Chapter 357 Territory

The spring breeze blew, accompanied by the sound of horses honking, the team once again walked on the road, but something different from before was that everyone in the team looked excited.

Not only did he feel more calm, but he also felt full of respect when he looked at the car in the center of the convoy.

"Perhaps Bernier would never have imagined that the younger brother he kicked out would have such talent."

Captain Johns looked back at the car in the center of the convoy, his eyes filled with deep awe, and his mouth couldn't help but be filled with admiration.

A 16-year-old boy can summon such a terrifying golden eagle. If this isn't talent, what is it?
"It's unimaginable that he could summon such a powerful golden eagle before he even arrived. Oh my god, even if I witnessed this with my own eyes, I still find it unbelievable."

The soldier who followed the soldier captain was still like this. After talking, he couldn't help but start discussing with his companions: "You don't know, at that time, when the condor fell from the sky, I first felt a hurricane passing through me, as if The devil is roaring..."

"I know, I saw it. The condor came back with its owner."

Another soldier glanced at him and interrupted.

"Oh, no, you don't know at all. You know, there were only 100 of us at the scene. Do you know what posture the master used to summon the condor? Do you know what the master shouted?"

"But the condor was brought back by the master. We have seen it before."

"You don't even know..."

"The master brought the condor back to the team, and then took off immediately after the condor. Its heroic appearance is the most unforgettable scene in my life."

"Fake squid!"


While the team was lively, the atmosphere in the carriage was equally hot.

"Master, you are able to tame such a powerful condor. It seems that God is really blessing us!"

Lilia's face was flushed and she hugged Li Ming's arm tightly. She looked at him with bright eyes and her expression was full of excitement.

"Yes, with such terrifying strength, I'm afraid even the Earl is no match for me!"

On the other side, Lilian's face was also filled with excitement. She was assigned to Linshan Town. It sounded like a reward for guarding her territory, but in fact it was tantamount to exile.

As personal slaves, the two of them were taken away by the kind Li Ming and did not stay in the earl to be bullied by the insidious mother and son, but they inevitably had to live a hard life in Linshan Town.

Originally, the two cute little slave girls were well prepared for this, but they never expected that their handsome master would give them a surprise before they arrived at Linshan Town.

The master, who is only 16 years old, actually owns a beast that is more powerful than the Earl!

what does this mean?
It means that good days are coming in the future!

Why do you have to suffer when you go to Linshan Town?

One: Linshan Town is barren and has few resources, so it is naturally difficult for them to live a good life with their master.

Two: The master is weak and cannot get more opportunities. Naturally, it is difficult for them to live a good life following the master.

But now that the owner has such a powerful condor as his beast, everything is no longer a problem.

Because, the second way can be solved!
The young butler Jer, who was driving the car, was also very excited. It turned out that he was arranged by his father to leave the family and follow the second son of the family to Laishan Town to avoid possible trouble.

The ambition of the Gill family can be seen by just one person, and the War Cavalry family is weak and has a wife with such vicious intentions. There will definitely be no peace in the future.

Arranging him to Linshan Town, although he would endure hardships and hardships, might not be a way out of trouble.

But now it seems that this is just an act of reincarnation, but it will give them a big surprise.

The Second Young Master’s strength, or rather his talent, far exceeds everyone’s imagination!
The condor flying above their heads definitely has the strength of the Grand Duke of the Kingdom!
That is, the Grand Duke of the Kingdom!
Every time Gil thought about this, he couldn't help but cast awe-inspiring eyes at his master, and the expression he looked up at the sky from time to time was full of respect.

That's their condor!

"It's God's will that I can subdue the condor. From now on, Linshan Town will not be a place where we suffer hardships, but a place where we can grow up!"

Li Yang temporarily let go of Lilian, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

He originally planned to show off his magical power, but now it seems that it is difficult.

The limelight was completely overtaken by the mutated golden eagle.

Fortunately, the mutated golden eagle is strong enough, and it is also Li Yang's main purpose. With it, it doesn't make much difference whether his magical power is revealed or not.

As a native who grew up in this continent, Li Ming naturally knew that the strength of this Western continent was linked to the noble rank.

For example, his status as a baron actually corresponds to a warrior with a level of martial arts training. In the Western world, he is a knight apprentice, a warrior apprentice, and a magician apprentice.

The viscounts above the baron correspond to junior warriors, junior knights, and junior magicians. They are equivalent to warriors in the martial arts and bone training realm, and they are also equivalent to ordinary superpowers.

The earl above the viscount corresponds to an intermediate warrior, an intermediate knight, an intermediate magician, and a warrior in the martial arts marrow refining realm, and is also equivalent to an ordinary special power user.

The Marquis above the Count corresponds to high-level warriors, powerful knights, and high-level magicians, that is, warriors in the blood training realm, which is equivalent to re-evolving superpowers.

Dukes above marquises correspond to great knights, great warriors, and top-level magicians. They correspond to warriors in the Zang training realm, and are equivalent to second-evolved superpowers.

The grand duke above the duke corresponds to the commanding knight, commanding warrior, super magician, that is, the martial arts master, which is equivalent to a three-time re-evolved superpower.

Above the Grand Duke, there are the Prince and the Crown Prince, whose corresponding strengths are Earth Knights, Earth Line Warriors, and Magic Masters, which are equivalent to the level of new martial arts masters and superpowers that have evolved four times.

Above the Grand Duke are the kings of each country, whose strengths correspond to sky knights, unparalleled warriors, and legendary magicians. In martial arts, only warriors who have practiced the Li Ming Acupoint Cultivation Method, and those with superpowers who have evolved five times.And above all the princes and kings, there is only one great emperor who was born in the entire western continent in recent years, also known as the emperor.

This emperor is a terrifyingly powerful Holy Spirit Knight, and correspondingly there is an immortal warrior who has not yet appeared, equivalent to a superpower who has evolved six times.

Of course, in terms of strength, he is not as good as the magic instructor, but the magic instructor is not greedy for power, or in other words, his cultivation level, which has now reached the level of the Supreme Mage, is the highest power in itself.

According to Li Ming's estimation, only warriors who have reached the peak of the new martial arts in addition to the old martial arts, then practiced the acupoint cultivation method, and upgraded the acupoint cultivation method to the level of the divine orifice cultivation method can reach this level.

However, not to mention these people who are at the top level of strength, the three-time re-evolved superpowers comparable to the Grand Duke alone are not enough for the War Cavalry family, especially the two little slave girls Lilia and Lilian. It is already an unimaginably terrifying strength.

The Golden Eagle not only has the dual powers of wind and metal, but also has the strength to complete three re-evolutions. Coupled with its powerful flying ability, it is almost a group of top-notch powerful creatures in the three re-evolutions.

For a group of aristocratic circles who have never reached the level of evolution, this is a crushing level of strength. With such a powerful creature sitting in charge, it is no wonder that they and other people in the convoy are so excited.

"My master!"

Lilian listened to Li Ming's words with a trace of obsession in her eyes. Li Ming smiled slightly and sat in the car calmly, waiting for the passage of time.

And his words gradually spread to the entire convoy, making everyone excited for a while, and even the boring driving became not so boring.


It is a full five hundred kilometers from the Earl's Castle of the War Cavalry Family to the territory of Linshan Town.

Before the end of the world, this was not particularly far, but on this seriously damaged road, it was a far enough and difficult journey.

Fortunately, with such a hot topic as the Divine Eagle's protection, everyone moved forward with all their strength, so that there were no accidents in the journey, and everyone arrived at the destination safe and sound.

The residents of Linshan Town had known the news for a long time. As they arrived, some local officials had already led many people to wait in advance. As the convoy entered, the entire Linshan Town was filled with the sound of celebrations. .

As the residence of the baron, Li Ming lived in the largest house in the town without hesitation. This was a small villa that looked like a palace. It looked like it was newly built, which made Li Ming very emotional. His father Li Wei, who was very fond of him, made great efforts for him to serve in this position.

The palace was kept spotless, and it was obvious that the people here were ready to welcome him.

On the same day, Li Ming moved in with two maids who warmed the bed.

And as the convoy he led moved in, the news about him as a new noble spread throughout the entire Linshan Town like a gust of wind.

"The eagle that possesses the power of gold, iron and wind!"

"A condor comparable to an archduke!"

"Do you dare to think that a 16-year-old master would actually have such a eagle that surrenders to him and is willing to protect him as he grows up!"

The news one after another, especially the spread of the video shot on the spot, made the entire Linshan Town almost boiling. In this way, faced with the following series of policies from the noble master, there was naturally no resistance at all.

And along with the excitement here, there are also some people on the other side who are surprised and suspicious.

"Son, mother has bad news for you."

In the War Cavalry family, the eldest lady pulled her dear son Bernier into a private room and looked at him seriously.

"What's the matter, Mom?"

Bernier's life has been very smooth recently. With the arrival of the Gill family, his father has let go of many things below, including some of his things, which allows him to enjoy every day. Recently, he is struggling to push down one by one. The maids were extremely happy.

Especially when he thinks that the only brother who is competitive with him and may lead to instability in his inheritance will die violently, and the territory of the two great warrior families will be under his sole control, this feeling becomes even better.

Now, Bernier, who had just gotten up from the maid who was 15 years older than him, was in a good mood. He didn't pay much attention to what his mother said and asked casually.

"The twenty junior warriors my mother sent out to kill your brother were killed!"

Najir's face looked very ugly: "I waited for two days but they didn't report the situation. When I sent my men to check, only their broken weapons, clothes, and blood stains were left there."

"After the magician's examination, it was confirmed that these bloods belong to the twenty junior warriors. In other words, the people we sent out to assassinate your brother not only failed to assassinate your brother, but were defeated and annihilated."

Najir looked embarrassed, and Bernier was also stunned.

"Then, do you know what caused this? Mom, it can't be Li Ming?"

Bernie couldn't help but speak, and when his brother's talent sounded, he couldn't help but worry.

"It's very likely, and what you have to do now is to keep a low profile, because these twenty junior warriors are already the last strength in mother's hands. If anything happens to you in the future, they won't have that much power to protect you. "

Najir shook his head and looked embarrassed: "But fortunately, mom is surrounded by practitioners who are considered to be the peak of junior warriors and the peak of junior knights. They are enough to protect the safety of you and my mother."

"But, mother, I..."

Bernie wanted to say that there were many maids in the castle that he thought were good, but he stopped looking at his mother. Instead, his eyes changed to a question: "But, are we just like this?" Have you let him go?"

"With him here, not only may there be consequences and changes in the succession of my title, but most importantly, he has also caused the death of twenty junior warriors. However, such a powerful force has been eliminated by him. I think this is not It’s not something that can be forgiven!”

There was some resentment in Bernier's eyes. The strength of these twenty junior warriors was not even his own. If he could have so many junior warriors, he could live happily in the castle even without the support of his mother. .

But now, such a force was lost because of the assassination of Li Ming, which made him very angry.

"No, I have informed the family about this matter. In ten days, a strong man in the late stage of intermediate warrior will rush to Linshan Town to check the situation. As you know, he is your dear uncle."

Najir shook her head and looked at Bernier tenderly: "He will definitely clear the obstacles for you, child!"

(End of this chapter)

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