Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 324 Horror in the Forbidden Land!

Chapter 324 Horror in the Forbidden Land!
"Phew, I went out to sea this time because I was looking for opportunities. Although there were many twists and turns along the way, fortunately, everything I got in the end was a good result, and it was a blessing in disguise."

The day before arriving in front of the sect, Lin Haiyuan, the great elder of the Overseas Cave, said with emotion: "And all of this is given by Mr. Li Ming. I am really lucky to meet Mr. Li Ming in this life! "

Hearing this, the other elders couldn't help feeling emotional, and bowed again to thank the hero who saved them, Li Ming, with an extremely sincere expression.

"You don't need to be too polite. The peaceful construction of the base city still needs your joint efforts. The information from the seaside, as well as the changes in the practice sect and the secular world are very useful for the peace of the world. At that time, you will also need to take the initiative to contact the inland to bring Useful information delivered."

Li Ming had a smile on his face. Looking at these cultivators in the realm of supernatural powers who subdued the imperial beast, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

The Supernatural Realm can rival ordinary supernatural beings who have evolved five times. This is already the strongest level known so far except him. There are eight strong men of this level, and each of them has a powerful alien beast. Accompanied, each one is not weaker than the five re-evolved supernatural beings.

The addition of such a group of people, even for his current power, is like a group of pillars.

So, going out this time, it can be said that I made a lot of money!

Of course, without his appearance, these people would not have reached this level at all, and all the endings today can only be said to be due cause and effect.

In the midst of everyone's gratitude, the Zongmen's residence in Haiyuedongtian was already in sight, and Li Ming was not polite, and directly followed the eight supernatural power realm elders who had completely turned their hearts to him into this Zongmen's residence. .

And inside the Zongmen's residence, a supernatural power Taoist stationed here suddenly felt the breath of eight supernatural powers, which scared him into the air on the spot, and looked at the place where the eight monks appeared in horror.

But after seeing the faces of the eight monks clearly, he was stunned for a moment, followed by ecstasy.

"God bless me overseas, the eight elders went out to sea to find opportunities, and they all broke into the realm of supernatural powers. Congratulations, congratulations!"

Overseas Dongtian headmaster shouted excitedly, instantly shocking the disciples of the entire sect, they all walked out of the residence and looked at the positions of the eight supernatural power elders with surprise on their faces, wanting to witness this dreamy scene.

This feeling is like the sudden addition of eight aircraft carrier battle groups in the country before the end of the day. The shock is unparalleled.

It's just that when the headmaster shouted excitedly and noticed that the eight people were headed by a young man, he looked a little stunned again.

After a while, when the young man took the initiative to release a breath, he looked horrified.

However, at this time, the elder and other eight supernatural powers had all come close, so he suppressed the emotions in his heart, and asked the young man who came to the door very nervously.

After some communication, the sect leader also heaved a sigh of relief, and politely invited Li Ming in. After various entertainments, he solemnly sent him out of the sect formation.

After watching Li Ming leave, the headman hurriedly went to find the eight newly returned elders and asked them what happened in the sea.

However, after hearing their answers, he himself froze in disbelief.

"Tell me, what kind of beast did you guys wait for?"

The head of Overseas Dongtian opened his eyes wide and looked at the eight juniors. He touched Lei Jinhu beside him in an awkward voice, and said to them.

"Master, this is a seagull, a strange beast. It has not yet been named. It can fly into the sky and enter the sea. When flying into the sky, it has the speed of lightning. When entering the sea, it has the ability to control the sea waves. It has the power of space, which makes the master laugh."

Seeing that the master summoned his own beast, Lei Jinhu, which possessed the power of lightning and gold elements, the Great Elder Lin Haiyuan summoned his own beast, Seagull, with a gentle smile on his face.

The appearance of the strange beast seagull aroused Lei Jinhu's curiosity. He lay on the ground and looked at it up and down, and the same was true for the strange beast seagull.

"Master, this is the giant ape of the alien beast, and it has not yet been named. It has the power of water and fire, and its physical strength is infinite."

The second elder summoned his own water and fire giant ape, and said to the master with a smile on his face.

"Master, this is a polar bear, a strange beast. It has the power of ice and the ability to control waves. It is also rough-skinned and thick-skinned, with infinite strength."

The third elder summoned his own polar bear and spoke with a smile.

"Master, this is a water monkey, a strange beast. It has the power to escape from the earth and control the water, and its body is equally powerful."

The fourth elder summoned his mutated water monkey with a smile on his face.

"Master, this is a poisonous dragon. It has the power of a dragon. It can change in size. It can make clouds and rain, and it can breathe out poisonous mist. It has a strong body. It was transformed into a dragon by a water snake. Fortunately, I met you."

The fifth elder summoned his own dragon, and the expression of joy on his face was beyond expression.

Obviously, he was extremely happy that he could get a dragon seed with his own strength.

"Master, this is a spirit turtle. It has the power to control water and the ability to plant plants. It has strong defense and a long lifespan."

The sixth elder smiled and summoned his mutated tortoise, and looked at the tortoise shell with an obviously very happy smile on his face, obviously very content.

The monk of the Beast Sect can obtain almost all the powerful characteristics of his own Beast. He has this kind of turtle, which not only can assist in his practice, but also brings him a lot of life span increase, which naturally makes a lot of money.

"Master, this is General Crab. He has the indestructible power of metal, the ability of water to control water, and the ability of earth to hide and control the earth. He is a heterogeneous spirit crab with three elements."

The seventh laughed and released his big crab, touched its hard shell, his face was flushed.

If such a crab is handled properly, it can be said to be a powerful assistant in the three battlefields of land and sea, and its combat ability should not be underestimated, so he is naturally very satisfied.

"Master, this is a seahorse of a strange beast. It is more than ten feet tall. It has the ability to control the wind and the power to control the water. It is a partner that is quite popular with me."

The eighth elder released his seahorse with a smile on his face, obviously very satisfied with having such a mount.

"You guys have such a chance. It seems that Mr. Li Ming is not only the hero of the world, but also the blessed lord of a generation. It is destiny."

The headmaster saw that the beasts of his eight junior brothers were not much worse than his own, and even Lei Jinhu, who was not weaker than him at all, had to be silent for a while, finally shook his head, and said with emotion.

As soon as the words came out, the eight juniors immediately agreed with each other, and the sect leader waved his hand angrily, telling them to go back to each place to teach their disciples, and then went out of the sect alone with a smile on their faces.

"The sect will be handed over to you, and the head of the sect is going to find the second beast!"

Overseas Grotto Master walked out of the sect laughing, looked at the vast world outside, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

Finally able to come out!


"The sect in this world is an interesting force that cannot be ignored."

Leaving from Overseas Cave, Li Ming put away his long sword and directly covered himself with the power of time and space of Whale Dragon. While rushing to the place of forbidden law that sent the news at a faster speed, he recalled the matter of Overseas Cave. , with a funny smile on his face.

This is the case in overseas caves, so what about the other two sects that have never been masked?

"In any case, getting this whale dragon is really a big profit."

Li Ming felt the power of time and space flowing in himself, and his eyes were full of splendor. He slightly mobilized the power of time and space, and the speed of swallowing the power of heaven and earth in his orifice was like pressing the accelerator button. He swallowed the spiritual power of heaven and earth. , and the speed of converting it into Qi and blood has increased tenfold in an instant!
With the surging growth of qi and blood, his various qi attribute energies and soul power also increased synchronously.

And this is just the initial application of Whale Dragon's power of time and space to him!

And the initial use can make his practice speed ten times stronger, and it can be said that his strength will increase without incident at ordinary times!

"It's gone, it's really gone."

Feeling his own state, Li Ming couldn't help being overjoyed and laughed.


The Whale Dragon beside him seemed to feel his master's mood, and he couldn't help rubbing his palm happily, feeling happy in his heart.

The power of time and space and the hidden power of the Whale Dragon worked together, and Li Ming's swaggering and laughing flight did not cause the slightest wave in the space.

And at the edge of the base circle thousands of miles away, they took the initiative to increase their staff, and the youth regiment responsible for guarding this place welcomed two strange guests.

"Stop coming. This is a key area of ​​the Joint Base City, and it has now been brought under military jurisdiction. Unauthorized people are not allowed to approach."

In the rock fortress, a team wearing special combat uniforms walked out of the fortress, armed with various weapons, and stopped two men, one big and one small, who looked a little strange in front of them.

"Pindao is the elder of Wuyue Mountain, Yue Yuanshan, and this is the young apprentice Yue Zhuoyou. He came here for no other business, but to help the base city break the mystery of this forbidden law."

The visitor was wearing ancient clothes and a long robe. Hearing the words of the combat team blocking him, he smiled at the corner of his mouth and said kindly with his hands clasped.

"Where did you hear the news about this place?"

The battle team frowned when they heard the forbidden land, and when he finished speaking, they couldn't help asking in a cold voice.

"To be honest, before the base was discovered, I, Wuyue Mountain, had been exploring."

The youthful-looking Taoist priest smiled, his tone was not in a hurry, and then he pulled the disciple: "This place is not only a place of forbidden law, but also a terrifying place of annihilation at its core. Crazy devouring lifespan will turn into bones in a short time."

"No force can resist this kind of erosion, or we have already tried, and any force we can find can't resist it, and Pindao came here this time to bring some young disciples with special physiques to try. Let's see if we can solve the mystery of this place."

The Taoist's tone was calm, and he pulled the hand of the boy beside him without any waves, smiling all over his face: "Little Tu is the only person in Wuyue Mountain who has touched the core forbidden area without losing his lifespan, but his body is too weak to touch it. The core, and then bring it back to the mountain gate to practice."

"Now, its foundation has just been established, and Pindao wants to try again."

The young Taoist smiled kindly and said to the guarding soldiers, without any emotion in his words.

"You said you are from Mount Wuyue, do you have any proof?"

Hearing what the Taoist said, the captain of the team frowned and asked.

"This is the head seal."

The young Taoist smiled, took out a seal, and spoke to the captain.

"Wait a moment, we need to report to our superiors."

Seeing that the Taoist priest took out the head seal with its own light, the guard team did not dare to neglect. They took the equipment to record the video while speaking, and immediately uploaded the video to the superior after the video was recorded.

Then came the long wait.

After waiting for more than an hour, two figures also wearing Taoist robes walked with swords and flew over. After seeing the two people blocked by the team, a flash of surprise flashed in their expressions.

"Sure enough, you are a disciple of Wuyue Mountain, but why do you have the seal of the master, and where is the true cultivation of Yue Lingshen, the master of Wuyue Mountain?"

The two Wujingshan elders who rushed over recognized the seal as real the moment they saw the seal, and after feeling the breath of youth and children, they were even more sure that it belonged to Wuyue Mountain, so they couldn't help but asked.

"My father and Wuyue Mountain are all in the forbidden area guarded by you. My apprentice and I are the only remaining children in the mountain."

The smile on the Taoist priest's face was still peaceful, and he said with a smile: "This time, the two of us came here, which can be regarded as an act of lifting the door of Wuyue Mountain. Naturally, we must bring the seal of the head of the house."

"What, you said that more than 300 people from the top and bottom of Wuyue Mountain are all in this forbidden area, so why haven't I found it after waiting for more than a month?"

Hearing what the young Taoist said, another monk from Wujing Mountain asked in disbelief with a look of astonishment on his face.

This remark instantly made the battle team nervous, and subconsciously wanted to be vigilant around them, but immediately relaxed after hearing the words.

"Our juniors are already as dry as bones in the forbidden area."

The smile on the Taoist priest's face remained unchanged: "Under the transformation into flying ash, naturally there is no movement."

"What, all of Wuyue Mountain died here?"

The two elders were shocked immediately, and looked at the Taoist priest in bewilderment and said in shock.

"No, there are two of us."

The young Taoist smiled, and pulled the apprentice with a bright smile beside him.

"This matter is of great importance, please follow me, and allow me to report this matter to Lord Li Ming!"

The hearts of the two elders were turbulent, but they still swallowed their saliva, received them politely, and followed up with the dissemination of information, spreading all the news here to Hope Base City.

I hope that after the base city receives the news, it will also immediately inform Lei Ming who is rushing back to the base city. Lei Ming knows it, and Li Ming, who is rushing to the forbidden area, also knows it instantly. He is suddenly surprised.

"That place actually made Wuyue Mountain almost die?"

(End of this chapter)

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