Chapter 388 Arrangement
The Hanlin Academy was the secretarial agency of the feudal emperor. The organizational structure and functions of the Hanlin Academy in each dynasty were similar.As for Hanlin itself, just like a modern secretary, his role and power vary depending on the degree of trust the leader has in him.

The Tang Dynasty History Museum on earth has editors and officials in charge of compiling national history. The Song Dynasty Shilu Academy has editors and editors in charge of the national history. The Liao Dynasty Academy of History and the Imperial Academy of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties all have editors. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, they are usually awarded the title of No. 1. No. 1 Jinshi.Generally, after the imperial examination is announced, the first No. [-] Jinshi (number one scholar) will be assigned to the Hanlin Academy for compilation.

After the imperial examination, the number one scholar was assigned to the Hanlin Academy for editing, and the second and third best candidates were assigned to the Imperial Academy for editing and editing.The remaining Jinshi who pass the examination are called Hanlin Academy Shujishi.Those who pass the examination after three years will be awarded to the Hanlin Academy for review, and the rest will be assigned to various ministries as directors and other positions, or they will be appointed with priority by the magistrate and county, which is called Sanguan.

Based on the Qing Dynasty, the examination was held in Kyoto every three years. Those who won the examination were called "Gongshi" or "Chinese-style Jinshi", and the No. 1 was called "Huiyuan".The candidate who gets No. 1 in the Jinshi examination held in the Hall of Supreme Harmony is designated by the emperor as the "No. [-] scholar", and the second and third place candidates are the "No. [-]" and "Third Prize".

The first three are collectively called the "First-A Jinshi" and can receive the "Jinshi rank" granted by the emperor, the "Second-A Jinshi" can be given the title of "Jinshi origin", and the "Third-A Jinshi" can be given the title of "the same Jinshi origin".

But only these "First Grade Scholars" were awarded official positions according to regulations immediately after the roll call in the Golden Palace.

The title of the "No. [-] Scholar" is "Hanlin Academy Editor", which is a sixth-grade official position and is equivalent to the regional office level.

The "No. [-]" and "Tanhua" were awarded the title of "Editor of the Hanlin Academy", a seventh-grade official position, which is equivalent to the position of county magistrate. They are truly "sesame officials".

The remaining Jinshi who pass the examination are called "Hanlin Academy Shujishi".Those who pass the examination after three years will be awarded the "Hanlin Academy Review", starting from the seventh-grade official position, which is equivalent to the deputy director level.

The position of "compiler" is an official title for someone who is in charge of compilation of records and conferences.

The Daqian Empire was very similar to the ancient Eastern Kingdom of Earth. The position of compilation in the Hanlin Academy was also similar. Moreover, as the top scholar, he had his position determined directly after the imperial examination was announced, so he did not have to wait with other Jinshi.

It was just that it was a scorching summer, so the emperor was considerate of the new student, so he let him rest at home until he got through the scorching heat. This was why Li Yang was still at home when Xu Jin and the others arrived.

Judging from the current situation, he, the favored militant, may become the emperor's secretary directly.

"Is that the principle? That's good, that's good."

After hearing what Li Ming said, Xu Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

What the sect is doing now is still a bit hasty. If a war breaks out suddenly, many places have not done their best and are very inappropriate. However, if there is sufficient time to prepare, then many things can undoubtedly be prepared in a better way. .

In addition, material reserves, personnel transfers, etc. can be done more in place without having to give up too much due to time issues.

"The sect can go down to the mountain to recruit more disciples with good qualifications and good intentions during this time. In this way, even when the war begins, it can prevent the outstanding young people nearby from being recruited and ruined on the battlefield."

"If it can be handled properly, the war period will be the time for the sect to take advantage of these few years of isolation to rise."

Li Ming’s solemn suggestion.

Once the war starts, no one knows how far it will develop. If it comes to the point of extracting soldiers, that is a situation that no one wants to see.

But whether you want to see it or not, you must be fully prepared.

At that time, if something like that happens, if these young people with martial arts qualifications are allowed to go to the battlefield easily, it will be a waste of their qualifications.

Instead of doing this, it is better to bring him to the sect and train him well. Even if he is just laying the foundation now, he can become the sect's excellent foundation in the future.

At the same time, there is another layer of meaning.

Li Ming looked at the 26 Qingsongguan disciples who were standing in the main room with strong figures and perseverance in their eyes. He knew that the temple had spent a lot of money to protect his safety.

Now he is the top pick in high school, and is also valued by the emperor. No one can say where he will go in the future. For Qingsongguan, this is undoubtedly a good thing.

In the future, Li Ming will be their support.

But at the same time, for Li Ming, Qingsongguan is not his strength.

Enhancing Qingsongguan's power now is equivalent to increasing his own strength. When he takes office in the future, no matter what position he holds, with such a martial arts sect that can provide him with high-end force, he will have more room to do things. Can do better.

In addition, another thing is that Qingsongguan is in the position of his hometown. If Qingsongguan is strong, his family can be better protected.

Although he intends to develop the strength of his family, martial arts sects always have advantages that ordinary families do not have. This can be seen from the fact that disciples of martial arts sects do not have to participate in military conscription.

A powerful warrior plays a great role in a country, whether it is a positive role or a negative role. The positive role is to protect the emperor and officials, and the negative role is to assassinate the emperor and officials.

Of course, you can also assassinate others, which are advantages that ordinary forces cannot match.

Therefore, this is also the reason why martial arts sects enjoy such a special status.

Having such a martial arts sect under his control and close to his hometown will undoubtedly make Li Ming feel more at ease.

"Okay, I will talk to the sect about these things."

Xu Jin nodded, then thought about it and wrote a secret letter himself.

The so-called secret letter is actually a specific way of writing a letter in the sect. When ordinary people read it, it is just some ordinary words, but only when it is in the hands of the leader and understood according to the specific meaning, can the original meaning be understood.

Li Ming didn't know how to write the sect's secret letter before, so he didn't explain the matter thoroughly, but kept it secretive. This also made the sect worry about doing things.

Now that Xu Jin is here, he naturally understands the sect's secret messages. He directly explained everything Li Ming said clearly in the secret message, and then sealed it with beeswax and sent it to the communication channel of the disciples at home.

"Huh, after sending this letter, Master, I feel relieved. What are your plans next?"

After the letter was sent away and lunch started, Xu Jin breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Li Ming and asked softly.

"Everything has to wait until I take office. Before that, I will stay in seclusion and practice martial arts well." Li Ming showed a smile on his face. In fact, many disciples would frequently move around each other and make relationships after the palace examination, but Li Ming did not Plan to do so.

First of all, he is the main war faction and has the trust of the emperor. When he takes office, he will most likely obey the emperor's orders directly. If he goes to make friends with officials when the situation is unclear, he will end up making friends with him when the emperor comes to his decision. If those people are against us, it will be a disaster.

Secondly, since he is the main combatant, danger will be with him from the moment he enters this vortex. Although high risks are also accompanied by high benefits, there is a high probability that he will be exposed to the world of cultivating immortals, but Li Ming naturally I also want to increase my own strength.

With his continuous practice in recent times, his [Hunyuan Gong] has been approaching great success, and [Hunyuan Palm] is only one step away from great achievement under the guidance of his uncle.

He will take advantage of his rest time to practice all the [Hunyuan Gong] and [Hunyuan Palm] to perfection in one go. By then, he will have the power of an ordinary first-rate master even in the world of martial arts.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you have to stay at home and stay at home. As the number one scholar and the main combatant, Li Ming knew that he would definitely offend many people.

He can't make friends with those officials.

But it doesn't mean that he can't make friends with those Jinshi.

This world is not the world of the Lord He faction. Although his main website will offend some people, he will also be liked by some people.

Maybe some of these disciples are willing to follow him, and if something happens, they will be able to help him.

Therefore, occasionally, Li Ming still has to go out.

"Okay, it just so happens that I am here this time in the name of the master, and I have brought you three martial arts."

Master Xu Jin is relatively a martial artist. He was naturally very happy to hear that his beloved disciple did not give up martial arts because he was the top student in high school. At this time, he took out the three secret books he carried with him.

[Qingye Shenfa] [Qingsong Needle Sword Technique] [Qingsong Breaking Army Spear]

"Before, your martial arts foundation was not yet formed, so I only asked you to learn one main internal skill and one incidental boxing and kicking skill, so as not to delay your cultivation."

Seeing Li Ming looking over in surprise, Xu Jin said with a smile: "Now that your [Hunyuan Gong] and [Hunyuan Palm] are almost complete, it's time to prepare more martial arts."

"[Qingye Shenfa] is the top Qinggong status in the temple, but I am not good at it. I still need to be taught by your uncle Liu Qingshi. His [Qingye Shenfa] is also the best in [Qingsong Temple] .”

Xu Jin pointed to Liu Qingshi on the side with a smile, and spoke softly, and Liu Qingshi also showed a smile on his face: "Qinggong is a way out to settle down in the world. With Qinggong, you can run away if you can't defeat, and save when you defeat." When others run away, it is an extremely important skill, so you must pay attention."

"Master, don't worry, uncle, I understand."

How could Li Ming not understand the importance of running fast? After hearing this, he immediately nodded with a smile and looked at the other two books with a surprised look on his face.

"In order to avoid possible situations in the future, I also brought over [Qingsong Broken Army Spear], a martial art suitable for fighting in the military formation. In addition, [Qingsong Needle Sword Technique] is also the strongest swordsmanship in my sect. One of them can enable you to have better countermeasures when facing martial arts masters."

Seeing Li Ming's eyes looking over, Xu Jin smiled and pointed at the two kung fu to introduce, and then said to Li Ming critically: "You are now about to achieve great success in [Hunyuan Gong]. When you achieve it, you will not only be able to practice both internally and externally. His physical fitness is high and his internal strength can also be ranked among the best.”

"When the time comes, you can switch to [Qingsong Zhenqi] to have strong internal strength very quickly. In terms of palm skills, [Hunyuan Palm] can make up for some of it, but real fighting must rely on weapons. After all, weapons The benefits cannot be ignored at any time.”

"When you have learned [Qingsong Needle Sword Technique], a sword technique that can be used as the main attack method, you can choose to learn a fist and kick skill that does not rely on internal strength as a supplement. You should also learn [Qingsong Breaking Army Spear] well, just in case. On the battlefield, this skill is more effective than swordsmanship and palm skills."

"Martial arts is not the more you learn, the better. [Hunyuan Palm] cannot be called a reliance due to its characteristics, but if you choose a good fist and palm martial arts, then as long as you master this martial arts thoroughly, you can Integrate all your understanding of martial arts into this martial art, and all moves and palms will be the same in your eyes from now on."

"Moves are dead, but people are alive. As long as you continue to improve the power of a martial arts and continue to increase your experience in dealing with various crisis situations, a martial arts will be enough for you to conquer the world."

Xu Jin spoke to Li Ming seriously, and Li Ming smiled and nodded: "Master, don't worry, these disciples understand and will definitely practice well."

"Well, don't think that your practice of [Hunyuan Gong] and [Hunyuan Palm] will be at a loss after you switch to [Qingsong Zhenqi]. You have practiced Hunyuan Gong for many years, and your physical fitness and your palm strength have been improved. It is a very strong improvement and will be helpful in practicing any other martial arts and fighting in the future. This is your physical foundation."

Xu Jin smiled and nodded, and then he stopped talking when he saw noon. He asked Li Ming to put away the three secret books and decide when to practice, and said no more.

When Li Ming saw this, he immediately asked someone to serve lunch. He kept the three secret books close to his body and ate with his uncle, uncle, master, and the senior brothers brought by his master.

Of course, those senior brothers could only sit at another table. He, his master, his uncle, and his uncle sat at another table to eat.

Li Ming arranged for people to deliver meals to Yu'er and Xiaohe inside. After having lunch with his master's family members in the main room, he went to arrange houses for them, and personally prepared a good house for his master. Just returned to his bedroom.

Li Ming has a habit of taking a nap. He usually takes a nap at noon to ensure that he is energetic in the afternoon.

His master, uncle, uncle, and senior brother also knew about it, so they didn't bother them and began to study the defense of the courtyard wall.

Li Ming, on the other hand, came to Sister Yu'er and Xiaohe's room.

"Sister Yu'er, Xiaohe, you must be tired from the journey. Quickly wash your feet and go to bed to rest."

Li Ming thoughtfully asked his servants to bring hot water and washed their feet together. When they were clean, he invited Sister Yu'er and Xiao He to go to bed to rest together.

As soon as Sister Yu'er got on the bed, Li Ming hugged her straight hips and pressed her down on the bed.

"Sister Yu'er, are you and Xiaohe planning to follow me properly from now on?"

Li Ming quickly unbuttoned Sister Yu'er's clothes with one hand and asked softly. Sister Yu'er blushed and nodded, raising her legs under the long skirt.

(End of this chapter)

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