Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 383: Jianghu Experience

Chapter 383: Jianghu Experience
"Master Nephew Li, when you go out, your safety is the most important thing."

At night, Liu Qingshi and Wang Hengliang, who were sleeping in two corners of the room with their bedding, smiled and said to Li Ming, "When they first entered the inn, Li Ming booked three middle rooms, but he didn't expect that he hadn't fallen asleep yet." , the two of them got in through the window, and were staring at them dumbfounded.

"On the first night today, for the time being, the two of us will sneak into your room to sleep, and we will stay in a random room every night. But no matter what, the three of us must live together to make sure we are all in sight."

Wang Hengliang said with a smile, and then pointed out the window: "One more thing, our horses cannot leave our sight no matter what. It is best to be tied outside the window like today."

"There are many kinds of spices for tracking and locating in the world. As long as they are prepared and trained with excellent tracking dogs from an early age, they can easily find their location by smell."

Liu Qingshi had a bunch of horse hair in his hand, put it on the tip of his nose, took a deep breath, and said with a smile: "So, we must first become familiar with the smell of our horse. Once we can detect a strange feeling, it will prove that the horse is smelling good." It was scented.”

"The person who put the incense may want to rob money or may have other purposes, but no matter what the purpose is, it is definitely not an honest and fair thing. Otherwise, why go to such trouble to drug the horses? Therefore, if there is any abnormality, it must be dealt with in time. "

Liu Qingshi smiled, and then looked at Li Ming, who looked a little stunned: "Don't worry, we just came here after washing our feet and taking a bath, so we can't offend you."

"This is not that. How about you, uncle and uncle, come together and squeeze in with me?"

Li Ming shook his head, and then couldn't help but ask: "As far as I know, dogs can smell a lot of smells that we humans can't smell. What if the other party uses this smell to mix it with the horse?"

"Then let nature take its course and let the sword in your hand speak for itself."

Liu Qingshi smiled softly, and then shook his head: "We can't sleep together. Your uncle and I sleep in different corners. Please pay attention. This is the third position. It allows us to join forces as quickly as possible." They are in the same place and can support each other as quickly as possible. If someone suddenly breaks in, no matter who attacks first, the other two can respond as quickly as possible."

"But if we live in the same place and the enemy comes in with guns blazing and kills us head-on, wouldn't all three of us be hit?"

It turns out that this is the case, there is still such a saying.

Li Ming looked at the place where the two uncles and uncles were lying down, and found that it was true. He couldn't help feeling that he still had a lot to learn in this world, and he nodded and confirmed, just looking at the two open doors. The window was blocked when I tried to close it.

"If you open the window, even if someone pours smoke into it, it won't be kept in the house that easily."

Liu Qingshi shook his head, and Li Ming was stunned for a moment, then patted his forehead: "It seems that I really have a lot to learn."

"These are all small experiences accumulated from traveling in the world. They cannot reach the level of elegance. Just know a few things. There is no need to belittle yourself. Your path is not here."

Hearing Li Ming's words, Liu Qingshi shook his head with a smile. Li Ming calmed down and bowed his hands to the two of them solemnly. Then the two of them looked like they were sleeping with their clothes on, and silently put on their shoes and socks, and Yi lay on the bed.


The next day, when the sky was dark and bright, Li Ming got up to practice as usual. He found that his two uncles and uncles had already gotten up and moved their hands and feet. He couldn't help but sigh that Laojianghu was Laojianghu. After practicing, he ate two steamed buns downstairs, and then Go out, get on your horse, and continue walking along the road towards the outside of the capital.


It wasn't until they arrived at the inn that Liu Qingshi took a deep breath on the three people's horses one by one, then narrowed his eyes, laughed and continued to follow them.

Li Ming was a little curious if he could really smell something, but he was on his way and didn't ask much. He only waited until he had another rest that night before he couldn't help but ask.

"Uncle Liu, do you have any special skills that can enhance your sense of smell and allow you to smell more things that ordinary people can't smell?"

After Li Ming took a bath, soaked his feet, changed out of yesterday's clothes, washed them and hung them outside the window to dry naturally overnight. When he put on new clothes and went to bed, he curiously asked Liu Qingshi.

"It's true. There is a skill called [Open Nose Skill] that can open more than ten acupuncture points in the nose, greatly increasing the scope of the nose's smell. I rely on this skill to be sure every time I smell something. of."

Liu Qingshi said with a smile, and then looked at him with a half-smile: "Practicing this kung fu can give you more experience in the world. You must know that the tastes in the world are not just those that ordinary people can feel. .”

"Only by smelling more can you truly feel the essence of this world. What do you think? Do you want to learn from it? I'll leave it to you for your Asia-European experience."

Li Ming was a little surprised that there really was such a technique, but then he quickly shook his head when he thought about whether this technique would smell more of the smell he hated: "That's not the way, but uncle, the world's martial arts is not Do they all regard cultivating meridians as the path to spiritual practice? Why is there still such a thing as cultivating acupuncture points?"

"Meridians are the foundation of martial arts. Only with broader meridians can we cultivate better inner strength of true energy. Only with strong internal strength can we have stronger power when performing various martial arts."

Before Liu Qingshi could answer this question, Wang Hengliang on the side had already smiled and took the initiative to answer: "The acupuncture points have a completely different purpose from the meridians. They cannot increase a person's skill, but they can increase a person's corresponding fighting ability." ability."

"Those who open the nose orifices like Senior Brother can greatly increase their sense of smell. There are also some precious skills that can open the eye orifices, which can greatly increase a person's vision. There are also those who open the throat and mouth acupoints, which can allow people to release more energy. Strong voices and all that.”

"I heard that the top acupoint opening method can open acupoints on the legs, legs, and waist, and can also open acupoints on the hands. Through this, you can walk like a galloping horse, have an endless supply of strength in your waist, and have the power of your hands and fists far beyond ordinary people."

"It's just that the more important the designed parts are, the more precious the techniques are. They are generally regarded as core inheritance and will never be revealed to others, so it is difficult to obtain them."

Wang Hengliang's words were clear and logical, and Li Ming nodded suddenly, and then asked some questions out of curiosity. When the sky was completely dark, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Going to Beijing to take the exam is a major event for everyone, and it is also a major event for the imperial court.

So basically 90.00% of the time you will not encounter any danger on the way. Li Ming thinks so too.

Until early that morning, Liu Qingshi, who led Li Ming and Li Ming out of the inn with a smile, took a deep breath of the horse's scent, and his expression immediately changed.

"The horse smells strange, and someone is following us."

Liu Qingshi's expression was ugly and his voice fell. Li Ming and Wang Hengliang were also shocked and couldn't help but look at him.

"In this way, pump the horses at full speed. When the horses are tired, we will go to the next inn to change a group of horses."

Liu Qingshi squinted his eyes, and then waved his riding whip without hesitation, whipping the horse he was riding on to move forward as fast as possible. "Huh, fight, fight!"

Li Ming exhaled and hurriedly followed suit, speeding up the horses under his legs and galloping forward with Wang Hengliang on his side.

"Ta Ta Ta Ta..."

The sound of horse hooves was trampling wildly. Not long after, when it was almost noon, the three of them asked for some dry food to eat on the way. They changed horses with the owner of the inn on the spot, and then continued riding.

They walked until dark and found a roadside inn to stop. The three of them carefully took turns to stay vigil and rest. The next day, when the sky lit up and everyone had rested, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"They probably realized that we were not easy to mess with, but that's not necessarily the case. They might be chasing us, so after dinner, we took another route."

The three of them packed their luggage, Liu Qingshi said instructing, Li Ming nodded solemnly, Wang Hengliang didn't say a word, just followed Li Ming silently, and then the three of them went downstairs to eat their fill. .

Then he changed his route on his horse and continued on his way.

We traveled like this for several days without incident.


On this day, the three of them were riding horses through a mountain forest. Suddenly, they saw a lot of bustling bandits standing in front of them with knives blocking the road. However, it was not them who blocked the road, but a group of people pulling carriages and standing guard. Flag escort team.

"Let's go, these bandits are not targeting us."

Liu Qingshi looked at the scene in front of him where an old escort was negotiating with the bandits on the opposite side, whispered something, and then turned around and left with Li Ming and Wang Hengliang.

"In front of you, who asked you to leave? Stay here!"

But once the three of them appeared like this, it was not so easy to leave. Five or six bandits rode towards them on tall horses, shouting and cursing. Wang Hengliang's eyes flashed with fierceness, and he deliberately fell one horse behind Li Ming and Liu Qingshi. , when the five bandits who kept saying dirty words came closer, they fiercely drew their swords out of their sheaths.


There was a crisp sword cry, and the sword's brilliance visible to the naked eye instantly rolled up on the field. Five big heads flew into the sky, followed by Wang Hengliang's cold snort and thunder. He quickly added the five horses. Entering the ranks of the three of them, the three people took turns riding eight horses and headed forward at a faster speed.


The bandit leader holding the escort in front saw his five brothers being killed with such a sword. He was furious at first, but the next moment the snort made him regain his composure and sweat broke out on his forehead.

Fortunately, he didn't go just now, otherwise...

Thinking in his mind, the anger in the eyes of the bandit leader, who had lost five of his men, became even more intense. He said forcefully that the escort agency had too little money for the escort gift this time, so he would either keep the goods or the people.

The old escort looked at him carefully when he heard this, then turned around without saying a word and took everyone to pack up their food and leave.

The bandits also know that this escort agency is not easy to mess with, and there is no need for them to confront them head-on. Otherwise, even if they win, their side will suffer a lot of losses.

Then what should you do if you meet the person escorting the next escort?
"Take your things and retreat."

Seeing the escort give in, the bandit leader snorted, waved his hand, and led the bandits to take away all the goods that the escorts were carrying up the mountain.

The five who went to chase Li Ming and the others could only drag the bodies back and find a place to pay homage to them.


"Huh, was that escort agency going to fight the bandit just now? If we stay where we are, maybe we can help the escort officers work together to wipe out the bandit?"

After leaving the bandits, Li Ming looked at Wang Hengliang who casually killed the five chasing bandits. He couldn't help but give him a thumbs up, and then asked Liu Qingshi. road.

Things that he encountered in TV dramas such as the escort agency escorting escorts and bandits robbing escorts appeared vividly before his eyes for the first time. He just thought that he was actually taking advantage of the escort agency people to attract firepower. The three of them helped during the war. Maybe we can easily eradicate the reputation of bandits.

But Liu Qingshi turned around and let them go, which made him a little curious.

"They can't fight."

Looking at Li Ming's eyes, Liu Qingshi smiled softly: "The owner of the escort agency talks about having a wide network of people and good connections; people who are rich and powerful, and who use their banners to fight against the threshold (gangsters or green forest heroes) do not dare to provoke, so let It passed without incident.”

"If the relationship is not strong enough, you will have to pay a gift when you go to some places, and then safely protect the goods. But once the bandits make it clear that they want to rob them, they will not take action on the spot. Instead, they will choose to give in, lose the goods, and keep them safe. Own."

"Working as an escort agency, if something goes wrong, the government will be defeated. If the escort is robbed, you can afford to pay for the money. The big shopkeeper talks about being a discerning and calculating person; you don't miss the goods, the valuations are not outrageous, and you must take care of everything. It is indispensable, and the expenses should not be wasted. As for the chief escort, he is usually a well-known figure in the world. He is either an amazing artist or a retired fisherman. "

"For this reason, if the escort agency wants to leave, the bandits will not stop them. Otherwise, if they take action, with the escort agency's expert strength, they themselves will definitely kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred to themselves. It is not worth buying. ."

"In the situation just now, since the bandits came down under the flag of the escort bureau, they wanted to rob the escort. Although the escorts are at a disadvantage, they are not easy to mess with because of their high strength. In the end, there is a high probability that the escort agency will keep the goods. Get down, let the people leave, the robbers will take away the things and let the people go."

"No matter what happens later, this is how it was decided at that time. Otherwise, it would be a life-and-death struggle. How would we make money and do business?"

Liu Qingshi smiled, and then pointed at Wang Hengliang behind him: "Of course, those who have nothing to do with us but want to make more money and chase them are just for their own thinking. I killed you, Uncle Wang Hengliang, After revealing their strength again, those bandits didn’t dare to say anything more.”

"Because of this strength, if he dares to say too much, even if he eats us, his leader might be gone."

(End of this chapter)

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