Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 327 Nether authority!

Chapter 327 Nether authority!

On the dark red earth, the stone book was suspended in the palm of his hand, and the spirit and energy that belonged to Li Ming were continuously being driven into it by him.

With the influx of energy and spirit, more mysterious energy about the stone book poured into my heart.

Life and death, yin and yang...

Mysterious insights kept pouring into my heart, and more information about this place also kept appearing in my heart.

After the great change of the world, not only the surface of the world has changed, but also the inside of the world.

This principle can be understood as the shadow of the world, the shadow.

In other words, it is the legendary Netherworld.

It's just that this world didn't exist before the great change of the world, but after the great change of the world, strands of mysterious Yin power and Yin evil energy converged into one, forming another world at the bottom of the world.

To some extent, this world is complementary to the various monsters and monsters on the surface of the world.

And under the great changes in the world, the strength of monsters and monsters has increased tremendously. Under this connection, this nether world and the surface of the world are also connected. Under this connection, the mystery of the mysterious land and the mystery of the surface world. Goulian, and thus this treasure was born.

Possesses the imperial book that controls the power of life and death, the book of life and death!

Holding this magical treasure in his hand, Li Ming looked deeply at the deepest part of the bloody ground in front of him.

There, a hole like a black hole emerged, and his eyes followed the black hole, as if he saw a world full of darkness and blood.

According to the rumors, there are ten halls of Yan Luo in the Netherworld, there are ox-headed and horse-faced ones, black and white impermanence, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, ghost kings, ghost soldiers, and evil ghosts.

But now, it is empty there, and as far as the eye can see, there is not a single creature that does not exist in any form other than the simple world!

"Is this the current Nether World? It's empty and silent. In this case, there is no such thing as the Ten Temples of Yama, the ghost king and ghost soldiers."

Li Ming's eyes flickered. Under such circumstances, whoever owns the most treasures of the Underworld will be able to use them to control the authority of the Nether World and become the true master of the entire Nether World!
For example, the book in front of you, the book of life and death!
It possesses the power of life and death, and whoever can master it will be able to grasp the authority of the underworld to record the lifespan of living beings, and possess a part of the authority of the underworld.

And like this kind of treasure, there is not only one in the entire nether world.

Such as heart-broken grass, this heart-broken grass is not the heart-broken grass we are familiar with, but a strange plant in the underworld. It can restore people's memory, but it can also be fatal. Once taken, it will die suddenly within three days. Death, no matter whether it is the Daluo Jinxian or the current saint, cannot be avoided.

It is said that Shennong once discovered this kind of grass at the junction of the human world and the underworld. Shennong's strength is strong, and he has tasted all kinds of herbs every day, and he has long been invulnerable to all poisons; It was cut into pieces, and not long after, Shennong, who had tasted countless herbs, ruined his own life in this way, so it was called heartbroken grass.But the poison of heartbroken grass is not insoluble, the antidote is the leaves of the companion vine.

Heartbroken Grass is a fetish in the underworld, whoever can grasp the power to reproduce and control Heartbroken Grass will naturally get part of the power of the underworld.

There is also Bianhua, also known as the tenderness of the devil.Legend has it that he voluntarily threw himself into hell and was sent back by the demons, but he still lingered on the road to Huangquan. The demons couldn't bear it, so they agreed to let him drive on this road to give guidance and comfort to the souls who left the human world.

Snow-white and blood-red Bianhua together represent death.It is rumored that mandala flowers bloom on the road to heaven, and manjusawa are all over the road to hell.Both represent death, one is biased towards another interpretation of death: rebirth; the other is biased towards the hesitation and wandering of pain and regret: fall.

The Bianhua also has a flower god, and if you master it, you can master the priesthood related to the reproduction of the Bianhua, and then you can get a part of the power of the ghost.

There is also the Nether Dragon, one of the divisions of the Candle Dragon in the legend. Many people may know little about the existence of the Nether Dragon, but the Dragon Snake Grass that was born when the Nether Dragon was about to die must be known to many people.

Just the Dragon Snake Grass created by the dying power of the Nether Dragon can make a dying person immortal. Although it cannot make a living person, this kind of power that can fight against life and death is already precious enough.

It is said that the dragon snake grass is no different from ordinary weeds and grows together, but if you want the dragon snake grass to have magical functions, there is an extremely harsh condition, that is, to be dripped by dragon snake (saliva); many people think that this It may not be difficult, but the dragon snake is so precious, it is equivalent to the essence of the dragon. Generally, only when the old dragon is dying, the real dragon snake will flow out of the mouth.The dragon is the supreme divine beast in the world. Before dying, the old dragons usually go to the underworld to find a hidden place to die, so this grass is extremely hard to find, and the number is very small.

The dragon snake grass in the underworld was born from the dragon snake of the Nether Dragon.

And just one grass can give birth to a divine grass that can counteract the power of life and death. You must know that only another power of the same level can counter one kind of power. That proves that the power contained in it is at the same level as the book of life and death that holds the power of life and death.

And just the dragon snake grass that was born from the essence after death has such power, which shows how rare the dragon of the nether world is, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to obtain it.

There is also the rumored Mengpo soup.

Mengpo soup is the tea soup that all ghosts must take before reincarnation. After taking it, whether it is a mortal soul or a god in the sky, they will forget everything in their lifetime, which means starting again.It is not known exactly how Meng Po soup is made.

Some people think that it was made by Po Meng, but that is not necessarily the case. It is only because Po Meng is the person in charge of the soup in the legend that it is named as Po Meng Soup.

In essence, it should be a kind of spiritual spring water born of heaven and earth, just like the rumored Sanguang Shenshui.

Whoever has the power of Meng Po Tang can also gain a powerful power of You Ming.

In addition, there is the Sansheng Stone. After a person dies, walk through Huangquan Road and reach the Naihe Bridge, and you will see the Sansheng Stone.

It has been standing beside the Naihe Bridge, looking at those people in the world of mortals who are about to drink Mengpo soup and reincarnate.It is said that the Sansheng Stone can reflect the appearance of people in previous lives.

The cause of the previous life, the fruit of this life, the cycle of fate, the origin and extinction of fate, are all engraved on the Sansheng Stone.For thousands of years, it has witnessed the suffering and joy, sorrow and joy, laughter and tears of all living beings.The debt that should be paid, the love that should be repaid, will be written off in front of Sanshengshi.

In other words, the three life stones are the divine stones that clean up life's grievances, sins, and all karma. If you know that karma and sin are hard to erase, even immortals can't help it.

Otherwise, so many gods and gods in the world would not have sin-ridden generations.

If one can master these three life stones, one can naturally obtain part of the authority of the Underworld.

In addition, there are more core Yan Luo authority and the authority of the six reincarnations.

If someone can obtain all these Nether gods and Yama authority, the authority of the six reincarnations, in other words, he will own the entire Nether, and be the veritable master of the Nether!

It's just that it's obviously very difficult, not to mention anything else, the book of life and death alone is already a treasure obtained by Li Mingde's great fortune, not to mention other gods, whether it can be found is really a matter of opinion.

Moreover, this book of life and death alone needs to be fully controlled by the fusion of people with special bodies, let alone other things.

But in any case, this is also a huge temptation.

After all, now that the Netherworld is just born, there is a natural possibility for people to obtain this kind of power.

Otherwise, it would be wishful thinking to wait until the future to intervene in such a matter.

While Li Ming was thinking, he looked at Qin Guang who was on the side, and continued to focus on the stone book in front of him, and began to refine it with his own powerful power.

It's just that the book of life and death is one of the treasures of the underworld, and it contains the power of the underworld, so how can it be so easy to refine.

In this way, the refinement lasted for 49 days, and Li Ming finally mastered the place where this treasure can be mastered.

In other words, all the core functions of this treasure have been controlled by Li Ming, and the only thing left that cannot be used casually is... the power to exercise the authority of a judge.

In fact, all the power of this treasure has belonged to Li Ming under the situation of voluntarily recognizing its owner, but the sad thing is that the power belongs to Li Ming, but its duty of exercising authority needs to be replaced by others.

And this replacement person is the person who has the body of the ultimate spirit...

In addition, Li Ming, who had completely mastered the book of life and death, also felt that all the people who practiced in Wuyue Mountain died before.

Thinking of this, he looked at Qin Guang and Qin Yuan beside him.

"I have refined this treasure thoroughly, and I am fully aware of the death of the people who practiced in Wuyue Mountain. In fact, they did not die."

Li Ming waved his sleeves, his voice with a smile woke up the attention of the people around him, and he hastily turned his attention to him.

During the time he was refining the book of life and death, neither Li Er, Li San, Li Si and the team members, nor the two elders of Wujing Mountain who came here, nor Qin Guang and Qin Yuan chose to leave, but Silently scattered around guarding.

It's just a full 49 days, which also made them a little slack. At this moment, they were shocked when they heard Li Ming's voice, and then they reacted. Qin Yuan and Qin Guang looked at him in surprise.

"My lord, tell me, what happened to them?"

Qin Yuan's voice was a little trembling, and he couldn't help but spoke to Li Ming excitedly.

"Your Wuyue Mountain's exercises contain the power of the Netherworld. In other words, the power cultivated by your Wuyueshan's exercises can be connected with the Netherworld, and the dark red space in front of you, It is the place where the netherworld and the yang world are connected."

There was a smile on Li Ming's face, and he said softly: "In normal times, you can mobilize your own power to induce some powers related to the netherworld to display, but when you get here, the Wuyue Mountain Kung Fu cultivation base will instantly overwhelm you. All the energies are attracted to each other like magnets, and are instantly sucked into the netherworld."

"Although your exercises can communicate with the powers related to the nether world, they are still human beings after all. The wonderful changes of strangers entering the nether world seem to you to lose their lives, but in fact they did not die, they were just transported to the world. It's just a ghost world."

"So, you just need to lead them out..."

With a movement of Li Ming's gaze, he looked at the entrance of Netherworld. The stone book in his hand was shining brightly, and a force of attraction between life and death was drawn into Netherworld, allowing him to take over part of the authority of Netherworld in an instant.

This feeling is very wonderful, as if the body's five senses have risen from itself to the world, and everything in the world seems to have become a part of your body. As long as you move your mind with your thoughts, you can mobilize the world just like mobilizing your own body tissues The change.

Of course, even the human body itself has many places that you cannot actively control, such as your own hair and your own ears.

What's more, Li Ming has not yet grasped all the authority of the Nether World, but only a part of the authority attached to the book of life and death.

In his perception, the nether world suddenly appeared in his perception, but this feeling was like looking at flowers through fog, and the feeling of control was not so clear.

But even so, he instantly sensed the Wuyue Mountain group who were near Heyangjian teleportation place.

With a movement in his heart, the power of teleportation slowly reversed, and a force of suction rose from the black hole, immediately engulfing them all, and the next moment, the transformation between the underworld and the yang world was born.

As this force became stronger and stronger, the Wuyue Mountain group who were in the nether world suddenly disappeared from the nether world as if they were blurred and melted.

When it reappeared, it had suddenly reached the blood-red ground.


Seeing the sudden appearance of a large group of people, Qin Yuan and Qin Guang had a strong sense of surprise, and couldn't help shouting, their expressions were full of disbelief.

"Qin Yuan, Qin Guang!"

A group of skinny-faced Taoists looked at the suddenly changing scene in front of them, and the people outside the blood-red land in front of them, with deep surprise in their expressions. What did they think of the next moment, and they rushed out of the blood-red land like madmen .

"Master, uncle, master, what happened to you there!"

Qin Yuan and Qin Guang couldn't wait to step forward and ask them excitedly. Li Ming glanced at them and took out a pile of exotic animal meat with a wave. Thanks for these things in a hurry, and then I couldn't help the hunger in my heart and started to eat.

Qin Yuan, Qin Guang saw this scene and instantly understood that the people of his own sect must be short of supplies to live in a barren place like Nether. restore state.

It wasn't until they recovered that the two sides questioned each other fiercely, and after the questioning, they greeted Li Ming.

"I need you all to help me master the Netherworld."

(End of this chapter)

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