Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 351 Panel at the core of the world

Chapter 351 Panel at the core of the world

"With five mythical beasts in charge, the rear has been completely stabilized. Now it's time to complete the unfinished treasure hunt mission."

In the endless mountain forest, Li Ming shuttled at extremely fast speeds, relying on the powerful strength of eight re-evolutions to crisscross the mountain forest.

In the past, it would take more than three months to search the vast mountains and forests between the east and west continents, but now it only takes ten days under his feet.

Running the Space Step, the terrifying Five Elements Perception was activated to the extreme. In just a moment, Li Ming felt where the only five Five Elements Fruit Trees in the world were.

Among them, the three elements of fire, earth, and water are already in the villa base, while the two elements of gold and wood are in a golden mountain and a vast forest respectively.

"It seems that the status of this five-element superpower fruit tree is not low."

Li Ming looked a little surprised, because there is only one set of these five-element superpower fruit trees in this world. What does this mean?
It means that its status is very high, just like the five elements of the beast, only one is allowed to appear in a world, and I am the only one.

Li Ming's previous supernatural fruit trees were very easy to obtain, which made him subconsciously think that these things were not valuable, but now that he thought about it, this was really wrong.

This is actually a five-element fruit tree that can only exist in heaven and earth, and its significance is absolutely extraordinary.

Because, he has discovered the second fruit tree with lightning powers.

"There are fifteen superpower fruit trees in the world. Let me see. In addition to the remaining gold and wood fruit trees from the Five Elements, there are also one lightning superpower fruit tree, two wind superpower fruit trees, and three light superpower fruit trees. Fruit trees, three dark power fruit trees, two soul fruit trees, and one physical fruit tree.”

Li Ming sensed the special plants contained in this world through the powerful power of the Five Elements, and couldn't help but reveal a smile on his face.

The five-element superpower that combines the power of the five-element beasts is not only powerful but also very convenient.

Through his perception of the heaven and earth, he quickly learned about the magical places and special items in the entire world. Even the trees could sense many special plants other than supernatural fruit trees.

For example, a tree that is very easy to shape, contains a lot of water, and is not afraid of being cut by fire or knife. It can grow into various desired shapes by sensing human spiritual thoughts.

There is also a plant that is full of detectable poisons and has the ability to distinguish between friend and foe. As long as it leaves a mental imprint, it can determine who is not to be attacked based on the mental imprint, and who will attack when it sees it.

There is also a type that grows extremely fast, but when it grows to ten meters high and one meter in diameter, it will die quickly and become the best burning material, and then the only seed will continue to grow.

There is a kind of tree whose core is hollow, can grow very large, and is as hard as steel. In Li Ming's perception, even the main material of the aircraft carrier before the end of the world is not as strong as it, and its buoyancy on the water is particularly strong. , simply the best material for shipbuilding.

There is a strange tree whose trunk can float in the sky after death, which is very magical.

In addition, there are many material trees containing various special energies, such as thunder and lightning containing the power of lightning, dead trees containing death energy, and so on.

All the strange trees in the world are under Li Ming's control.

There are not only strange trees, but also some special soil that can cultivate various spiritual plants, various magical stones, magical metals, special water, and special fire, all in Li Ming's perception.

There are also some... special lives.

"Go get the Five Elements Fruit Tree first."

Li Ming's eyes moved slightly. He had a vague premonition that if the Five Elements Fruit Trees gathered together, a special situation would occur. Immediately, a powerful move in his heart prompted the eight re-evolution levels of power to activate the magical space-time step and disappeared in the original place. land.

When he reappeared, he was already on top of a golden mountain. Looking down, the golden gold formed a hundred-meter-high mountain peak. On the top of the mountain, there grew a fruit tree that looked like it was made of gold. The fruit tree bore golden fruits. of fruit.

"They say Jinshan Jinshan. I didn't encounter this thing before the end of the world, but now I have encountered it."

Li Ming looked at the Jinshan Mountain below, shook his head helplessly, and with a wave of his hand, he directly collected the Jinxing Fruit Tree and the Jinshan Mountain below, which was 500 meters underground and 100 meters above the ground, a total of 600 meters high, into the Guiyuan Cauldron. .

Following his body, he crossed over again and came to a vast ancient forest.

In the center of the ancient forest, there was a green fruit tree growing with fruit. He looked at the fruit tree and nodded with satisfaction, then waved his hand and took it away.

Immediately afterwards, Li Ming did not rush to continue searching for other treasures of heaven and earth, but with a thought in his heart, he stepped out and returned to Hope Base City.

"The five elements are complete."

Li Ming came to the area where the supernatural fruit trees were planted. He looked at the standing fruit trees of the three rows of fire, earth and water. He nodded with satisfaction. His heart moved. The golden row fruit tree and the wood row fruit tree were released by him. In an instant, five rows of fruit trees followed. The fruit trees are gathered together in perfection, and a wonderful passive unfolds.

Five illusory seeds were born from the Five Elements Fruit Tree and transformed into the original meaning of the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The next moment, these illusory seeds integrated into Li Ming's body like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

Li Ming's body and five internal organs were instantly fused with the illusory seeds of the Five Elements, and in an instant, another unique aspect about the power of the Five Elements poured into his heart.

"Is this another breakthrough?"

There was a sense of disbelief in Li Ming's eyes, and then he hurriedly sat cross-legged and entered into deep practice.

Waves of powerful five-element power circulated endlessly in his body, and the five-element power that would have taken him a long time to accumulate after reaching the peak of eight re-evolutions was fully replenished, and he began to firmly evolve towards a higher level. Move forward.

"Master Li Ming, the ruler, has found a complete Five Elements Sacred Tree for us. Now the Five Elements here are perfect and have the effect of soul and thunder. Little guys, please practice hard and don't let down Master Li Ming's cultivation!"

At the practice site, Qingchengzi felt the abundant and powerful power of the Five Elements around him. A flash of emotion flashed in his eyes, and then he spoke seriously to the 48 teenagers in front of him.

The 48 young men are also very sensible, taking every opportunity to take advantage of the five elements to start polishing and balancing the stability of the five elements within their bodies.

And while practicing like this, a whole year passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Li Ming, who was sitting cross-legged and practicing, finally opened his eyes, and the moment he opened his eyes, he left Hope Base City in an instant and arrived in the endless ancient forest.


The moment he arrived, terrible power exploded from him, causing the entire ancient forest to tremble.

The extremely terrifying power of the five elements filled the entire space. The power of heaven and earth was inputted crazily with him as the center. An abyss-like aura quietly unfolded with the crazy transformation of the power of the five elements.

"Ninth re-evolution of magical power - the world of five elements."

A shadow of the world bloomed in Li Ming's eyes. The extremely powerful power of the five elements formed a world of its own in his body, and a tyrannical power of plunder was born with the birth of the world of the five elements.

"Five-color divine light."

A flash of colorful light appeared in Li Ming's eyes, and the next moment the power of the Five Elements World formed in his body suddenly erupted with a dazzling brilliance.

As soon as the light came out, it covered the sky and covered the earth, shining on the mountain peak in front. In just a moment, the mountain peak disappeared silently. Looking again, it was already in the five elements world in Li Ming's body.

“Nothing is left untouched.”

Li Ming couldn't help but feel excited. After integrating the Five Elements Fruit Tree, the ninth re-evolution of the Five Elements Superpower actually gave birth to such a terrifying magical power!
In his mind, he couldn't help but think of the five-color divine light of Kong Xuan in the Legend of the Gods. His five-color divine light seemed to have reached such a complete level.

And the expressiveness is no worse than Kong Xuan's five-color divine light.

In other words, Kong Xuan's divine light was created by cultivating the innate power of the Five Elements, but what is innate?It is nothing but a creature of heaven and earth.

However, Li Ming's Five Elements Divine Beast and Five Elements Fruit Tree are not the first batch of top-notch innate divine objects since the change of heaven and earth.

This is also true for Li Ming's own Five Elements abilities.

In other words, the first batch of supernatural beings, including Li Ming himself, can be regarded as innate creatures, and these first batch of magical items born are innate treasures.

The fruit trees are innate spiritual roots, and the materials are innate spiritual materials, each of which has extraordinary effects.

In the case of the innate five elements, and the innate five elements beasts and the innate five elements spiritual roots, it is not surprising that his supernatural powers are so powerful.

“Before I knew it, I had grown to this point.”

Li Ming felt the terrifying power contained in his body and suddenly spoke. Then he looked at the panel in front of him with a smile on his lips.

"All of this is the result of my hard work!"

Thinking of this, Li Ming sighed, and when he looked at his golden finger, he had a very clear feeling.

"It's a manifestation of the way of heaven."

Li Ming murmured to himself, no wonder this thing is so incredible that he can only get better and better at whatever he practices. It turns out it's here.

After evolving for the ninth time, the secrets of the world seemed to be revealed to him, and the doubts he once had were now solved.

For example, the panel in my mind now seems to be indeed a connection hub born from the new heavenly way in this world.

The existence of this hub officially gives Heaven a way to interfere with reality, and this way to interfere with reality is Li Ming himself.

"What the world is like is inseparable from the races that live in it. If the intelligent creatures in this world are destroyed and only crazy monsters are left, then the world will collapse accordingly."

Li Ming suddenly realized, and...the other two powerful worlds are connected to this new world. If the races in this world are forcibly enslaved and oppressed by the other world, then this world will also dissipate and be absorbed.

But if the races in this world can strengthen themselves, even if the channels between the two worlds are forced to contact each other, the world can survive on its own and take dominance.

And this is also the fundamental reason why Li Ming has encountered many adventures along the way and his strength has grown rapidly.

The world is going crazy in disguise to increase his strength!'s not far away from the three worlds being connected to each other.

"Only a few decades left."

Li Ming raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but rub his fingers.

No wonder I've been so crazy about getting so many good things lately.

It turns out that the root lies here...

If the three worlds are connected by then, and the earth world does not have enough strong people to stabilize its own foothold in such turmoil.

The consequences are quite unpredictable.

Will cultivators with a mature system go crazy and plunder everything in the world?
Will the terrible magician turn the entire world's intelligent beings into slaves?

Everything is still unknown.

The only way is to have a top-notch strong person who can calm down the situation and make everyone feel afraid.

"The next best way is to accumulate enough power to break through to the limit of ten evolutions, and then the body and spirit will reach the state of immortality. The three elements of spirit, energy and spirit will merge into one and become the complete original state. My invincible existence is used to fight against the various worlds of practice and magic."

Li Ming's eyes flashed, thinking secretly in his heart.

The Heavenly Way of the World actually took the initiative to give a hint.

Keeping things unchanged in the face of ever-changing circumstances is indeed a good idea.

No matter how complex the opponent's power system is, I am the only one who can transform it into various powers while ensuring that the integration is not susceptible to strange damage.

Very good.

"But, if that's the case, can you interfere with the reincarnation of the two worlds?"

Li Ming's heart moved slightly, and the extremely powerful power of the Five Elements in his body slowly trembled, seeming to have received feedback from somewhere.

The passage between the three worlds is forcibly connected by the magic world and the world of cultivating immortals.

This is equivalent to the right of the other party to forcefully intervene in this world, and the price is... the earth world has also gained the fundamental characteristics of the other two worlds and links to some rights.

For example, the practice on earth naturally gave rise to a practice that is very similar to the practice of immortality, and the Western magicians are in the same line as magic.

Although different, this also means that the earth world interferes with the two worlds.

And this reincarnation is exactly one of interference.

"Which is more powerful, the world of immortality or the world of magic?"

A question popped up in his mind, and the result he got immediately made Li Ming raise his eyebrows.

The world of cultivating immortals is more than a hundred times more powerful than the magical world?
"Then let's say..."

Li Ming couldn't help but look at the second soul in his mind. After his five-element power reached the peak of nine re-evolutions, under feedback and training, his mental strength and physical strength also reached eight re-evolutions. mid-term.

This second soul has also completely grown into a perfect form...

So, if he invests one of his own people in the world of cultivating immortals at this time, then...

"It's feasible, it's completely feasible."

Li Ming couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and he was very happy, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not safe to invest like this. After all, this was his second soul.

So some ways to protect the Tao are still needed.

"It's best to wait until your spiritual power reaches the ninth level before evolving?"

(End of this chapter)

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