Chapter 373 Facing the King
If you are willing to hand it over, give birth.

If you don't want to hand it over, you will die.

The Grand Duke's resources were kept naked in the warehouse, but no one among the survivors dared to touch them, because they understood that doing so would be the same as death.

If they do not move these resources, it at least shows that they have no intention of resistance and are absolutely obedient. In this way, in today's sparsely populated environment, the person who can kill the Archduke may be able to spare their lives.

But if they dare to touch these resources, it proves that they are rebellious.

Because the purpose of using resources must be to enhance strength.

So after the Grand Duke was killed, why were you so anxious to improve your strength?
Do you want to make an enemy of the enemy who killed the Archduke?

If that's the case, how can I keep you?

Therefore, in fact, no one dared to touch the resources at all. But now, after hearing the question raised by the terrifying knight in front of them, they almost made a unanimous choice immediately: they were willing to use the resources.

That would be easy. All the men would be sent outside to survive as free citizens, and the women would stay in the castle as Li Ming's playthings, living a life where they could eat and drink without having to work.

On that day, Li Ming led his army to live in the city where the castle was located.

Nobles of the Grand Duke level no longer live alone in a castle like counts and marquises.

The castle where Archduke Bernie lives is actually in a city, and this city can easily accommodate more than 6000 knights.

Everyone got off work and reorganized, and Li Ming, after scouring Archduke Bernie's supplies, quickly distributed supplies that were of great benefit to the Knights of the True Power Realm to each of the accompanying knights, asking them to seize the time to practice.

"The nobles in front have made arrangements, and it will take at least three months. These three months will be your last chance to improve your strength before facing possible crises."

When distributing supplies, Li Ming told each knight the seriousness of the matter with a serious expression, and then returned to the fortress, allowing the knights to begin practicing desperately under the pressure of the royal city. Convert materials into your own strength.

"Oh, ma'am, you really took the lead and made a wise move today."

After keeping the remaining supplies and distributing the other supplies, Li Ming came to the front of the Grand Duke and Madam, smiled and stretched out his hands to knead, and started unknowingly.



Improving the strength of a magic heavy armored cavalry is not just about improving one's own strength.

Because they still have mounts, the strength of this crucial partner on the battlefield must keep up with them.

Fortunately, most of the mounts they captured were powerful mounts trained by the Grand Duke. Some of the mounts that had followed them since their fortune had also improved in strength through years of hard training, and all of them had reached a level that could keep up with the strength of the knights.

Now, the knights have once again entered a period of strength improvement, and the strength of the mounts must also continue to improve.

This is undoubtedly not an easy task, but fortunately, a possible big crisis is around the corner, and any improvement is possible.

The knights carefully adjusted and sensed the physical condition of their partners and the signs of the surge of magic in their bodies, and fed them spiritual objects containing spirituality to help them accumulate strength.

While conditioning their mounts, they themselves are also taking various spiritual substances to enhance the knight's power condensed in their bodies, striving to go further on the road of true knights.

And in such an atmosphere, with the supply of resources, three months passed in an instant. Fortunately, these three months allowed most of the top monks to improve their cultivation to a true level. The pinnacle of strength.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that they have been polishing in the true power realm for a long time, and they have digested the accumulated medicinal power in their bodies. During the training, they have improved their strength to the late stage of the true power realm.

However, even excluding these, the strength of most magic heavy cavalry has also made a small improvement.

However, three months had passed, which made them feel embarrassed, but also fortunate that the king had arranged their entry time at the end, and they had to wait until all the border nobles arrived before they could enter.

For this reason, they will have to delay another three months - without other means, there are too many small nobles at the border.

This undoubtedly makes people feel a sense of humiliation and depression, but the next thing they think of is happiness - they have another three months of development time!

"The protagonist usually appears at the end."

Li Ming got up from the bed of Grand Duke Bernie's youngest daughter, stood by the window, stretched and looked at the scene outside, while yawning and speaking with a smile.

He didn't feel anything about the three-month delay, but was happy about it.

After all, the later he goes, the stronger his men will be.

In the current state of rapid digestion of Archduke Bernie's resources, the strength of Li Ming's cavalry can be said to be changing day by day. Under such circumstances, naturally the longer the wait, the better.

Sure enough, in the next three months, the first three hundred cavalry made breakthroughs one after another, and the knights under Li Ming gave birth to the first batch of knights at the level of great knights!
The other knights have also further improved and consolidated their strength in the past three months. As this day, a heavy horn sounded in front, but no one came to greet them. When this happened, everyone raised their guns. He mounted his horse silently and slowly headed towards the royal capital under the leadership of Li Ming.


Setting up camp is not a simple matter.

This was true even for a heavy armored magic cavalry of more than 6000 people. It took five days for them to set up camp. From this, it can be understood why they had to wait for six months before all the nobles were finally admitted.

And with the arrival of autumn this year, under the chilly autumn mood, the King's Conference was held in the vast venue!
The King's Conference is a meeting held by each king for the extraordinary people in the country in order to deepen his rule. Its purpose is to connect the feelings among the extraordinary people, distribute territory and cakes, and coordinate the forces of all parties in order to stabilize the territory.

Of course, in order to maintain the majesty of the king, every king's meeting must have a scene of killing chickens to scare monkeys.This not only demonstrates the king's military behavior, but also takes the opportunity to clean up those unstable elements in the territory. Therefore, the king's conference will generally not be convened lightly, but once it is convened, it means seriousness.

Just like in the current country, the nobles love each other and devour the territory. This is an abnormal thing.

But under this chaos, things happen everywhere.

Therefore, the time has come for the king to take action.

Otherwise, if things continue like this, it will be hard to find peace in his kingdom.

As for this king's meeting, everyone with a discerning eye knew that the king had set his sights on Li Ming, a little baron who even dared to kill the Grand Duke.

Although Li Ming claimed to be a marquis, it was only a self-proclaimed title and only had an effect on some familiar nobles near his territory.

For the king, proclaiming himself a title is definitely not a good thing. In other words, it is a naked provocation to him, a blasphemy and insult to his rights.

In addition, the chaos in the realm has become chaos, and the king also wants to quell the chaos with a thorn. And such a thorn is because the class span is too large, and he dares to ignore his majesty, without going through him. Call yourself a marquis with permission?
Then if the nobles in the future follow suit, what's the point of having him as a king?

How can his rights as a king be reflected?

Therefore, after learning a little about the genius deeds of this warrior family, the king did not hesitate to target Li Ming as the monkey to be killed.

He wants to use this rapidly improving Earl's heir to know what heaven is, what earth is, and why he is the king!


As time went by, all aspects of preparations for the convening of the King's Conference were almost in progress.

A high platform was built, filled with onlookers, and on the important vast land, there was a figure who was the only one who could fly on his own—the king of the sky knight realm!

The King's Conference, the King's Conference, is naturally centered on the king, and as the strongest man, he naturally has to suppress evil intentions in the way that best demonstrates his strength!
"The nobles in the world are all one family. We should coexist peacefully and live in friendship. However, recently, there have been endless disputes and fights among the various nobles in the territory. Such things should not happen in this land!"

With all the extraordinary beings in the kingdom watching, the king spoke loudly and impassionedly, his voice full of anger.

"I convened the king's meeting today just for this matter. The disputes between nobles should stop. Now that the earth is undergoing fusion, there are still many unknowns outside waiting for us to explore. Are you going to fall into endless internal fighting? ?"

"Especially, in this short period of time, an archduke actually died at the hands of internal fighting. Do you think this should be done?"

The king's voice resounded through the space full of momentum and appeal, obviously arousing the emotions of some people who didn't know the truth.

Unfortunately, someone saw through his plan and had the absolute strength to compete with him.

"Those who kill will always be killed. Princess Bernie invades other people's territory. Even if she is killed, she deserves it!"

Suddenly, a powerful and bright voice reverberated throughout the entire proclaimed emperor, easily covering the voice of the king flying in the air, instantly making the king's face look ugly.

Everyone looked towards the place where they were speaking, and then they saw a scene that shocked them.

A young man actually lifted his feet off the ground like the king and flew to the same height as him!

"The chaos stems from the greed and laziness of some nobles. They are unwilling to pay and only want to take what is ready, so they raise the butcher's knife to the surrounding nobles. It is not a pity to die in this way. However, the root of all this lies in the inadequacy of the system. Reasonable, versus leader incompetence.”

Li Ming calmly looked at the king with dark beard and black hair in front of him, and looked at him with a calm expression: "For example, after Count Gill's strength has been raised to the realm of true power, and he has reached the level of marquis, in order to obtain the territory that matches his title, he has no choice. Use your own powerful strength to open up your own territory in the wilderness, but attack their related families and even families that Zhou Wei has nothing to do with."

"Instigating dissension, or using secret means to obtain everything in this territory, or simply using overt means to obtain everything in a noble territory, and finally seized a lot of high-quality land from nearby nobles that can be used without clearing land. .”

Li Ming had an expressionless face and spoke slowly to everyone around him. His voice was a hundred times more exaggerated than a loudspeaker, and it spread clearly to everyone's ears.

"The methods used include but are not limited to assassinating the heirs of the nobles and even the family heads, so that their own people can serve in their territory."

"And behind such a family, the supporter is actually the Grand Duke of a kingdom, Bernie. Grand Duke Bernie has raised an army to kill me without even having any contact with me. Should I just sit back and be killed by him? ?"

"And what caused all this? Are these nobles too greedy? No, everyone is greedy. There is only one reason for all this, and that is you, the king's incompetence and dereliction of duty!"

"King? You are not worthy of being this king at all. You are just a thug with no power and full of greed. Regardless of right or wrong, you want to kill me, an unrelated avenger, in front of the whole world at the king's meeting. What kind of king are you if you kill someone in front of an extraordinary person!"

When Li Yang spoke, he released his last aura without any reservation, and pointed at the king's slope gate in the shocked eyes of the surrounding extraordinary beings: "Who are you? !”

"As a baron, you are treasoning against the nobles. No matter what your intentions are, this is a damnable move."

A flash of anger flashed across the king's expression, and his aura was revealed without reservation. He gritted his teeth and said, "You claim the title of marquis without being canonized. This is an act of usurpation. Traitor, take your life!"

After saying that, the silver armor on the king's body suddenly appeared, followed by a majestic big rhinoceros pounced out from the ground. In an instant, it came under the king's body and connected with the silver armor on the king's body. As connected as one.

"You incompetent man, die!"

A cold light appeared on Li Ming's face, and the next moment a unicorn covered in holy light soared powerfully from the ground and stood under him. At the same time, it was dressed in golden armor and held a magic spear.

The terrifying chaotic magic power surged in the body, and the starlight, which was the knight's basic combat skill, exploded instantly. A group of bright starlight flashed in the sky, and everyone closed their eyes subconsciously.

When they opened their eyes, the scene in front of them made them unable to help but stand up from where they were, staring at everything in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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