Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 328 Building the Underworld

Chapter 328 Building the Underworld (You can subscribe now)
Mount Tai and the Five Sacred Mountains have always been inseparable from the underworld in various myths and legends.

Even, in some myths, it is the Lord Taishan who controls the underworld.

For Nether, the Five Sacred Mountains have always had an inseparable connection with it.

The Wuyue Mountain sect takes Wuyue Mountain as its residence to practice and escape from the world. Its exercises are powerful and powerful, and at the same time have the characteristics of ghostly and cold.

Many of the martial arts methods used by Wuyue Mountain disciples are related to controlling Yin Sha and other things, which is also caused by the power characteristics of Wuyue Mountain's kung fu.

The deepest part of the Forbidden Law Space is not the real entrance to the underworld. To some extent, although it is connected to the underworld, it is a place where life and death are created, and the treasure of life and death book was born together with Yangjian. It happened a long time ago. The mutation has become a special area that has some of the characteristics of the nether world, but also has the characteristics of the yang world.

It is also such a special area that can create a powerful baby with the power of life and death like the birth and death book.

Of course, it may also be because of the existence of the book of life and death that this place has become such a mysterious place.

To some extent, in the real Nether Region, no matter how advanced the Wuyue Mountain disciples' cultivation skills are, they will not be sucked into it as soon as they appear in the Nether Region, and they cannot help themselves.

But no matter what, when they were sucked into the netherworld and almost died, it was a life-saving grace for Li Ming to rescue them.

But with their current level of strength, what they pay attention to directly is the purpose, and there is no need to say some false polite words, so Li Ming directly stated his purpose.

"The world of the netherworld has just opened, and I have obtained the most precious book of life and death in the world of the nether world, and I have obtained the authority in it. I intend to take this opportunity to control the nether world, but I still need help. You are born with the ability to use the power of the nether world when you practice the Wuyue Mountain method. I wonder if you would like to help me control this Netherworld?"

Li Ming waited until the Wuyueshan people had finished thanking them, and then he invited with a smile on his face, and immediately gave a huge olive branch: "If you are willing to help me, I can give you the power of the underworld. Would you like to?"

The errand, the position of authority, this is equivalent to saying that you will mix with me and create jobs for you civil servants.

Who can not be moved by this?

"I have received great kindness from Mr. Wuyue Mountain, and I should think of repaying it. Mr. Xu has promised such great benefits. How dare we not obey!"

After everyone in Wuyue Mountain recovered, their faces were still ruddy and full of energy. After hearing Li Ming's words, the head teacher of Wuyue Mountain came out of the crowd and saluted Li Ming respectfully, showing his attitude .

"Well, Qin Guang, you and I are predestined. Today I appoint you to punish the evil commander Hei Wuchang. Would you like to take the post?"

Li Ming nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Qin Yuan and Qin Guang who were surrounded by everyone in Wuyue Mountain, and said to Qin Guang.

Since he intends to control the Netherworld, then the underworld system must also be established. If so, then simply copy it according to the myth.

In the mythology, the greatest ruler of the underworld is Emperor Fengdu, the god of the underworld who rules hell, and ranks the highest among the gods of the underworld, in charge of the underworld, and the sect of ghosts in the world.All living beings will go to hell after death, and their souls are all under the jurisdiction of Emperor Fengdu.

Under Emperor Fengdu are Emperor Dongyue and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.
Emperor Dongyue, also known as Taishan God, has different opinions about his life experience, such as Jinhong's theory, Taihao theory, Pangu theory, Tiansun theory, Huang Feihu theory and so on.In the traditional Han mythology, among the official orthodoxy, Mount Tai is one of the duties of Qing Emperor Taihao, so Qing Emperor is also called Dongdi, the God of Mount Tai.In the folklore of the Han nationality, Emperor Yue of the Middle East is in charge of the birth power of all creatures (plants, animals and humans) in the world.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is a very important Bodhisattva in Buddhism. He is regarded as the protector of the reincarnated beings and the deceased among the six realms.

He made the promise of "If the hell is not empty, you will not become a Buddha".It is also honored as the kind Bodhisattva who "rescues suffering and disaster".Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva once made a vow to save all sentient beings in the six realms, including evil ghosts who hinder practice and dead souls whose karma is huge and difficult to surpass. In this regard, Haihong has infiltrated 36 billion human hearts.Therefore, he is honored as the kind Bodhisattva who "rescues suffering and disaster".

Ranking the first seat in the underworld, with the power of Buddhism, he can completely compete with Emperor Dongyue.

Under these two great gods, there are five mansions of ghost emperors, which are the five mansions of east, west, north, south, and middle.

Zhou Chi and Ji Kang, the central ghost emperors, ruled "Baodu Mountain" and guarded a large area of ​​ghosts in the center of the underworld.Generally speaking, those who can be in charge of the central position are all great gods. They are the strongest among the five ghost emperors, and they are in charge of the core of hell.

Cai Yulei, the Eastern ghost emperor, Shen Tu, ruled "Taozhi Mountain" and "Ghost Gate".It is often engraved on the peach wood on the town house, and later evolved into a gatekeeper familiar to the world.

Southern Ghost Emperor: Du Ziren ruled Luofu Mountain, led the Qiang barbarian ghosts, and guarded the south of the underworld.Among the five ghost emperors, only the Southern Ghost Emperor is alone, because he has the worst temper and indifferent personality, so no one wants to work with him.

Zhao Wenhe and Wang Zhenren, the ghost emperors of the West, live in "Shanzhong Mountain". This mountain has a beautiful scenery, and there are many wild animals and some rare animals.The water source here is also very abundant, and many rivers originate from here.The ghosts of the West enter the underworld from here.

Northern ghost emperors Zhang Heng and Yang Yun ruled "Luofeng Mountain" and guarded the north of the underworld.They are relatively kind and approachable, especially Zhang Heng, who enjoys a high reputation in the world, so when everyone goes to the temple to worship, they will specially make more offerings to the Northern Ghost Emperor.

Under the five ghost emperor's mansions is the king of hell in the ten halls.

The first hall is the king of Qin Guang, the second hall is the king of Chujiang, the third hall is the emperor of Song Dynasty, the fourth hall is the king of five sense organs, the fifth hall is the king of Yama, the sixth hall is the king of Biancheng, the seventh hall is the king of Taishan, the eighth hall is the king of the city, the ninth hall is the king of Pingping, the tenth hall The wheel-turning kings of the halls, because they live in the ten halls of the underworld separately, and each of the ten kings has a name, they are collectively called the ten halls of Hades!

It's just that although the Ten Halls of Hades are divided into different halls, their responsibilities are the same, so I won't introduce them much.

They are mainly responsible for managing the judgment of human beings after death and arranging the fate of reincarnation.Specifically, they are in charge of the book of life and death, recording the good and evil deeds of each person, punishing or rewarding them according to the priority of their actions, and deciding where the soul will go.

Under the Hades of the Ten Palaces is the Six Cases of Meritorious Cao.

The reincarnation Sitai prostitute is mainly responsible for the reincarnation of ghosts in the underworld, that is, Meng Po. This is the one we are more familiar with.
The judicial department is divided into four divisions, namely: Wei Zheng, who rewards the good; Zhong Kui, who punishes the evil; Lu Zhidao, who investigates; Good punishes evil.

The head of Yincao Division is Chenghuang, who is a local official in charge of various parts of the underworld and is responsible for monitoring the underworld.

The top ten shady and handsome ghosts are under the six cases of meritorious service.

The first of the ten ghost commanders is the ghost king. The ghost king's duties in the underworld are mainly to assist the king of Hades in managing the eighteen hells, and to be responsible for the punishment and escort.There is also to assist the five ghost emperors in managing different underworld regions.

The second is the Day Tour God and the Night Tour God. The work of the Day Tour God and the Night Tour God is to capture the lonely ghosts that stay in the world. The Day Tour God roams the world during the day.The night wandering god, parading the world at night.

The third is Impermanence in Black and White, the Impermanence in Black and White in the Underworld, one of the high-level gods under the ten palaces of Hades.Not only do they hold a position together, but they also have a title: Soul Keeper.The name comes from their work, they are responsible for taking the souls of the dead human beings back to the underworld.

The fourth is the bull head and horse face. In the underworld, the bull head and the horse face are two members of the underworld.They are usually discussed together because they have the same responsibilities.They are responsible for guarding the gate of ghosts, where they intercept creatures with special magical skills to prevent them from hijacking the souls sent by black and white impermanence.In addition, Niutou and Mamian led their ghost messengers to help escort these souls to the Hall of Hades for trial.

Then there are beaks, gills, wasps, leopard tails

These four members of the underworld in the underworld are responsible for the management of the animal souls.The souls produced after the death of these creatures do not need to be judged by the Palace of Hades, but are directly detained and brought back to be handled by these four yin commanders.

No matter what standard is used to evaluate, in the end, souls have only two fates: one is that if they cannot pass the trial, they will be destroyed;

These named official positions can be regarded as the first-rank officials to the ninth-rank officials in the previous feudal dynasties.

However, even the lowest-level officials are the high-level gods in the underworld, because they are organized, and under them are all kinds of secret agents, ghost messengers, and dark soldiers and generals.

Li Ming is in charge of the book of life and death, one of the most treasured treasures of the underworld. With the power of this book of life and death, he can directly reach the height of the king of the ten halls of hell, but because he does not have the most important seal of the city of the gods of the ten halls of hell, he cannot be the tenth hall. The level of Hades.

He can only be a magistrate who is one of the six meritorious officials with high real power. Of course, he is a magistrate, but because of the book of life and death, he can completely confer any position below the magistrate without anyone's approval.

The first thing he thought of canonizing was the black impermanence among the black and white impermanence, so as to arrest and punish the souls of all evil creatures in the world!

"My lord, I will!"

Qin Guang didn't expect that Li Ming would be the first to talk to him. He had already received a great favor from Li Ming for improving his strength. Qin Guang, who was grateful, was the first to stand up and kneel down to thank him.

"Well, pay attention to perception."

Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, and stretched out his hand to help Qin Guang's kneeling body up. At the same time, the remaining power in the life and death book under his control that required hard work was separated by him and put into Qin Guang's body.

Any weight needs someone to do the work. After this part of the weight is divided, let the subordinates do the dirty work. Li Ming doesn't have to ask anymore, and he can comfortably be behind the scenes Boss is OK.

With the integration of authority, a huge amount of information and world power belonging to the nether world poured into Qin Guang's body. After a short time, Qin Guang's aura rose steadily, until it reached the level of five re-evolutionary first-entry.

Moreover, when he was upgraded to five times before evolving, the characteristic of invulnerability to all magic is still there, and Li Ming can obviously feel that it has been strengthened.

Even he, if he doesn't use the power of the book of life and death to restrain him and press his true power back to the original level, he will feel very troublesome about this impenetrable power.

And with the improvement of Qin Guang's aura, his body became taller and burlier, and at the same time, a black mourning stick, a soul hook, and an iron chain also silently appeared in his hands.

Emerging along with these things, there is also a huge amount of information. The huge amount of information makes Qin Guang ignore other things, and directly sits on the ground and enters the process of comprehension and digestion.

All the people in Wuyue Mountain on one side cast their eyes on this little disciple of their own, and their faces were full of joy.

As descendants of the Five Sacred Sacred Mountains, they knew everything about Emperor Taishan and the authority of the underworld. They all understood the most basic one: becoming a god means immortality!

Not to mention the special power brought by this weight, this characteristic alone is enough to make people excited and happy.

Of course, the speculation in my heart is also indispensable, for example, can Li Ming's current priesthood in the underworld allow people to live forever like the myths and legends?

It was this kind of eagerness that made everyone in Wuyue Mountain look eagerly at their little son.

But Li Ming didn't give them too many opportunities to think, but directly conferred on the rest of them.

After sealing Qin Guang, Li Ming looked at the head teacher of Wuyue Mountain. He knew that as the head teacher of Wuyue Mountain, his authority should not be too low, otherwise he would not be able to convince the public in the future.

But black and white impermanence is already a high enough official position. After all, as a talent with special power, Li Ming naturally needs special training.

Then the head of Wuyue Mountain...

Li Ming thought for a while and had an idea in his mind, and immediately turned his attention to Master Wuyue Mountain.

"Sect Leader Qin Shan, considering that you are the leader and have great strength, I will ask you to temporarily punish the evildoer, would you like it?"

Li Ming looked at the head teacher of Wuyue Mountain with a smile, and knew that the temporary acting meritorious officer was the most suitable position now, and this was already one of the highest positions he could confer under his current situation.

Although in his current situation, even if it is really possible to confer a meritorious service in the Six Cases, after all, he is now half of Yama of the Ten Temples.

However, a position that is too easy to obtain must not work, it will lose dignity, so this temporary replacement is the most suitable.

"Pindao is willing, Mr. Xie rewards!"

Qin Shan, the head of Wuyue Mountain, blinked his eyes in disbelief when he heard Li Ming's words, followed by his sudden awakening, and hurriedly knelt down to salute, expressing his gratitude.

"Well, since you are willing, please lead the disciples in the sect to build Nether well and perform their duties."

Li Ming had a smile on his face, and then his heart moved. He took out the power of only [-]% to punish the evil officials and merged it into the head teacher of Wuyue Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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