Chapter 365 A Blockbuster

"In the years since the Gill family became the Marquis, they have obtained a large amount of wealth in various situations from the territories of various earls."

Li Ming stepped forward and walked to the family's wife, looking at the woman calmly with a cold face.

As an extraordinary nobleman after the apocalypse, Gogil's eldest wife naturally cannot be his wife before the apocalypse.

Although she is named the eldest lady, she is actually not old at all. She has a delicate appearance, delicate skin, and a slender and fair body. She wears a beige dress on her plump body and is very attractive.

But when all the members of the Gill family and the armed forces were killed, the originally noble lady didn't look good.

The fear of death made her face turn pale, and her breathing was tense. Even if she pretended to be calm, she could not conceal her paleness.

"Let my men search, they can still find these things, but in order to save time, I want it to be simpler."

Li Ming squatted down calmly in front of the woman, staring at her face with his cold face, making her look even more frightened.

"How about you tell us where these resources are hidden and save us some time?"

"I think, as the eldest lady of Gogil, you shouldn't know where the family resources are hidden, right?"

Li Ming's voice was very calm, but after hearing his voice, Goujier's wife trembled all over as if she were facing an ice cave.

"I, if I say something, will you keep my life?"

Looking at the armor-clad knight in front of her, Mrs. Gil's white calves and slender thighs were bent, and she shivered and moved her slim buttocks away. In front of this group of knights covered in blood, no matter whether it was other members of the Gil family, Neither the woman nor herself could keep herself on the ground.

Lying on the ground, holding up her upper body with one hand stubbornly, the eldest lady of the house was already the best-situated person in the field, at least compared to those women who were so frightened that they fell to the ground and were unable to stand up. She has a certain reserve of posture.

The bloody smell on Li Ming's body eroded the eldest lady's mind like a terrifying demon. She looked at the pair of bloody faceplates and said a sentence in such a difficult tone for the first time. When she finished speaking, she felt her heart tense. Her heart seemed to stop beating, and her soul seemed to be leaving her body nervously. The world was silent, and she could only wait for the reply from the man in front of her.

"Leave your life behind?"

The man under the visor chuckled lightly, and the next moment, the armor on his body automatically separated from his body, revealing a handsome and burly man with a chuckle on his face.

Seeing that there was such a beautiful man under such terrifying armor, the lady who fell to the ground was stunned. The fear that her soul was about to leave her body seemed to have eased a little, and then she looked closely at the man in front of her. man.

"Huh, huh..."

Her breathing could not help but become heavier. What was better than before was that she could now feel the beating of her heart.

She knew that waiting for the verdict of her life was only a matter of this man's thoughts.

But...the first words that came up gave her a bad premonition.

"Don't be stupid, ma'am, I don't kill women easily."

Li Ming chuckled and stretched out his hand to grab the woman's white and tender calf. He touched it twice with pleasure and looked at the woman in front of him with a smile: "If you are willing to cooperate with me, maybe something can happen between us." Wonderful story, don’t you think, ma’am?”

The man's words were like the blessing of Jesus. The moment they fell, the woman felt a deep sense of redemption. She instantly relaxed her body, and most of the fear in her heart dissipated, and a subtle color of blood returned to her pale face.

She looked at the man who was grabbing her white calf and playing with it, her eyes met the man's eyes tentatively, a nervous smile appeared on her face, and then she hesitated for a moment and immediately said: "Everything Goujier collected will be concentrated by him. In the secret room of the castle."

"The location of the secret room is behind the flowerpot in his bedroom. You only need to move the flowerpot and turn it half a turn to the left, then push it forward to the bottom of the card slot, and then rotate it to the right to open the entrance to the secret room, where the collected items are stored. The most precious thing among the resources that came from it.”

As the eldest lady spoke, she looked at the man's expression, her breathing became slightly heavier, and her body gradually became conscious. As she spoke, she stretched out her jade hand in front of the man with misty eyes.

"So, what about the other stuff?"

Li Yang reached out and grabbed the woman's stretched out hand, put it to his mouth and kissed it. Then he kneaded the woman's arm, put her calf down, slowly touched her thigh, and pressed against the woman.

"In the second room on the left side of the castle."

Feeling the temperature on her legs, the pressure in the eldest lady's heart was like a big stone rolling away. A bright smile appeared on her face for a moment. She couldn't help but talk about this matter with joy, and then realized that she In the current situation, he hurriedly put away his smile, held Li Ming's neck with both hands, and carefully looked at his expression.

"Oh, my lady, you are such a beautiful, gentle, kind and intelligent woman."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Li Ming's lips. He lowered his head and kissed the woman's lips, and spoke with a smile on his face.

"Well, hey, handsome man, can we go back to my room?"

Feeling the man's movements and feeling that she could really survive, the eldest lady couldn't help laughing happily. She allowed the man to kiss her beautiful lips, and then turned her head to look at the other people who were slumped on the ground. The woman asked cautiously and tentatively.

"You have to understand, madam, this is a place that symbolizes my conquest. Doing things here will make me more interested."

Li Ming chuckled and spoke. He followed closely and flirted with the grape. When the noble lady couldn't help but feel something, he gently pressed it.


The eldest lady looked sideways at the women of all generations around her, and whispered softly. When she saw them collapsing on the ground in fear, she took a deep breath and turned her head to meet the man's kiss.


【Super Magic】

[Notes of the Earth Knight]

[Discussion of Earth Line Warriors]

The treasures in the secret vault are indeed extraordinary. The three cultivation secrets collected alone are of a higher level than any cultivation secrets that Li Ming has collected before.

In addition, there are various treasures that can increase strength, as well as ten sets of magic armor, twenty high-quality magic knight swords, and a bunch of magic scrolls.

The treasure house in the outhouse is also full of various spiritual objects, comparable to the output of Lingshan Town in three years.

In addition, there are the inherent land resources of the entire Gill Territory and the resources of the Zhanqi family itself. This harvest can be said to be quite rich.

The more happiness people get from resource harvesting, the more fun Li Ming will have.

In the solemn hall, after playing with the first lady, Li Ming looked at the fifth lady again.

That is, Bojir's wife who once assassinated Li Ming.Li Ming moved lightly and came to the Fifth Madam, who was still weak and could only lie on the ground due to fear, and squatted beside her with a smile on her face.

"Are you the wife of Bojir? What a beautiful woman."

Li Ming came to the fifth lady, who was an exquisite and translucent woman. He reached out and caressed the fifth lady's collarbone, and raised an evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Did you know my late husband, sir?"

Hearing Li Ming say the name of her dead husband, the fifth lady's eyes showed a glint of light. She looked at the men squatting in front of her with hope, hoping that they were really her husband's friends as she hoped. So as to save her life.

"Of course we know each other. When I just arrived in Linshan Town and took charge of my own territory, it was your husband who rushed to my territory alone and wanted to strangle me in the cradle."

Li Ming's palm gently slid from the collarbone of the fifth lady to the delicate calf, which made the fifth lady's heart flutter, but the words in her mouth at the next moment made her fall into the ice cave.

"Oh, Bojir is dead, can you spare my life?"

The fifth lady shed tears in fear, her body began to tremble uncontrollably, and she looked at Li Ming with tears in her eyes.

"Of course, my fifth lady, as long as you hand over all the wealth you know like the eldest lady, then I don't mind having some pleasant things with you."

Li Ming turned his gaze away from the Fifth Madam's delicate calves, looked into her eyes, and said with a smile.

"I said, I said, his wealth is in the church basement five kilometers to the left, and the key is in the room on the third floor."

After hearing Li Ming's words, the fifth lady stood on the ground with her petite feet and spoke to him fiercely, and at the same time she couldn't wait to speak.

"Oh, it seems that the fifth lady is not only beautiful, but also very smart. Congratulations on making a wise choice."

Li Ming said in congratulations. After the words fell, the fifth lady couldn't help but burst into tears. Li Ming gently wiped the tears on her face with a tissue, and then smiled and stretched out his hand to touch her body to soothe her emotions.

After a while, the fifth lady's fear was reduced a lot, her face became rosier, and she looked at Li Ming with moist eyes. Finally, Li Ming put her petite legs on her shoulders.



Bogil's wealth is obviously not comparable to that of Gogil, who belongs to the family. His treasure house only has a pair of magic armor, two magic swords, a box of magical herbs, and a pocket of magic scrolls.

When these things were brought back, Li Ming was very happy to give the fifth lady a happy and selfless moment. He then walked to the sixth lady with a smile and squatted down next to the sixth lady who was always lying on the ground with her eyes closed.

"My beautiful sixth lady, why do you always keep your eyes closed? Although your husband, the sixth son of the Gill family, Kergil, was full of fear when he was killed on the battlefield, but he was also brave. I hope you You have enough courage to have a good conversation with me, what do you think?"

Li Ming raised the face of the Sixth Madam and asked softly with a smile. Feeling Li Ming's movements, the Sixth Madam was too scared to open her eyes. She opened her eyes tremblingly and looked at Li Ming's face, her face full of fear. .

"Please, let me go. He and I are not the same person. What he did has nothing to do with me. I will give you all the treasures I know, right where you caught me."

The tears of fear in Mrs. Six's eyes were almost visible to the naked eye. She resisted the tears and said to Li Ming in tears.

"My Sixth Madam, don't do this. I feel sorry for women."

Li Ming waved his hand and asked the knight on the side to get the wealth. He gently picked up the Sixth Lady and kept squeezing her to comfort her.

By the time the wealth was taken out, the Sixth Madam was already tightly held in her arms, bumping up and down with happy tears.


"My wealth is in the cellar of the territorial forest..."

"All my resources are in the underground warehouse..."

"There is a secret door under my bed..."


After the sixth lady, Li Ming continued to treat each lady tenderly, and soon plundered all the resources of the entire Gill family, and then quickly transported them back to Linshan Town to arm a new batch of knights. .

After obtaining these equipment, when all the knights gathered together, the number of heavy-armored magic knights around Li Ming suddenly increased to a full four hundred!

"Tell my father Li Wei that the resources we possess now will be transported to Linshan Town, and we must use the best way to cultivate the people in the territory."

In the aristocratic castle of the Gill family, the women all returned to their rooms to rest and experience the afterglow of the aftermath of the disaster, while Li Ming rested for the night. When 350 knights arrived the next day, the knights in armor followed. The auxiliary soldiers who came from the knight spoke.

After listening to Li Ming's words, the entourage immediately responded, and then quickly turned back to bring the news back.

"The Gill family was wiped out by us at gunpoint, but our war did not end."

Li Ming's eyes were focused on the four hundred magic heavy armors in front of him, and his voice was cold: "There are other big forces behind the Gill family, otherwise he would not be so arrogant. We have taken down the Gill family, and it is very likely that the Gill family will be defeated next." He will face conquest from the family behind him.”

"However, what I want them to know is that I, Linshan Town, will never be afraid of anyone. Next, everyone should take the training resources immediately to improve their strength as quickly as possible."

"In addition, I will send invitations to the nearby nobles. I will hold a noble dinner and have a pleasant transaction with the surrounding nobles."

Li Ming tapped his fingers and issued orders one after another: "Bring the female slaves from various regions over to prepare for this noble dinner."


Everyone below agreed in unison, and then returned to their own work. The knights practiced and the auxiliaries began to prepare for various chores.

Li Ming stood up and looked at the sky above his head, with a smile on his face.

After several years of dormancy, the time for the arrival of other worlds is getting closer and closer.

It's time to pick up the pace.

This time, he will be a blockbuster.

(End of this chapter)

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