Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 389 Dacheng, surrender

Chapter 389 Dacheng, surrender

The long gown does not look like modern clothes. Each button is made of cloth, which is pressed tightly and very small, making it difficult to untie.

The buttons are fastened one by one from the collar to the waist, and they are spread out very finely. It takes a lot of effort to undo them one by one.

But sometimes, when you unbutton one by one, it is also the transfer and heating up of the state between the two.

Li Ming pressed the body of Yu'er sister Feng Yong, whom he had grown up with since childhood, under him. When he unbuttoned his clothes, his breathing was already a little faster, and he felt that the woman under him was soft everywhere.

Staring at the red lips, chin, and face so close at hand, everything felt white. As he spoke, he couldn't help but kiss his lips and enjoy them a few times.

"Sister, uh~"

"Who else can Sister and Xiaohe follow besides you?"

Sister Yu'er hummed softly and her face turned red. After a while, she was finally untied, took off her clothes haphazardly, and put them on her shoulders.


Sister Yu'er snorted and hurriedly picked up a piece of clothing and put it under it. Then she breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed the sheets with both hands.

Xiaohe lay on her side with a red face, thinking that it was so difficult for me and Sister Yu'er to unbutton the buttons just now, and she couldn't let it become so difficult to unbutton them, so she immediately unbuttoned all the buttons on her clothes secretly. open.

After untying it, I felt my legs getting hot all over while listening to the movement around me, and I was sweating all over.

I don't know how long it took, but her father finally turned over and fell on top of her.

"He, my good sister."

Being kissed by her father and listening to her words in her ear, Xiaohe's whole body softened immediately.



Except for some Tong Zi Kung Fu and Chunyang Palace Kung Fu, other martial arts do not require the hand to be closed.

The [Fetus-nurturing Skill] that Li Ming practiced when he was a child did have this requirement, but at such a young age, he would not release his essence. The [Hunyuan Skill] and [Hunyuan Palm] that he is practicing now are about to be practiced. [Qingsong Zhenqi] has no such requirement.

Even after ordering Yu'er and Xiaohe, when Li Ming was practicing in the yard that afternoon, he felt that his exercises were smoother.

Some kind of inspiration flashed in his mind. Li Ming, who was sparring with two or three senior brothers, felt that the more he practiced [Hunyuan Palm], the more powerful he became. There seemed to be something opening in his mind. Use the rapid rise that is visible to the naked eye.

He practiced like this all afternoon, and when it got dark, he suddenly realized that [Hunyuan Palm] was completed!

"Today is really a good time. Master, the senior brothers have brought Sister Yu'er and Xiaohe here. My [Hunyuan Palm] has also become a big success. Could it be that this is because God wants to rejoice?"

[Hunyuan Palm] reached the breakthrough. When Li Ming used this skill again, he immediately felt smooth and smooth. He could hit wherever he wanted with his palms and with as much force as he wanted.

With one palm, the infusing energy of Hunyuan Gong was injected, and a big stone in the yard broke into pieces when touched. Li Ming put away his palm, knowing in his heart that his [Hunyuan Palm] was already on the verge of great success, and today's breakthrough was a matter of course. , but in front of Master, Senior Brother and Sister Xiao Heyuer, he still deliberately smiled and spoke.

"Hahaha, Yu'er and Xiaohe have given you a happy surprise. As for us, we will only serve as sparring partners. Your [Hunyuan Palm] has already reached the edge of great success, and now the breakthrough is just a matter of course. matter."

Li Ming's master Xu Jin laughed loudly. Seeing his disciple succeed in another kung fu, he, as a master, was naturally very happy. After he was happy, he thought about it again and then said: "Hunyuan Palm and Hunyuan Kung Fu are integrated into each other. You Since Hunyuan Palm has been mastered, Hunyuan Gong will probably be mastered in these two days. In this way, you can put aside the basic martial arts that master has brought to you and practice Hunyuan Gong with all your strength in these two days."

Xu Jin spoke thoughtfully, then nodded: "After the breakthrough in Hunyuan Kung, I can just start practicing [Qingsong Zhenqi] directly. Then I can start practicing other techniques. I will also save myself from learning too much and delaying the progress. "

"Okay, then I will concentrate on practicing [Hunyuan Gong]"

Li Ming's inner thoughts coincided with what Xu Jin said. He laughed and spoke. Then he straightened his clothes and went to eat with his master and brothers. After the meal, he diligently practiced [Hunyuan] for an hour. Gong] Then he took a shower, changed clothes and entered the bedroom.

"Sister Yu'er, Xiaohe, you two are really lucky to me. Not only will I achieve great success in [Hunyuan Palm], but I will also achieve great success in [Hunyuan Gong] in the next two days."

At night, in the room, Li Ming pressed Sister Yu'er tightly, holding Xiao He, who was much slimmer, with one hand and spoke softly.

Sister Yu'er groaned and was speechless, Xiao He blushed and asked Master Li Ming to kiss her.




After achieving great success in [Hunyuan Palm], Li Ming practiced [Hunyuan Gong] again and as expected, he became a master within two days.

Dacheng's Hunyuan Gong Zhenqi is strong and domineering, and when activated, the Hunyuan Palm has the power to break gold and crack stones.After Li Ming mastered the two martial arts, he settled down for two days and then directly switched to [Qingsong Zhenqi].

[Qingsong Zhenqi] is the best internal strength of [Qingsong Temple], which can be seen from its name [Qingsong].

This technique is not only more powerful than [Hunyuan Gong], but also has very sufficient stamina, and has an auxiliary healing effect on the body. After practicing it, the mind is continuous and strong.

It can also strengthen people's five senses, make people's ears and eyes bright, their minds quick and powerful.

Li Ming spent three days converting all the internal energy of [Hunyuan Gong] into the internal energy of [Qingsong Qi]. What surprised and delighted him was that after the conversion, the [Qingsong Qi] not only did not lose the [Hunyuan Gong]. 】Mighty, and it has very powerful power as soon as it is transformed.

And after the transformation, Li Ming practiced according to the context of [Qingsong Zhenqi]. It was already difficult for him to make any progress, and he could only slowly polish and increase his power. Hunyuan Gong Zhenqi actually started to grow again.

Obviously he already possesses the power of a complete inner skill and mental method, but when he practices it, he progresses as fast as a person without internal strength who just starts to practice internal strength.

Dacheng's [Hunyuan Gong] skill was already strong, but after switching to [Qingsong Zhenqi], he only had a small success, but continued to improve by leaps and bounds, and his skill level was more than [-]% stronger.

After practicing quietly for half a month, Li Ming, who had greatly improved his internal strength, had to stop practicing [Qingsong Zhenqi] with great satisfaction, then put his hands behind his back and started to go out with a smile.

Although his internal strength training went smoothly, Li Ming did not forget about the imperial examination. Now that the vacation given by the emperor has passed after so many days, he must go out and look for those who are willing to join his sect.When Li Ming went out, Liu Qingshi, Wang Hengliang, and the 26 disciples who came to protect him naturally couldn't be idle.

They had long been divided into two groups, half guarding during the day and half guarding at night. Today during the day, it was Liu Qingshi's turn to follow with thirteen disciples. Master Li Ming and Xu Jin had irregular schedules to prevent others from figuring out his schedule. During the sneak attack, his uncle Wang Hengliang stayed on guard at night.

Compared with the daytime, the chance of a sneak attack at night is undoubtedly much greater. After all, this is the imperial city. Even if someone wants to take action, they would not dare to take action during the day. Otherwise, the power of the capital will not be simple.

Therefore, during the day, he was guarded by Liu Qingshi, who was slightly less powerful, and at night, Wang Hengliang, the most powerful among the three brothers, took his place.

From that day on, Li Ming began to come to the second floor of the Lion Building to sit and drink tea and watch the scenery. As he walked, thirteen second-rate masters followed him to monitor him. Uncle Liu Qingshi followed him with a warm smile.

On the first day, Li Ming worked for half a morning, and when he was about to continue sitting down, a young man with a red face, long hair, and a heroic appearance came over with a bright face.

"Wang Guangyun in the Lower North Territory has practiced martial arts passed down from his family since he was a child. Now he has achieved great success. He is honored to take the same exam as Li Mingkui."

Wang Guangyun crossed his fists after sitting down and introduced himself with a smile.

"No. 13 in the imperial examination, Wang Guangyun, I know you."

Li Ming looked at Wang Guangyun who was sitting in front. He was quite influential. There were not many young people in the palace examination, and there were even less people who practiced martial arts. There were not many people who could reach the same level as him. This Wang Guangyun was one , naturally impressed.

Hearing what he said at this moment, a smile suddenly appeared on his face: "No matter how honored or unhonored it is, whether it is knowledge or martial arts, I learned and practiced them bit by bit. It is fate that we all take the exam together. This You and I are all human beings in this world, how can you say that taking the exam with me is an honor?"

"What the leader said makes sense. I took the liberty to come here today just to ask Li KuiShou a question."

Wang Guangyun's face showed a look of excitement, then he cupped his hands, bowed his head seriously and asked: "May I ask what Li Kuaishou's attitude is towards the Huns?"

"On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore."

Li Ming glanced at him, gently picked up the tea, took a sip of it, and said lightly. After speaking, Wang Guangyun's eyes suddenly lit up: "I dare to ask, is it to suppress it, or..."

Li Ming did not speak, but blew the tea and a piece of water fell on the table. His index finger dipped in the water that fell on the table and wrote one word: kill.

Wang Guangyun's eyes were shocked. Li Ming had already wiped away the tea and looked at him with a smile.

"Capital Li, Guangyun's father was killed by the Huns, and he and the Huns have sworn hatred. I am willing to follow the leader and hope that the leader will not give up!"

Wang Guangyun followed him and bowed, looking at Li Ming with burning eyes.

"It's easy to say, but you have to think about it carefully. Now that you are a Jinshi, if you follow me, it will be difficult for you to be an observer in the court."

Li Ming helped Wang Guangyun up with a smile, and then said with a smile.

"I don't dare to ask your ears!"

Wang Guangyun said sincerely: "In this life, I would rather kill thieves than become an official. I only want to participate in the palace examination to be a Jinshi and be born in a sheltered hometown."

Following is not equivalent to the division of camps in the general officialdom. It is equivalent to completely giving up everything to follow and work under the followers.

Just like Wang Guangyun in front of him, since he is willing to follow Li Ming, there is a high probability that he will not be able to get the officials who were born as Jinshi and spent three years.

As for what can be done, it depends on Li Ming's future development.

"Well, if a man has such great ambitions, he has come to this world in vain. Come and sit down."

Li Ming smiled and helped him up, praised him, and then helped him sit down and talk about cultural relics.

"I dare to ask, but it's Chief Li, Li Ming in person!"

Not long after, two more majestic men came over in synaesthesia. When they saw Li Ming, their eyes lit up, and they raised their hands and asked on the spot.

Li Ming turned around and took a look, and realized that he didn't recognize him. He knew that he was not from the imperial examination, but seeing that the two brothers were burly and dressed in brocade clothes, he knew that they were of extraordinary origin, so he nodded and stood up from the chair. He stood up and said: "I am Li Ming, who are you two?"

"Our brothers are brothers of the Liu family in Cangzhou in the north. I heard that the current number one scholar wanted to kill a thief. I was so happy that I came to the capital to seek refuge."

The elder brother of the two looked at Li Ming with burning eyes and cupped his hands: "I am the elder brother, Liu Wu, and this is my younger brother, Liu Zhuang."

"My brother and I have been practicing the Golden Bell Shield since we were young, and now we have achieved great success. We have long been unhappy with the coquettish and overbearing Huns, and we wish we could get rid of them quickly. After hearing your story, we rushed to the capital a long time ago and waited. When you come out, I came here to worship you!"

His younger brother Liu Zhuang spoke immediately and looked at Li Ming excitedly.

Hearing the two people speak, Li Ming, who had not been out for a long time, was stunned for a moment, and then a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes.

It seems that during these times, the emperor has already intended to spread the news about him as the number one scholar to the world.

The that we can't wait to start a war?
"The Huns are arrogant and powerless, and their tyranny in the Daqian land lasts more than a day or two. Dealing with such arrogant people is like training dogs. Only when they are hurt and frightened by beatings will they become obedient and docile. Otherwise, they will be grimace in pain."

Li Ming spoke with a smile, and then he also cupped his hands: "Li Ming is honored to have two strong men take refuge. Come, please sit down."

After hearing Li Ming's words, Liu Wu and Liu Zhuang looked at each other and sat on the table and chairs with excited eyes.

"The Xiongnu people grew up on horses. The horses under their jurisdiction were as numerous as cattle and sheep, and they occupied a vast area. They did not live in a city, but ran away with their houses."

Just as the two were about to sit down, a voice came out, and several people turned their heads to see a handsome scholar in a green shirt standing up from the seat next to him, looking at Li Ming with piercing eyes: "No. Do you know what good strategy the No. [-] Scholar can use to deal with them?"

"Haha, any nation with many cattle, horses and sheep will be born in a land with abundant water and grass. I have no shortage of cavalry. However, if you lead your troops and horses into them and rush to the place with abundant water and grass suitable for survival, you will not be able to find them. reason?"

Li Ming looked at the scholar in green shirt and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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