Doomsday Cataclysm: My Proficiency Panel

Chapter 399 The military plane is waiting!I choose first!

The civil and military affairs of the Daqian Empire are separated and do not interfere with each other. In a sense, once you choose to join the military or politics, you will basically not be involved in the other way.

But Li Ming obeyed His Majesty's orders and got a completely different position.

"Li Ming, who was compiled by the Hanlin Academy and made an invention, was rewarded by Dayi and the army with a reward of ten thousand gold, one hundred thousand silver, three thousand pieces of silk, ten beauties, and was allowed to have 300 bodyguards, and the army was waiting for him!"

"Moreover, because of his outstanding literary talent, he is now the head of the imperial examination, so he is granted the title of Shao Junhou and leads five thousand soldiers and horses."

"And because he has a rift in his heart and his heart is toward the imperial court, he also serves as a military supervisor and scribe."

Military rank is a kind of noble status. It is a second-rate position among the Daqian. It is almost equivalent to an honor to some extent, but it is more of a symbol of status and more of a privilege. This has never allowed Li Yang to have You can tell with three hundred guards.

The so-called guards are no different from private soldiers.

In addition, there are many privileges, such as being able to wear brighter clothes, riding a wide carriage when going out, having a larger bedroom, and being able to resolve cases on behalf of the court in emergencies!

Moreover, the position of this marquis is hereditary. Although the title will be reduced if the descendants do not have enough merit, it is enough to ensure the prosperity of the five generations.

As for can only be that children and grandchildren will have their own blessings.

Shaojunhou is a military position. As the edict states, he can command five thousand soldiers and horses in combat. And because of the saddles and stirrups, all those granted to Li Ming are cavalry!
Five thousand cavalry can already determine the fate of most small and medium-sized wars.

But to what extent these five thousand cavalry can be used depends on how Li Ming trains and uses them.

In addition to these two rewards, there is the position of 'supervising military scribe'.

First of all, the people who are usually appointed to such official positions as supervisors are mostly close to the monarchs, or are scholar-bureaucrats who are more famous in the court. Their status in the army is second only to the general. However, although the status of supervisor is noble, But it is only a deputy position and cannot determine combat policies and decisions. It does not have actual control over the army. You must obey military orders and military regulations, otherwise the general can still use military law to punish you. The position of supervising the army is that of the general. Under the leadership, there is no real power and one must obey the leadership of the general

The military supervisor is responsible for the organization and training of the army.They need to develop military training plans and arrange daily training and exercises for soldiers to improve the combat effectiveness of the army.The military supervisor is also responsible for the establishment of the army and the selection of soldiers to ensure that the personnel structure of the army is reasonable and the quality of the soldiers is excellent.

They need to oversee discipline in the military.They must ensure that soldiers strictly observe discipline, obey commands, carry out military orders, and are not allowed to act without authorization.The Supervisory Army will conduct regular military inspections to check the equipment and discipline of soldiers, and punish soldiers who violate discipline to maintain the solemnity and dignity of the army.

The Supervisory Army is also responsible for the supply of equipment and supplies to the army.They need to oversee the military's weaponry and ensure soldiers have adequate weapons and protective equipment.The military supervisor is also responsible for the supply of food and military supplies to the army, ensuring that soldiers have enough food and supplies to ensure the normal operation of the army.

In ancient times, military supervisors also needed to participate in military decision-making and combat command.As assistants to senior military generals, they must participate in military meetings and make suggestions on combat plans and strategic deployments.During the battle, the supervisor must direct the army to fight, dispatch troops, formulate tactics, and ensure victory in the battle.

In addition to the above responsibilities, the ancient supervisory army was also responsible for the collection and analysis of military intelligence.They need to send scouts to collect enemy intelligence, understand the enemy's strength and deployment, and provide a basis for operational decisions.Supervising the army also analyzes intelligence and formulates response strategies to ensure the safety and victory of the army.

In ancient times, military supervisors had great responsibilities and played a vital role in the security of the country and the development of the army.Their work requires a high degree of responsibility and military knowledge, as well as good organizational and command skills.

The responsibilities of the ancient military supervisors covered the organization, training, discipline, equipment, material supply, decision-making and command, and intelligence collection of the army.Their work is critical to the Army's combat effectiveness and the nation's security.

It can be said that this is actually a hard job.

In addition, military supervisors and scribes are actually separate positions. The main tasks of scribes are to convey orders, record military industry and other tasks. This time they were used together by Emperor Jianming, and many people could not understand the situation.

But after Emperor Jianming explained it, they understood.

"It's his grandma's fault. You have to listen to him for everything. He has the final say whether you can be promoted or not."

A general opened his eyes because the military supervisor scribe had the right to assess soldiers for promotion, which meant that promotions had to pass his assessment and report to the superior.

In other words... this is an official who is both civil and military.

"You are scolding me all you want. Master Li Ming's merits are not worthy of being your supervisor. He comes from a commoner background. How can he still embarrass a fellow like you?"

A general with a higher official rank than him kicked him and glared at him: "Saddles and stirrups are given to whomever is given first and who is given last, but Lord Li Ming has the final say."

"I'm just surprised. There's no swearing."

The general who spoke had a sinister face and a smile on his face: "The saddle and stirrups are a great thing. Of course I remember how good Lord Li Ming is."

"That's good. After the promotion competitions of all the countries are over in two days, Lord Li Ming will check the military headquarters one by one to find those outstanding armies who will be equipped with saddles and stirrups first. Which armies will be outstanding at that time, and it will not be Li Ming's. Mr. Ming can't confuse me at this time."

The general glared at him, and then thought of the function of the saddle and stirrups that he had tested before, and couldn't help but rub his fingers in anticipation.

"This saddle and stirrups are so convenient."


Looking at the entire military camp, there were many soldiers like the two generals discussed. The appearance of saddles and stirrups quickly made their hearts burn.

But at the same time, Emperor Jianming also controlled the news very strictly. Except for the soldiers in the hunting grounds, other than the internal personnel who were somewhat confused about Li Ming's promotion, ordinary people did not even know about it.

The reason is naturally to wait until the war begins and give these Huns a surprise.

Li Ming's mansion, with the distribution of his rewards, his mansion was also changed to a larger one that could match his status.

Needless to say, ten thousand gold, one hundred thousand silver, and carts of silk cloth were all delivered to the house. Only the ten beauties were special and needed to be selected by him personally.

"You mean, let me go to the palace to choose beauties?"

Li Ming stared at the eunuch in front of him in stunned silence, and repeated his words in disbelief.

"Master Li, there is no need to panic. This beauty is naturally not the emperor's. In fact, she is a maid from the palace. However, these maids are all the most beautiful beauties in the world. When rewarding subordinates, your majesty likes to use the beauties here best and keep them for Li." Your Excellency is satisfied." Seeing that Li Ming looked a little frightened, the eunuch who sent the message pursed his lips and smiled, and said softly: "This is a traditional rule, it is not a rare thing, Lord Li Ming should not be surprised."

"Well, that's what it is."

Li Ming was stunned when he heard this, but then he breathed a sigh of relief. He then hurriedly took the red envelope that had been prepared earlier from Xiao He who was standing next to him. He smiled and stuffed it into the hand of the eunuch who came to deliver the message: "I have been in Beijing for a long time. You don’t know the internal affairs of the palace, so you haven’t asked this lord his name?”

"Hey, I don't dare to act like an adult. I'm just a servant running errands and delivering messages. How can I be called an adult? Just call me Wang Ling."

The eunuch took Li Ming's red envelope with a smile, said with a smile, and then said softly: "Since the decree has just been issued, it is best for your Excellency to ask the servants of the mansion to drive you in a carriage and select you directly. Bring back the one you like, so that you won’t have long nights and dreams.”

"The ladies in the palace have lived in the palace for a long time and have a domineering heart. If any of these maids are handsome, they are accustomed to handling them, or they are reserved for others, I am afraid that when you go there, they will not let you go. See, if you let them scream like this, there won't be many handsome ones left."

Wang Lingshen spoke mysteriously, and after speaking, Li Ming suddenly raised his hands and clasped his fists in thanks: "Thank you very much, Ambassador Wang, for reminding me. Without your eloquent words, how would I have understood this?"

"Hey, Mr. Li Ming, you don't have to be polite about some small things, you don't have to be polite."

Wang Ling smiled and cupped his hands: "In that case, if nothing happens, I will go back first."

"Messenger Wang, you might as well wait. I'm going with a carriage. How about we go along the way?"

Li Ming greeted with a smile, and Wang Ling waved his hands repeatedly: "I came here to preach the Holy Word. It is not convenient for me to go back with Mr. Li. Moreover, I came in a carriage. We will see you someday."

"Okay, okay, I'm being rude. See you tomorrow."

Li Ming smiled and held his hands, and then politely sent the eunuch out the door.

"Guang Yun, Liu Wu, Liu Zhuang, and Zhao Xiu will go out together to catch a carriage. Follow me to bring back the ten beauties rewarded by the emperor."

After sending eunuch Wang Ling away, Li Ming immediately shouted hello to the two followers in the yard. The four of them responded and hurried to catch the carriage.

"Husband, we haven't had time to find a place at home yet."

Seeing Li Ming's actions, Xiao He who was following behind pursed her lips, took small steps and walked to Li Yang's side and spoke softly.

"Hey, Sister Xiaohe doesn't have to clean up so many rooms. Four of these beauties will be divided among them, and the remaining six are mine. When the time comes, you and Yu'er will take two servants by your side. The remaining two can just follow me."

"By the way, put 50 taels of gold and a thousand taels of silver in each of the four brothers who follow me."

Li Ming could see at a glance the thoughts of Sister Xiao He, whom he had grown up with. He smiled and stretched out his hand to grab her big butt, opened his mouth and kissed her red lips. Soft, with a slight blush on his face: "Brother Ming, don't let others see you in broad daylight."

"Hahaha, you see what's going on, I can't be intimate with my woman anymore, come on, stick out your little tongue."

Li Ming laughed and said domineeringly. After saying that, he kissed Xiao He's red lips. Xiao He narrowed his eyes without any intention of disobedience. He obediently let Brother Ming enjoy it until he heard the footsteps. , and then he let go of his mouth in embarrassment.

"I'll go back and clean up the room and things."

Xiao He whispered something, turned around and hurried away. Wang Guangyun and the four of them who came out of the side door with the carriage coughed twice, and then slowly and leisurely drove the carriage out of the side door.

"When you get inside later, the four of you will each choose one, but you have to keep your eyes wide open."

Li Ming looked at his four followers with a smile, raised his eyebrows and said, as the four of them are his followers, realizing their ideals and ambitions is one, and being able to benefit is the other. If he has benefited, naturally he cannot forget it. them.

"Well, how can this be so embarrassing?"

Liu Zhuang coughed, then saw several people looking over, and coughed again: "I mean, after Brother Li Ming has finished choosing, can you let me choose first?"

"Screw you, you don't want to be beautiful, but your brother is here, and you still want to choose first."

"Hahaha, let's see who has sharp eyes and quick hands."

"You have to let me, a scholar with low martial arts skills!"


The sun has just risen, and the yellow glazed tiles of the Royal Palace are shining in the sun, perfectly showing the royal dignity and splendor.The door of the palace is open, and the beautifully carved door leaves are inlaid with red agate gems, shining with charming light.

Two rows of golden-armored guards stood at the door, holding spears and looking solemn, as if no one was allowed to enter this sacred place.Passing through the gate, a wide stone road stretches forward, with rare and rare flowers planted on both sides, which is dazzling.

At the end of the road is a magnificent building. At the top of the building is a majestic building carved from white jade. On it is still the head of the Jade Emperor, with a gold crown around his neck, shining in the sun and exuding a powerful aura. field.

Everything in the palace is extremely gorgeous and elegant. Purple wood carved doors lead to different halls. The walls of these halls are covered with colorful paintings and inlaid with pearls, agate, amber and other gems. screen.

In the center of the banquet hall in the central hall, there is a huge jade dining table. The applause plates on the table are decorated with silver foil gems, exuding a trace of pearls.In the back garden of the palace, the green lawn is full of antique buildings such as pavilions, rockery pools, etc., and each building is uneven, beautiful and exquisite.

What's even more rare is that there is an elegant cactus plantation in the garden, which is full of colorful and fragrant cactus with various petals, which is endlessly intoxicating.

This is a shocking palace. The luxury and magnificence inside are enough to drive everyone crazy. It also shows the splendor and dignity of Emperor Jianming.

Li Ming and four followers walked outside the palace in two carriages. After revealing their identities, they were taken into a courtyard from the side.

Before entering the door, I saw a tall maid in a green skirt walking in the yard. (End of chapter)

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