Chapter 404 Victory

In the sky, three consecutive arrows were fired into the sky, which meant that another country's army was eliminated from this competition.

"The Eastern Japanese were eliminated by us, and Banghan was also eliminated by us. Now this is the third time that Xiangjian has been eliminated after the army we eliminated. In other words, on this field, apart from us, there are only The last team.”

On the hill, Li Ming ate the dry food in his hand and squinted at the sky around him: "Today is the last day. After today, when the dry food is finished tomorrow, there will be a decisive battle. You said we should go find this place now." A eliminated team, or wait until the end?”

"Without further ado, let the brothers take a nap after lunch, and then fuck them when they wake up."

Zhao Xiu, who was beside him, narrowed his eyes and said decisively: "I predict that the last army must be the Huns. They took advantage of the fact that they had just finished fighting the previous army and were exhausted. They waited until they were tired after noon. Just come on."

"What do you think?"

Li Ming finished the dry food he was chewing, then turned to look at Wang Guangyun aside. Liu Zhuang and Liu Wu, including the three centurions, spoke slowly.

"Our brothers are all in good condition and I think it is suitable to send troops."

Wang Guangyun pursed his lips and spoke in a low voice.

"Go forward if you can. If you can't, you'll feel discouraged. When the two armies are fighting, momentum comes first. At this time, you can't lose momentum. Just do it."

Liu Zhuang clenched his fists and said harshly: "Let these bunch of Huns see the majesty of our great men and kill them!"

"Sooner rather than later."

Liu Wu also nodded his head in agreement, and the three centurions around him also nodded in unison: "What you said makes sense. Our brothers have rested for a day and have been recharging their energy. On the contrary, the Huns have been running around fighting. , If we wait any longer, I’m afraid the army will be dispersed.”

"What you all said is exactly what I want. When we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. Brothers, eat and drink enough and have a good rest. After a quarter of an hour, everyone except the security personnel will have a rest. After half an hour, no matter who the last team is, they will all have a rest." Fight it out."

A smile appeared on Li Ming's face, and his eyes flashed: "Give me the order. The whole army will eat and drink enough. In a quarter of an hour, everyone except the security personnel will go to bed. After sleeping for half an hour, prepare for battle immediately! "


The three centurions immediately turned around to summon the message. Li Ming stayed where he was and discussed with the four followers to determine the tactics that should be adopted in case of encountering the Huns. In the end, there was only one answer - head-on confrontation!

"Who will win, it all depends on today."

Li Ming looked at the sky, quickly ate all the dry food, drank some water, and fell asleep directly.

The followers around him also rested together, only Zhao Xiu narrowed her eyes and pretended to pay attention.

Li Yang's team also followed his order and began to quickly provide dry food. After eating and drinking, they slept when they needed to, and when they needed to be alert, they went into rest.

But unlike them, on the other side of the hunting ground, the Huns soldiers who had just eliminated all the fleeing Northern Desert soldiers simply cleaned up the battlefield and recovered for two quarters of an hour before wandering around and searching again. The existence of the last team.

Fortunately, the entire hunting ground was large enough, and they searched for more than half an hour but could not find where Li Ming's army was.

When they approached Li Ming's army, they all woke up comfortably from their sleep. Then the soldiers released the water, moved their bodies to adjust, and immediately mounted their horses to prepare for battle.

As a result, before they could start, an army from the Huns appeared in their sight.

"Form up, move slowly, and charge immediately after a hundred steps."

Li Ming looked at the Huns in front and gave the order calmly. Then he held a spear in his hand and led four followers to the front of the team.

With the refreshed Daqian soldiers approaching step by step.

The remaining team was, as he expected, Hun soldiers.

However, it is reasonable. Originally, the overall quality of the Huns' soldiers was better than that of soldiers from other countries. On paper, the Huns were stronger, not to mention that there was a man with so many battle experiences, and they were victorious. The general takes command among the troops.

Such a team has no reason to lose.

Then, the next step is to see which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

"Ow, ooh~~"

The two armies faced each other, and the Hun army on the opposite side let out strange howls to increase their momentum.

"Roar, roar, roar..."

Not to be outdone, Daqian's soldiers shouted loudly, and the distance between the two sides quickly closed amid the shouts.

The only difference is that the Huns soldiers dispersed quickly and kept swimming, but the Daqian soldiers always formed a tight formation and ignored them, allowing the other side to shuttle back and forth.

The distance between the two armies continued to shorten amidst the shouts. The strange howls of the Huns' troops echoed on the battlefield, and the soldiers of Daqian responded with majestic shouts.The Huns cavalry kept making strange and rapid movements, like a pack of hungry wolves, ready to pounce on Da Gan's team in an instant.

However, in the face of the Xiongnu's fierce attack, Daqian's soldiers did not show any fear.They formed a tight military formation and responded to the battle calmly, allowing the Huns soldiers to swim around.This is a test and a competition.

Finally, after testing again and again and learning that this army would not get into their rhythm, the Huns soldiers quickly gathered together at the front.


Li Ming looked at the Xiongnu team in front and knew that the other party had given up those useless tactics and began to choose to fight head-on. He suddenly smiled and waved the spear in his hand. He saw that the distance was only more than a hundred meters away. He directly led the soldiers to launch the first charge.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of three hundred soldiers galloping on horses is like muffled thunder. One rule of the game on the hunting ground is that as long as one side wins, no matter how many people are left to win, those who were previously marked dead in the battle can return to the field and return to their original state. Complete situation of 300 people.

Therefore, after two battles, Daqian's soldiers and horses were still 300, one more than the other. The same was true for the Huns on the opposite side. After the 300-man team gathered, they looked fiercely and faced the Daqian soldiers under the leadership of the general. Charge away.

When the distance between the two armies was so close that they could almost feel each other's breath, Daqian's soldiers instantly burst into a loud roar.The sound was like thousands of horses galloping, and like thunder exploding, shaking the entire battlefield.

"Kill!" The cry echoed throughout the battlefield, and the two teams directly began the most ruthless collision.

Li Ming was holding a spear, followed by four of his followers. The spear in his hand was slightly raised, and he was lying on the horse. Under the power of the horse, he easily knocked away a Huns cavalry with one shot.

At the same time, the spear swung left and right, and five or six enemies were eliminated in an instant.

A stream of blue Qi swirled around his body, greatly counteracting the backlash for him, and at the same time providing him with powerful strength. It was the [Qingsong Qi] he had already mastered.

Xiaocheng's [Qingsong Qi] is indeed extraordinary. Li Ming has experienced it personally in these two battles, and now it has the same effect against these Huns.

However, he continued to clean up the soldiers around him without any hesitation, and followed the target straight to General Kurul who was at the rear of the Huns' formation.

"It's so courageous to dare to take the lead."

Kurul, who was behind, saw Li Ming and his four followers who were defeating the Huns soldiers in the team. A fierce look flashed in his eyes. He raised the weapon in his hand and joined the battle.

"Kill!" Li Ming shouted again, and the spear in his hand seemed to be alive, flying freely on the battlefield according to his thoughts.His Qingsong Qi was rolling inside his body, like a giant dragon soaring, giving him a continuous flow of power.

The four followers around him were also extremely brave. They followed Li Ming closely, like four tigers descending the mountain, leaving afterimages on the battlefield.Their spears are like giant dragons coming out of the sea, and any enemy standing in front of them will be instantly knocked away.

Li Ming's eyes were burning, staring at Kurul who was approaching quickly in the distance.He knew that only by getting rid of this general could he truly break the Huns' formation.

He waved the spear in his hand, and each swing eliminated a Hun soldier.His true energy rolled inside his body, providing him with a steady stream of power.

Kurul also felt Li Ming's gaze. He looked at Li Ming with a gloomy face, and roared directly to meet Li Ming who was charging at the head.

Li Ming knew that the time had come, he shouted loudly, and the spear in his hand flew towards Kurul like a meteor.This blow concentrated all his strength, and the sound of the spear cutting through the air resounded throughout the battlefield like thunder.


The clash of the spears made an extremely harsh sound. Li Ming's mouth went numb instantly, and his whole arm felt a little numb under Kurul's powerful internal strength.

Just when he regained his breath, Wang Guangyun behind him roared, and Li Ming attacked with the spear in his hand. Li Ming crossed his horse and passed by, giving up his position to Wang Guangyun.


Wang Guangyun fought hard and once again had a head-on shot with Kurul. However, he also suffered the same situation as Li Ming. Even because his cultivation was not as good as Li Ming's, under this blow, he felt that half of his body was injured. It's numb.

Fortunately, Liu Zhuang and Liu Wu from behind also followed. The two attacked together, one on the left and the other on the right, to create a chance for Wang Guangyun to recover. Li Ming, who had regained his strength, also gritted his teeth and joined the battlefield.


The battlefield is not a normal martial arts competition. Every blow is done with all one's strength, and every blow is fought hard.

Kurul is a rare genius in the Huns. He has reached the early stage of the first-class at only 34 years old. He is undoubtedly difficult to deal with.

But the four of Li Ming are not bad either. Li Ming first achieved great success in [Hunyuan Gong] and [Hunyuan Palm], and also achieved great success in Foundation Building Kung Fu. Then he switched to [Qingsong Zhenqi] and reached the level of minor success. His strength is very high. Extraordinarily powerful.

Wang Guangyun's martial arts [Chaoyang Yijue] has been greatly accomplished. As a first-class martial arts, it is just this great achievement that has made Wang Guangyun reach the pinnacle of the second-rate. With the addition of martial arts moves, he has now reached the first-rate level. Inconspicuous, but his strength is not much worse than Li Ming.

Brothers Liu Wu and Liu Zhuang have mastered the golden bell of Heng Lian Qigong. With the blessing of Heng Lian Qigong, the two of them are unparalleled in strength. This situation is just suitable for a battlefield confrontation, not to mention that they are both in the second rate like Wang Guangyun. The state of reaching the top and reaching the first level.

In this way, four people besieged a Kurul. After only two turns, Kurul could no longer hold on. Li Mingguo shot him off the horse at the right time. Wang Guangyun quickly followed up and shot Kurul hard before he landed. On top of his chest.

Liu Wu and Liu Zhuang's weapons followed the attack and stabbed Kurul in the body the moment he landed.

In an instant, Kurul was hit by four fatal attacks one after another and was pronounced dead!
Once Kurul died, the remaining soldiers and horses were naturally of no concern. Li Ming and his followers quickly cleaned up the remaining soldiers, completely declaring victory in this battle.

At the end, he looked back at Kurul who was lying on the ground with blood in his mouth. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He held his head high and led Wang Guangyun, Liu Wu, Liu Zhuang, Zhao Xiu and three hundred people behind him. A large soldier walked out of the hunting ground like a winner.

In the 25th year of Taiping, the number one scholar Li Ming led three hundred officers and soldiers and won the battle with Hunting Ground!



At the end of the competition between the various countries, Li Ming, who won the final victory as scheduled, was praised by Emperor Jianming, and his rank was raised by half a level even though his title remained unchanged.

The Huns left Daqian in embarrassment, but before leaving, Kurul looked at Li Ming deeply.

But Li Ming watched the other party leave without the slightest concern, with a smile on his face.

After the competition, it is natural to follow the usual practice and write it in newspapers and spread it around the world, and this year is no exception.

People in various places heard that this year's victory was finally achieved, and many of the benefits that had been 'forced' to be given away in previous years were immediately recovered. The people's morale was immediately lifted, and many places praised the power of the military aircraft.

Only the Daqian court reacted calmly to this. Victory was something they expected, and they instead prepared more closely for the possible war that would break out next.

Saddles and stirrups were quickly made and equipped for each cavalry. Food routes were quickly prepared, and the entire army was tightened.


The military plane is waiting for you.

Winter has arrived in the blink of an eye, and there is snow falling in the yard.

This morning, Li Ming in the yard felt a surge of momentum, and then slowly regained it. After a while, he opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face.

"The [Hundred Yuan Pill] rewarded by the emperor is really powerful. Just one pill actually allowed me to directly break through the first-class realm and cultivate [Qingsong Zhenqi] to great success!"

(End of this chapter)

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