Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 367 Noble Transaction

Chapter 367 Noble Transaction
The early morning rain and dew were crystal clear. When the sun rose from the east, the raindrops on the grass tips also fell to the ground, soaking the soil.

In the villa fortress, Li Ming, who was wearing pajamas, walked out of the room with a smile, stretched comfortably, and felt comfortable.

He looked out the window in the corridor and saw that Marquis Gill's territory was quiet in the early morning. He asked the servant to bring breakfast to enjoy. After eating, he returned to the room with Mrs. Bourne's portion.

"Morning, Mrs. Bourne."

Li Ming looked at Mrs. Bourne lying on the bed, with a smile on his face. He put the breakfast brought by his subordinates on the table, then got on the bed and pressed Mrs. Bourne under him, looking at her with a smile. Eyes: "Mrs. Bourne, is this the first time you have participated in the relationship between nobles?"

"Yeah, before this, I'd only slept with my husband."

Mrs. Bourne felt the weight of Li Ming's body and looked at the man pressing on her body and close to her face. Her eyes trembled and she said in a trembling voice. As soon as her voice fell on her red lips, she was kissed.



When Li Ming got up from the wonderful Mrs. Bourne, it was already morning. He once again wore formal clothes and came to the intersection to welcome every noble who came after receiving invitations.

Fortunately, Li Ming only had to wait until the afternoon, and the last five invited nobles all arrived. On that day, Li Ming took them to have a good rest in the Marquis's territory for a day, and did not leave them until dusk, giving their respective free time.

When he returned to his room, he found that Mrs. Bourne hadn't left yet. He raised his eyebrows, picked up her body wrapped in gauze skirt, and threw her on the bed.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Li Ming kissed and caressed her profusely, and at the same time asked the woman doubtfully.

"I want to spend more time with you..."

Mrs. Bourne was a little embarrassed and tilted her head to one side.


This night, with Mrs. Bourne's company, Li Ming had a very comfortable life.

Of course, in the second half of the night, this comfort was also inseparable from the various ladies in the castle. Each of them contributed a lot to Li Ming's comfort.

In the early morning of the next day, all preparations for the dinner had entered the final stage, and the thirteen nobles who arrived began to dress up little by little.

According to the rules, when dinner time comes, the party will begin.

"You don't have to attend tonight. From today on, besides your husband, you can spend more time with me."

In the evening, Li Ming pulled away from Mrs. Bourne again. He smiled and spoke to the anxious Mrs. Bourne. After hearing his words, Mrs. Bourne nodded gratefully, and then sat on the chair in Li Ming's room with relief. Start watching TV.

Li Ming looked at the woman and smiled. Then he turned around and appeared at the dinner party, patiently waiting for the party to start.

As time went by, the sun gradually set in the west, and the sky became dim. The lights in the hall specially prepared for the dinner began to be turned on, and the carefully dressed nobles lined up and walked into the hall.

Servants dressed in servants' costumes shuttled around the living room with various supplies and food. Everyone gathered together and started to enjoy the food and drink the wine. When the enjoyment was almost done, they began to dance together in the central living room.

For this dinner, Li Ming prepared a lot of servants, so although there were only 26 nobles and 27 female companions, including him, there were 26, but after subtracting Mrs. Bourne, there were [-].

But even if there were only such a few people, accompanied by servants, there would still be no indifference at all.

Groups of singing and dancing began to shine, and the nobles twisted and danced in the factory hall. Even Bourne found a slave girl to hug and dance in the field with a bright smile.

The lights flickered and began to dim slowly. Li Ming knew that only he, the master, could open up the atmosphere in such an occasion, so he gently put down his wine glass and walked to the center of the dance with a smile.

His eyes searched among the pairs of men and women, and suddenly he noticed a rather elegant lady who walked near them with a smile and began to observe her figure. This observation was not bad.

She has a curvy front, long legs, fair skin, and is really good.


There was a nasal sound, and as Li Ming kicked off the proceedings, the entire hall finally began to disperse.

Everyone randomly looked for the noble lady they were interested in, and soon had a friendly exchange.

The exchange lasted for more than three hours before it ended. Then the women who enjoyed themselves walked out together, leaving only the men behind, and began to have real conversations.

"I think you all have seen what happened in Gill's territory. Each of your territories has places and resources occupied by Marquis Gill."

Li Ming looked at the thirteen nobles in front of him with a smile on his face: "Now, I will kill Marquis Gill. Although his current territory is to annex you, this has nothing to do with me. In theory, these The territory is all mine, and it’s all obtained from my battles, and it’s fair and square.”

"However, nobles are kind to each other. I will not do such heartless things. That's why I called you here today."

"I can return your territory to you, but you must show sufficient sincerity."

"Attention, sincerity, I only want magic equipment, magic potions that can increase your power, and practice secrets."

Li Ming looked at the thirteen nobles in front of him with a smile and directly stated his conditions.

And as expected, after hearing Li Ming's words, no nobles chose to refuse, and they all agreed to the matter. All of this was naturally expected.

When Li Mingchong chose the nobles, he had to consider who he invited.

Those who can be invited by him are basically those who he is 100% sure to be willing to carry out this transaction, otherwise it would not be so enjoyable.

After agreeing to the transaction, the next step would be easy. Almost all the magic equipment, secrets, and training resources collected by these noble families went into Li Ming's hands. Only [-]% of them were finally embezzled by the Gill family in their territory. The land is coming back.Li Ming instantly gathered fifty sets of Magic Knight equipment, enough resources to grow the reserve army into a regular army, and a bunch of new practice books!
"In addition to these, if you have relatively rich resources in your territory, you can also exchange them for those that you are in short supply to balance your own strength."

When the large amount of resources brought by these people were obtained, Li Ming spoke again. These people looked at each other and understood that they really needed such an opportunity, so they all looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

These people continued to stay and conducted more in-depth transactions until the sky was about to light up before they went back happily.

"This transaction is considered complete."

Li Ming was the last one to leave the conference room with satisfaction. Recalling what he had gained this time, a smile appeared in his eyes. He followed back to the room and saw that Mrs. Bourne was still sleeping soundly, so he did not disturb her again. , resting silently in the room alone.

On the next day, the nobles went back one after another. Just when Li Ming thought that Mrs. Bourne was going back too, what he didn't expect was that she actually stayed.

"I'll stay with you here longer."

Mrs. Bourne said with a smile and settled in Li Ming's bedroom. Li Ming couldn't help but smile when he heard this. Of course he was willing to have such a woman with status and feelings to accompany him.

He happily hugged Mrs. Bourne and kissed her, then pushed her to the bed and had fun.


In the afternoon of that day, Li Ming, who had slept all morning, took a rare break and began to practice the various classics he had recently acquired.

Of course, what is said to be cultivation is actually integrating the essence into the techniques created by oneself. Today, he has delved into more magic and knight martial arts.

After five days of living like this, the second batch of nobles who received Li Ming's invitations began to arrive.

Just to treat them, Li Ming can no longer be as rough as he was to the first batch of nobles with direct interests. After this dinner, Li Ming wanted to promote his reputation on the one hand and let them know that he, the Marquis,

On the other hand, in order to obtain more resources, I personally hosted a trade fair after the banquet. During the trade fair, everyone collected the most scarce items and made up for each other's resources.

By the time the transaction was completed, Li Mingxin's extra set of magic knight equipment had increased to one hundred sets again.

"Go and notify Li Wei's father and ask him to send another hundred of his strongest warriors."

Li Ming spoke to the communications soldier, who nodded respectfully and began to drive on the road to deliver the news.

Li Ming looked at this scene and could only shake his head helplessly.

"The West is really backward. Wireless communications have long been circulated among various base cities in the East. However, the method here is still so primitive and has not recovered from the apocalypse at all."

Li Ming shook his head and sighed secretly in his heart, but he didn't pay too much attention to this matter. After sending the communication troops to deliver the message to his father, he began his further practice.

Looking at the five elements of magic power, the power of knights, and the power of warriors, three different forces actually appeared in his body together.

Normally, this is absolutely impossible, because as we all know, magic is a domineering thing, and the power of knights and warriors is more domineering and has stronger impact.

Fellow warriors and knights can do it because they are all of the same system, but there is absolutely no warrior or knight who can practice magical power together. The same is true for magicians. No magician can practice knights or knights while possessing magic. It is the strength of a warrior.

The result can only be a conflict of energy between the two, with one party collapsing and the other party becoming stronger.

But Li Ming is different. His five elements of magic are extremely tolerant. Even if the power of knights and warriors exist together, they can easily withstand this pressure.

But now, Li Ming's power has suddenly reached the level of a Grand Duke.

As we all know, as long as you reach a level comparable to that of a three-time re-evolved superpower, you can be granted the title of Grand Duke, and the corresponding knight cultivation level of this three-time re-evolved superpower is the Commander Knight.

The corresponding warrior cultivation level is to lead warriors.

The corresponding magician cultivation level is a super magician.

Note that this is for those who are on a solo path, but Li Ming is different. His knight power has reached the level of commanding knights, his warrior power has also reached the level of commanding warriors, and his magician cultivation has also reached super level. The level of a magician.

And the most important thing is that all three of his energies have reached the limit of their current state.

And this is Li Ming's talent, the result of his hard work over the past few years!

It's just... if you want to be a blockbuster, that alone isn't enough.

"Magical power is also elemental power, and it is so gentle. Although the power of knights and warriors are mainly developed from the physical body, they also need to absorb the power of heaven and earth. If this is the case, why are there repulsions between the three powers? , is there a possibility to turn their three shares into one?"

The method lies in the idea of ​​unifying spirit, energy and spirit.

"When one hundred knights are in place, I will have five hundred all-Knight heavy knights under my command. By then, not only will my own cultivation level need to be improved, but the strength of the next two hundred knights cannot be too low and they need to grow and develop."

"When the forces of 500 people reach a balanced level, we will start studying the joint attack battle."

Li Ming thought quietly in his heart, and then began to continue practicing. He wanted to improve his cultivation to a level comparable to that of a prince and noble who had evolved four times in one go.

While practicing, he also began to deduce the feasible method of concentrating the power of five hundred knights into one plan.

At the same time, I am also studying all related secrets on magic, knight martial arts, warrior martial arts, etc., learning to enrich my own insights, so as to better create corresponding magic.

At Li Ming's current state, he could draw inferences from one example and learn more about various inheritances, the greater the possibility that he would be able to create more advanced magic on his own.

In this way, a few months passed in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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