Chapter 366 Request, caring

The War Cavalry family set things right, and control of the territory returned to its rightful heir, the outstanding knight and warrior Baron Li Ming.

The rebellious Gill family was destroyed by the heroic cavalry of Baron Li Ming.

After Baron Li Ming seized the territory of the Gill family, he named himself Marquis and sent invitations to the surrounding nobles.

Under the successive heavy news, all the nobles living nearby were afraid of the magic heavy cavalry. When they received the invitation, they brought congratulatory gifts and spouses to the territory of the former Gill family and now the Li Ming cavalry family. Marquis territory walked.

Before that, Linshan Town had been the first to feel the fruits of this victory.

Continuous convoys of vehicles continue to arrive at Linshan Town from various places, bringing various supplies that Linshan Town needs.

Lumen, whose house and property were destroyed during the war, followed the convoy to the place where Marquis Li Ming's dragon originated, and settled down here.

And various nobles sent gifts in advance to show their attitude.

"Are these bitchis all here to give to Yingwu Mr. Li Ming?"

Tina stood in Li Ming's increasingly taller aristocratic castle, looking at the group of women in front of them with very ugly faces, and asked the housekeeper beside her.

"Yes, Mrs. Tina, you know that as the glory of our Lord shines on the continent, these nobles who are following the trend will naturally express their feelings. In fact, these women are just gifts, and a group of quite famous people have been gathered in our warehouse. To cherish considerable resources, these things are naturally the key."

Butler Jier was smiling broadly. As Li Ming's reputation rose in the neighborhood, everyone in the territory felt honored, even slaves and even him, the butler.

"Oh, these freebies are really not a pleasant thing."

Tina snorted, but she also knew that this was the default unspoken rule among nobles. Just like the so-called noble dance, the noble cocktail party was actually a random vent with their wives.

Such a bonus is undoubtedly more in line with the interests of the nobles.

And she herself was officially a beneficiary of such unspoken rules. Although she was not angry, she could only complain and could not do anything more.

"That's natural. Compared to you, they are as worthless as fireflies and the bright moon."

Jer said with a smile, but unfortunately such simple flattery could not make Ms. Tina happy. She picked up her skirt and went out to relax, leaving Jer behind.

But Jer was smiling and obviously didn't care. He stretched leisurely and came to a female slave who was working: "Hey, Lotta, you know, the weather is just right today. I mean, I killed Three escaping intruders are nothing..."

"Jer, you have already told me about killing three intruders."


The embellishments of victory, the transportation of trophies, and the enthusiastic decoration of slaves make the entire castle more magnificent.

Behind the castle, Levi, the powerful knight sitting at the rear, was also happy and grinning from ear to ear.

"Okay, thirty magic fishes rich in magic, both male and female, are still alive. What a good gift. I think Kanat will definitely become our friend. Your master's generosity makes me very happy."

With the arrival of another noble's convoy of supplies today, supplies related to the extraordinary were sent to the door of the warehouse guarded by Li Wei to receive them. Looking at the delivery of thirty magic fish rich in magic, Li Wei's face was filled with joy, and he looked at the gift. The butler praised him repeatedly, then turned around and opened a pond directly near the warehouse.

Immediately afterwards, people quickly diverted the canal to fill it with water and raised the devil fish in it.


The devil fish immediately swam happily after entering the water, and Levi's face burst into laughter when he saw this scene.

Another extraordinary renewable resource!
The most precious thing in a territory is not which resources are abundant, but which resources can be regenerated. Only regenerable resources can bring more long-term and rich returns.

It can be said that such renewable resources are the heritage of every noble, and now, there is another such heritage in Linshan Town.

It can be said that the value of these thirty magic fish is indeed very precious!
"Our lord must also be very happy to be favored by the War Cavalry family."

The accompanying housekeeper was really relieved when he saw Levi's attitude, but he didn't leave like the others. Instead, he stayed here shamelessly, as if waiting for something.

I stayed there for several days without leaving.

"It seems that the lord of the Kanat family has something to ask of us."

On this day, Levi went out for a walk and saw that the housekeeper of the Kanat family had not left yet. He couldn't help but think deeply, but then he went to train the soldiers of the reserve army with a smile. He could stay here as he pleased.

The noble banquet has not officially started yet, and I don’t know how long it will take until it ends.

No matter what the Kanat family needs, as long as they can negotiate well with Li Ming, he will support it.

Compared with this, it is more important to use the huge resources of the county to train more knights in Linshan Town.

“Boys, let’s start the 24 Tai Chi poses!”

Li Wei, who came to the square, waved his hand and invited everyone to continue to deepen their practice of the practice methods passed down by Li Ming, and he also followed suit to practice the complete Kung Fu to enhance his foundation.

The congratulatory gifts sent to each other by various nobles were also a large amount, enough to cultivate a new batch of knights more easily.

"It's just that after this battle, the reputation of the cavalry with all magic equipment began to leak out. It will be difficult to obtain these equipment through trade in the future."

While Li Wei was practicing, he thought about his past. After everyone had extraordinary powers, they never thought of improving themselves. When war came, he would wear magic armor, magic weapons and ride on mutated mounts to fight against the opponent.

Like Li Ming, he spent a lot of money to give each soldier a copy of the magic equipment that originally belonged to the nobles, and trained them into extraordinary beings. This was the first time he had seen such things as fighting in groups.

But it's no different. This method can motivate some nobles. It can be seen that no one is willing to trade these magic equipment anymore, at least in the short term.

And such consequences will undoubtedly bring their training of new magic knights to a period of stagnation.

"It would be great if I had my own magic equipment craftsman."

Levi couldn't help but murmur, but he also knew that this thing was not available to ordinary people, so he settled down and started practicing this magical practice.

It was the first time that he saw a practice method that could make up for the body without harming his body, other than magic practice.

In the past two years of practice, he even felt that his body, which had been secretly injured for many years and gradually damaged during the practice, was recovering under the influence of this technique, and his body began to slowly recover.

He naturally had to practice such a precious technique.

Since you can't get better equipment, you should improve yourself better. The value of the equipment will start to rise, and correspondingly the value of other training resources will start to decrease. It is a good time to buy it.It was originally planned to develop equipment first and then combat power.

As for the depends on whether Li Ming's next noble dinner is impressive enough.

There are more... Levi's eyes gradually became solemn. He could feel that there might be the shadow of the Duke behind the Gill family. This time, the Gill family was wiped out so fiercely. No one could tell who was the Duke behind him, or even the Duke. Grand Duke's attitude.

Only by being able to withstand such a crisis can the territory Li Ming has established be stabilized and belong to him.


"Inhale, exhale~"

The venue was filled with slender breathing, and Levi's heart gradually calmed down.




A new domain for the War Cavalry family.

On the wide road, the nobles who came to attend the banquet came one after another with their beautiful spouses to this new territory that belonged to Li Ming's spoils.

When they saw a total of four hundred fully armed magic heavy cavalry standing like sculptures on both sides, they all paid attention. Then, they were personally received by Li Ming, smiled and presented the gifts they carried, and temporarily moved in. Inside the empty and huge palace, the dinner party was waiting to begin.

On the first day alone, eight of the thirteen nobles invited by Li Ming came.

The dinner was scheduled for five days later, so Li Ming was not in a hurry, but someone came to him personally that night.

"Dear Marquis Li Ming, Burne Canat wishes to greet you."

That evening, Li Ming, who had just finished dinner and had not yet returned to his room, met Earl Bourne who had brought his spouse. Seeing his respectful attitude, he raised his eyebrows: "It's not time to start the aristocratic dinner party yet." , Count Bourne, what are you?"

"Before coming, I have ordered my butler to bring [-] fertile devil fish, a precious resource in the territory, to your territory. This kind of devil fish has extremely strong reproductive ability. In less than three months, It can multiply to [-] in just a short period of time, so it is definitely a high-quality territorial resource."

Bourne did not rush to answer Li Ming's words, but first explained his sincerity. Then he saw Li Ming's expression fluctuate before he respectfully said: "I beg you to give me a chance to communicate with you."

This sincerity is indeed quite good...

There is no reason to refuse.

Li Ming looked at Earl Bourne who had a sincere face, felt his sincerity, and then nodded and agreed to his request.

"Go for a walk outside. You can tell me about your business on the way."

Li Ming turned around and walked out. Bourne hurriedly asked his fair-skinned spouse to wait here, and then strode towards Li Ming.

The two of them walked all the way from the corridor to the deserted forest. When Li Ming stopped, Bourne finally spoke:
"My territory has encountered the same situation as yours, but I don't have the ability to take back my territory from the hungry wolves that have invaded it. What I hope this time is to invite you to help me get rid of the [Ming'en] family. Take back the territory belonging to our Kanat family."

As Bern Kanat said, he sincerely offered his price: "In return, in the next 30 years, [-]% of the tax income from the recaptured territory of the Kanat family will belong to you!"

After Bern Kanat finished speaking, he stood there and waited. He waited for five minutes but saw no reaction from Li Ming. He couldn't help but look at him nervously.

"If I take the opportunity to eradicate the [Ming En] family, do you have enough reputation?"

Li Ming's voice sounded faintly at this moment. Bourne opened his eyes and nodded vigorously: "My parents died because of this. In the name of revenge for my parents, it is definitely enough to destroy the [Ming En] family!"

"Very good, I only need [-]% of the profit from your territory that I took back from [Ming En], and the price is [Ming En]'s family's territory. You have to help me take care of it."

Li Ming rubbed his fingers, turned to look at the man, and said in a faint voice: "War is not a child's play. I hope that everything you say to me is sincere."

"I, Burn Canat, swear in the name of the God of Magic, but if I lie, Burn will die instantly!"

Bourne gritted his teeth, raised his hand and swore fiercely. After swearing, he lowered his fingers in relief.

"I believe that the God of Magic has witnessed your sincerity."

When Li Ming saw him swearing an oath to the God of Magic, a smile appeared on his face and he patted his shoulder gently, which was meaningful.

It doesn't matter whether the God of Magic witnessed it or not. The important thing is that since he has come to find him, something must be done.

If what is said is true, then the [Ming En] family is the one who is in trouble. If what is said is false, then it is him who is in trouble.

What, the Kanat family actually deceived me. What I, Li Ming, hate the most in my life is lies and deception. I must kill his entire family!
After killing the whole clan, the territory will naturally be his own.

"Now that I'm here, I have no reason to lie."

Bourne spoke solemnly, and Li Ming patted his shoulder with satisfaction: "How much power do you have? Do you have a map of the terrain and force distribution of the Ming En family?"

"I have fifteen magicians, twenty knights, and forty warriors, all at the elementary level, and myself, who I think is a late-intermediate knight."

Bourne quickly spoke: "I don't know the military deployment of [Ming'en Family] in the local territory, but I know the distribution of the [Ming'en Family] people entrenched in my territory, and I have been to the [Ming'en Family] before. After a few times, I can draw a terrain map for you, but I don’t know the distribution of force.”

"These are enough. When the time comes, I will need your men to fight with me."

Li Ming nodded, then patted his shoulder and spoke.

"That's natural!"

Bourne nodded naturally. This was an agreement that didn't need to be said. A smile appeared on Li Ming's lips, and then he turned and walked back. Bourne excused himself to continue walking and did not go back with him.

When Li Ming returned to the castle alone, he saw the gentle and graceful Mrs. Bourne standing at his door.

"Oh, Mrs. Bourne, why are you here alone?"

The considerate Li Ming hurriedly picked her up and walked into his room.

(End of this chapter)

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