragon, which swallowed up the crystallization of my cultivation and my strength soared, but also made us unable to subdue it at all, and would become a disaster."

"I also used the power of the five elements to reverse my life, and let my already annihilated winter grow again, and the number of caves was even more than before. This kind of good fortune, Lin Hai is far from unforgettable, and I wish to follow you completely from now on !"

When I first came to the sea, when I met Whale Dragon, I was very excited. With the idea of ​​changing my bicycle into a motorcycle, I didn’t care about the gap between the two and their incompatibility, so I insisted on forcing it.

As a result, as soon as he made a move, the cave core was gone, and the imperial beast did not get it. Instead, Whale Dragon got the cave core, absorbed his cultivation base, and his strength increased again, making it difficult to control.

Fortunately, although the core of the first cave is gone at this time, the cores of the other caves are still there. Although they have lost the power of having the strongest beasts, the second, third, fourth, and fifth beasts The location is still there.

Coupled with his own skills of controlling beasts from overseas caves, there is still hope. As long as he calms down and subdues some beasts with good qualifications, and trains them patiently, he will also have a bright future in the future.

However, who would have thought that the power of time and space of this whale dragon would be so terrifying that he had no choice but to detonate all his caves in order to gain a 20-year respite, and then find another way to solve the disaster caused by himself .

It's just that, since then, the cave has been completely lost, and there is no ability to control beasts. A person's profound ability to control beasts is useless. Although he can switch to other methods in the future, once the accumulation of these decades is wiped out, what will happen in the future? One can imagine.

He has almost completely lost his qualifications to become a top monk.

But I never expected that at this moment, a chance fell from the sky, and the rich vitality poured into the body unreasonably. One more came out.

This is equivalent to not only regaining everything that had been destroyed, but also doubled the upper limit of the beast master that he can contract, and can contract one more beast master to cultivate and connect with himself.

Such a shocking experience can be described as ups and downs, how can it not be exciting!

In addition, after recovering, he was led to find such a potential No. [-] Beast Master. This kind of kindness, it is not an exaggeration to recreate it with a sentence of kindness!
Lin Haiyuan, the great elder of Overseas Cave Sky, said while stroking the feathers of the seagull beside him excitedly. He could feel the great potential of this imperial beast.

The ability to fly into the sea, the great speed, and the power of space contained in it all prove that this is an excellent imperial beast.

If my first Beast Master has such excellent qualifications, his future achievements will definitely not be lower than anyone else's!
"You and I met by chance. There is no need to mention the rebirth of kindness, but keep it in mind, and it will show up over time."

Li Ming looked at the Overseas Dongtian Great Elder who was grateful to him in Lintong, with a satisfied smile on his face, then waved his sleeves and led them to continue to rush to other places in the endless sea.

Upon seeing this, Elder Lin Haiyuan saluted gratefully, and then sat cross-legged silently, communicating with the newly subdued beast.

And after a while, another elder had a feeling in his heart, and Li Ming led him to an isolated island, and then he was surprised to find that there was a five-meter-tall creature with water and fire flowing all over his body. Great ape.

The elder was overjoyed when he saw such a giant ape. After falling down, he immediately tried his best to subdue it. After tossing and tossing for half a day, he followed him humbly and docilely. The giant ape that had been fused with the core of the first cave returned to On the flying sword.

After arriving at Feijian, the elder bowed deeply to Li Ming, and also expressed his desire to pursue him to the death. After getting Li Ming's affirmation, he sat cross-legged with the giant ape who was a little wary of seagulls. He picked up a corner of the flying sword, and communicated with it in the early stage of beast control.

It's just that although the giant ape is very wary of the seagull, the seagull does not have such emotions. It can be seen that the strength and potential of the seagull are greater than that of the giant ape, but the monk himself is a bit inferior to the great elder Lin Haiyuan, so I don't mind.

On the contrary, he was very happy to have obtained such a royal beast for himself.

Li Ming naturally didn't care. To some extent, these eight people were a means to increase his control over the other three hidden sects. To put it bluntly, they were his own soldiers. The stronger they were, the better they were.

Therefore, they will continue to take them to fly over the sea without hesitation.

Not long after, another elder had a feeling. Li Ming took him to the destination and found a polar bear riding the waves in the sea with a frosty breath all over its body.

The elder joyfully rushed forward and spent a lot of trouble, subduing this mutated polar bear with the power of frost and water as the first royal beast, and then returned to the flying sword with a smile on his face, and respectfully greeted Li Ming again. Express loyalty and thanks.

Li Ming just smiled faintly, and then continued to fly at a high speed, looking for the imperial beast for the remaining five elders.

It can only be said that the vast sea is worthy of being a place where creatures gather. Li Ming's flying sword quickly searched for it, and within a short time he found a telepathic royal beast for the fourth elder.

This time, what was surprising was that it turned out to be a water monkey, and it had also awakened the double ability of earth and water.

The next fifth elder's imperial beast was a sea snake with a horny head that turned into a dragon. He spent a lot of effort to subdue it, and finally brought the dragon back to Feijian with great joy.

The sixth elder and the seventh elder had a feeling almost at the same time. Li Ming took them to check. A big crab with the ability to move in water, move in soil and move in three elements.

Then, the eighth elder found a three-meter-tall seahorse that had awakened both wind and water abilities.

Each of the eight elders got the first beast master with dual abilities. It can be said that everyone is smiling and very happy.

You know, for them, this double superpower is equivalent to two supernatural powers. With this kind of beast master, even if they can't comprehend the rules of heaven and earth in the future, and naturally advance to the supernatural power level, they can also use the power of the beast master to directly generate The corresponding supernatural powers are promoted to the realm of supernatural powers.

However, the seven elders who have not reached the realm of supernatural powers are all people with extraordinary potential. Naturally, they are not willing to do this. The third supernatural power.

In this way, he can become the top combat force in the supernatural power realm with three supernatural powers!

However, the success of the first beast master still needs a long period of cultivation and familiarity before it can be transformed into a solid background as soon as possible. Therefore, the eight elders did not look for other beast masters, but started their own practice.

Seeing this, Li Ming immediately took them to their sect's residence, but what made him feel a little bit astonished was that before they arrived at the residence, the other seven elders broke through again and again, and they all realized their supernatural powers. Into the realm of supernatural powers.

And just as soon as he entered the supernatural powers, because of the powerful first imperial beast, his strength was solid and stable, and he had a stable fighting ability.

As for the great elder Lin Haiyuan, his cultivation level has gone a step further, and he has comprehended the golden fighting supernatural power!
(End of this chapter)

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