Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 370 Increase in Strength

Chapter 370 Increase in Strength


The breath of the mutated golden eagle's fourth evolution was released without reservation. Its figure was like lightning, constantly shuttling over the cavalry led by Archduke Bernie, killing every cavalry who tried to reorganize the army to resist. die.

At the front of the camp, Li Ming's three different auras belonging to the Earth Knight, Earth Line Warrior, and Magic Master were released at the same time. Behind him, the auras of the 530 heavy-armored knights were linked together, and the terrifying momentum gathered together to produce a... Adding one is far greater than the effect of two.

"Take off your armor, throw away your weapons, surrender without killing!"

The knights whose auras were united were like knights of savage beasts shouting in unison. The sound shook a stone from the far distant hillside from the top of the mountain, smashed it into the soil, and made a big pit in the soil.

When the combined attack formation was first completed, people with similar auras must gather together to be able to successfully perform it, but now it is no longer what it was before.

As long as there are people around, even if the strength of the two differs by three major stages, they can still unite with each other. This is the truly terrifying thing about this combined attack method.

Nowadays, although these 530 knights are not aware of each other's strength, but under the influence of the combined attack method, they are still able to connect with each other, embrace each other with strength, and help each other, erupting with terrifying power and momentum.

Although their number is only 530, their combined strength and aura are like a steel bar. Although the knights on the opposite side are strong and many, they are just scattered sand. How can the two collide?

Coupled with the oppressive momentum of Li Ming and the terrifying mutated golden eagle in the sky, the knights quickly collapsed. They hurriedly took off their armor, threw away their weapons, jumped off their mounts, and ran around wildly with their hands raised.

Archduke Bernie was their strongest man and the leader. To a certain extent, this battlefield was fought for Archduke Bernie, but Archduke Bernie died too quickly, too late to react.

And the terrifying beast that killed him was still reaping the lives of survivors like lightning... Such a scene made people not feel scared.


The sound of neat hoofbeats sounded like thunder, and 530 knights moved in unison. Li Ming's movements were like sharp knives and they began to charge at the gathering crowd.

There was no need to fight. Under the impact of the team, this group of people quickly dispersed in all directions, making it difficult to gather into a force. After only an hour, the battlefield calmed down.

"Everyone, collect the loot immediately and return!"

Through the perspective of the mutated golden eagle, after confirming that everyone had escaped, Li Ming's voice immediately resounded in the venue. After hearing his voice, all the knights immediately responded in unison, and then quickly dispersed. He picked up the magic weapons and magic armor scattered on the ground, and one person led five mutated mounts and began to collect the loot.

By the time the gathering was completed, only 10 minutes had passed. Li Ming waved his hand, and everyone immediately retreated quickly.


The mutated golden eagle that had made great achievements fluttered its wings proudly, and the terrifying aura from its body spread out like a mountain. Its cultivation strength had reached the level of four complete evolutions.

Just take one step further, and you will reach the height of five further evolutions, comparable to the kings of the Western Continent!

However, the king who is just an extraordinary system in the magical world is not as powerful as the golden eagle, a mutated beast with dual powers!

"When the golden eagle grows to the level of five further evolutions, that's when I will truly stand on this continent."

On his way back, Li Ming felt the power of the golden eagle, and a smile flashed across his lips. Where no one saw him, the invisible figure of the peregrine falcon flashed away. The aura on its body became more and more condensed, and it was obvious that it was about to It’s time to break through to the fourth level and then evolve.

"When the Peregrine Falcon breaks through and evolves four times, it will have enough strength to explore the royal area. At that time, everything will be truly under my control."

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Ming's mouth, and then he quickly returned to his territory. At the same time, he began to issue orders to have all the troops in the entire territory begin to gather at Linshan Town and expand the new army to 1 people for training. .

At the same time, he distributed all the spare troops he could mobilize to the captured armor, weapons, and horses, and began to train heavy armored cavalry.

The armor, weapons, and mounts harvested from the Grand Duke this time were enough to recreate an army of 5000 people.

It's just that although it can be reproduced, there are not so many reserve troops in the territory now.

You must know that Li Ming has always followed the route of elite soldiers. Every knight from selection to finally coming to Li Ming to become a knight has a process that he has carefully polished and carved out in the previous few years.

First, among ordinary people, strong young people aged 16-18 who are physically qualified and suitable for fighting are selected, and then these young people are gathered together for basic training for half a year.

These basic training include physical fitness, strength, speed, endurance, perseverance, strategic vision and most importantly, obedience.

During these six months, only those who are qualified can become the reserve army of these teenagers and begin to practice the 24 Tai Chi postures that can add a lot of foundation to the body.

And only those who are famous for their practice of the 24 Tai Chi forms and can train their bodies to practice the knight's or warrior's practice without excessively damaging their own body's essence will be taught the knight's or warrior's practice.

After such a step-by-step diversion, those who finally stood in front of Li Ming were all elites.

In the past few years, Li Ming has been preparing and selecting soldiers for the reserve army. After several years of accumulation, coupled with Li Wei's continuous efforts, he was able to obtain so many knights.

In addition to these knights, there are many warriors, but apart from some of these warriors stationed in other territories, the rest of their time is spent on standing force garrison in Linshan Town.

Otherwise, with Li Ming's current attitude of all the cavalry being spared, the enemy could steal his hometown with just a single attack.

Fortunately, Li Ming's current territory includes all the previous territory of the Gill family.

The Gill family had destroyed one earl family after another before and grew into a marquis family. After Li Ming replaced his territory, he owned all the reasonable territory of a marquis and the old territory of the War Cavalry family plus Lin Ming without having to do anything. Mountain town.

There is no need to mention the population of Linshan Town. Under normal circumstances, it cannot support too many retired soldiers. However, the emergence of Lingcha and Lingcao has given Linshan Town an opportunity.

As a result, the population of Linshan Town can provide Li Yang with thousands of high-quality soldiers at an extremely exaggerated ratio.

Due to the large consumption of spiritual tea leaves and spiritual herbs, most of the residents in Linshan Town have better physical health than those outside. Even the residents who continue to flow in have improved their health and qualifications after taking the powder of these two treasures. .

Officially, the spiritual tea trees, spiritual herbs, and the people who were constantly transported to Linshan Town in the trade between the two laid the foundation for Li Ming to have such an army.But now, after Li Ming occupied the territory of the Gil family, the population naturally increased greatly. In this way, it was within the acceptable range to cultivate a cavalry of 530 and [-] people.

Although the cost of the number of people suitable for cultivating warriors was consumed in the process, and doing so would bring the population to a red line, but... he had to do this.

Otherwise, not arming yourself as soon as possible will only make the subsequent situation worse.

"Issue a birth order to the residents of the entire territory. Knights, warriors, and magicians are the first to be paired, and ordinary people must follow. All expenses for the children born from birth to adulthood will be borne by the territory."

"At the same time, I am trying to find a way to gain population from the nearby aristocratic realm. I need people now. Only with more people can the territory become prosperous."

After making the decision to recruit 1 soldiers, Li Ming immediately issued a birth order, urging the governors everywhere to find ways to urge people to have children to benefit the base.

Then, on the one hand, he began to vigorously train his existing cavalry, and on the other hand, he silently promoted the integration of magic, knight power, and warrior power.


While Li Ming was silently accumulating strength and improving himself, the death and destruction of Archduke Bernie had quietly caused a wave of fluctuations in the upper realm of the entire [Stan] Kingdom.

A master at the Grand Duke level is the top power even for the entire kingdom, and it will undoubtedly be eye-catching for a top power to disappear like this.

The heirs and women in the Grand Duke's castle were all extremely frightened, not knowing what caused the Grand Duke's destruction.

But before their real enemy was revealed, no nobles dared to touch this brow. As a result, they hit the wall one after another, and the only thing they could do was to live in fear in the castle.

Only the king of [Stan] Kingdom frowned and expressed his displeasure after hearing the news.

"There is too much chaos in the kingdom. We need peace. Those who take pleasure in war and killing should not be tolerated in the world."

"Pass my order to hold a kingdom ceremony in five years, and all nobles will participate."

As the news from the King in the King's Council spread, it was like a bombshell that quickly spread throughout the country.

At the same time, there was also a cryptic news spread throughout the country. The person who killed Duke Bernie had been identified, and the king was very displeased with him.

"All the nobles will attend the King's Conference five years from now. Don't you like me?"

In Li Ming's noble castle, Li Ming was immediately happy after receiving the news.

"Ignore these, everyone should practice wholeheartedly, and in five years, let the world see our glory!"

Li Ming threw away the letter in his hand like garbage, and then ordered to the generals and consuls below.

Those who can only practice the Knight Cultivation Method, or the Warrior Cultivation Method alone, are basically ordinary soldiers and low-level officers.

Most of those who can practice both combat and riding are middle-level officers, and no matter which path, the strongest ones are the generals, and their deputy generals are often talented people with strategic vision.

The [-] troops in Linshan Town are undergoing continuous selection and training. In the past five years, his army has become a large army.

Of course, the most important thing is that after five years, the golden eagle's cultivation will inevitably reach the level of five re-evolutions, and even the invisible peregrine falcon can reach the mid-to-late stage of four re-evolutions.

Coupled with himself, and his combined attack formation... Even if he is a king, so what!

"Maybe I can also taste like a princess?"

Thinking about this feeling, Li Ming curled up his lips. After dismissing everyone, he began to continue his research and practice alone.

The magic power of the five elements belonging to the magician is constantly trying to be integrated with the power of the war horse that can be easily combined into one.

As time goes by, this phenomenon becomes more and more obvious. It won't be long before he can truly complete his vision and combine the powers of a magician, a knight, and a warrior into one!

While Li Ming was practicing silently, the training in Linshan Town was also in full swing.

Of course, it is impossible to find and train all the 1-strong army directly. In fact, only [-] were put into training in the first batch.

Levi, who was guarding here, had almost no free time of his own every day, and devoted almost all of his energy to the training of these new recruits.

Later, the selection of soldiers is still continuing, but they will be trained separately from the first batch of 5000 people.

At that time, the outstanding ones will be grouped into a team and become the first knights, while the weaker ones will continue to train and serve as a reserve army. At the same time, they will also start to participate in various things as a reserve army. It is also a kind of training, and they will be ready to become a knight at any time. A true frontline warrior.

In half a year, the first batch of 5000 people went through brutal training, and finally [-] people successfully entered the path of knight training, and all the others became warriors.

With the success of the first batch, they began to practice the 24 Tai Chi poses, and the second batch of training was also invested. 5000 people began to perform various basic physical training to improve themselves.

But what is surprising in this issue is that some of the outstanding students have talents in magic practice. They immediately reported it to Li Wei who was guarding the place. Li Wei directly sent people to protect them and found someone to conduct one-on-one interviews. teach.

As the second most powerful force in the Western Continent besides supernatural powers, magicians are naturally sought after by many people. However, when there is no choice, naturally if you want to train a magician of your own, you can train one more. Maybe in the future. It worked a great deal!
Time passes slowly amid such intense training and improvement.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed. After intense training, the first batch of 530 people were sent to where Li Ming was. Li Ming quickly arranged for them to have brand-new equipment and began to lead them to study seriously, quickly and effectively. Brand new combat knowledge.

In addition to these, there are two crucial things.

The mutated golden eagle and the mutated peregrine falcon both made breakthroughs!
(End of this chapter)

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