Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 350: Unbreakable, Undefensible

Chapter 350: Unbreakable, Undefensible

In the vast forest, the pure white tiger was only as tall as an adult. It was lying quietly in a 50-meter-deep hole, and the gold-like rocks below were faintly visible.


As if a sharp blade was drawn out of its sheath, or as if swords were striking each other, the sonorous sound continued to sound with every breath of the white tiger, and the rocks under him also changed with it.

With every breath the white tiger takes, the rocks on the mountain will become faintly dim. Every time he breathes day and night, the rocks on the mountain will become smaller.

And finally, after another day and night of absorption, the rocks suddenly became lighter and Bai Hu's breathing stopped abruptly.

"The energy of Gengjin has finally been absorbed."

The white tiger lowered his head and looked at the pit below. It could be clearly seen that after three consecutive years of continuous absorption day and night, the previously dazzling golden color had disappeared and was replaced by rocks of another color.

Although it looks very similar to the energy body gold and stone it absorbed, it is actually quite different. It has changed from an energy body to a material containing energy.

And as the white tiger's voice fell, there was also a real dragon-like figure in the air, silently appearing around a majestic and mighty man.

"Now that you've accomplished your job, it's time to return to your position."

Li Ming looked at the full-bodied mythical white tiger in front of him, with a smile on his face.

Three years later, not only did he fully master the soaring power, he was able to handle it with ease and his whole body was transparent, but his cultivation level was also greatly improved through his divine orifice cultivation.

Now, his physical abilities have reached the peak of seven re-evolutions, and his telekinesis abilities have also reached the peak of seven re-evolutions.

You must know that when you reach the level of seven re-evolutions, every improvement is extremely difficult. The reason why you can advance so quickly from the first re-evolution to the later stage of seven re-evolutions is entirely because of the guarantee of the five elements' superpowers. .

With the body closely connected, his spirit and body have also been improved accordingly, from the early stage of the seventh re-evolution to the later stage.

But now, relying closely on oneself, it takes three years to reach the peak of cultivation and there is no way forward, only evolution, which is already very terrifying.

Among them, the proficiency panel that allows him to achieve better results the more he practices is indispensable.

And now... Li Ming looked at the white tiger in front of him and smiled.

He knew that the time had come for him to break through.

"Respect the Lord's command."

The white tiger's divine body was completed, and he was very happy. After hearing this, he immediately flew to Li Ming's side and swallowed the sixth cave core he had condensed in one gulp.


The white tiger roared happily, and the next moment his figure merged into the sixth cave, and began to bloom with divine light to enhance the quality of the cave.

In an instant, the extremely powerful and concentrated power of Jin De surged into Li Ming's body. The only ability of the Five Elements of Gold in his body that was still in the early stages of its eighth re-evolution was greatly replenished and began to improve rapidly.

The middle stage of eight re-evolutions.

Eight more times to the later stage of evolution.

Evolve to the pinnacle eight times!

The moment Jin Xing reached the eighth re-evolution, the turbulent power of evolution swept out of his body uncontrollably like a tide, and magical powers that Li Ming could not control at all began to breed on their own.

As the powerful energy of heaven and earth bred by supernatural powers began to be continuously absorbed by Li Ming, the five elements were mutually reinforcing each other, and the terrible power of life and creation was running together. Li Ming's body began to emit colorful colors under this terrible energy. .


The body and soul, which had already reached the peak of seven re-evolutions, both took a step forward at this moment, and the power of evolution surged, reaching the level of eight re-evolutions in one fell swoop.

The physical body began to transform like a new person, the soul seemed to be reborn, and the five elements in the body seemed to have been extremely sublimated.

At this moment, all the power in Li Ming's body underwent an earth-shaking transformation.

At the same time, the power of creation from three different sources of energy and energy began to surge, and three new magical powers were born.

First of all, the Five Elements Divine Power - the Five Elements Divine Seal!

The void trembled, Li Ming's eyes opened, and a divine seal appeared in his pupils. He waved his palm forward, and the terrifying power of the five elements was entangled together, creating and destroying each other. The ultimate intention and power condensed into the most solid One body.

Finally, it transformed into a four-sided divine seal on his body. It was square in shape, with the four divine beasts of green dragon, white tiger, fire, phoenix and basalt on the four sides. The central handle had the image of unicorn. The terrifying power of the five elements lingered out and turned into one. The stock excludes all five elements areas.

When the realm of the five elements envelopes the body, a sense of invulnerability arises spontaneously, and a simple message enters the mind.

"Nothing created by the Five Elements can hurt me under this seal."

Li Ming's eyes showed bright colors, and the Five Elements Divine Seal surrounding his body became more and more solidified. A terrifying divine power suppressed all directions as the Five Elements Divine Seal condensed. Except for the Whale Dragon as his beast, within a radius of ten thousand miles, All creatures prostrated themselves before him.

Even the mountains, rivers, vegetation, and rocks seemed to be lowered by an inch when facing him.

This is the power of the Five Elements Divine Seal. What is there in the world that is not created by the Five Elements?

Creatures are created by the five elements, heaven and earth are born by the five elements, thunder is conceived by the five elements, time is born by the five elements, and everything is transformed by the five elements.

The moment he gathered the power of the Five Elements, Li Yang understood that space, time, light, darkness, thunder, gravity, magnetism...etc., everything in the world that seems to have nothing to do with the Five Elements is actually caused by the Five Elements. change.

The five elements created the world, so there is space, time, light, darkness, etc...

Everything in this world is either directly created by the five elements, such as living things, such as flames, such as vegetation, such as mountains and rivers, such as oceans and rivers, such as flames.

Either the five elements combine to create creation, such as fire and earth creating magma, fire and metal creating thunder and lightning, wood and water creating wind.

Either it is indirectly created by the Five Elements. For example, after the Five Elements created the world, the world formed its own space and time, and light and darkness were born under the element of fire. These things that seem to have nothing to do with the Five Elements are actually indirectly created by the Five Elements, and their roots are It’s the five elements.

In other words, with this divine seal, all the powers in the world cannot hurt him!

In a true sense, all methods are forbidden!
"I see."

The divine seal in Li Ming's eyes flickered. At this moment, when he felt the power of his time and space again, he couldn't help but shake his head.

In the past, invisibility with the power of time and space seemed to him unsolvable, unless the other party also had the power of time and space.

But now, after he has achieved the Five Elements Divine Seal, he sees that the power of time and space is nothing more than this. Even without the power of time and space, he can easily see through time and space and invade time and space with the power of the Five Elements. , carry out physical attacks.

Unless someone can cultivate the power of time and space to the point of transcending the five elements.However, time and space are the two lower levels of power of the Five Elements. The Five Elements create the world, and the world creates time and space. To master the power of time and space, you need a rare opportunity in a thousand years. If the power of time and space reaches its end, who knows how many ascetics will be stumped. .

Under this premise, how many people can reach the end of the power of time and space and transcend to the level of the world?
Then cultivate the power of the world to its peak, and reverse the transcendence to the level of the Five Elements... If there is such a person, he is only at the same level as Li Ming.

This is the difference in starting points.

Born to be the pinnacle of others!
The same is true for other powers besides the out-of-control power. It can be said that with this, he is truly invincible!
"God Seal!"

Li Ming felt the power of the Five Elements Divine Seal defending his body, and a terrifying divine light burst out from his eyes. The next moment, the Five Elements Divine Seal flew out from his body, annihilating a space in an instant, and after twisting, it appeared in Li Ming's eyes. Under Ming's control, it degraded into the original power of the world, making the space where he was located increase by one point.

"All the forces that exist in the world cannot be defended, and the offensive power is completely opposite to that of defense."

A look of satisfaction flashed in Li Ming's eyes, and he nodded with a smile. The attack that just annihilated the world was clearly the power of the Five Elements Seal!

Attack, no defense.

Defend, there is no way to break through.

Undefendable and undefendable.

This is the Five Elements Divine Seal.


After feeling the five elements' magical power, Li Ming continued to sink into his body, and the vitality surging in his body was integrated into every drop of flesh and blood.

New magical power of the physical body - rebirth with a drop of blood!

"Now, every drop of my blood and every cell contains majestic vitality and can completely carry my soul. With the strength of my soul now, as long as there is a trace of soul still left, I can completely shed a single cell. Rebirth.”

Li Ming's eyes showed something special. In addition to this top-level life-saving ability, the magical power of blood rebirth also has a passive effect: an extreme increase in recovery power.

In the current battle, even if Li Ming's head is cut off, he can easily grow it back or close it.

This is the power of rebirth from severed limbs!

It's simple, direct, and rustic, but it's also very practical and can greatly increase his survivability.

Next, there is the magical power of the soul.

"Second soul."

In the sea of ​​consciousness, a soul exactly like Li Ming was conceived by magical powers. It was completely controlled by Li Ming, but it was no different from a new life.

This is an upgraded version of the spiritual rosary!

One of the most important differences is that the second soul can pass through reincarnation without polluting the spirit, wisdom and mind, and be perfectly reborn as a human being.

Even in front of the most powerful cultivator, he is still an independent person.

But this independent person is completely controlled by Li Ming. As long as Li Ming wants to, he can even easily absorb all his power, and it is impossible for him to have the slightest idea of ​​being sentenced to Li Ming.

Once controlled by pollution, it will only quickly self-destruct.

In addition to this use, the second soul also has another key use: blocking the calamity of death.

In other words, if Li Ming encounters something that he cannot avoid in the future, he can hide by himself and let the second spirit come out to die to escape the disaster.

This is the function of the second soul!

"Huh, after evolving for the eighth time, the strength has really improved tremendously."

Li Ming closed his eyes on the mountain for three full years, and finally digested everything. When he opened his eyes again, his aura was extremely calm, and he was able to be consistent with himself.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he turned to look at Bai Hu, who had already upgraded his sixth cave.

The next moment he stepped forward, without using the space-time step, he crossed many distances and arrived at the frontline fortress under construction - the 0008th fortress.

Six years later, four forts were built, and now this is the frontline.

The already terrifying basic strength of his body and soul has been greatly improved again after reaching the eighth transformation. He can now achieve the effect of the Space-Time Step by relying solely on the power of his body and soul.

Of course, it would be faster if you use the space-time step.

A slight smile flashed across the corner of Li Ming's mouth, and then he threw it in his hand. Bai Hu's body appeared, instantly integrating with the fate of the base city that had spread here.


At the moment of compatibility, the white tiger's divine body was completely revealed, wrapping the entire fortress beneath it as if it was blocking the sky and the sun. At the same time, Li Ming's divine thoughts instantly spread to the minds of all the people in the fortress.

"This is the mythical white tiger. From today on, we will guard the west of our base city and protect the safety of the fortress passage."

Li Ming looked down at the soldiers on the front line of the Eighth Fortress, and nodded with satisfaction while watching Bai Hu use his divine power to condense everyone's spirit, making their strength more pure, and at the same time providing their weapons with energy. The blessing was upgraded to a level on the spot.

While he couldn't help but notice a little guy with great potential.

"What's your name?"

Li Ming's voice was faint. Wang Wu, who was excitedly feeling that his realm had improved and his weapons had become stronger, was stunned for a moment, and then he said with joy: "Lord Master, my name is Wang Wu!"

"Yes, I am destined to meet you today, and I will give you a chance."

Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth, waved his hand, and introduced some advanced Taoist inheritance into his mind. At the same time, he used his divine power to sort out some problems in his practice, and use this to point him in the direction to adapt to him. After the city's excitement after the arrival of the white tiger had subsided, and after arranging what the white tiger and the local leaders should do, they turned around and flew away.

When Wang Wu came back to his senses from the dazed state, he suddenly found that he had a very advanced Taoist skill and some Taoist methods in his mind, and he also had a very clear understanding of his future practice. .

Thinking of who had just spoken to him, he couldn't help but happily wanted to thank him, but found that the gentleman was no longer there. He could only kowtow to the east nine times excitedly, and then stood up with unfinished thoughts and looked around at the surroundings. The crowd, who were excited about the birth of the white tiger, also happily looked in the direction of the white tiger, and returned to their homes happily when the scene was over.

"I must be the most loyal and brave warrior in the eyes of the Master!"

Wang Wu secretly set a goal for himself and wanted to pour it into Aunt Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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