Chapter 372 I am the king!

The power of the immortal cultivator is the magic power that Li Ming has cultivated through the technique left by the immortal cultivator [The Vientiane Foundation Building Method].

Nowadays, in the entire Dongfang Base City, various foundation-building monks with magical abilities have been born through the [All Things Foundation Establishment Method], but there are only a few who can achieve the Golden Elixir, and only first-class people can achieve it.

Of course, Li Ming's women can naturally achieve it. After all, with the terrifying power of Li Ming's body, no matter how poor their qualifications are, they can still reach the golden level if he works every day and whenever he is free. Dan's level.

However, the greatest effect of the power of cultivators on the current inland base city is not its combat effectiveness, but its lifespan!

The power of immortal cultivators is so special, it is a road that leads directly to immortality, so that even if they practice to the realm of Qi refining, many people can live longer.

The current two cultivation systems of [New Martial Arts] and [Tao Fa] have borrowed many of the essence of the [All Things Foundation Establishment Method], allowing practitioners of the two paths to have a long lifespan.

However, compared to pure strength, the power of [Immortal Cultivator] does not have an advantage.

At the very least, in terms of the power of [All Phenomenal Foundation Establishment Method], it is only one or two times stronger than the power of [Old Martial Arts]. The power of new Martial Arts has already surpassed the power of [Immortal Cultivator]. The [Taoist] power of the egg is two or three times stronger than the magic power.

The power of supernatural beings is comparable to the power of Taoism.

Of course, this refers to the current ancient martial arts, not the previous ancient martial arts. After continuous upgrading by Li Dingguo and Li Ming, today's ancient martial arts has long been completely different from the original ancient martial arts. It can even be said to be two different versions.

Otherwise, based on the strength of the ancient martial arts in the past, no one would be willing to waste time practicing instead of directly practicing new martial arts.

Today's martial arts not only have a substantial foundation-building effect, but also can hone the will. It is already a very excellent means of practice.

As for the new martial arts, although its upper limit is not as good as the immortal way, its power and destructive power are far from comparable to the immortal way.

As for superpowers, this is even more true.

Thanks to the help of the favor of heaven and earth, these newly created roads all have great potential.

And Li Ming now uses the magic world's practice system to cultivate a mixed magic power that is comparable to the magical power of immortal cultivators. This has almost reached the limit of this magic practice path.

There is no way to get in.

This is what Li Ming feels now.

His magic power can at best be mellow and integrated, but there is no possibility of growth...and this is the limitation of this path.

If you want to improve, you must have the power to break through the magic avenue under the premise of practicing magic power.

This difficulty...

"Let's forget it. Anyway, with my current strength, it's enough to crush these locals."

Li Ming shook his head. These are not things he can consider now.

Although the magic power is weak, it cannot hold up to a complete system, and within this system there is the existence of God.

Many magicians, knights, and warriors can fight back and forth with supernatural beings and demon corpses.

But Li Ming knows that this back-and-forth is actually completely unequal. According to the normal level classification, it is completely a back-and-forth between those at a higher level and those at a lower level.

Other paths are all about leapfrogging, and the victors are geniuses and heroes. In this Western world where power is downgraded and fighting, the victors are still heroes and geniuses...

Of course, many practitioners themselves do not realize that they are fighting at a lower level, because they have no knowledge of other powers, and they take it for granted that the other party is at the same level if they can fight back and forth with them.

Moreover, because the extraordinary beings who often confront the extraordinary powers of the West are one level lower than them in the same system, although their combat effectiveness is strong, their durability is not as good as that of the practitioners from the Western continent who are downgraded to fight.

This gave them a feeling that although practitioners of other systems are powerful, they lack stamina. Although we are a little weaker, we have more stamina. Therefore, we are equal to each other. Who is stronger? Weakness is still unknown.

In short, a frog in a well is weak and does not realize it.

"Two years..."

There was a glint in Li Ming's eyes, and then he devoted himself to the further integration of the five elements of magic, the power of the knight, and the power of the warrior in his body.

The king's intention to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys was well known to Sima Zhao, but it was still unclear who would be killed in the end.

The advantage of crowd size only prevails when the fighting strength is the same.

Is it still useful in the face of crushing strength?
I think Archduke Bernie has given the perfect answer.

The advantage of self-sufficiency is that my Archduke Bernie received the box lunch at the beginning of the war.

I don’t know if this king will be an exception.

Li Ming's eyes moved slightly, sinking deeper and deeper into the fusion of power within his body.

With his whole-hearted devotion to practice, the three forces became more and more integrated.

While he was practicing, the cavalry of all levels outside were also constantly training.

Practice the secrets diligently to hone your physical strength, strength, and speed.Hone your martial arts skills and integrate them with your mount to enhance your strength bit by bit.

With the uninterrupted supply of various cultivation materials, the strength of this group of knights is growing almost every day.

The arc may not increase much every day, but over time, water droplets can penetrate stone.

Under such circumstances, only half a year later, the strength growth of the first batch of knights came to a standstill - the large amount of low-level training resources prepared could no longer have an effect on them.

And their strength, without exception, has reached the early stage of True Strength Realm!
Although this number is only 300, the 300 True Power Realm Magic Heavy Cavalry is already a terrifying force for those nearby.

And this number is still growing over time.

Depending on the time of joining, batches of knights have broken through to the true power realm, reaching beyond what the existing resources can supply.

However, breaking through to this level was something they had long expected. They did not slack off because their strength had stagnated. Instead, they began to work hard to hone their fighting skills during this period.

Hone your will, accumulate your strength, and no longer pursue the improvement of your realm.

Since they first became magic apprentices, their path of cultivation has been constantly accompanied by the supply of various resources.

These resources have accelerated their growth, but they also lack the composure of knights who do not rely on resources but rely on themselves to hone their strength bit by bit.

The current period of stagnation in strength is undoubtedly a precious period for them to settle themselves and accumulate foundation.And in such a state, time always passes as fast as water.

Half a year, half a year, another half year.

The knights reached the stagnation period of strength one after another, and became the true power knights in batches.

But without exception, when they became True Power Realm knights, their strength entered the stagnation period like the previous knights. Instead, they began to quickly exchange experiences and hone each other with the previous knights who had reached the stagnation period.

The first batch of knights to break through also became their identity, promoting the strength of the new knights to accumulate.

And Levi, who has reached the peak of the Great Knight, serves as the team's logistics manager and also serves as the head coach.

When the last day of two years passed, a total of 530 heavy-armored magic knights, without exception, had all reached the realm of true power!

On this day, Li Ming, who had been practicing for two years, also opened his eyes.

A mellow and peaceful aura emanated from him, and a smile appeared on Li Ming's lips.

"The three forces are completely integrated, and with the help of this energy, the cultivation level has been broken through and reached a higher level."

What is more advanced than an earth knight, an earth warrior, or a magic master?
Sky Knight → Unparalleled Warrior → Legendary Magician

That is, the level of a king!
It's just that Li Ming's level as a king...

The three forces of magician, knight, and warrior were completely integrated, and then the new chaotic magic power circulated in the body. Li Ming clenched his fists, feeling the surging power contained in his body, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


"Let the world see who is the king."

A flash of surging knighthood flashed in Li Ming's eyes, and at this moment, a dark fire crow flew across the sky, bringing a message.

[The king has an order, ordering all the extraordinary people in the kingdom to set off immediately upon receiving the letter, heading towards the royal city, and holding a king's conference]

A line of English writing came into view. Li Ming chuckled and crushed the note into ashes. He then waved forward the magic knight's spear in the hand of the horse, and the army behind him moved the horses' hooves neatly. , 530 people moved forward together with Li Ming as one body.


The messenger fire crow was frightened by the powerful temperament of the knights like a scourge. He fluttered his wings and flew into the air and fled hastily.

Along the way, the more than 6000 knights and Li Ming seemed to be integrated into the Knights. This terrifying aura gathered together, like a terrifying creature walking on the earth.

All the creatures he passed along the way retreated and hid, and no one dared to show his face.

After Li Ming led the knights away, at the border of his territory, more than 7000 magical heavy-armored warriors wearing heavy armor, holding spears and giant swords stood motionless in the territory.

Each of them is followed by an extraordinary beast that can mobilize the power of the golden element, but is much weaker than the supernatural beast. They call it a magical beast.

But now, all of these magical beasts have become the tame pets of these warriors. If you look carefully, you will find that these magical beasts were drawn and infected by the mutant golden eagle's breath when he broke through, thus breaking through themselves and gaining extraordinary power. beasts.

These beasts were immediately gathered by Li Ming through the power of the mutated golden eagle and sent to his territory, becoming a supplementary force for the heavily armored warriors stationed in the territory.

"Everyone, practice defensive formations and defend the territory!"

Levi, whose cultivation level has been impressively promoted to the level of commander of knights and commander of warriors, rode on his extraordinary horse and watched his son go away. Then he waved the magic spear in his hand and led the warriors to protect the entire territory to the greatest extent.

The magic heavy cavalry led by Li Ming are good at external combat, but there is always someone to protect the family. Now it seems that the responsibility of this protection clearly falls on his father.

"hope everything is fine."

Levi recalled the incredible rapid progress of the base in just five years, and he couldn't help but feel nervous. He looked up at the blue sky, praying that everything would continue to go smoothly...

What Li Wei, who was praying, couldn't see was that a terrifying golden eagle was silently following Li Ming's troops at a very high altitude.

His aura is far more powerful than any king's, even the only emperor is nothing more than that.


Starting from Li Ming's territory, on the way to the royal capital, the closer to the royal capital, the more powerful people are, and the higher their titles are.

The castle of Archduke Bernie, who was mutated into a golden eagle by Li Ming, is on the only way for Li Ming's knights to go to the royal capital.

With the convening of the [King's Conference], extraordinary people from the entire kingdom gathered together. This was a rare grand occasion, and it was indeed as lively and prosperous as many people said.

However, with the continuous influx of extraordinary beings, there is another problem faced, the problem of the stationing of these extraordinary beings who come with their own armies.

In order to proceed in an orderly manner, the nobles who are close to each other go first, and then make unified arrangements for their soldiers and horses.

If the later nobles arrived at the royal capital, they would queue up outside the royal capital and be let in when their turn came.

As a noble from the border area, Li Ming always entered last no matter how he lined up.

And naturally there is no complaint about waiting, otherwise it will be a corpse.

Fortunately, unlike all other border nobles, Li Ming, who arrived at the property left behind by Archduke Bernie after his death, could bring his own army to station here.

"It seems like the weather has been good lately."

When Li Ming led the cavalry to arrive outside the aristocratic fortress of Grand Duke Bernie, and looked at the women standing outside the fort in beautiful uniforms with anxious expressions, a smile appeared on his lips.

He turned over and dismounted, and led his mount towards the group of panic-looking women step by step. The more than 6000 knights behind him walked in unison.

When Li Ming walked in front of them, the women and the little boys behind them all fell to the ground with weak legs and looked at him in panic.

"Ladies, you don't want anything to happen."

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Ming's mouth, and he looked at the women in front of him with a chuckle: "Take out all the resources of Archduke Bernie and give them to me. Not only can I save your lives, but I can also let you continue to live. Live a happy life.”

"Whether you are willing or not is up to you."

(End of this chapter)

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