Chapter 382 Not far away

Going to Beijing to take the exam is a big deal for every successful person. As a family member of Qingsongguan who attracts much attention, Li Ming naturally gets attention on his official career.

But Li Ming still didn't expect that the people who would escort him had already been prepared.

As a mortal country, the Daqian Empire has martial arts, but as long as the martial arts are not too high, scholars will always be of great use.

This is reflected in governing the country and the people and maintaining the functioning of society.

After all, no matter how strong a martial artist is, they cannot create resources out of thin air. As long as they still need to eat, drink, and relieve themselves, they will inevitably need resources. It is impossible for these warriors to obtain these resources by themselves.

Therefore, ordinary people are needed to run a sound social system. Only a stable and sound society can allow more people to enjoy better services.

What's more, the mortal martial arts in this world are not that invincible. Even the imperial army, even the ordinary army, and ordinary first-class warriors can only carry out assassinations.

The powerful armies of Daqian are all warriors who have practiced martial arts since childhood, been trained properly, and are proficient in the art of war. They wear armor and hold spears and swords. When they gather together, even the great masters have to stay away.

Under such circumstances, the role of literati can be more clearly demonstrated.

Therefore, although the Jianghu forces are very active, they are only Jianghu forces after all, not the imperial court.

The one who controls this world is still the imperial court.

Because of this, Li Ming is so talented in martial arts that no one thinks there is anything wrong with continuing the scientific examination, because in the future, as long as Li Ming can go to high school and become a high official in a place, then he will be a person who can determine the scope of his jurisdiction with one word. The master who cares about the life and death of the people.

What can't be done by then?

Even for martial arts training, there are a lot of people sending resources and secret books.

However, Li Ming was just a household disciple after all, so he was really surprised to receive such attentive attention.

But after thinking about it, Li Ming also realized that maybe he had underestimated the power of his talent. This talent refers not only to talent in martial arts, but also to talent in learning.

A talented person with both civil and military skills has a high probability of being reused in the future.

By that time, as a Qingsongguan, he would not be suitable to be the 'disciple' of such a big man. On the contrary, the current home disciple would be more suitable.

In addition, he has learned the secrets of Qingsongguan since he was a child and grew up under the guidance of the Taoist priest of Qingsongguan. If he is not a true disciple of Qingsongguan, it is better than a true disciple of Qingsongguan. What is the difference?

Under such circumstances, it was difficult for Qingsong Temple to pay so much attention to his affairs. For this reason, it was reasonable to send two Taoists to escort him.

Li Ming followed Xu Jin, the Taoist preacher, all the way inside. After a while, he arrived at a courtyard.

"Senior Brother Qingshi, Junior Brother Hengliang, I'm here."

Xu Jin knocked on the door and whispered with a smile. After a while, the door was pushed open. A Taoist with a long beard and a long sword appeared behind the door. He smiled and looked at Li Ming. Xu Jin.

"Senior Brother Xu Jin, please."

The bearded Taoist smiled and invited the two people inside. A Taoist with dark skin, but wearing a Taoist robe and with a sense of purity on his body was doing horse steps in the sun shrouded area in the courtyard. When he saw Xu Jin coming in, he stopped with a smile. .

"Junior Brother Xu Jin, why are you here?"

His skin was dark, but he had a pure Taoist look on his body. The majestic muscles were faintly visible, but these muscles quickly disappeared after he finished the exercise, and then he asked Xu Jin with a smile.

But his eyes were focused on Li Ming, who was following Xu Jin.

"Senior Brother Qingshi, Junior Brother Hengliang, this is my beloved disciple Li Ming, the person the Temple Master said you would escort."

Taoist Xu Jin smiled and introduced Li Ming beside him, and then pointed at the Taoist with dark skin and pure temperament and introduced: "Li Ming, this is your uncle Liu Qingshi."

"Hello Master!"

Li Ming spoke respectfully from the side.

"Good good."

Liu Qingshi looked at the young man in front of him with a smile, and nodded with a smile on his face.

"Li Ming, this is your uncle Wang Hengliang."

Xu Jin smiled and pointed to the side of the Taoist priest whose skin was much whiter but had a big beard on his face. Li Ming followed him and said, "Hello, uncle."

The bearded Taoist priest smiled and nodded.

"I have long heard from the master that Junior Brother Xu Jin has accepted a genius apprentice with extraordinary talents and unparalleled talents. What's more, he is tall and tall, and has an extraordinary handsome appearance. When I saw him today, it turned out to be true."

Liu Qingshi looked at Li Ming with a smile and spoke with admiration.

"Young talents are nothing better than this."

Wang Hengliang on the side also smiled and nodded. Li Ming waved his hands after hearing the words: "The figure and appearance are nothing but nothing. Talent and strength are just skills. The two elders who were selected by the Taoist temple to protect my life are the real masters." rare!"

"Hahaha, you guys should stop praising each other for being humble. You, Master Liu Qingshi, and Master Wang Hengliang are close friends with me. We are not outsiders. At the same time, they are also highly skilled martial arts figures in the show. You, master, are top-notch masters, and with them escorting you, I can rest assured."

Xu Jin laughed when he saw the three people's looks, and then told them that they didn't have to do this, otherwise it would be too strange.

"Senior Brother Qingshi, Junior Brother Hengliang, Li Ming is here because he is preparing to leave for Beijing to take the exam in the near future. He wants to ask for the protection of the Taoist temple. I am here to introduce you to them first."

After Xu Jin finished speaking, he pointed to Li Ming beside him, smiled and said to the two senior brothers in front of him.

"Oh, if that's the case, then we should report it to the head master as soon as possible."

Liu Qingshi raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then couldn't help but say.

"Well, your Uncle Qingshi travels around the world all year round and rarely returns to the temple. His skin is tanned. He has rich experience in the world. Whatever happens in the future, you must listen to him."

"Your uncle, Master Hengliang, has been dealing with various troubles in the province all year round. He has excellent fighting skills and the ability to suppress situations. If there is a dispute, he will definitely be there to help."

"You have little experience in the world. No matter what happens on the way to the capital, you must listen to your two senior uncles and uncles."

Xu Jin smiled and nodded to his senior brothers. He did not rush to take them to see the leader. Instead, he introduced Li Ming again. After seeing Li Ming nod seriously, he took them with him. With a smile on his face, Liu Qingshi, Wang Hengliang and Li Ming rushed to the place where the leader was to ask for a meeting.Not long after, Li Ming saw a Taoist priest with half-white hair and beard in the main hall. Hearing Li Ming's intention, he smiled and invited him to sit down, and asked him on the spot what he wanted to do once he became an official in the future. .

"Protect one's peace, seek the limits of martial arts, and ask for the immortal way."

Li Ming chuckled, not hiding anything. He knew that what the leader asked him was the final confirmation of his bet.

At this time, it was not only a choice for him, but also a choice for Qingsongguan by Li Ming.

Otherwise, if they are not suitable for each other and do not cooperate with each other at critical moments in the future, it will not only be bad for Qingsongguan, but also bad for Li Ming.

If they can make it clear in advance, even if their opinions are not very consistent, they can still maintain a certain degree of cooperation. This is what Li Yang is also happy to see.

"Oh, Xiang Wenxian Dao..."

The leader stroked his beard, raised his eyebrows, and then nodded with a smile: "In that case, I, Qingsong Guan, should protect you thoroughly during these times."

"Liu Qingshi, Wang Hengliang, you two must be careful on the road, don't be careless, and do your best to keep your nephew safe, do you understand?"

The leader looked at Li Ming with a smile, and then said solemnly to Liu Qingshi and Wang Hengliang.


Liu Qingshi and Wang Hengliang both nodded, and then the leader nodded: "Well, since the day of going to Beijing to take the exam is approaching, let's get ready. Let's go down the mountain with our nephew today. After the business in the capital is finished, He will only return when his nephew Li Ming returns home."

"Yes, Uncle Sect Master."

Liu Qingshi and Wang Hengliang immediately responded respectfully, then turned around and left to pack their things. The headmaster waved to Li Ming, looked at him and said seriously: "It is a good thing to seek immortality, but remember, immortality cannot be If you force yourself, you can only rely on fate!"

"Compared to us in this world, immortal cultivators are the superior and strong ones. The weak seek the fate of the strong. They should act accordingly, be cautious and not force them. Otherwise, once they are offended, they will be punished in an instant. Turn into ashes, can you understand?"

The leader looked very seriously at the young disciple at home whom he was also very optimistic about, and asked solemnly.

"Disciple understands, thank you Master for your teaching!"

Li Ming's expression changed, and he replied respectfully.

"Well, your talent and talents are extraordinary in both martial arts and literary studies. I believe that you will definitely take off in the future. The [Qingsong Qi] in your sect is a martial art related to the cultivation of immortality. Maybe It will be helpful for you to seek immortal magic in the future. After you have achieved great success in [Hunyuan Gong], remember to practice it."

For people in this world, the existence of immortal cultivators is not a secret. It is just like ordinary people talking about space stations. It is something that everyone knows exists, but is too far away from them.

In addition, it is not a good thing to talk about immortal cultivators. If a passing immortal cultivator hears it, it will easily lead to disaster, so it is rarely mentioned in normal times.

But for a martial arts sect like Qingsongguan, it is natural to have a better understanding of immortal cultivators. After all, with the vastness of Daqian's territory, there must be immortal cultivators.

The height that martial arts sects can reach is naturally easier to reach than ordinary people. The head of Qingsongguan naturally has a certain understanding of immortal cultivators, so he gave these instructions.

"My disciple has made a note. When [Hunyuan Gong] is completed, he will definitely come back to practice [Qingsong Zhenqi]"

Li Ming nodded seriously, and then with the head's nod, he turned and exited the head's hall, walking towards the residences of Liu Qingshi and Wang Hengliang with a thoughtful look on his face.

"It seems that the way for immortal cultivators in this world to obtain inheritance may not be as difficult as I thought before."

On the way, Li Ming couldn't help but think to himself that in this way, the path to contact immortal cultivators after the imperial examination would be more stable.

Thinking of Li Ming's lips, he smiled and couldn't help but shook his head. It seemed that he had thought too much before.

For a world of immortal cultivators, although there is a big difference between immortal cultivators and mortals, you must know that immortal cultivators are also cultivated by mortals.

If you want to maintain fresh blood in the world of immortality, you must inevitably come into contact with the mortal world. Therefore, although the world of immortality is mysterious, it is by no means taboo knowledge.

Thinking in his mind, Li Ming also felt a little relieved. He strode to the yard where the two junior uncles were, and he enthusiastically wanted to help them pack their luggage.

"No need. When traveling around the world, you only need to bring your own accessories and money. Nothing else matters."

Seeing Li Ming's actions, Liu Qingshi smiled and waved, then tied a package on his shoulder and held a long sword on his body with the other hand. After speaking, he smiled again: "Of course , as long as the skill is there and the person is good, even if there is no silver or sword, there will be no problem."

"There are so many evil gentry in this world. If you just find two to eliminate the evil, you will have what you need."

Wang Hengliang on the other side added with a smile. He simply carried a package and a sword: "Of course, you must have a pair of good eyes. Don't provoke people you shouldn't provoke, otherwise you may not have the things you need." Take it away, but your life will remain."

"I have to rely on my uncle and uncle to protect me all the way!"

Hearing this, Li Ming smiled at the corner of his mouth and bowed his hands seriously to the two Taoist priests. Liu Qingshi waved his hands carelessly, with a smile on his face: "As long as you can listen to what we say, it's okay. The biggest fear is that you can't listen to what we say." , that would be troublesome.”

"I will definitely listen to my uncle and uncle on the way."

Li Ming nodded affirmatively, and both of them smiled and nodded. Then he and Li Ming went to say goodbye to his master, and then they went down the mountain together carrying their things.

The three of them were all accomplished martial arts masters. They carried their true energy and galloped like horses in the mountains, and rushed back to Li Ming's house before noon.

Then we had a nourishing medicinal meal together at Li Ming's house at noon, brought a big package, and in the afternoon they each rode a horse and said goodbye to Mr. Li.

"My son, you must pay attention to safety on the road and put your own safety first."

Master Li sent Li Ming all the way to ten miles outside the town before staying. In response to his last instructions, Li Ming nodded heavily, then bowed and bowed. Under Master Li's eyes, he met the two people from Qingsongguan. The knights mounted their horses together and set foot on the road to the capital.

"I hope my son's trip goes smoothly."

Seeing the three people quickly disappearing from sight, Mr. Li sighed with emotion, then turned around and returned to Linshan Town with a sigh.




The three riders rode along the hard dirt road all afternoon and stopped at a roadside station.

(End of this chapter)

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