"There are only thirteen days until the competition. I know that some of you must be thinking about saddles and stirrups. Let me tell you, it is a pity that for this competition, we are still the same as before, and we can only borrow them. Reins.”

Li Ming, who is tall and burly in front of the soldiers, is stronger than all the soldiers. Due to his surging energy and pure temperament, which he has practiced martial arts since childhood, he even crushes all the soldiers.

In order to ensure that Daqian would be 'defeated' here, Emperor Jianming would only give the heroes selected from the countries only 20 days to get familiar with their own troops and fight against the ace armies of other countries in every competition between the countries.

As a result, the powerful Daqian has been defeated repeatedly, which will inevitably arouse the arrogance of other countries. How can it not be defeated under the arrogance?

But again, Li Ming only had 20 days this time. In the first seven days, he spent three days explaining and discussing with the most skilled craftsmen in Daqian how to make saddles and stirrups, and how to produce more quickly and more efficiently. A useful saddle, etc., greatly speeding up the production of saddles and stirrups.

In the next four days, two days were spent to receive rewards, and one day was spent settling in the inner house. This meant that he only saw the three hundred soldiers in front of him for one day.

But he only had one day, which did not mean that Wang Guangyun, Liu Wu, Liu Zhuang, and Zhao Xiu only had one day. In fact, they had been in the army from the first day, helping Li Yang train these recruits according to his ideas.

The subjects of his training were very simple: running with weapons, running in formation, learning to count, standing in a military posture, shouting slogans, and following the collective training he had given them at home. After he determined the rules on the first day, Wang Guangyun and the others have been training the troops on their behalf.

Now is the second time he has seen these soldiers and horses. What makes Li Ming satisfied is that in order to give other countries, especially the Xiongnu in the Western Regions, a sense of threat, this time Daqian not only sent him as a 'celebrity', but also gave him a A good batch of army manpower.

Not to mention anything else, just their physical fitness, as long as they have a little bit of brains, they can defeat other countries and pose a strong threat to the Xiongnu ace army.

The quality of this group of troops suddenly increased, and with the addition of a famous war sect like Li Ming, how could the Xiongnu not feel that Daqian was actively getting stronger?

Under the impression that Dagang was weak before, Dagang suddenly became more powerful... Will the Xiongnu resist the temptation to fight?

In fact, Li Ming did not know how to train soldiers, especially ancient soldiers.

However, in order to ensure the combat effectiveness and physical strength of combat soldiers, the training of soldiers is essential and very important.

However, everything in the world is roughly the same. He knows that on Earth, the daily training of ancient soldiers can be roughly divided into three parts, namely weapon training, physical training and formation formation.

The first is weapon training. Weapon training for ancient soldiers is a necessary skill. Only by mastering the use of weapons can it be possible to defeat the enemy in combat.

The Song Dynasty can be regarded as a watershed for weapon training in the ancient Eastern Kingdom of Earth. Before the Song Dynasty, the main practice was to practice cold weapons such as bows, crossbows, and swords.After the large-scale use of gunpowder in warfare in the Song Dynasty, the coordinated training of cold weapons and firearms became the main feature in the Song Dynasty and subsequent dynasties.

Cold weapons: The main cold weapons used in weapons training for ancient soldiers include bows, arrows, knives, swords, etc.The use of bows and arrows should be traced back to ancient times. The origin of bows and arrows is explained in "Wu Yue Chun Qiu·Gou Jian Conspiracy Biography": "Bows are born from bullets." Bullets are slingshots, so bows and arrows are produced by slingshots.

Before the invention of firearms, bows and arrows were the best long-range weapons of destruction.On the one hand, practicing bow and arrow can improve the accuracy of shooting enemies from long distances, and on the other hand, it can improve the arm strength of soldiers.

The knife is one of the cold weapons in ancient times. It is a short weapon with a long blade on one side. It is also one of the main combat weapons of the ancient infantry.Among the various types of knives, the Huanshou Dao is the most lethal close-quarters weapon and was mainly used during the Han Dynasty in the Eastern Kingdom.

During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, the long sword was the main tool for cavalry combat. Later, during the Song and Ming Dynasties, the short sword became the main combat tool.Soldiers can easily improve their combat capabilities and agility by using training knives.

The sword is also a cold weapon often practiced by ancient soldiers. Swords can also be divided into long swords and short swords.During the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period and the Han Dynasty, the sword was one of the main combat tools. By the Eastern Han Dynasty, the actual significance of the sword shifted from combat to decoration.

There is a record in "Book of Sui Dynasty: Etiquette Chronicles": "First grade, jade sword, with mountain mystic jade. Second grade, gold sword, with water beryl. Third grade, and founder of the country, fifth grade San (San) grade, the title is Hou although Fourth or fifth grade, with a silver sword and green jade, the attendant has come down, the straight man has come up, and the accompanying person is like a sword. Those who wear straight swords, enter the ancestral temple and the ascending hall, if they are in the battle, they will be relieved Sword. The first-rank and San (San) county princes, and the founding princes and princes all wear them double. The second- and third-rank and the founding sons and sons, and the fifth-class San (San) princes all wear them only. The same goes for the ribbon. "From there. We see that the sword has gradually become a decoration linked to grade, so the sword has gradually withdrawn from the combat stage.

Firearms Practice Gunpowder accidentally obtained from alchemy during the prosperous Tang Dynasty was widely used in warfare, which spurred the creation and use of firearms.

Cannons and muskets had already appeared in the Song Dynasty. After the continuous development of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, the Shenji Battalion with firearms as its main combat tool appeared in the Ming Dynasty.The main training program for soldiers in the Shenji Camp is the use of firearms in combat. All infantry in the Shenji Camp are equipped with firearms, as well as artillery and cavalry. From this, we can see that the Ming Dynasty was a stage of great development of firearms.

After the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, which succeeded the Ming Dynasty, there were also Shenji Camps and even the Eight Banners Firearms Camp that specialized in training firearms.The use of firearms greatly improved the combat capabilities of ancient armies on the one hand, and also changed the course of war on the other.

The second is physical training. The daily physical training of ancient soldiers was to improve the soldiers' endurance and reduce fatigue during combat.Soldiers' physical training mainly includes weight-bearing training and wrestling training.

Because soldiers have to wear armor and weapons when fighting, weight-bearing training is particularly important at this time.The Song Dynasty was the dynasty in which soldiers in the Eastern Kingdom carried the heaviest weight. According to records such as "History of the Song" and "Song Hui Yao Yao", the average weight of the armored infantry of the Song Dynasty reached 32 kilograms, so daily weight-bearing training is indispensable.

Wrestling has been a popular activity among the people since ancient times. However, after the Yuan Dynasty, wrestling was forbidden to be held among the people and became a competition event in the military. By the Qing Dynasty, the trend of wrestling in the military developed especially. In the Eight Banners Army, they often "divided the left and right wings and ordered them to decide the outcome, and the losers were punished with cattle and sheep."

In ancient martial arts examinations, archery, carbine, weight-bearing, wrestling, etc. were the main examination contents. From this, we can see how important these training items were in judging a person's combat effectiveness at that time.

Next is the queue formation. In the era of combat where cold weapons play a leading role, formations need to be used to highlight combat power, and different formations have different effects.But in general, to achieve coordinated operations and unified command in war, formations are the main force to achieve this.

The basic formations of ancient battles mainly include square formations, circular formations, number formations, wild goose formations, and sparse formations. In the training of ancient soldiers, the rehearsal training formations are particularly important, and they can only be strengthened in daily training. For the training of formations, only in real combat can we unite and cooperate and accept unified command.

As for why we pay more attention to endurance training compared to foreign soldier training?
In fact, the following three reasons can be explained clearly. 1. Lack of scientific training methods for strength training. The difference between strength training and endurance training is largely due to the difference in training results. One emphasizes the improvement of strength, while the other emphasizes the improvement of endurance.If you want to carry out muscle strength training, scientific training methods are indispensable. Because everyone's muscle tolerance is different, special training methods must be made for them, and corresponding protein and nutrients must be supplemented. This is difficult to achieve in the harsh ancient military camp life.

Moreover, in ancient times, there were few terms such as strength training and endurance training. The training methods of the army were inherited from previous generations and combined with contemporary weapon development or combat needs. Moreover, the ancients did not have enough understanding and lacked scientific practice. It is an effective method, so there is a lack of requirements for strength training.

2. Ancient battles required great endurance. In ancient battlefields, combat time was an unguaranteed factor. It could range from a few hours to several years. Although the actual battle time between the two armies may not be long, the focus is on the early stage. Training and preparation are very hard for soldiers at this time. In addition, in the cold weapon era of early feudal society, the combat effectiveness of combat weapons was generally not high. At this time, long-term combat is inevitable.

The benefit of endurance training is to enhance the physical fitness of soldiers, improve their ability to resist fatigue, and prevent excessive fatigue.From this we can see that in ancient battlefields, soldiers had greater endurance requirements.

3. Affected by different military systems. In the past dynasties of China, due to different current situations, there has never been a unified military system.For a long time, there have always been peasant-soldier combined military systems that serve as soldiers when they are free and work as farmers when they are busy, such as the united military system in the Wu Zetian period, the peasant-military system and the recruitment system in the Song Dynasty.

Such a military system has two disadvantages.

First of all, training is intermittent, and you only get training for a certain period of time (when you are a soldier). Training is time-sensitive, which is not conducive to the consolidation of training results.Secondly, the recruitment system recruits mostly refugees and old, weak and disabled soldiers, and the quality of the soldiers cannot be guaranteed.

Strength training must be carried out with a certain amount of endurance training. At this time, even the effects of endurance training have a certain timeliness, let alone strength training.

Therefore, due to factors such as the ancient military system and the quality of soldiers, as well as the lack of reasonable and effective scientific training methods, in order to cope with combat needs, endurance training is more effective than strength training.

The training of modern soldiers is mainly reflected in obedience, physical training, equipment training, and psychological quality training.

Overall it's about the same.

When Li Ming knew the shortcomings, he naturally had to make corresponding improvements. Although the others were not here, there were four followers. In the past seven days, he had a good idea of ​​the situation of the three hundred soldiers.

Fortunately, due to Li Ming's previous contributions, he is now very famous among the entire army, and this battle was specially arranged by the emperor. In order to bring a sense of crisis to the Huns, the quality of the soldiers selected was also very high. Well, there was no such thing as disobeying orders or disobeying orders.

Therefore, Li Ming had a fairly good grasp of this army, and this also accelerated his overall training process for soldiers.

The next step is to strengthen obedience training, scientific food and nutrition, work and rest training rules, and strength-enhancing training to enhance each soldier's swinging ability.

Fortunately, the Dagan land is rich in resources and there is no shortage of food. Moreover, the contemporary emperor is dedicated to his work and provides sufficient nutrition to the soldiers.

And this is also the basis for ensuring the combat effectiveness of large cadres. After all, when soldiers are well-nourished and equipped with complete weapons and equipment, combat will naturally be high.

Another key point is...the military pay is sufficient.

"In the next thirteen days, we will no longer be able to train as leisurely as before. Starting today, we will all follow this new training plan!"

Li Ming took out a piece of training method that is most suitable for the human body and handed it to Zhao Xiu. He spoke softly, and then waved his hand. Without wasting time, he personally led the group of soldiers to start various trainings in the wilderness.

Comprehensive training, strength training, endurance training, physical fitness training, and unity training.

With such training, the soldiers instantly felt that their training volume had doubled, and they were trained to death every day.

But similarly, under such training, the effect is also significant. In just eleven days, they made rapid progress.

However, after No. 11 days of training, Li Ming suddenly stopped training. Instead, he called many doctors in the city to relax their muscles and fully relax their bodies.

When they woke up the next day, these soldiers felt a little sore all over, but today Li Ming asked them to stop training. Instead, after everyone had eaten and drank enough, they immediately lay down in the room and slept. Drinking is allowed, women are not allowed, and you can't go anywhere.

It happened that my body was sore, and the soldiers were happy to do so, so they lay relaxed in the camp for a day.

While they were resting, armies from other countries had also arrived from the border.


"This is Kurul, your main opponent this time, and also our important enemy on the battlefield in the future."

In a corner of a restaurant, Emperor Jianming, who was wearing ordinary clothes, looked at a group of people who were led by officials from the Ministry of Etiquette to rest in the restaurant. He stared at a fat and strong man at the head of the crowd. He spoke solemnly to Li Ming.

"Get him!" (End of chapter)

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