Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 397 I have two things

The military camp in the hunting ground is a lively scene. Although it takes into account the hunting issue, being in the wilderness is full of a sense of strictness and eliteness.

The tents in the military camp are scattered in an orderly manner, like a miniature castle. There are gaps in the doors of each tent. The light reflects the soldiers silently preparing for war inside, as if they are waiting for the horn of war to sound.

This kind of all-round preparation is a quality that a powerful military camp in ancient times must possess.

Every walking sergeant has a tall and straight posture, whether they are a tall man or a short man, they all show their elite and extraordinary characteristics.With firm eyes and a straight posture, he looked like an iron warrior, ready to attack at any time.The dotted tents formed a sea of ​​red and yellow, which looked colorful and mysterious.The most eye-catching thing is the cross-shaped imitation of moral civilization in the center of the venue. The people standing there have a solemn expression and the power of their armor is fully displayed.

When you walk into a tent, what you see should be serious weapons, but there are already people here discussing the new weapons they have developed.This innovative spirit and strong sense of war allow them to march forward courageously on the battlefield and become a staunch force in defending their country and homeland.

People were coming and going throughout the military camp, and every soldier was determined.They have their own beliefs and pursuits, but no matter what their beliefs are, they have one thing in common - they must win the battle.

They stood tall, calmly stroking their weapons, just waiting for the next moment to enter the battlefield.

The horror and cruelty of the ancient battlefield are unspeakable, but it is precisely because of this that the soldiers dedicated themselves here silently and remained steadfast in order to achieve the set goals.What is conveyed here is an extraordinary spiritual atmosphere. If you jump, you will most likely be able to reach the pinnacle of life!

It is also a place full of energy and tension.In the early morning light, the military camp looked particularly lively.The various tents are arranged in an orderly manner, like a small castle, looking majestic and solemn.A faint light shines through the cracks in the door of each tent, illuminating the resolute faces of the guards. They are already prepared to deal with any emergencies.This rigorous state of preparation for war was indispensable in ancient military camps.

In the middle of the military camp, people were walking around, some were doing daily maintenance and repair work, and some were exchanging tactics and weapon usage skills.Their eyes are firm and focused, as if they are showing their eliteness and uniqueness to the world.Regardless of their height, the tall and straight warriors displayed the majesty of the armored gods.Their desire for war and confidence in victory seemed to be the beacon that illuminated their way forward.

Walking into the tent, you will be attracted by the serious and orderly atmosphere inside.Weapons and equipment are neatly arranged, and some warriors are carefully inspecting and polishing their weapons to ensure that each weapon is in the best condition.Other warriors sat around and discussed their combat experiences and tactics. Their faces were full of concentration and enthusiasm.

In this ancient military camp, every corner is full of the breath of life and the power of fighting.Although it is full of hardships and dangers, it is also full of hopes and dreams.Every soldier firmly believes that as long as they unite as one and move forward courageously, they will be able to overcome any difficulties and achieve their goals.

It is this kind of iron-blooded army that has created the terrifying status of the Daqian Empire today, making the Daqian Empire the largest country occupying the widest territory.

The emperor of the Daqian Empire is in the military camp in this hunting ground.

"Return to Your Majesty, here comes the new competition captain!"

Wei Wu, the leading sergeant, led Li Ming and the others all the way to the throne of His Majesty the Emperor of Daqian. He dismounted, knelt down on one knee and responded.

"Your Majesty, Li Ming, has met."

Li Ming, who had an official status, made a courteous salute to His Majesty. Behind him, Zhao Xiu, Wang Guangyun, Liu Wu, and Liu Zhuang, all in white, hurriedly dismounted their horses to pay homage.

"Well, get up."

Emperor Jianming sat on a chair covered with a dragon carpet. He glanced at Li Ming with a smile and raised his hands. Li Ming and the other two hurriedly stood up from the ground.

There were many people standing around Emperor Jianming, but almost all of them were strong warriors. When they saw Li Ming, the head of the palace who had recently been deliberately promoted, they all looked surprised and puzzled. Looking at the 'literati' in front of me.

"I asked you to come. I'm afraid many people here find it incredible. They are all a group of warriors. I don't blame them for not understanding. I would like to ask, what do you, the current head of the palace, think?"

Emperor Jianming looked at the young man in front of him with a smile, and asked softly: "But before that, I also want to ask you some questions. Do you know about the competition between nations?"

"Your Majesty, I know that the competition between nations is to reduce unnecessary wars. The battle competition between elite soldiers from various nations is held in Daqian. The winner of the competition can enhance the prestige of our country."

Li Ming nodded and responded respectfully.

"Oh, if that's the case, then do you know who plays every time in the National Competition?"

After listening to Li Ming's words, Emperor Jianming smiled on his face and asked again.

"They are all the most elite soldiers and horses in each country today and the most powerful generals of our time."

As a competition for various countries to establish their prestige and reputation, each country will naturally have policies that are widely spread, just like the World Games on Earth.

Naturally, many people know about this grand event.

Li Ming lives in it and naturally knows some well-known rules, so he answered without hesitation.

"Well, what you said is very good, but this is the situation in other countries."

Emperor Jianming chuckled and nodded, then waved his hand to his side: "Read our information to the head of the palace."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

A military general from behind stood up, bowed his hands in respect, and then raised his voice to Li Ming and said: "Kurul, the Xiongnu from the Western Regions, appears to participate in the competition among the nations."

"Kurul, the second son of General Kuller of the Western Regions, grew up freely in the army, practiced martial arts, and led soldiers to conquer more than 50 tribes, all of which ended in great victories. He is now 34 years old. His martial arts skills have reached the early stage of the first-class level, and he is one of the most outstanding generals among the younger generation in the entire Western Region."

"Yang Zan, who participated in competitions from various countries in Bei Mo, joined the army at the age of 15 and made great achievements at the age of 25. Now he is 30 years old and has reached the peak of second-rate martial arts. He is the most outstanding general of the younger generation in Bei Mo."

"The South Vietnamese who participated in competitions from various countries, Lan Keli, is a martial arts hero. He is at the pinnacle of first-class cultivation and is about to enter super-first-class cultivation. He is 53 years old this year and has fair experience in leading troops."

"Muben, who appears in the East Japan, is a great swordsman from the East Japan. His strength has entered the first-rate realm. He leads three hundred disciples who are all in the third-rate realm. He does not understand military formations and his personal fighting ability is slightly stronger."

"The person who appears in Banghan is unscrupulous. He is a martial arts knight. He is in the second-rate late stage with his martial arts. His troops are weak and he is not good at leading troops."

"Laileer, who appeared in the Kingdom of Mauris, is born with divine power and bravery. He is comparable to a second-rate warrior. Most of his soldiers are good at brute force and have some knowledge of coordination." Xiongnu, Northern Desert, South Vietnam, Eastern Japan, Banghan , the country of Maurice.These five countries are the five largest countries around Daqian.

Daqian is powerful and the country with the oldest history. The country borders the ocean to the east, the next door to the west, the desert to the northwest, the cold region to the north, the small island in the northeast, and the sea not far from the eastern sea. All have island countries.

It's just that none of these countries is as vast as Daqian, with vast territory, strong national power, many masters, and strong soldiers and horses. Therefore, Daqian has been respected since ancient times.

From the competition held in Daqian, we can see how obedient and fearful these countries are to Daqian. Otherwise, how many people would be willing to let their most outstanding young generals and elite soldiers come here to participate in the competition? ?
At the beginning of the National Competition, it was also to promote the national prestige, beating a different outstanding general of each country every year to let them know who is the master.

Because competitions between countries are held every year, and traveling between countries is cumbersome and long distances away, almost half of a year is spent on the road to and from the promotion competition, and these are all fixed channels. Don't let them wander around blindly.

This alone has involved the energy of several countries, not to mention that they are beaten every year. Therefore, for thousands of years, the status of Daqian eldest brother has always been secure.

The competition among various countries is also regarded as an important matter.

Only in recent years, the Huns in the Western Regions have gradually become richer, and they look like nouveau riche. After investigating the reason, we found out that it was the nectar dropped in the Western Regions that gave rise to many high-quality horse farms. Moreover, iron ore was discovered and weapons could be smelted. This made Emperor Jianming very anxious and wanted to find a way to devour the Western Region.

One of the methods is to manipulate the competition among various countries.

As the saying goes, arrogant troops will inevitably lose. Although these countries are not arrogant and will definitely lose against the troops of the Daqian Empire, what Emperor Jianming wanted was a reasonable reason for sending troops, that is, the divisions were famous.

Therefore, the decline shown in the past three years and the gap between the Xiongnu's strength and strength were deliberately created by Emperor Jianming. The purpose was to make the Xiongnu lose control and take the initiative to attack.

At that time, the invincible heavenly soldiers of Daqian will take advantage of the situation to overthrow the ancestral palace of the Huns and occupy their land. Is it normal?

Li Ming, who was standing in front, couldn't help but have a flash of light in his eyes when he heard the tall general reporting the situation of the contestants from various countries in such detail.

He understood the meaning of this intelligence - the emperor had really sent enough spies in various countries, which meant that Daqian's army knew the situation in their country well.

In this case, with the efforts he had made before, if this battle could he lose?
A word came to Li Yang's mind: immortal cultivator.

Unless a cultivator takes action, they will definitely win.

As for how he could tell that the emperor had deliberately lost two games in the past three years... Li Yang looked at the sturdy military camps around him with a smile on his face.

Mortals have their limits, and each of these soldiers around them has an aura comparable to that of a second-rate master. How could such an elite unit lose?

Since you lost when it was impossible to lose, it proves that it was intentional.

In this case, the purpose of Emperor Jianming's asking him, the current leader of the palace, to come and participate in the competition is interesting - to let a 'literary man' lead the troops to defeat the Xiongnu.

On the one hand, it makes them feel ashamed and angry, on the other hand, it also makes them fearful.

The most important thing is that the Huns are now very confident. As long as they give this reason, there is a high probability that they will be lured out and actively provoke a war.

It is foreseeable that if nothing unexpected happens... then the territory of the Daqian Empire will have an area the size of the Huns' territory.

"Well, this is the information about the participants in the war from various countries. You have also heard that the soldiers sent by each country are real elites."

A smile appeared on the emperor's face after hearing this, and then he looked at him with burning eyes: "But we are different. What we send out every year are actually the weakest troops here, and generals who are a generation younger than their 'contemporary' generals. It takes 20 days of contact to defeat their decades-long army.”

"Doing this will inevitably lead to losses. Do you know why I did this?"

The emperor smiled and took a sip of water, then narrowed his eyes slightly and asked Li Ming.

"Using this to paralyze the other countries, let them think that the Great Qian is weak and there is an opportunity to take advantage of it, thus revealing the weakness and taking the initiative to create a name for us as a master."

A smile flashed in Li Ming's eyes and he spoke softly.

"Look, the head of the palace is indeed the head of the palace. I knew it as soon as I asked him. Unlike you, I had to explain the plan twice to understand."

The emperor laughed when he heard this, pointed at the general beside him and said with a smile, and then his eyes returned to seriousness: "However, this is not without cost. Every year we lose, we have to pay a lot of things, including gold, silver, cloth, and Beautiful ladies... I don’t want to give these away.”

"Can you see why I asked you to come?"

The emperor looked at Li Ming and said with a smile.

"The minister is the current head of the palace. He is already famous. Such a talented head of the palace also advocates war. If he defeats their elite when the army is in decline, I am afraid it will stimulate them to jump. ...In this way, I think that Your Majesty is ready for an all-out war, and let me be the one to start the war."

Li Ming's eyes flashed, and he probably figured out that the emperor was straightforward, so he simply spoke loudly.

"Hahaha, it is not easy for you to understand this just by relying on this. Yes, I would like to ask you, do you dare to lead 300 people from the First Army to train for twenty days and participate in the competition between nations? middle?"

Emperor Jianming looked at Li Ming with burning eyes and asked in a solemn voice.

"I am willing, but before that, I have two things to offer to Your Majesty to increase the combat power of my Dagan cavalry!"

Li Ming bowed slowly, and then spoke with gleaming eyes. (End of chapter)

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