Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 398 Do you want the military or the government?

"Oh, what?"

Hearing Li Yang's words, Emperor Jianming, who was sitting on a yellow cloth chair, raised his eyebrows in surprise and asked him.

"I would like to call these two items 'saddle' and 'stirrup'. They need to be made on site to show to His Majesty the Emperor."

Li Ming bowed his hands sternly, and Emperor Jianming looked surprised. Then he looked at Li Ming up and down in surprise. He still felt that a dignified head of the current palace would not be idle and talk nonsense on this occasion———— Unless he doesn't want his future.

However, would a person who actively caters to him not want his own future?
The emperor smiled, thought for a while, waved his hands, and said to the left and right: "Help Chief Li Ming make this...saddle and stirrups."


The waiters on the left and right immediately stood up and clasped their fists respectfully, then walked up to Li Ming and cupped their hands with a smile: "Master Li, please."

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Li Ming smiled and waved his hands, then looked left and right, focusing on a small tree, and his eyes suddenly condensed: "Is there an axe?"


The other hungry soldiers standing next to him were also curious. Upon hearing Li Ming's request, two sergeants with big axes in their hands immediately stepped forward and handed the axes in their hands to the two waiters who walked out.

"Thank you."

With Li Yang's current strength, he could break a tree with his bare hands, but it would be difficult to make things without an axe. Before entering this place, in order to show respect, he and the four followers around him did not carry weapons.

He bowed his hands to the two sergeants, who politely thanked him, then returned to their original positions and watched Li Yang command the two attendants to come to the tree.

"And cut this tree down."

Li Ming pointed to the trees, smiled and said to the sergeant beside him.

Although there are soldiers hidden in the hunting ground, there is no shortage of trees. The one in front of me is an ordinary tree.

————The weapons were not handed over to Li Ming because the emperor was here and wanted to ensure that there would be no accidents. Neither the person who handed over the weapons nor Li Ming wanted to get involved in this matter. It was best to let the entourage do the work.


The two followers were both strong and strong, so after listening to Li Ming's words, they started chopping down without saying much.

Li Ming stood aside with a smile, but the history of the development of saddles on the earth rose in his mind.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the prototype of the saddle, the Xiongnu saddle, appeared. The Xiongnu saddle developed faster than the Donghu saddle. The saddle body of the Xiongnu saddle was simple and low, and the front and rear saddle bridges had not yet appeared, similar to a seat cushion.There are also low saddles that appeared in the Qin Dynasty. The representative one is the pottery war horse in the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Pit No. [-] in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin. The saddle sculpted on the horse's back is a saddle pad. There are three leather belly straps on the pad to fix the saddle on the horse's back. The leather belly The belts all have buckles, all on the left side of the horse's belly. The horse's buttocks are tightened at the back, and the horse's head is covered with bronze castings and copper wires woven through limestone blocks.

In the late Western Han Dynasty, a concave high saddle appeared.The Beidonghu tribe in the Jin Dynasty, North Korea and South Korea had saddles with raised front and rear bridges. The ends of the saddle changed from flat to high, which restricted the forward and backward sliding tendency of the rider's body and provided longitudinal stability, so it was called "two bridge vertical saddle". .

During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the shape of Turkic saddles underwent new changes. The front saddle bridge was high and upright, and the rear saddle bridge sloped downward, which was called "rear saddle bridge tilted saddle".This style of saddle is convenient for the rider to get on and off, which is a great progress in the development of saddles.

In the Yuan Dynasty, battle saddles with a lower rear bridge and daily saddles with flat front and rear bridges appeared. At this time, there were even more types of saddles.The saddles of the Ming Dynasty were simple in workmanship and had few decorations, and were commonly known as simple saddles.

The saddles of the Qing Dynasty were gorgeously decorated and finely crafted, including sitting saddles, pack saddles, carriage saddles and wedding saddles. Cloisonné saddles (also known as enamel) also appeared in the Qing Dynasty.Modern saddles inherit the basic shapes and decorative patterns of saddles from previous generations.

Characteristics of Mongolian horse gear making techniques

Mongolian saddles are divided into the following categories:
According to the purpose: there are daily saddles, celebration and sacrificial saddles, horse racing saddles and saddles with official badges.

Saddles for daily use such as sitting saddles, pack saddles, cart saddles, hunting, and herding.A saddle used for attending ceremonial events. The saddle is made of gold, silver, copper, lacquer, etc., such as the leather saddle of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. The decoration of the saddle is simple and all made of wood. The saddle is made of wood. There are two types, one is hollowed out in the middle to put items.One is to have hooks on both sides to hook items.

According to the place where humans live, they can be divided into Ordos saddle, Chahar saddle, Oirat, Horqin saddle, Kazakh saddle, Turba Hu saddle, Ujimqin saddle, Barhu saddle and so on.Baerhu's saddle has low front and rear saddles, a wide base, a lot of silver ornaments, and detailed patterns.The stirrups are larger than elsewhere. In some places, even within a tribe, there are slight differences in saddles, and the Abaga-style saddle is mainly used for nomads.Kazakh saddles are also called military saddles and are used in Inner Mongolia and XJ regions. The front saddle is small and the back saddle is wide.

In a sense, the saddle was invented in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. The saddle is one of the horse equipment. It is a seat made of a wooden frame covered with leather, stuffed with soft objects, and shaped to fit the rider's buttocks, with both front and rear convex. rise.A device placed on the back of a mule or horse for people to ride on.High at both ends, low in the middle.Saddles and stirrups are the most important inventions of a complete set of horse equipment after the bit and reins.

In the era without saddle stirrups, people needed to ride on the back of a naked horse, only by holding the reins or mane and clamping the belly of the horse with their legs to prevent themselves from falling when the horse was galloping.

But this method is very unreliable. First of all, it is easy to fatigue when riding for a long time. At the same time, it is difficult to use bows and arrows effectively on a running horse. In melee combat, the rider cannot use swords and spears as he likes, hacking or A failed assassination attempt or the collision of weapons from both sides could cause the rider to slip off his horse at any time.

Therefore, the training of cavalry is extremely difficult, the scale is difficult to form, and the combat effectiveness is not as good as that of later generations.

It was not until the saddle was formed that the cavalry was able to develop on a large scale and its combat effectiveness was greatly increased.

Before the end of the world, saddles had been made very modern, but Li Ming was not very clear on how to make them.

However, he doesn’t know how to make complicated saddles, doesn’t he know how to make simple ones?
Moreover, there are many skilled craftsmen. He only needs to provide an idea, and someone will continue to improve the solution later.

Thinking in his mind, while the two waiters were cutting hard, a super simple version of how to make a saddle gradually emerged in Li Ming's mind.

After a while, the trees were cut down, and Li Yang directed them to roughly cut the wood into planks, and then use ropes to splice and twine the three planks together.

"The current conditions are simple and we can only make a simple version. I hope your Majesty will forgive me."

Li Ming checked that there was nothing wrong with the stirrups, then he clasped his fists apologetically to the astonished Emperor Jianming and said: "Saddles can be made of wood. They can not only provide support when riding, but also protect the horses."

"So choose wood that is easy to work with and durable. Then use a saw to cut according to the size and shape of the saddle. Before cutting the wood, you need to draw the shape of the saddle and plan it. Then use the saw to carve the wood into the desired shape. After the production is completed, oil and paint need to be applied to protect the wood surface." "The size of the saddle also needs to be customized according to the horse, but this kind of flexible and jointed saddle is easy to use."

After Li Ming finished speaking, he asked someone to find some iron blocks, smash them into square ring shapes on the spot, tie them with thick ropes, and tie them to the saddle together.

"This is a stirrup, which is a flat-bottomed ring. The specific shape does not have to be fixed, just to avoid hurting the feet. It is generally best to fix it with a belt, but now it can also be displayed with hemp rope, hanging from the riding animal ( Mainly for horses, but also for equids such as mules), the two sides of the saddle are used for the rider to place his feet and can also assist the rider in getting up and down. With stirrups, it is easier for the rider to sit firmly on the saddle and control the horse. , so that you can free your hands to make various movements on the horse, and when used together with the saddle, it will have miraculous effects."

After Li Ming finished, he explained to His Majesty Emperor Jianming, who was starting to become more serious. Then he took the simple version of the saddle and stirrup and placed it on the horse's back, and tied it to the horse's waist with a rope to fix it.

"Is there anyone in the field who has received cavalry training and can only ride a simple horse?"

After Li Ming put the saddle and stirrup in place, he turned around and looked around, Yang Sheng asked.

"Uh, me."

The two attendants, who had been tired for a long time, were stunned for a moment, and then walked out silently. Li Ming immediately smiled and waved, letting them sit on it in person, inserting their feet into the saddle, and sitting on the stirrups. Ride a horse.

"How do you feel now?"

After one person got on the horse, Li Ming looked at the guard with an airy face and asked with a smile.

"Hey, don't tell me, this thing looks so simple but is so easy to use. I actually feel much more at ease on the horse."

The waiter looked surprised. He rode cautiously for two steps at first. Then he found that he could ride the horse very steadily with the help of the saddle, stirrups and the reins in his hands. He suddenly became relaxed. After running around like this, the other party even Can hold the reins with one hand and wave the weapon with the other, and suddenly said in surprise.

"Your Majesty, this is the function of saddle and stirrup. It allows a novice to quickly learn to ride a horse, and can use weapons on the horse, perform various combat actions, and fight with others in a much shorter time than a cavalry without saddle and stirrup. People fight.”

Li Ming immediately turned respectfully to the emperor, half-kneeling on the ground, and spoke in a loud voice: "With this thing, soldiers can save a lot of energy by riding horses, and can devote more energy to fighting, quickly wiping out those who have been riding horses since childhood. With the gap between the nomads who have grown up on their backs, they can even gain an advantage in cavalry battles!"

"Your Majesty, please also promote it throughout the army. Once there is a warrior, this thing can give our soldiers two more chances of winning!"

Many times, a two-point chance of winning is the difference between life and death!

In fact, needless to say by Li Ming, the emperor and the surrounding soldiers who had been training for battle all day long saw the problem. The attendant's first horse riding posture could not be faked. They could see it at a glance, and in this short distance, it was actually Being able to look so calm, the difference made them shocked.

It can even take up to three years for an ordinary cavalry to go from not knowing how to ride a horse to training to learn to ride a horse and be able to attack and fight skillfully on horseback!
However, looking at the carefree attendants on the horses at this time, these generals came to an absurd conclusion: With this thing, the recruits may only need...

"Your Majesty, a certain family is requesting a try."

Emperor Jianming, who knew his soldiers well, couldn't help but stand up, but an old general on the side couldn't help but stood up from the military formation and spoke excitedly.


Emperor Jianming silently moved his butt away from the stool, sat back down, and spoke silently.


The old general responded loudly, then mounted his horse and learned how to use Li Ming's saddle and stirrups. After he mounted his horse, he tried again and was even more surprised.

Personal experience is far more real and relevant than watching it. The old general was already greatly surprised by the role of saddles and stirrups.

"Your Majesty, these two things are truly the most valuable treasures in the army!"

After the old general rode a circle, he knelt down to Emperor Jianming with great joy and replied: "When I ride on it, I can feel that it takes [-]% less effort than normal riding. If you wear these two things in battle, the soldiers will definitely be more relaxed. Fighting power!"

Emperor Jianming raised his eyebrows, but suddenly several more generals ran out impatiently: "Your Majesty, young general, please give me a try!"

"Don't try it, I want to try it myself."

Emperor Jianming waved his hand lightly, and the two young generals hurriedly responded. Then, under Li Ming's surprised gaze, His Majesty the Emperor jumped up from the chair, landed on the horse with an elegant and vigorous figure, and sat directly on the horse. On to the simple saddle and stirrups.


As soon as Emperor Jianming tightened the rope, the horse immediately started running. He put his feet in the stirrups so that his whole body had a strong point, and sat on the saddle so that his body had a stable point, making his horse sit on it. The power consumed is reduced by [-]%, allowing you to be more relaxed and carefree.

"Okay, this thing is wonderful!"

The emperor, who originally thought that Li Ming only offered the saddle and stirrups to win favor, fell to the ground in great surprise. Isn't such a practical thing the most important thing for a pragmatic emperor?

What's more, it is something that directly increases the combat effectiveness of cavalry!

"Thank you for your compliment, Your Majesty. It is Li Ming's honor to help my cavalry to be more relaxed on the battlefield."

Li Ming suppressed his surprise that Emperor Jianming's martial arts was so good. He bowed and answered humbly.

"I am very pleased that my beloved has such a heart, but if you have such a heart and have such merit, you should be rewarded even more!"

Emperor Jianming looked at Li Ming with a hearty laugh, and then looked at Li Ming with bright eyes: "I will give you a chance. Do you want to be a general or engage in political affairs?"

"All you obey is His Majesty's orders!" (End of Chapter)

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