Chapter 358 Territory
Chapter 358 Li Ming’s actions
In Linshan Town, with the arrival of the new nobleman Li Ming, a series of things including land inventory, population census, registration, and industry inventory were started with great vigor.

The end result is that this is just a small town with only 5000 people.

Among them, there are only 500 prime-age men.

Linshan Town Linshan Town, as its name suggests, is surrounded by mountains, and the people here rely on the mountains to feed themselves. After the small amount of land is filled with food, most industries rely on digging from the mountains.

"Is bamboo and a few fruit trees the main income for people in small towns?"

After several days of data compilation, Li Ming looked at the paper in front of him and asked with a frown.

"Yes, Master. Cutting down bamboo to make bamboo baskets, bamboo sticks, bamboo chairs, bamboo tables and other handmade products, transporting and selling them to other places is the main income. The output of the apple tree is only enough for myself."

While helping him investigate the situation, Ruler, the consul who controlled things, nodded heavily and spoke.

"It seems that I didn't know much about this place before. No wonder they were destined to be done with it when they heard that I was exiled here."

Li Ming shook his head, dropped the note in his hand, and asked a key question: "With these things and the food on the ground, can the situation here be enough?"

"Be diligent and you can still eat enough."

Ruhr had obviously done a comprehensive investigation, and nodded when he heard this: "With the food in the fields, the income from selling handmade bamboo products, and the wild vegetables dug in the mountains, as long as you work hard, you can eat enough."

"It's good to be full."

Li Ming smiled. Faced with such a situation, he couldn't develop even if he wanted to. But fortunately, in his exploration, there were more than these resources here.

"Please inform me that tomorrow I will conduct a tour of the town and listen to the voices of ordinary people."

Li Ming gave an order to Archon Ruhr, then waved his hand to send him away, then came to a quiet room alone and began to practice with his eyes closed.

After these few days of magic practice, his spiritual power has become stronger and stronger.

What is gained more than spiritual power is the magic power in the body.

Yes, magic.

Li Ming felt the five magic powers flowing in his body, and closed his eyes again and began to operate.

The so-called magic power means that after the spiritual power communicates with the elements of heaven and earth, all the violent aspects of the elements are removed, leaving only the docile side, which is then absorbed into the body, opening up a unique magic space, and gradually forming a magic ocean.

Therefore, what kind of element you choose to form magic power in the first place will determine what kind of magician you become.

As for Li Ming, he naturally chose the Five Elements elements to form magic power and became a Five Elements Magician.

After all, the road to invincibility lay in front of him, so he was stupid enough to learn something else.

Moreover, other people cannot practice the Five Elements together, but he can.

Along the way, apart from messing around with his two personal slave girls, Li Ming spent the rest of his time absorbing the five elements from heaven and earth, forming a unique five-element magic power in his body.

The five elements of magic seemed to be divided into five strands, but only Li Ming could feel that at its core, the five different strands of magic combined into one and condensed into one terrifying force.

The power of the five elements in one!
"Compared to the power of the Five Elements Unified, this power is more than 01:30 points behind."

Feeling the magic power of the five elements in his body, which was obviously integrated into one, but was only comparable to the integration of the two elements of water and fire, Li Ming shook his head helplessly, knowing that this was the magician's natural weakness, and he had no choice but to do this.

After all, the entire magical world is a hundred times weaker than the world of cultivating immortals, but supernatural powers are equivalent to those in the world of cultivating immortals.

In such a comparison, if it were not for the power of the Five Elements, these so-called magic powers would collapse in the face of supernatural powers.

But unfortunately, due to Li Ming's excavation, there are not many superpowers in the Western world.

And because magicians are active in the world, the superpowers in this world are not keen on developing their own superpowers. Instead, they use superpowers as auxiliary means of magic and devote themselves to learning magic.

As a result, there are not many superpowers in this world, and they don't care about them. Their strength is far less powerful than the superpowers in the mainland base city, and the overall difference is not one or two.

The strongest superpower here is actually a three-time re-evolved, and he is also a physical power evolver. He has practiced both knight training and warrior training, and has become a famous archduke with unparalleled combat power.

In the base city of the Eastern Continent, the strongest superpower, excluding Li Ming, now has superpowers that have evolved six times.

Gu Zhuo, Lei Ming, Mo Dao, Wu Yan, Li Ding, and Kong Ming have suddenly broken through to the level of six re-evolutions.

As for the remaining second batch, many have already reached the fifth re-evolution, or even the peak of the fifth re-evolution.

Talents have also emerged among ascetics and warriors, and a new realm has been opened up above the realm of ascetics' supernatural powers, which is comparable to the realm of human immortals that has evolved six times.

The path of the warrior also opens up prospects, and the realm of the great master and the realm of divine and martial arts are opened up one after another above the realm of the master. Among them, the realm of martial immortals, which is comparable to the realm of human and immortal as a monk, is also being opened.

The strongest man in the Western world, the so-called emperor and magic teacher, is not their combined enemy.

It can be said that the practice system of this world is weak in comparison.

"Compared to the immortal cultivators hiding in the world, the magicians who have been active a long time ago have accumulated too much power in the Western world, which has also made people on this continent more obsessed with magic. Practitioners have more time to practice."

Li Ming shook his head, not feeling anything about this result. It was precisely without the implantation of these powerful civilizations that the resilience and plasticity of the practitioners in the inland base city could be achieved.

Now, although due to time constraints, the level of practitioners in the Western Continent is generally relatively high, but in the face of being crushed by the system, what does a temporary high level mean?

Don't look at it now. Even the top genius practitioners in the inland base city are only equal to their strongest. But if they wait for some time and continue to break through, they will definitely be able to crush this place.

In addition, even if their strength is at the same level, when it comes to real fighting, these magicians, knights, and warriors at the same level are definitely no match for the monks and warriors in the inland base city.

The mixed and weak energy, facing the condensed and unified energy, has no chance of winning no matter what.

"Although this clone is just a spiritual rosary clone, the energy cannot be so rough and mixed."

Li Ming felt the Five Elements Magic in his body, sighed, and silently absorbed the magical energy of heaven and earth that magicians in this world could not use to make up for it, instantly increasing the quality of the Five Elements Magic by several levels. "Barely equivalent to the power of three and a half five elements combined into one."

Feeling the changes in the five elements of magic in his body, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to continue practicing.

The development of the territory was important, but his own cultivation was equally important.

After all, he can't always rely on the mutated golden eagle, right?
While Li Ming was practicing here, Ruel also dutifully conveyed his orders to every household in the town.

Hearing that the newly arrived nobles would inspect the territory tomorrow and listen to the voices of ordinary residents, everyone was very happy and got ready early.

The heroic legend that followed Li Ming's arrival made his image unbreakable in the hearts of all people.

In this atmosphere, the next day came quickly.

After having breakfast, Li Ming, accompanied by two little slave girls, took his cronies around him and walked around Linshan Town in person.

But during the process, apart from looking at the smiling faces of the residents, nothing else happened.

The reason is simple. In this poor place, there is really no money to be squeezed. When everyone is barely able to eat, whoever dares to do anything excessive may have his body hung out the next day.

Therefore, naturally there is no public resentment.

In other words, the only resentment the people have is that they don’t have enough to eat because of the world.

"I am very satisfied with today's parade. I will go on a parade in the mountains tomorrow. I hope everyone can be prepared."

After the parade, Li Ming spoke softly to the officials in Linshan Town, and then turned around and returned to his residence.

After hearing his instructions, all the officials looked at each other, and finally had no choice but to prepare.

In this situation where ordinary people can barely afford to eat, the life of these ruling officials is not much better. Accompanying Li Ming to tour Linshan Town today is tiring enough. I am afraid that I will be hungry tomorrow. Went up the mountain on a full stomach.

What they didn't expect was that not long after they returned home, they received a pound of chicken as a gift from Li Ming's soldier.

"My master said that we all had a hard time patrolling today. This pound of chicken is used to replenish everyone's health so that everyone will have the strength to follow up the mountain tomorrow."

The soldier left these words and left the official's home with a face full of emotion.

Li Ming took a lot of chickens, ducks and geese away from the Zhanqi family fortress, and he has been re-planning the area for proper breeding in the past few days since he arrived here.

Although it is still early in the business, these poultry are precious resources, but poultry is precious, and people are also precious. If they go up the mountain tomorrow, they must have a good meal, so one pound of chicken per person is not too much.

After all, one chicken now can be distributed to more than a dozen families, and there are more than a dozen officials in total. Only two chickens are enough for Li Ming to eat and share with them.

As for the soldiers, they have plenty of food. Naturally, these resources will not be given to them at this stage.

Fortunately, poultry grows very quickly. Within a few months, the number will increase significantly. By the end of the year, there will no longer be a shortage of poultry meat.

In addition to these livestock husbandry, cattle, sheep, and especially horses are well protected, and it is considered necessary to interfere with breeding and reproduce as much as possible while protecting the lives of male breeds.

Meat is one of the foundations of a power.

And the remaining food...

"This mountain forest has only five main peaks, just a small mountain range. The area beyond the mountains is the no-man's land. In the middle, there are railway tunnels built before the end of the world, but they were buried. As long as the tunnels are cleared, the no-man's land can be If the zombies among them are killed, there will be no shortage of land for growing food in Linshan Town."

On the night after inspecting the territory, Li Ming called the soldier captain John, the steward Jer, the consul Ruel, and the local sheriff Porter to have dinner together.

The dinner was very sumptuous, with white rice, a pot of chicken soup, and a pot of mutton. The local Sheriff Porter was so addicted to it that his mouth was full of oil. After finishing the meal, Li Ming went to the wall to hang a local map. Point to the mountain opening shown on the map,

"Although this tunnel is only built for recreation, it is enough for us to use. I think the people in the town don't mind fighting for food."

Li Ming met the gazes of several people and said with a smile: "After exploring this mountain range, I will take the lead in digging this tunnel and clear the area on the other side of the mountain range."

"But, Lord, we do not have the strength to clean such a long tunnel."

Hearing Li Ming's words, the sheriff below couldn't help but raise his hand weakly. Seeing Li Ming look over, he hurriedly explained: "The local residents work hard every day, have little free time, and there are too many signs of force. I’m afraid it’s inappropriate for a civilian husband.”

"It doesn't matter, there is no need to recruit too many civilians."

Li Ming smiled, and as he spoke, a cluster of fire and a cluster of soil suddenly appeared in his palm: "Perhaps, I have another identity that I haven't told you. I think I am a magician."

The Sheriff who spoke was startled, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and then he reacted and stood up excitedly: "Sheriff Potter will serve you wholeheartedly!"

Not only was he surprised, but several people who came from the War Cavalry Family Castle were also surprised. However, they had known for a long time that Li Ming had extraordinary talent, so they were more happy than surprised, and they all started to face Li Ming confidently. Li Ming's plan was improved and supplemented, and he was so happy that he forgot about himself.

They knew that with such a master around, they would be comfortable in the future.

The next day, when Li Ming got up from the two smooth bodies of sisters Lilia and Lillian and went up the mountain, everyone was really enthusiastic.

He led the team with a smile, holding a sharp sword and taking the lead.

And drilled all the way towards the location of the tea tree that the body sensed before.

This move directly disrupted Sheriff Porter's plan to lead the Lord around in the mountains. He could only continue to ask his entourage to identify the direction, while waving a long knife to clear the road, and followed Li Ming towards him. Go where you want to go.

Just when everyone couldn't figure out what Li Ming was going to do, Li Ming released a ball of fire amidst everyone's exclamations and burned a large thorny area cleanly. Five tea trees appeared in front of everyone.

“What a refreshing smell!”

Everyone following behind felt a fresh fragrance assail their nostrils. Just smelling the smell almost completely faded away the fatigue caused by climbing the mountain. They became energetic and couldn't help but look at the five tall tea trees in front of them in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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