Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 368 Mrs. Bourne Waiting

Chapter 368 Mrs. Bourne Waiting

"Everyone, send the energy forward!"

On the square, with Li Ming's shout, the three hundred knights behind him shouted in unison, and the knight's power in the body was transmitted layer by layer, constantly superimposing toward the front.

Finally, all the power gathered on the first knight who led the team. He roared and swung the knight's spear forward, and a bright light burst out, instantly submerging a hill in front of him.


The sound of the hill collapsing and the sound of dust falling to the ground sounded together. The terrifying power caused by this blow instantly made everyone's eyes gleam.

"Great, you really created such a powerful combined attack method, it's incredible!"

Bourne on the side couldn't help cheering and applauding, looking at the knocked down mountain in front of him with a look of shock in his eyes.

Obviously, he was shocked by the power of the combined attack of these three hundred knights.

"This is indeed a masterpiece worthy of praise."

Li Ming also smiled. He looked at Bourne beside him and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction: "The combined attack method was successful and your preparations were fully completed. I think it's time to complete what we agreed before. Something happened."

"I can not wait any more!"

Bourne nodded with dazzling eyes, and then began to discuss the specific course of action with Li Ming. Li Ming was also very cautious and listened to his opinions in detail. After returning, he called five hundred knights to hold a meeting and announced what was going to happen. war.

"Two hundred new knights, your mission is to guard the territory here, seize all the time to practice, and improve your strength. Three hundred old warriors, you follow me to attack, obtain more resources, and expand our reputation! "

After Li Ming made the arrangements, he ordered everyone to repair for three days. After three days, he would lead [-] heavy armored cavalry to attack directly.

After arranging things, Li Ming ordered everyone to rest, and he returned to his room. Mrs. Bourne was still staying in his room. When she saw him coming back, she smiled and stepped forward and was pushed to sleep on the bed by Li Ma.


The last three days of repairs passed so quickly, and the three days passed without realizing it, and all the knights abided by discipline and returned to their best condition.

On the fourth day, after a nap at noon, all the knights went out with Li Ming, and Bourne followed them. They hurried until the afternoon, and it happened to be dark when they arrived at Bourne's territory.

All the extraordinary forces in Bourne Castle were ready to go. When they saw the appearance of three hundred heavy armored cavalry that had recently emerged, they all happily joined their team, followed by Bourne's lead and headed straight into the territory. Ming En Family] left.


The Ming En family's garrison force was obviously very vigilant. The group was discovered as soon as they approached. However, Li Ming had no intention of relying on other methods to win. After being discovered, he exploded with a knight's martial arts and blasted through the defensive wall in front. The heavy armor The knights rushed into the city like a torrent of steel.

Only 3 minutes later, the knights with a lot of blood on their bodies appeared again and rushed towards the next place non-stop.

Under the leadership of Li Ming, the knights who had experienced a high-intensity battlefield killing seemed to have transformed into the god of death in the night, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of extraordinary beings.

This kind of harvesting continued until the sky became bright and the knights who had cleared the entire Canat family territory stopped.

They repaired on the spot and returned to their normal state. Bourne's extraordinary men, who had been fighting with them all night, were relieved when they saw this group of terrifying killing machines finally stop, and hurriedly sat down to adjust their condition.

Thinking about the crazy killing that night, they were still a little scared, but more than that, they were filled with admiration and fear for these terrible guys... Fortunately, such people were not their enemies.

In just one night, the territory of an earl was cleared. This kind of efficiency...

There were many thoughts in their hearts, and they knew that it was not over now, and there would be a fierce battle to come. No one, whether it was Bourne or the other extraordinary people under him, dared to neglect, but calmed down and quickly recovered themselves.

Just like this, the day passed in silence. That night, the knights mounted their horses again, and the others hurriedly followed, and then rushed straight to the fortress of the [Ming En Family] in the darkness.

That night, flowers of blood bloomed on the territory of the Ming En family.

When the sun rises from the east, except for the noble castle of the Ming En family, there is no other extraordinary power in the territory of the Ming En family.

By dusk, Marquis Ming En finally realized something was wrong, but when he wanted to do something, Bourne, with a look of hatred on his face, had already led three hundred ruthless knights to the opposite side of the castle.

"Bourne...three hundred magic knights, what have you done!"

Bo Ming En looked at Bourne who appeared in front of him, especially the expressions of the three hundred knights behind him changed drastically. They looked at Bourne at the front of the team in shock and anger, with some unwillingness to believe it.

"There's nothing more to say, just suffer death!"

Bourne snorted, and the next moment he roared angrily and charged towards the fortress with three hundred heavy cavalry.

The remaining forces of the Ming En family fought hard, but in the end the flag belonging to the Ming En family was pulled down, and the flag from Bourne was put up.

"I, Bourne, have finally waited for this day, hahahaha!"

At the top of the castle, Bourne laughed loudly while holding the flag, then waved his hand and immediately set up a celebration dinner to let the three hundred knights and the extraordinary people who followed him have a good rest.

After giving the order, Bourne did not go anywhere else. Instead, he went to Bo Mingen's wife's room, called all his women in, and began to vent his emotions and possess these women.

It wasn't until the next morning that Bourne was willing to leave the bed. When he left, he didn't forget to play with Bo Ming's wife in his arms, with a high-spirited look on his face.

And his aura has actually been promoted to the level of a True Power Realm Knight!
"Bourne, I want to remind you that only by holding a noble dinner and being recognized by the surrounding nobles can you be the real master of this area!"

This morning, Li Ming found Bourne, who was hugging Mrs. Bo Mingen after finishing the reward, and couldn't help but remind him.

It seems that this guy not only needs revenge and his cultivation level has improved, but also his emotions are very high-spirited.

"Oh, you're right Li Ming, I almost forgot about it."

Bourne stretched out his hand from Mrs. Bo Mingen's chest and spoke hurriedly. After speaking, he hurriedly found someone to deliver messages to the surrounding nobles.

The next day, all the nearby nobles attended the dinner because three hundred cavalry were here.

On the third day, everything here belongs to the Kanat family - of course, this is obvious.

"Remember our agreement."

On the fourth day, Li Ming carried a large amount of resources and returned with his knights and more than a dozen extra captured mutant mounts. Before leaving, he said to Bourne with a smile. "I am very satisfied to be able to recover the lost ground. Our agreement will never be invalidated!"

Bourne, who was holding Mrs. Bo Mingen in his left hand and Mrs. Bo Mingen in his right hand, nodded happily, with a happy smile on his face. Li Ming also smiled when he saw this, leading a new batch of huge resources and returned to the previously captured Gill family territory.

When Li Ming returned with the knights, Mrs. Bourne was looking worriedly at the way she came. She was relieved when he came back. Then she hurriedly changed her clothes and stood at the door of Li Ming's residence pretending to be nonchalant.

"Brothers, after distributing the trophies, the whole army will be repaired!"

After Li Ming came back, he looked at his fortress with a bright smile on his face. He waved his hand and first asked the knights to follow him to collect the rich loot. Then he went to check on the two hundred heavy knights who were left behind. Strength increased the intensity, and he nodded with satisfaction.

"The operation against the Ming'en family has been a great success. If nothing else goes wrong, we will have sixteen more brothers. However, it is easy to say about equipment, but it is difficult to say about strength. I hope you can better improve your strength and strive to achieve success as soon as possible. Follow the team.”

Li Ming briefly encouraged the knights, and then asked someone to inform his father that Li Wei had sent [-] reserve troops, and at the same time the reserve army was expanded again.

The harvest of resources this time allowed him to not only speed up the practice of the existing knights, but also have more resources to train more subordinates.

The five hundred reserve troops who came over were naturally kept to guard the territory. They could be equipped with scattered magic equipment and had extraordinary cultivation. They were definitely the elite among the elite and could assume the responsibility of defense.

In addition to these, more and more resources have made the auxiliary troops loyal to Li Ming better and better equipped, which makes their affairs outside the frontal battlefield particularly easy.

"The next step will be a breakthrough in cultivation."

Li Ming looked at all the resources in his hands, nodded with satisfaction, and then murmured to himself that he had basically used all the resources that could be used, and acquired all the resources that could be obtained.

The rest is to sink to the bottom and grow to cope with the next test...

Li Ming was thinking in his mind, and turned around and returned to his room. When he got outside the door, he saw Mrs. Bourne standing at his door, looking as if nothing had happened.

Li Ming smiled and took off all the magic armor on his body, leaving only the soft lining. He strode forward to Mrs. Bourne and looked at her with a smile: "Mrs. Bourne, why are you here? here?"

"Have nothing to do and wander around..."

Mrs. Bourne rolled her eyes. Before she even finished speaking, she felt her butt being touched by Li Ming, and then she was picked up. She blushed and waited until Li Ming carried her to the bed in the room. Only then did he smile shyly and look at the man in front of him tenderly.

"I just want to wait for you, I..."

"It goes without saying. I know. Feel it. Are you comfortable?"

"Well, be gentle..."




The red sun was shining brightly, time flew by like a white horse, and several months passed in the blink of an eye.

This morning, the sun was shining brightly.

On the desolate mountainous area, Li Ming, who was wearing nothing but ordinary clothes, stood on a hillside composed of rocks and gravel.

He looked at the mountain peak in front of him with a calm expression, but the next moment, he stepped on it with his right foot.


In an instant, the ground shook, and the entire mountain range collapsed in an instant, as if it had been split in half with a knife. A thigh-thick crack quickly opened in the center of the mountain, spreading from the top of the mountain to the depths of the mountain.

"No wonder they are called Earthline Warriors. Standing on the earth, their physical strength is endless and their strength has increased greatly. They are indeed comparable to ordinary superpowers who have evolved four times."

Li Ming felt this power and sighed in his heart. Unfortunately, it was only comparable. He would still be crushed against a real four-time re-evolved superpower.

Li Ming was thinking in his heart, feeling the warrior power in his body, and a smile appeared on his lips.

He has finally reached the level of an Earthline warrior!
"In addition to this, there are..."

Li Ming's eyes moved slightly, and then a new powerful force rose up from his body. A field of power seemed to be formed around him. Within this range, Li Ming's own strength was greatly improved. strengthen.


Li Ming waved his palm and used the knight's martial arts to cut with one stroke. Instantly, a terrifying force was released from his palm, like a terrifying sword light that cut the top of the mountain in front to the ground.

"Knight of the Earth means unparalleled in the land. Well... this kind of unique domain power is really powerful if you don't encounter martial arts practitioners, people with supernatural powers, Taoists, and immortals."

Li Ming felt the same breakthrough, the power of the Earth Knight. He nodded with satisfaction, and then his heart moved again. The next moment, a powerful magical aura emerged from his body, and then slowly fell on the mountain in front. superior.

In an instant, the destroyed mountain peak actually recovered at an incredible speed in a matter of seconds. Even the dead insect corpses regained life. Everything on the mountain peak became what it was before it was destroyed by Li Ming.

This is clearly a magic that Li Ming created after reading all the magic books he owns that only he can know.

"The magic master's power is pretty good, only slightly weaker than the old martial arts practitioners with the same level of cultivation."

Li Ming secretly sighed that before he knew it, Dongfang's martial arts had reached this level.

However, he also understood in his heart that the earth world had absorbed the rules of two worlds that were stronger than him, among which the world of cultivating immortals was the most developed, and the upper limit of cultivation here was even higher than that of the world of cultivating immortals.

Therefore, it is natural that the cultivation method born in the strongest place on earth is stronger than the cultivation method born in this weak magical world.

"We have a clue about the unification of the three forces, but before that, we need to solve the immediate trouble."

After Li Ming finished experimenting with his current strength, he nodded with satisfaction and saw an army coming here through the sight of the mutated young falcon. He raised his brows slightly.

The power behind the Gill family finally reacted.

(End of this chapter)

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