Chapter 371 Terrible Power
Everyone has their own strengths, knights, warriors, magicians, you don’t just have to practice whichever one you want to practice.

Under the current situation where Li Ming was heavily intimidated by cavalry, those who could be transferred to him were naturally all cavalry, while those without cavalry talents were left at the Linshan Town base.

The number of 530 cavalrymen was already an extremely large number. The arrival and armed force of these people immediately strengthened the power of Li Ming's command.

It’s just that they still need training and cannot directly go into battle, so the next two years will be their growth time.

Compared with them, the warriors who were finally selected for training in the second batch will undoubtedly have a shorter time to grow. If you want to get the maximum results in a short period of time, there is undoubtedly only one way: throw money!

In other words, waste resources!

Spiritual tea leaves, spiritual herbs, and resources traded from various cooperating nobles, except for meeting the needs of some important people in Li Ming, were all invested in the training of these soldiers and horses without reservation.

Not only the new recruits, but also the investment of veterans has not shrunk at all.

It is this behavior of not conserving resources at all that can create such a powerful cavalry in just a few years.

Force is the guarantee of all foundations. Based on this, Li Ming cannot save expenses in this area because of other things. This is tantamount to digging his own grave.

Therefore, under the maximum resource supply situation, and another 530 people arrive, the pressure on resources becomes even greater.

In order to ensure that his resource needs could proceed normally, Li Ming intervened in dozens of grievances between nobles. Some nobles were wiped out by his troops, while others relied on him to rise.

At the same time, the new transaction chain has slowly spread to a very vast extent.

The transaction chain centered on Li Ming provided him with huge silent benefits during its operation. The income obtained from these transactions and the income from plunder not only satisfied the two-year training and growth needs of all knights.

Even the growth needs of the next 5000 people in the next two years have been met.

And just when Li Ming was relieved about the resources, suddenly, a mysterious perception made him pay attention to his two beast masters.

Mutated golden eagle, mutated peregrine falcon.

"They are all going to break through."

There was a hint of expectation in Li Ming's eyes. He couldn't help but focus on these two beasts, paying attention to the entire process of their breakthrough.


In the cold, cold wind whistling high in the sky, a majestic momentum continued to rise.


The terrifying strong wind was howling, forming a tornado, which rolled up the sea water below and connected it to the sky, forming a terrifying tornado that connected the sky and the sea.


The wind blades that were condensed to the extreme were like cutting machines, and a large number of demon corpses broke into them and were severely destroyed and torn apart by them.

The tornado is like a terrible hurricane that destroys the world, carrying heavy power and roaring continuously.

And in the center of the uppermost sky of the tornado, a majestic mutant golden eagle was floating, and it was floating freely with its eyes closed.

Such a terrible hurricane flowing around it is actually just the momentum caused by the movement of its body's power!

In addition to the roaring of the wind and the movement of hurricanes and tornadoes, there are also sonorous sounds. Just hearing this sound makes people feel as if they have been pierced by thousands of arrows, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Wisps of terrifying metallic power floated around, and the solidified space was cut again and again, and then restored instantly. The sharp and terrifying aspects of the metallic power were fully demonstrated between these breaks.

But such terrifying metallic power solidified into clouds around the golden eagle, like a huge canopy covering the entire sky.

The golden cloud formed by the condensed metallic power floats in the sky, and under the golden cloud is the terrifying seaspout condensed by the tornado that connects the sky and the earth.


The terrifying golden sound echoed continuously in the sky. The sound floated to the earth for an instant, causing the earth to crack. It was like a sword mark made by a peerless swordsman, which was difficult to recover.

All the nearby creatures were running away frantically. However, even though they had left long ago, some of the slower ones were still injured by the sound of the golden line. Terrifying cracks quietly appeared on their bodies and they were bleeding.

However, this is destruction, but it is also rebirth. While the power of the golden element caused trauma to them, it also brought them huge powers of heaven and earth. These powers of heaven and earth flowed through their wounds, strengthening their bodies and growing. The spiritual power in their bodies restored their injuries.

The only thing that needs to be endured is the endless pain.

Those who are not strong enough will die in such pain.

But it was complete enough to survive this continuous painful transformation. Not only did the strength in the body increase several times, but even the qualifications were qualitatively improved.

At the same time, because of these cracks, under the operation of golden power, they have more or less understood the power of golden power.

Many creatures, without absorbing the power of the rules of heaven and earth, have realized the ability to manipulate the power of the golden element on their own.

Although it is much weaker than supernatural powers, it is still a force that cannot be underestimated.

become the basis for their survival.

For them, these are undoubtedly God-given opportunities, allowing them to transform from ordinary creatures into extraordinary creatures with unique abilities.

Nowadays, with the deepening of the changes in the world and the increasing amount of spiritual power in the world, the extraordinary path of ordinary living beings has also been divided into different categories.

They are just ordinary extraordinary beings that absorb the spiritual power of heaven and earth.Extraordinary beings with supernatural powers are two different types.

Ordinary extraordinary creatures are gradually called mutant beasts.Extraordinary creatures with supernatural powers are called supernatural beasts.

These creatures have obviously transformed from mutant beasts into supernatural beasts.

Although it is only the weakest level among the mutant beasts, as long as they practice hard, they may not have no chance to continue to improve, and... they are better than ordinary mutant beasts anyway.

Just like the current white horse mounts and black horse mounts of the war riding family, they are all ordinary mutant beasts.

And like the mutated golden eagle, it is an otherworldly supernatural beast.

And the mutated golden eagle with dual superpowers is a strong one even among superhuman beasts!
As time goes by, the different patterns of gold and wind in the sky become more and more terrifying, and the vast golden clouds condensed by the power of gold seem to turn into a real sky.

The terrifying hurricane and tornado formed by the condensed power of the wind seemed to tear the heaven and the earth apart.

And these two different phases continue to evolve, improve, and compress until a certain moment...


A terrifying eagle cry resounded throughout the world, the space was shattered, the mountain was destroyed, the sponge rolled back, and a terrifying momentum rose.

In an instant, all the strange appearances were eliminated, and the only thing that caught the eye between heaven and earth was the figure of a very majestic golden eagle!

The aura emanating from it is even more frightening.

A dual-power beast that evolved five times!

"Fifth re-evolution, dual super beasts, even if they are kings, so what."

Inside the fortress, Li Ming's mouth cracked into a bright smile, but then his heart moved again, and he paid attention to the evolution of his other beast.The breakthrough of the mutated peregrine falcon!

Over the vast mountain forest.

Everything seemed to be empty, the woods were shaking gently in the wind, the grass was swaying in the wind, and a sparrow was flapping its wings in the sky and flew through the forest.


A pheasant was frightened away by a passing wild boar. The wild boar's arrogant body carefully protected the little wild boar following it, and it foraged in the forest, looking for something to eat, until it disappeared from the grass.


A few squirrels climbed up the treetops, picked some pine cones and brought them to the holes for storage. Some butterflies were flying.

"Huh, huh..."

Two unknown large birds flew high in the sky, glancing around with vigilant eyes, and passed over the forest safely.

Suddenly, dark clouds gathered, and dripping rain slanted across the sky, falling from the sky to the ground without any hindrance.

As the heavy rain fell while I was sleeping, a depressing breath suddenly appeared in the forest.

The squirrels and birds hiding in the tree holes, and the wild boars hiding in the caves are all suspicious and vigilantly paying attention to all the movements around them.

But no matter how much I paid attention, nothing happened.

However, that inexplicable aura is always there as the heavy rain drops, making it difficult for these animals to enter a relaxed state.

"Clatter la la la..."

The heavy rain poured down like a bucket, the raindrops swaying the leaves from side to side and the grass blades shaking.

Until a certain moment, as if some strange feeling was vented, the heavy rain in the sky suddenly poured down, pouring all the rain on the ground, and then the sky became clear.


The squirrel ran over the fresh forest after the rain and felt that the depressed mood suddenly disappeared.

A huge peregrine falcon was suspended ten centimeters above its head, but it was as invisible as the air. The peregrine falcon's eyes silently looked at the squirrel, and then left the place silently.

Its aura has surprisingly reached the level of four further evolutions.

A four-time re-evolved supernatural beast that focuses on invisibility.

Not only the visual and breath fluctuations completely disappeared, but even the body completely disappeared.

The rain leaves no trace and can pass directly through the trees, just like a ghost, but better than a ghost!


"Sure enough, any ability that rises to this level will become very scary."

Inside the castle, I felt the terrifying invisibility ability of the mutated peregrine falcon after its evolution, and sighed in my heart.

If he didn't have the ability to complete the Five Elements, nothing in this world would be able to escape its perception. I'm afraid he would feel helpless in the face of such invisibility.

It's just too powerful.

When a creature disappears from sight, hearing, touch, and breath sensing, what is the difference between it and non-existence?

If Li Ming hadn't been able to sense through the powerful power of the Five Elements, he probably wouldn't have been able to detect such an existence.

It’s really... the best choice to be an assassin spy and lurk!

"Exactly. If that's the case, then it's up to you to monitor those so-called kings."

Li Ming's eyes moved slightly, and the next moment the mutated peregrine falcon received his message, and with the help of its invisibility ability at an incredible speed, it reached the core of the kingdom from the forest near Li Ming in just a moment. area.

King's capital!

The powerful eagle eye silently watched everything in the capital from high in the sky, but no one could find anything about him.

Even the most powerful king is like this!

Noticing this, Li Ming smiled. He used the mutated peregrine falcon to detect the king's military strength, and quickly learned the result.

"Fifty thousand heavy armored cavalry... they are indeed worthy of being a king."

Li Ming paid attention to the number of cavalry, and said quietly, in addition to 15 heavy armored cavalry, he also saw hundreds of magicians and [-] magic warriors!

It seems that it is these forces that help the strongest king firmly establish his rule.

"It seems that neither the cavalry nor the infantry are his opponents."

Li Ming murmured to himself... In this case, there is only one answer.

Go straight to Huanglong, capture the thief first and capture the king first!

Directly use the powerful power of the mutated golden eagle to kill the king with lightning speed, and then talk about the rest!
Although the name the king used this time was a gathering of nobles, there have been rumors recently that the king disliked him.

Li Ming was [-]% sure that the king would attack him, so he would just kill the king first when the time came.

The conflict between the two is inevitable.

"In two years, I don't know what kind of changes will occur in these two years."

Li Ming withdrew his gaze from the mutated peregrine falcon, then plunged it into his own body, with a smile on his lips.

With the efforts of the past three years, the power of the magician, knight, and warrior in him has reached a preliminary integration.

Although this fused power is unstable due to various problems and may collapse at any time, this is undoubtedly a huge breakthrough.

Li Ming knew that the rest would be easy.

"The new power is called the power of chaos."

Li Ming felt the power after the initial integration of the three forces, and thought to himself, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel a little relieved - after being tortured like this, the power in his body finally reached the level of an immortal cultivator!
"If we compare magicians, knights, and warriors of the same level, the power of my five elements of magic combined with knights and warriors is nine times stronger than a pure magician, ten times stronger than a knight, and ten times stronger than a warrior."

Ten times the crushing... This is a very exaggerated number, but it is exactly what it is.

However, even so, Li Ming's so-called chaotic power is only comparable to the power of a practitioner.

This shows the gap in the magical world.

(End of this chapter)

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