Chapter 400 The Maid
The maid in green looked a little surprised at the five people who came in. If she looked carefully, she looked pretty good.

Liu Zhuang, Liu Wu, Wang Guangyun, and scholar Zhao Xiu looked at each other, and they all swallowed their saliva.

"With this order, you can enter at will and take out whoever you want, but you must not stay for more than two quarters of an hour."

The guard who led Li Yang and the five people in took out a token and showed it to Li Ming. He spoke softly. Li Ming took the token and secretly gave some silver to the guard. The guard took the silver and narrowed his eyes before passing it on his back. body.


Li Ming then waved his hand and rushed in with the four of them like wolves and tigers.

"The four of us don't move for now, let the eldest brother finish picking first."

After entering, Wang Guangyun spoke softly, Liu Wu, Liu Zhuang and Zhao Xiu smiled and nodded. Li Ming smiled lightly and walked in without saying a word.


The residence of the palace maids is located in a small building on the south side of the palace. There is a small courtyard and several wooden houses.There are flowers, trees and clear water flowing in the yard, making people feel fresh and pleasant.

The residence itself is an exquisite building, with the exterior walls painted light blue and blue screens hanging on the windows, giving it a light and beautiful feel.When you walk into the residence, you can see a small hall with some paintings and tapestries hanging on the walls and a velvet carpet on the floor.

There are two bedrooms on both sides of the hall. There is a double wooden bed in the room, and several blue and white porcelain bowls are placed beside the bed.The windows in the bedroom are blocked by glass and red curtains, and the sunlight from outside shines through the windows, filling the room with a warm glow.

Going out of the bedroom is a small kitchen with some pots and pans and a few small stools.A plate rack hangs above the kitchen, filled with various jade dishes.

Further back is a simple bathroom with a wooden barrel and a fumigation chamber, with towels and bath towels hanging on the wall.The entire residence creates a beautiful and harmonious living environment for the palace maids. Although the space is not large, it is warmly and pleasantly decorated.

The noise outside the palace was also isolated, allowing the maids to have a quiet and secluded place to live.

The maid in green clothes in the yard looked a little panicked, but Li Yang didn't mean anything against her, but turned around and walked into the building.

As soon as he entered the building, the rooms on the left and right were filled with maids. Li Yang walked to a room. The maid who had just gotten up was surprised, but she relaxed again when she saw the token.

Li Yang took a look and asked directly: "Where does the most beautiful maid live?"

"Well, it's on the top floor."

The two fairly good-looking maids in the room pointed to the upper floor. Li Ming thought about it and thought that everyone who came here wanted to climb to the top floor to have a look. Firstly, the view was good, and secondly, he was afraid of missing something, so the most beautiful one was there. The top floor was also reasonable, so I quickly climbed up the stairs to the fifth floor.

When he arrived on the fifth floor, he found that there was only one room here. When he entered the room, he saw a woman in red, a woman in green, and a woman in white looking over in panic.

Li Yang took a closer look at their appearance and found that they were all satisfied. He immediately showed the token in his hand and led them out with slightly astonished expressions.

Then he went down to the fourth floor. There were five rooms here. Li Yang asked the three of them to wait inside. He walked into the first room and took a look. He caught a glimpse of a woman with bright eyes and white teeth. He showed his token and waved. , took her out directly.

He then went to the second room, but found nothing satisfactory, so he entered the third room, his eyes lit up again, and he called out a beautiful girl.

Then I entered the fourth room and the fifth room, but I didn't find anything satisfactory, so I took the five women around me to the third floor below. As soon as I reached the third floor, my eyes lit up, and I immediately spotted the one going out. maidservant.

"how old are you?"

Li Ming stepped forward and lifted her chin, rubbed her lips with his fingers, and asked with a chuckle.

"16 years old."

The maid's pretty face was slightly red, and Li Yang nodded with satisfaction, stretched out his hand to lift her onto his shoulders, patted her butt, and brought her out together with the five maids behind him.

"Brother, why did you come out so quickly? It hasn't even been a quarter of an hour."

Seeing Li Yang come out so quickly, the remaining four people were a little surprised, and Wang Guangyun couldn't help but say.

"Yes, brother, why don't you choose carefully."

Liu Wu couldn't help but give advice. Obviously, this kind of opportunity was extremely precious.

"No need, you four, go and choose quickly. Don't rush out. You must read it over and find the one you like before you come out."

Li Ming chuckled and shook his head and said. Wang Guangyun and others blinked, but also smiled and said yes, then they cupped Li Ming's hands and turned around and rushed into the wooden building.

Li Ming still put down the little maid on his body, put one hand through her collar, and put the other hand into the clothes of the most beautiful maid in red on the fifth floor, playing with it comfortably.

"By the way, I just took you away, so you don't have anything to pack?"

Li Ming looked at the six maids around him who came out with nothing but clothes, and asked curiously. The maid in red and the 15-year-old maid who were being held and kneaded by Li Yang spoke repeatedly: "Master, We had nothing when we came here, and we can’t take anything with us when we go out. This outfit is already a reward.”

"Yes, Master, we don't have anything, so we don't need to bring anything. We can only go out wearing the clothes and shoes we have."

The 15-year-old maid also spoke. Li Ming suddenly smiled and shook his head. He knew in his heart that these maids had a low status and it was normal to have nothing. Instead, he became obsessed with it.

A maidservant is a woman who was used by wealthy families in ancient times.They have to bear most of the housework of the family. Rich men often buy maids to share the housework of housewives. This kind of buying and selling makes maids private objects. The owner has absolute power and can buy and sell them at will. He may also pledge his maidservant, and he also has the right to decide on the maidservant's marriage.

In other words, the master has the power to bind the maid for life, which means that the maid's freedom is absolutely restricted.Handmaid is generally what the Chinese call them.

Similar words include maidservant, concubine, female slave, Qingyi, maid, girl, barefoot, etc.People who do this kind of work are generally called maids.

Handmaids are also distinguished. Handmaids are what we often call maids. They are women who served as slaves for the royal family, officials or wealthy families in ancient times. They can be divided into three categories: palace maids, official maids and private maids.

There are generally four types of sources of maidservants. One is those whose parents committed crimes and their children were implicated and were publicly sold by the government. Among them, men were slaves and women were maidservants. This type was official maidservants.

The other type is the poor who cannot make ends meet and are forced to sell their daughters as maids. This situation is especially common when a major famine occurs.The third category is women who have been abducted and robbed and illegally sold to other places by traffickers, such as Xiangling in "A Dream of Red Mansions"; in addition, there are also some women who are born as maids because their parents are slaves of other people's families. , that is, having children at home.These two categories are private servants.

There is also a kind of maid who is recruited into the palace as a maid, also called a palace maid.The maids who serve in the palace are sent to serve royal relatives such as emperors and queens. They can usually be released from the palace and return home when they are around 25 years old.

Handmaids were a very miserable group in ancient society. They often had to get up early and go to bed late to serve their masters. They had to wash vegetables and cook fires, clean rooms, wash clothes, etc. every day. Some even had to weave cloth to earn money for their masters. Income.

In ancient society, people were divided into three or nine classes, and their professions were also divided into three religions and nine classes. Scholars, farmers, industry and merchants naturally belonged to the upper class and enjoyed a higher social status. Others, like prostitutes, Confucians and beggars, were at the bottom of society. If you look down at Looking lower in the social structure, you can see the humblest occupation in ancient society-servant.

Men are slaves and women are maidservants. They are at the bottom of society. They are even more humble than beggars and prostitutes. They lose their most basic personality and freedom. They are dependent on others for life and commit themselves to work for others, often for one time. Buying out or completely free of charge, it can be said that once the ancient people became slaves, they were more like "private objects" for the "master" to play with at will than living people.

The earliest slaves came from wars. In ancient times on earth, it can be seen from the Yin Ruins oracle bone inscriptions and the Western Zhou bronze inscriptions that both the Shang and Zhou dynasties or their hostile tribes strived to capture prisoners of war and plunder each other's population in military operations, and so Some of the large number of captives obtained were used for sacrifices, while a considerable number were turned into slaves.

During the Warring States Period, the circulation of slaves became more frequent. In addition to captives, officials also took criminals and their families as slaves.

Usually, most of the slaves of wealthy families are bought from poor families. This is the case of "selling into slavery" that we often see in movies and TV dramas.

Those who sell themselves into slavery are often desperate poor people, or they are forced into slavery to pay off debts. In any case, once a "sale contract" is signed, it is equivalent to abandoning dignity and freedom.

After becoming a slave, the first thing to do was to lose one's name. In ancient times, when the concept of clan was particularly strong, this must be a very serious matter.

Taking away the name means the master declares ownership of the slave, usually just replacing it with a random code name.

Even if a slave has the opportunity to have a name one day, she cannot restore her own name. Instead, she needs a surname from her master. Of course, this is not a gift. If she takes the master's surname, she cannot marry with the same surname. This is actually to avoid her own surname. The descendants intermarried with the descendants of domestic slaves.Ultimately, this is due to the deep-rooted concept of hierarchy. In the eyes of the master, once you are a slave, you will always be a slave.

As a slave, even if you regain your freedom, even if you regain your surname, you are still inferior in terms of identity and status. This status will even extend to future generations.

Although Li Ming felt that the life of the maid in his mansion was much easier, but the maid would always be a maid and he could only ensure that life would not be too sad.

Li Ming was thinking in his heart and waited until the two quarters of an hour was over. During this period, in order to show his generosity, he hugged not only the little maid and the maid in red, but also all the other maids before seeing him. Wang Guangyun, Liu Wu, Liu Zhuang, and Zhao Xiu came out laughing and joking, each leading a maid.

With the level of the four of them, everyone has a shortage of maids. It’s just that the maids in the palace are naturally different from those in ordinary families. If nothing else, these maids with the worst looks are very rare to see outside. Each of them is no worse than those ladies of the world.

Otherwise, why would they be so excited?

Of course, if this were not the case, the emperor would be embarrassed to give it to Li Minglai as a beauty.

Li Ming took a look and found that the four of them had chosen well. He couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and took them away from the palace, leaving the palace under the guidance of the guards.

Five of the ten beauties sat on a carriage, and under the guidance of the carriage, they drove all the way out of the palace and arrived at Li Ming's mansion.

Xiao He and Yu'er, who had already tidied up the room, have become Li Ming's concubines. Several other maids in the mansion were also brought here, leading these beautiful and beautiful maids into the room.

Of course, Zhao Xiu, Wang Guangyun, Liu Wu, and Liu Zhuang did not need to arrange their maids. They all took them back and raised them in their own rooms.

That night, Li Ming gave his six maids to his two concubines, two by his side. The 15-year-old maid and the maid in red stayed beside him to enjoy them.

Of course, although they are maids, they are not treated badly in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation, which makes these maids very happy.

After assigning the maids, Li Yang asked them to get familiar with the house first, and then led four followers to the hunting ground on horses.

Since the saddles and stirrups cannot be shown to others, Li Ming always rides horses with only reins and no stirrups and saddles. Fortunately, all four of them have inner strength and true energy in their bodies. They learn to ride horses very quickly, and they have been able to do it for a long time. Running like flying.

When they arrived at the hunting ground, Li Yang took them all the way to a small military camp. With his arrival, the soldiers assigned to his command immediately took action and quickly assembled on the training ground.

There are 300 people in total, 25 people in a row, a total of [-] rows, and the people standing on the training ground are quite neat and standard.

Yes, 300 people. Although Li Ming now has the authority to lead five thousand troops in battle, he wants to select his troops himself. It cannot be gathered so quickly. It takes time. Everything is still based on this The great comparison between the countries is the most important thing.

Therefore, he would train these 300 people before the competition ended, and he would not formally prepare his 5000 people until the competition was over.

In fact, the emperor also gave him the opportunity to directly recruit soldiers and horses to form his own army, but compared to this, he preferred to choose by himself. Only such soldiers can be used with confidence.

"There are still thirteen days until the competition..."

(End of this chapter)

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